Pennsylvania Farmer

Excerpts from 

The Pennsylvania Farmer

Thursday, August 20, 1908


























































































Excerpts from The Pennsylvania Farmer, published at Meadville, PA, Thursday, August 20, 1908.  Names are highlighted.

The Meadville Farmer, published every Thursday by The Messinger Printing Company, Meadville, PA.   Robert X. Brown, President, M. E. McWilliams, Vice-President, Frank H. MacLaughlin, Sec. And Treas.  S. J. Dogan, Editorial Writer.

Harvest Home Festival at Conneaut Lake

The most interesting event of the season at Conneaut Lake is the Harvest Home Festival which is to be held in the auditorium, at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 27th.  The program is one of rare merit, and is well worth a trip to the lake to hear it.  It includes such attractions as Moore Sanborn, “the sunny orator of the South.”…and Mrs. Alta Moyers-Taylor of New York City and Miss Alice McDowell of Meadville as soloists. 

WANTED - - To buy a house that can be moved.  When writing state price.  D. H. Wilson, Meadville, R. D. No. 2.

FOR SALE - - Three eight foot show cases and one six-foot show case.  A. J. Brink, Meadville, Pa.

FOR SALE - - Cheap - A No. 1 nearly new top buggy, red gear, black body, phaeton seat, never run but a little, will sell at a bargain.  Walter H. Leiphart, Venango, Pa.

FOR SALE - - One nearly new ten-horse Westinghouse plain engine.  In good repair.  Call on or phone 438, M. E. Wyatt, Conneautville, Pa.

FOR SALE - -A good brown mare and colt, also a pair of work horses.  W. B. Rundel, Conneautville, Pa., R. F. D. No. 33.

FOR SALE - - heavy work horse.  Weight about 1,400 lbs. D. S. Kidd, R. D. 8, Meadville, Pa.

FOR SALE - - New Buckeye nine hole grain at a bargain.  Inquire of R. E. Long, Conneaut Lake, Pa.

FOR SALE - - My Jersey bull, 3 years old; gentle and all right; well bread and a beauty; a sure breeder.  W. S. Keler, R. D. 4, Meadville, Pa.

FOR SALE - - 60 acre farm in Woolcock township, 4 miles from Saegertown, Orchord, some timber, 8-room house, bank barn, other out buildings.  Price $2,500.  Wm. Noble Barrett, Meadville, Pa.

FOR SALE OR  TRADE - - One Johnson binder not used much; one 3 1/2 number wagon, all in good shape.  C. S. Carroll, Townville, Pa.

FOR SALE - - A corner lot, 168 feet square, facing Main street, with two houses and barn; in good condition; big garden plot.  Enquire of C. E. Simpson, Eldred, Pa. 

Don’t Throw Money to the Pigs.  The dairyman’s gold is cream; the skim-milk his principal “by product.”  To get all his profit he must use an Improved 1908 U.S. Cream Separator.  With this Separator he gets out all the cream, and then uses to the best advantage the skim-milk.  He can’t afford to feed cream to the pigs.  ANDREW KAHLER, Meadville, Pa. 


James A. Snodgrass, Proprietor Meadville, Penn.  Our rooms are well furnished and our meals are the best.  Rates, $1.25 a day.  Special rates to parties.

Pure Rye Whiskey for Family Use, $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon.  California Wine, $1.00 per gallon and upwards.  Dreutlein & Kiebort.  Special distributors for Meadville Pure Rye Whiskey, Meadville, PA.  Both ‘Phones’  968 Water St

The Moulthrop Road Maker and Grater.  Agents Wanted, Moulthrop Brothers, Conneautville, Pennsylvania.

You Will be Delighted With the Regent Piano

Edward T. Bates Co., Estab. 1880.

303 Chestnut Street, Meadville, Penn’a


Mrs. M. Schultz


Edison Machines, Records, 10c Music Piano Tuning

Real Estate Office

254 Chestnut St.  Opposite P.O, Both Phones.


Before you Buy Investigate the “Full Length” Stave, The Indiana Silo.  D. S. Kidd, Agent, R. D. 8, Meadville.


Insure Your Property in the “Old Reliable” Crawford County Mutual (Fire) Insurance  Co.  Flood Building.  In business nearly sixty-five years and has never failed to pay promptly every honest claim for loss and damage by fire and lightning.   Dwellings, churches, school houses, and other public buildings a specialty.  In this company you get reliable indemnity at the actual cost, which experience has proven to be less than the average in most other companies. 

DIRECTORS. - - Jno. E. Reynolds, E. A. Hempstead, Daniel Veith, D. S. Richmond, L. F. McLaughlin, D.A. Gill, Chas. Fahr.  F. G. Prenati, W. S. Smith. 

OFFICERS. - - Jno. E. Reynolds, President, Rufus C. Adams, Secretary.


Farmers Attention!

For your Spring Work.  The best line of harness and accessories in the city.  The best and cheapest line of horse collars as well as largest stock to select from.  Work fully guaranteed.  J. C. Smith & Son, 940 Water St. ‘Phone 455.


The Crawford County Trust Co.

An old and well established Savings Department with over Four Thousand Active Accounts.   The Peoples Bank. 

Four per cent paid on all Savings Accounts

Call and get one of our Home Banks.  They are loaned Free, or write for particulars.  Geo. B. Luper, President.


A Few of the Things We REPAIR

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fans, Umbrellas, Pipes, China, Glass, Amber, Pearl, Bone, Etc., Etc., Two Wonderful Shops

Gordon & Reamer Jewelers

Water and Chestnut Streets

Meadville, PA.


Planet Jr.

Cultivators, Hand drills, Harrows

D. A. Gill, Hardware

959 Water Street.   ‘Phone 55.


Sulkey Cultivators

I have on hand the famous 20th Century Pivot Axle Cultivator, used here for five years, the best there is.  Also rubber and Carey roofing and roof paints, cream separators, etc.   Walter B. Denny, Meadville, Pa.


Cotton Seed Meal

I have it

Of the Highest Grade.  Free From the obnoxious Hulls.

C. P. Harris

907 Market Street, Meadville, Pa.


New York Life Insurance Company

J. F. O’Daniel

789 N. Park Avenue, Meadville Pa.


A Convenient Form of Investment

Person having Idle or Reserve Funds will find our Certificates of Deposit which are payable at a fixed time - -an excellent for of investment

The New First National Bank

Meadville, PA



That will please you.  We guarantee our Harness, for We Use only the best Materials.  Repair done promptly. 

North Street Harness Shop

S. J. Swisher,    379 North Street.   Meadville, pa.


For SALE - - Cheese factory at Hartstown.  Equiped for handling 12 000 pounds milk per day.  A. W. Hall, Hartstown, Pa.


Farmers Look Here

Would You Like a Farm in the Sunny Southwest?

Am the local agent of the Frisco railroad system.  We have for sale some of the best grazing, fruit and farming lands in this country.

Isaac Monderau

Attorney at law and real estate agent,

Meadville, Pa.




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