German Orphan Asylum, Baltimore City, Maryland, 1900

German Orphan Asylum

3rd Ward, Baltimore City, Maryland, A.D. 1900*

  1 Schmied Hans        Head     W F Oct  1861 37 M 12      Switz     Switz   Switz   1986 13 Na Supr      0    Y Y Y O F H
  2 Schmied Coss        Wife     W F May  1857 42 M 12  3 3 Germany   Germany Germany 1888 12 0                 Y Y Y
  3 Schmied Anna        Mother   W F Sept 1822 77 W    10 3 Switz     Switz   Switz   1891  9                   N N N 
  4 Schmied Anna        Daughter W F June 1889 10 S         Wisconsin Switz   Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
  5 Schmied Otto        Son      W M May  1891  9 S         Wisconsin Switz   Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
  6 Schmied Erick       Son      W M Sept 1893  6 S         Wisconsin Switz   Germany N N Y
  7 Kessler* Marie      Servant  W F Dec  1845 34 W     1 0 Germany   Germany Hungary            Cook      0    Y Y Y
  8 Gye Tabita          Servant  W F Mar  18?   ? S         Iowa      Switz   Switz              Teacher   0    Y Y Y
  9 Lorcher Anna        Servant  W F Aug  1868 31 S         Germany   Germany Germany 1890 10    Assistant 0    Y Y Y
 10 Landers Kate        Inmate   W F Apr  1882 18 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Servant   0    Y Y Y
 11 Schmid Ernst        Inmate   W M June 1872 27 S         Germany   Germany Germany 1891  9 Na Baker     0    Y Y Y
 12 Horst William       Inmate   W M Oct  1878 20 S         Germany   Germany Germany 1896  4 Na Taylor    0    Y Y Y
 13 Marhoffer Karl      Inmate   W M Sept 1884 15 S         New York  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 14 Johannsen Ernst     Inmate   W M Feb  1884 15 S         Norway    Norway  Norway             At School   10 Y Y Y
 15 Beigel John         Inmate   W M May  1885 15 S         Germany   Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 16 Johanessen Nila     Inmate   W M July 1886 13 S         Norway    Norway  Norway             At School   10 Y Y Y
 17 Wissman Willie      Inmate   W M July 1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 18 Marhoffer Willie    Inmate   W M Feb  1886 13 S         New York  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 10 Leyd Heinrich       Inmate   W M Nov  1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 20 Scharnitzke Karl    Inmate   W M Dec  1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 21 Link William        Inmate   W M Dec  1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 22 Schauseil Howard    Inmate   W M Sept 1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 23 Tucker Charles      Inmate   W M Oct  1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 24 Blossing Charles Jr Inmate   W M Sept 1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 25 Laub Fredrick Wm    Inmate   W M Nov  1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 26 Crissgant* Henry    Inmate   W M Aug  1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 27 Leigh Willie        Inmate   W M Jan  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 28 Phillips Philip     Inmate   W M Sept 1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 29 Bleying John Thomas Inmate   W M Nov  1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 30 Scheregil Richard F Inmate   W M Feb  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y 
 31 Tucker Enoch        Inmate   W M Jan  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 32 Harnitzke Fritz     Inmate   W M June 1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 33 Tieman Levi         Inmate   W M Nov  1889 10 S         Russia    Russia  Russia  Un         At School   10 Y Y Y
 34 Gillis Edward       Inmate   W M June 1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 35 Wright Elmer        Inmate   W M Nov  1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 36 Philips Willie M    Inmate   W M Feb  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 37 Leigh Louis         Inmate   W M Feb  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 38 Wright Leslie       Inmate   W M Oct  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 39 Erdlick Phillip     Inmate   W M Apr  1886 14 S         Germany   Germany Germany Un         At School   10 Y Y Y
 40 Erdlick Charles     Inmate   W M Feb  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 41 Erdlick Louis       Inmate   W M Apr  1893  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 42 Martineck Charles   Inmate   W M Feb  1889 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 43 Martineck Emil      Inmate   W M July 1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 44 Lachs Willisn Jr    Inmate   W M July 1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 45 Card Fred Philip    Inmate   W M Jan  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 46 Kofferhut Charles   Inmate   W M Jan  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 47 Walters Charles     Inmate   W M Nov  1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 48 ? Howard            Inmate   W M Nov  1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 49 ? August            Inmate   W M Aug  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 50 ? John P            Inmate   W M Nov  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 51 Mettke Charles      Inmate   W M May  1887 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 52 Mettke Walter       Inmate   W M Feb  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 53 Werner William      Inmate   W M Aug  1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 54 Dallas Harry        Inmate   W M Mar  1893  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 55 Mueller John H      Inmate   W M Nov  1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 56 Mueller Ch P        Inmate   W M Aug  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 57 Theres Flumen       Inmate   W M Aug  1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 58 Teres William       Inmate   W M Apr  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 59 Teres Martin        Inmate   W M Nov  1894  5 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 60 Graf John           Inmate   W M Mar  1887 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 61 Graf Louis          Inmate   W M Jan  1894  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 62 Sauerbader William  Inmate   W M Nov  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 63 Tauck William       Inmate   W M Feb  1893  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 64 Knapp Charles A     Inmate   W M Mar  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 65 Schoff W John       Inmate   W M Apr  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 66 Morganoth Frederick Inmate   W M Oct  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 67 Mack Frank          Inmate   W M Nov  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 68 Liegman Willie      Inmate   W M Feb  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 69 Liegman Harry       Inmate   W M Oct  1894  5 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 70 Schenkelberg August Inmate   W M Oct  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 71 Kuckle James        Inmate   W M Dec  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 72 Wertzell Edward     Inmate   W M June 1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 73 Walker Frederick    Inmate   W M Nov  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 74 Wacher George W     Inmate   W M Dec  1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 75 Ehrig Gustav        Inmate   W M July 1894  5 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 76 Shindler Walter     Inmate   W M Nov  1891  8 S         Michigan  Germany Geramny            At School   10 Y Y Y
