There will never be anything removed from this page but as new articles show up older items will be moved into folders. You can find these older items by using the site map.

This web page was designed and created by Jim Stokes. Material on these pages are copyright, The Conestoga Area Historical Society. Some of the material, Ellis and Evans "History of Lancaster County", the 1875 Atlas, material from the Pennsylvania Archives, and the tavern petitions are in the public domain, in these cases only the html code is Copyright © 2001 Conestoga Area Historical Society.

Please consider membership in the Conestoga Area Historical Society, the cost is $20 per year for an individual and $30. for a family, memberships run from January 1st to Dec. 31st. Those joining after November are considered members for the next full year. Your support will make enhancements to these web pages possible.
Checks may be made payable to Conestoga Area Historical Society and mailed to Post Office Box 232, Conestoga, Pa. 17516.

We encourage anyone with historical material who would like to contribute it to these pages to please contact us. We are looking for historical material from a reliable source that concerns the townships or boroughs in our area. This material might include revolutionary war pension records, diaries, journals, etc. Also updates to the material covered in Ellis and Evans or material not covered by them.

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