
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board



they are economical producers, responding well to good feeding and management, even under conditions that are not the most favorable.
       Ayrshires were brought into Canada early in the nineteenth century by the Scotch settlers. Since that time numerous importations have been made, among them being Mr. Benning's Glenhurst herd, and we find to-day the Ayrshire distributed fairly well over the Dominion, more particularly in Eastern Ontario and Quebec.

Glenhurst Ayrshires at Home
Glenhurst Ayrshires at Home

t HE Glenhurst herd of Ayrshire cattle owned by Mr. James Benning was founded fifty-five years ago by the late David Benning, of St. Louis de Gonzague, County of Beauharnois, Quebec, by his own importation from Scotland.
       In spite of the fact that during the past eight years Mr. Benning has had two large sales, he has at present on the farm seventy very fine Ayrshires, and it would be difficult to say just where as fine a herd of cattle, particularly the younger ones, could be found.
       The Glenhurst herd has for many years been noted for its excellent type and heavy production. To-day, it is universally recognized as one of the leading ones of America.
       Looking over the list of Canadian breeders, it would be difficult to find a herd which, at one time or another during the past years, have not, greatly to their benefit, added individuals from Glenhurst.
       As the herd stands to-day, they are a splendid bunch of cows from three to five years old, by the former herd sire, Lessnessock Comet (imp. — 30586), a bull now owned by Shannon Bros., Cloverdale, B.C., and recognized as one of the best specimens of the breed ever imported.
       There is also quite a number of even younger cattle, yearlings and two-year olds, by a younger sire of Mr. Benning's own breeding, Glenhurst Tons Mayor — 43480. These are claimed to be, by experts in a position to judge, as unusually fine specimens, and in a year or so should be excellent producers.
       Animals from this herd have travelled to all parts of Canada, the United States and Japan, where Ayrshires are bred, making records wherever they went; four-year-olds have made over 11,000 pounds, two-year-olds over 9,000 pounds. The Chicago World's Fair Champions, both male and female, were bred in this herd.
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