
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


      And perhaps, after all, the most interesting feature of the History of the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board is that part that has to do with finances. If bank managers would talk—and sometimes they do talk too much—they would tell you of swollen bank balances and vaulting savings accounts to the credit of and in the names of patrons of the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board. They would tell you of farmers originally in moderate circumstances becoming rich; they would tell you of poorer Cheese Board patrons becoming prosperous, and all because of Cheese Board cheques; for be it known that with the average farmer the total amount of the cheese factory cheque aggregates yearly more than the combined revenues from all other farm commodities.
       The most important and far-reaching bit of legislative work accomplished by the Cheese Board, and that largely through the efforts of the present President and Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Denny and Mr. McLeod, respectively, was in having appointed by the Provincial Government an expert dairyman to act in the capacity of inspector of cheese and instructor of cheese-making. This new departure went into effect in 1905, when Mr. J. Buro, of Moulinette, a graduate of the Eastern Dairy School, and a practical and painstaking official, was appointed to this position. Mr. Buro is now and has continuously since held this position on what is known as the Cornwall Syndicate, a group of factories including those of the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board.
       This grouping of factories into syndicates was the stepping-stone to uniformity in system and uniformity in the quality of cheese, resulting in greater development, expansion and production in cheese manufacture. From haphazard cheese manufacturing methods and unskilled manufacturers, cheese factory supervision and instruction developed up-to-date factory systems and capable, intelligent and experienced manufacturers. Cheese of all sizes and shapes under the old, antiquated method, took a new uniform size and shape under the new system. In fact, irregularity in method gave place to systematized effort and result. Cleanliness through thorough scientific testing supplanted uncleanliness and sometimes filth, and superiority in quality was established. Cheese factory foremen, under this system, now take pride in the appearance of their premises and the quality of their output, and patrons co-operate with them in the work of eliminating contaminated and unwholesome milk from factory delivery.
       One very satisfactory sequel to Government inspection of cheese and instruction to cheesemakers has been the universal interest taken by manufacturers in their output. Cheesemakers on the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board have, almost without exception, exhibited cheese at Fairs and Exhibitions and have succeeded in winning many valuable prizes against formidable competition, not only locally but in National and International Fairs and Expositions. The Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board boasts of having amongst its manufacturers the best cheesemakers in the world.
       These rules and regulations for the government of the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board were adopted May 21, 1898, and are still in force:
  1. This Board shall be known as the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board, and shall be composed of the representatives of the several cheese and butter factories, or others complying with the rules of the Board.
  2. The Membership Fee shall be $1.00 per annum for each factory represented at the Board, and each factory shall be entitled to one representative at all regular meetings. Members only are entitled to vote.
  3. The officers of this Board shall be: President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, to be elected annually; said officers to be a committee to conduct sales on the Board.
  4. There will be a register kept, and a Collective Board, upon which will be posted such information from other markets as the Managers of this Board shall be able to obtain.
  5. All members shall, on each Sale Day, register on the Board their factories and the number of cheese, so far as they can, that they intend offering for sale.
  6. All payments on behalf of this Board shall be by cheque signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and countersigned by the President.
  7. There shall be a yearly audit of the Board's books and accounts, by two auditors, to be appointed annually.
  8. All bargains made on any Sale Day shall be binding on both buyer and seller.
The officers of the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board for 1919 are:
President — Archibald Denny, Cornwall.
1st Vice-President — S. J. McDonnell, Strathmore.
2nd Vice-President — F. W. Brownridge, Cornwall.
Secretary-Treasurer — James W. McLeod, Cornwall.
September 1, 1919
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