
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


tHE following, whether they were written by some modern Moses, and engraved on tablets of stone on Mount Sinai or not, we do not know, but we do know that they ought to be engraved in letters of gold in the memory and mind of every dairyman in this broad land. I have been repeatedly urged to draw up a set of rules for the observance of the patrons of cheese-factories. I have preferred, like Moses, to give my inspiration in the form of a Decalogue, without the observance of which no patron need hope to make the land flow with milk and money.
       1.  Thou shalt not abuse or worry thy cow — thou nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy dog, nor the mischievous boy who driveth her up; but thou shalt at all times treat her with gentleness, and allow no one to molest or make her afraid; for in the day that thou vexeth her or suffer her to be vexed there shall come a pestilence upon her, and it shall enter into her milk, and taint thy butter and thy cheese, so that it shall become a stench in the nostrils of the buyer, and he shall turn away from thee with contempt.
       2.  Thou shalt not starve or stint thy cow for food, nor give her poor, innutritious, or unwholesome feed of any kind whatsoever, but an abundance of that which is palatable and good for her system, that she may keep in good flesh, have a smooth coat, and a clear eye; for I have given her unto thee as an inheritance and a blessing, and woe shall come upon him who offendeth against her, for his bank account shall wither away and become as naught, and he shall be a bankrupt in the land.
       3.  The water that thy cow drinketh shall be pure water — water that bubbleth up in the crystal fountain or runneth in the brook or the swift river, or that which is drawn from the deep well; for if thou, by sloth, compel her to quench her thirst at mud-holes and stagnant pools, there shall a day overtake thee when thy goods shall be refused at the hands of the market-man, and he shall set his mark upon thee, and will have no further dealings with thee.
       4.  Thou shalt give thy cows ample shade in the summer and a warm shelter in the winter; and the latter shall be kept clean and sweet, and be, withal, well ventilated; and thy cow shall have room for freedom of motion, a clean bed to lie on, and opportunity for such out-door exercise as she may desire, to the end that her blood shall freely circulate, that her muscles shall not deteriorate and become weak or stiffened, and that her digestion and appetite shall remain good.
       5.  When thou milketh her, thou shalt lead her apart into a cool, quiet place, where there is naught to disturb her or make her afraid; and while she cheweth her cud thou shalt milk her after a fashion of cleanliness. Thou shalt not sell or offer to sell as food for man her milk if she hath a calf of an age less than four days, or if she be struck with any plague like unto horn distemper, or fever, or gorget, or any other disease, lest the magistrate summon thee to appear and answer before him.
       6.  Thou shalt be clean, for, lo! it standeth as an everlasting truth that cleanliness is next to godliness; and if thou keep thy byres clean and thy
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