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Ships Passenger Lists to Galveston Texas 1846 - 1871

This is an index of names on Ships Passenger Lists arriving at Galveston Texas between 1846 and 1871. For full details see the book Ships Passenger Lists Port of Galveston, Texas 1846-1871 published by The Galveston County Genealogical Society, Box 1141, Galveston Texas 77553. The page numbers refer to the page in that book where the immigrant ancestor will be found.

Z Surname Passengers on Ships Passenger Lists to Galveston Texas 1846 - 1871

Passenger Surname; First Name; Page No.

Zabel Christine 40
Zadow Carl 63
Zadow Mathilde 63
Zaheadnik G. 56
Zaheadnik Joseph 56
Zaheadnik M. 56
Zahn Carl 32
Zahn Emilia 32
Zahn Maria 32
Zahn Gottleib 32
Zahn Wilhelmine 32
Zander A. H. B. 32
Zander Adolfine 32
Zander Auguste 32
Zander Friedrich 32
Zander Friedricka 32
Zander Margaret 32
Zander Wilhelmine 32
Zani August 33
Zanji Albertine 7
Zanji Anna 7
Zanji Auguste 7
Zanji Carl 7
Zanji Caroline 6
Zanji Johanne 7
Zanji Louise 7
Zanji Peter 7
Zapalac Anna 124
Zapalac Johann 124
Zapalac Johanna 124
Zapalac Marianna 124
Zapalac Martin 124
Zapalac Rosara 124
Zapalac Veronica 124
Zapalak Anna 127
Zapalak Joseph 127
Zapalak Paul 127
Zapalak Pauline 127
Zapalak Peter 127
Zapalak Veronica 127
Zapp Carl 52
Zapp Eleonore 52
Zebst Auguste 40
Zebst Carl Wilhelm 40
Zebst Henriette 40
Zeh Chs. Wm. 25
Zeidler Barbara 33
Zelraneck Joseph 105
Zelraneck Philip M. 105
Zenich Friedrich 51
Zenn Fredrika 95
Zenn Henry 95
Zenn Louise 95
Zenn Sophie 95
Zenn Wilhelm 95
Zenner Peter 48
Zentz Wm. 25
Zeps Ernst 95
Zerbech Anthony 3
Zerbech John 3
Zerbech Eliza 3
Zerbech Gertrude M. 3
Zerbech Henry 3
Zerbech Maria 3
Zerbst Carl Wilh. 47
Zifcha Jos. 92
Zilek Anna 92
Zilek Therissia 92
Zimmerman Anges 102
Zimmerman August 51
Zimmerman Carl 61
Zimmerman Christian 51
Zimmerman Christiana 107
Zimmerman Emma 102
Zimmerman Freiderich 102
Zimmerman Friederike 51
Zimmerman Hanna 51
Zimmerman Magdalena 107
Zimmerman Maria 107
Zimmerman Matilde 102
Zimmerman Michael 107
Zimmerman Theressa 107
Zimmerman Wilhelmine 51
Zimmerman Yoh. Aug 107
Zimmermann Daniel 48
Zivocky Josef 117
Zolke Julius 109
Zorn Gottfreed 82
Zqitschek Veronica 63
Zubech August 107
Zubicek Johann 117
Zubicek Josef 117
Zubicek Maria 117
Zubicek Rosina 117
Zubicek Thomas 117
Zulsdorf Fritz 120
Zurcke Friederike 118
Zurcke hermann 118
Zurcke Ondri 118
Zurhowski Lorenz 108
Zwierman Christo. 93

Last Updated on 27/11/2005
By Glitz


Ships Passenger Lists Arriving at the Port of Galveston, Texas 1846 - 1871

PASSENGER SURNAMES [A][B][C][D] [P] [R] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]



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