 77 Meyer George L      Inmate   W M Feb  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 78 Meyer Dietrich      Inmate   W M Mar  1894  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 79 Drekse Richland     Inmate   W M Jan  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 80 Harnder Frank       Inmate   W M May  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 81 Lober Howard        Inmate   W M Mar  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 82 Hofflamn Frederick  Inmate   W M June 1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 83 Rupp Otto           Inmate   W M Nov  1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 84 Dietrich William    Inmate   W M Dec  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 85 Dietrich John       Inmate   W M June 1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 86 Kehoe Frank         Inmate   W M Oct  1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 87 Kehoe George        Inmate   W M Nov  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 88 Kehoe John          Inmate   W M June 1896  3 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 89 Fautz Jesse         Inmate   W M Oct  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 90 Fautz George        Inmate   W M Jan  1894  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 91 Fautz Edward        Inmate   W M Oct  1897  2 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 92 Hopkins Harry C     Inmate   W M Jan  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 93 Hopkins William H   Inmate   W M June 1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
 94 Tounes Ernest       Inmate   W M Oct  1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 95 Messinham John F    Inmate   W M Feb  1894  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 96 Mueller Margarete   Inmate   W M Jan  1893  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 97 Hajn Kate           Inmate   W F Jan  1893  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 98 Krzstadt* Johanna   Inmate   W F Sept 1893  6 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
 99 Krzstadt* Lizzie    Inmate   W F July 1894  5 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
100 ? ?                 Inmate   W F ?     ?    ? ?         ?         Germany Germany                           N N Y
101 Tucker Bessie       Inmate   W F Mar  1884 16 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
102 Blacksmith Lissie   Inmate   W F Feb  1884 16 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
103 Spies Grace         Inmate   W F May  1885 15 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
104 Link Maggie         Inmate   W F Oct  1885 14 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
105 Sockner Emma        Inmate   W F June 1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y 
106 Gabrio Aup          Inmate   W F Mar  1886 14 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
107 Gesell Alice        Inmate   W F June 1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
108 Muller Jennie       Inmate   W f July 1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            Inmate         Y Y Y
109 Spican Lissie       Inmate   W F Nov  1886 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
110 Heffie Marie        Inmate   W F Mar  1887 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
111 Rod Lillie          Inmate   W F June 1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
112 Elserta Carrie      Inmate   W F Sept 1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
113 Mueller Barbara     Inmate   W F Sept 1887 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
114 Loch Lina M         Inmate   W F Apr  1887 13 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
115 Blacksmith Louisa   Inmate   W F Mar  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
116 Brush Matilda       Inmate   W F June 1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
117 Link Bertha         Inmate   W F May  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
118 Lech Emilie P       Inmate   W F Apr  1888 12 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
119 Hock Minnie         Inmate   W F Sept 1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
120 Schuarest Bertha    Inmate   W F May  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
121 Tucker Louise       Inmate   W F May  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
122 Marhoffer Mary L    Inmate   W F Aug  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
123 Mueller Clara       Inmate   W F Aug  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
124 Martinczk Emma      Inmate   W F Oct  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
125 Sachs Emma          Inmate   W F Oct  1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
126 Beall Maggie        Inmate   W F Mar  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
127 Walters Eva         Inmate   W F July 1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y 
128 Feise Lillie        Inmate   W F Nov  1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
129 Sueleider Maggie    Inmate   W F Jan  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
130 Warner Lillie       Inmate   W F Mar  1886 14 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
131 Kueggelmeyer Elsa   Inmate   W F Feb  1889 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
132 Mueller Anna        Inmate   W F Feb  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
133 Graff Marie         Inmate   W F Dec  1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
134 Graf Anna C         Inmate   W F Dec  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
135 Rauck Anna          Inmate   W F Oct  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
136 Schoff Anna         Inmate   W F Sept 1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
137 Morganoth Katie     Inmate   W F June 1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
138 Morganoth Nellie    Inmate   W F Nov  1894  5 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
139 Mack Elizabeth      Inmate   W F Dec  1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
140 Ludkle Bessie       Inmate   W F July 1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
141 Arnold Rosa         Inmate   W F Aug  1890  9 S         Wash DC   Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
142 Arnold Marie        Inmate   W F Apr  1892  8 S         Wash DC   Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
143 Schrodt Lulu        Inmate   W F Mar  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
144 Reitnauer Caroline  Inmate   W F Apr  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
145 Nather Eshamia      Inmate   W F July 1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
146 Luendelhoff Emilie  Inmate   W F June 1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany                           N N Y
147 Ehrig Anna          Inmate   W M Aug  1891  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
148 Meyer Maggie        Inmate   W F Oct  1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
149 Arnold Ada          Inmate   W F May  1889 11 S         Wash DC   Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
150 Loher Tara          Inmate   W F July 1892  7 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
151 Rupp Maggie         Inmate   W F July 1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
152 Rupp Emma           Inmate   W F Dec  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
153 Rupp Leonora        Inmate   W F Dec  1895  4 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
154 Stern Lona          Inmate   W F Nov  1889 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
155 Joyner Irene        Inmate   W F Sept 1890  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
156 Schesler Fliona     Inmate   W F Apr  1890 10 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
157 Schess Elsie        Inmate   W F Mar  1892  8 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
158 Merriman Maggie     Inmate   W F Dec  1888 11 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y
159 Merriman Bertha     Inmate   W F Mar  1891  9 S         Maryland  Germany Germany            At School   10 Y Y Y

