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The Ontario Vital Statistics Project

Please note that this site is not for queries or search requests.


I'd Like To Volunteer

If you cannot find a registration on this site, then it is because it has not been transcribed. All the transcriptions are done by volunteers, out of their own pocket, on their own time. Also, even though as of July 1, 1869, all births, marriages and deaths were required to be registered, compliance was nowhere near 100%. 


The Ontario Vital Statistics Project

The Ontario Vital Statistics Project
Established 18 January 2000


Steve Marshall - Births
Heather Bertram - Deaths
Mary Crandall - Marriages

Founders: Paula Easton, Steve Marshall, Mary Crandall

The Vital Statistic information provided on these pages is for POINTER usage only.
Although we have made every effort to make sure the information is accurate we still recommend that you compare it to the original record.

© 2000-2001-2002-2003-2004   Ontario Vital Statistics Project   All rights reserved.
Notice: No part of these pages may be reproduced for profit or presentation in any form, by any person or organization without prior written consent.

Revised: June 20, 2004

You are the visitor.  


Revised: June 15, 2006