
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board



wM. D. MUNRO is the owner of the largest herd of Pure Bred Jersey cattle in the Three United Counties, and is also the largest wholesale and retail producer of butter in this section. He makes weekly trips to Cornwall where he disposes of this butter to local merchants. He has a splendidly equipped concrete building which serves as a butter factory.

Steamship "Britannic"
Barns of Wm. D. Munro, Martintown

       Mr. Munro's 228-acre farm is located Lot 30, 1st Concession, N. R. R. Charlottenburg Township, Glengarry. His Jersey herd consists of 60 head. He has also 8 horses, 15 swine and a large number of fowl.
       His farm yields annually 1,400 bushels of grain, 150 tons of hay, 160 tons of corn and an acre of potatoes. He owns also a large sugar bush and 9 colonies of bees.
       Mr. Munro, who is fifty-one years of age, has been farming all his life and has exhibited successfully at local fairs with his Jersey cattle.
       Mr. Munro's father's name was Donald W. Munro and his mother's maiden name Mary McGregor. He is unmarried. He is a Presbyterian in religion, a Liberal in politics, and of Scotch descent.
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