
Erie County Genealogy
Cemetery Records

Old ALMSHOUSE Cemetery




This is not a traditional cemetery, but rather a burial ground of about 1500 mostly unknown individuals - men, women and children - which has been set up as a memorial 'garden'. Most of those buried were residents of the Alms House (poor house) and died penniless. Some are reburials from the old Potter's Field near 23rd and Pittsburgh Ave where the Alms house described in the old histories was located. The story of this cemetery is told on two sides of a large stone monument at the entrance. Pictures of the front and back of this stone are shown below. This location was formally dedicated on Memorial Day, 1994, and a picture of the dedication plaque is also shown below.

To view a transcription of the words on this stone, click here --> The Old Almshouse Story .

To view a transcription of the Dedication Plaque, click here --> Dedication Plaque .

To view additional pictures of this location, click here ---> Old Almshouse Zing Album (temporarily not available pending a new home).

This page has been created by Bill Klauk and may not be reproduced in whole or in part except for personal use without written permission.

Photographs by Bill Klauk using a Sony Mavica FD-91 digital camera.

Send any comments to [email protected]

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