
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board



      "I found out," said Mr. Fawthrop, "that a store away out in the suburbs as mine is, must stock a little of everything if it is to give the best satisfaction to its patrons at all times. The first new department I added after the groceries was a little dry goods. That was the first thing that people began to ask me for. And after that gradually department after department was added. Boots and shoes followed the beginnings in dry goods. I remember figuring that I might as well have a few boots and shoes in stock as I had a big family of my own all wearing out shoe leather pretty fast.

Arthur Fawthrop
Arthur Fawthrop

I realized that people would certainly require shoes sooner or later from me, and that in any case I could use up the small stock I planned buying in my own family if the worst came to the worst."
       But boots and shoes proved a most satisfactory line with Mr. Fawthrop, and this line is today one for which his store is most favorably regarded in his district. Judging from the considerate attention paid customers by Mr. Fawthrop's sons, Percy and Arthur, the same strict adherence to the principle of service to which Mr. Fawthrop, senior, attributes his success, has passed from father to sons.
       Mr. Fawthrop has always bought his cheese and sold it in a particular way.
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