
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


       Mr. Blackwell has been an annual exhibitor and consistent prize winner at the St. Lawrence Valley Agricultural Society Fair at Williamstown, exhibiting Angus cattle and vegetables.
       Unlike his father, K. W. Blackwell, First Vice-President of the Merchants Bank of Canada, and recognized as one of the big men in the financial life of this country, Mr. Blackwell early in life displayed an aptitude for farming in preference

Barns of Kennet C. Blackwell, MacGillivray's Bridge
Barns of Kennet C. Blackwell, MacGillivray's Bridge

to banking, and prior to purchasing his farm took a course in the Guelph Agricultural College.
       Mr. Blackwell's mother's maiden name was Fannie C. Godfrey and his wife is Edna Dingwall, daughter of Mr. Ewan Dingwall of Lancaster. He is the father of one child, a daughter. In religion he is an Anglican, and in politics an Independent. He is an English-Canadian.

dAIRY tinware should be rinsed in luke-warm water, then be washed in hot water containing a little washing soda, using a brush on both the inside and outside. Next, scald thoroughly with boiling water, and place where they will drain and dry. Sunshine and fresh air are beneficial.
       The churn should be scalded with boiling water, then cooled with cold water before using. After using, remove particles of butter with hot water. Wash with hot water that contains a little washing soda, then scald with boiling water. Leave the lid off when not in use.
       The butter worker, ladle, and printer should be scalded with hot water, scoured with salt, and cooled with cold water before using. After using, remove any butter with hot water, scour with salt, and scald with boiling water. Place the woodenware where it will dry, but do not put it in the sun, or it will warp and crack.
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