The following research resources are available on-line:
Publication List - See "Publications" for available materials, Cemetery Listings, Newspaper Indexes and Miscellanious publications available through this branch.
Are you looking for an Algoma ancestor ?
Do you have a query for the District of Algoma?
Send it to our Queries Co-ordinator . If your query is applicable and if space and time permits we will post it here. If you find a contact from one of these postings respond directly to the person requesting the information or to our Queries Co-ordinator and your Email will be forwarded to the appropriate person. If you respond directly please remember to tell them you made their connection here on this web site.
A. Our charge for initial research is $10.00 PREPAID. This search covers:
1. Algoma Master Cemetery Index.
2. 1861-1901 Census Indexes.
3. Algoma Partnerships Book #1.
4. Sault Ste. Marie City Directory, 1901-Present
5. Church Records where available.
6. Sault Star-Index 1901-1925, 1981-1990.
7. Bruce Mines Spectator Index- 1901-1956
8. Limited Land Records
9. Cemetery transcriptions
Photocopied source material is 25 cents per page.
B. Additional Research
1. Obituaries - search of unindexed Sault Star microfilm. Charge is $6.00 per search.
C. Ontario Vital Statistics Indexes (births, marriages, deaths) We have limited records of these events, including baptisms; a search costs $2.00 per surname.
Please include a self addressed stamped envelope (Canadian Stamp) or $1.00 to cover postage.
We are always happy to receive family pedigree and group sheets; these are placed in a binder with the Branch’s library holdings for other researchers; make sure your name and address appear on any sheets you send us. (Send to “Queries Coordinator”)
Our Branch is staffed by volunteers, please remember this when requesting research work. We will try to respond to your query as soon as possible.
Research Request
Name _____________________________________
Street _____________________________________
Province and Postal Code ___________________
E-Mail _______________________
Tell us what you are looking for, which references you'd liked checked, etc.
With the payment of the basic $10.00, you are eligible to have your query printed in our newsletter at no extra cost. Check if your request is appropriate for our newsletter.
Mail your request, a cheque payable to the "Sault & District Branch O.G.S." and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:-
Sault Ste.Marie & District OGS
PO Box 20007, 150 Churchill Blvd.
Sault Ste. Marie ON P6A 6W3
Attention: Research