
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


dONALD HART was born November 8th, 1897, in Osnabruck Township. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hart. His wife's maiden name was Blanche Harth. Mr. Hart is a Presbyterian in religion and a Unionist in politics.
       His farm consists of 145 acres, a great part of which is under cultivation. Among the farm products are 1,000 bushels of grain, 100 tons hay, 500 bushels potatoes, and 16 acres corn. The live-stock equipment is 46 head of cattle, 6 horses, 20 swine and a large number of fowl. Mr. Hart, although but four years a member of the Cheese Board, has been farming all his life and delivers to the Farmers' Lea Factory, daily during the season, 450 pounds milk. He annually produces 500 pounds butter. The Hart family have done their bit for King and Country, Mr. Hart's brother Walter having been killed in action in France, April 9th, 1917, at the age of twenty-five years.
       Mr. Hart's farm is located 1/2 Lot 13, Second Concession, Third Range, Cornwall Township.


  Thos. J. McLennan
Thos. J. McLennan
tHOMAS J. McLENNAN was born January 25th, 1867, on Lot 29. Ninth Concession, Charlottenburg. His parents were John K. McLennan and Ellen Drummond, and his wife's maiden name was Mary J. McNamara. He has two sons and two daughters. He is a Presbyterian in religion and a Unionist in politics. He owns a well-stocked 100- acre farm, being East 1/2 Lot 12, Fourth Concession, Cornwall Township. He has a herd of 20 cattle, including a pure Ayrshire bull, and sends an average of 360 pounds of milk to the Farmers' Lea Factory. He has spent his life in pursuit of farming and has been for twenty-one years a patron of the Cheese Board. Mr. McLennan's farm yields annually 700 bushels of grain, 70 tons hay, 300 bushels potatoes and 3 acres of corn. He also has a splendid orchard.
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