Find-A-Grave Cemetery Links [BK21]

Erie County (PA) Genealogy  
Cemetery Records

Find-A-Grave Cemetery Links

Contributed by Bill Klauk

Find-A-Grave is an Internet based service where anyone can post information about any cemetery burial and then others can search for information. The service also allows posting of pictures (up to 250K in size) of gravestones and/or the deceased individual. Many submissions are from relatives, while others are from individuals who have bits and pieces of burial information from various sources, while still others are from "unofficial" cemetery readings. I, as well as others, have submitted considerable information from the digital pictures that we like to take. The person who runs the Find-A-Grave web site has preloaded many cemeteries based on various sources (mostly from USGS) and others have been added by individuals as they add burial records. Here are some links to some Erie County cemeteries which have significant entries.

Search for cemetery records in Erie County, PA at by entering a surname and clicking search:

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All data below is current as of 3/30/08.

Many more Erie County (PA) Cemetery listings which will be linked as I have the time. Here are all those extracted so far with less than 100 names.

This page was last updated on  Sunday, March 30, 2008 .

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