** Transcriber's Notes **

Columns above represent name, relation, color, gender, birth month, birth 
year, age, marital status, years married, number of children, number of 
living children, birth place, father's birth place, mother's birth place, 
year of immigration, years in United States, naturalization, occupation, 
months unemployed, months at school, can read, can write, can speak English,
home owned or rented, home owned free or mortgaged, home or farm.  

Column omitted is number of farm schedule. 

Transcriber used the abbreviations Switz for Switzerland and Wash DC for 
Washington D.C.

Address of Orphanage: A??guith Str. (Might be A??ginth) Other: Dwelling 1, 
Family 1.
This census was taken June 1, 1900 by Philip Niederauer, Enumerator. 

  7  Might be Heuler; hard to decipher.
  8  Unable to read birth year, age
 26  Hard to read; might be Creissant but can't say for certain ....
 48  Unable to read surname
 49  Unable to read surname
 50  Unable to read surname
 98-99  Surname is very hard to read due to quality of original document.
        Given name for 99 might be "Lissie".
100  Unable to read name, birth month, birth year, age, marital status, 
     birth place

CITATION, On-line Census Images.
1900 U.S. Federal Census, Maryland
Baltimore City, 3rd Ward
SD 1 Md, ED 41, Sheets 1A-2B; Images 1-4 of 34
Img Ref#: 1107-1111/Roll: T623 608.

This list was Transcribed by
Lynn Beatty
18 September 2002
for The Orphans' Home Website

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