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IMPORTANT NOTICE "REFLECTIONS" History of Howland is available at the Expositor Office The Manitoulin Genealogy Club is excited to announce the release of "Remember Me" Manitoulin Military Vol. 1 publication retailing at $25. This publication contains 175 biographies of individuals who have Manitoulin or Killarney roots. Their military information and family genealogy, their memories of war, the chronology of where they were stationed, pictures to honour the ones who served and to record their family history for future generations. Also included in this book are World War I related articles that appeared in the local newspapers in 1914 and 1915. Submissions of articles for further volumes of this book may be made by contacting The Manitoulin Genealogy Club. Information requested is legal name of individual, date of birth, date of death, resting place, marriage info (full name of spouse), parents, siblings, children, residences, occupation, rank, service number, rank, military service, any other data of interest that will honour the individual. If possible please submit photos. Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Mail: Box 6, Little Current, On., P0P 1K0 Please contact one of Manitoulin Genealogical Clubs/Societies with your queries. Please contact one of Manitoulin Genealogical Clubs/Societies with your queries. If you send family files to the Genealogy Club they will be printed and placed at the museum for people to view - so make sure you leave your contact info. Links are available below. |
IN MEMORY OF "Peggy" Margaret Isobel Moggy October 31, 2002 |
Notification of Page Changes Ferry ScheduleIndividual Family Trees
The following pages are dedicated to genealogy on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. The information provided in the pages have been donated and submitted by individuals and newspapers dedicated to helping us find our roots.
There are a few things you should keep in mind when searching these lists, one of the most important keys has to be spelling. Try to keep in mind that our ancestors, and those recording our ancestors, spelled phonetically. They recorded what they heard, to the best of their ability. So, for example, if you're looking for St. Jacques, try Saijaw and any other variation you can think of. If you don't find the last name, try the spouse's or one of the parent's names.
Names may be listed more than once, if there is more than one source. Check carefully, a second source may provide more detailed information.
The information currently shown has been donated by the generosity of T.K.Nelder who provided the Ontario Vital Records information and by Rick McCutcheon of the Manitoulin Expositor
Considering the amount of false information on the Internet at the present time, every effort will be made to include the source of material presented.
I will be updating this site as often as I can get new information. If you have information you would like to see included here, please send the complete data to me in text format, please include your source.
The calendar has been created to record information such as births and marriages in the CURRENT year.
Another fantastic research tool. Thanks to suggestion from Sherry Williamson, I have created a page for the exchange of Birth, Marriage and Death documents. Please follow the instructions given to submit your information. Once the information is received I will updated on the Index links on this page.
Please do not use this form as a search engine, it won't work.
Another fantastic research tool, be sure to check it out!
Manitoulin Roots
Dedicated to the memory of those brave pioneers who came to and
settled on Manitoulin Island. It includes only early settlers of Manitoulin Island and their descendants.
The agenda for the Manitoulin Genealogy Club will now be posted on this site. For meeting dates, times and agenda items, follow this link or click on Manitoulin Genealogy Club above.
For those interested in native research, check out the new link added below for the Huronia Museum. Information submitted by Alice Beaudin
Another fantastic research tool, be sure to check it out!
The Hermit of Misery Bay
Days in the life of Edwin "Ned" Saunders.
Death registrations up to and including 1938 - 1941 has been added as one complete file
Birth registrations up to and including 1913
Marriage registrations for years 1927 & 1928
have been updated; some new, some corrected and some with additional information. NOTE: PLEASE REFRESH YOUR SCREEN (F5) to view most recent registrations.
A few names added to Michael's Bay Cemetery
Grimesthorpe Cemetery 2015 interments now updated
Current obits added:
Current obits added:
Older obits: are updated as become available on Manitoulin Roots
Current obits added: are updated monthly on Manitoulin Roots
Current obits added:
Thanks everyone for your help.
Some genealogy sites that may assist you in your research. Would you like to add some of your favourite search sites for others, just email me.
Click on button |
Building the world's largest searchable collection of historical newspapers |
Click here to access Paper of Record |
Manitoulin Mailing Lists
One of the best ways to obtain genealogy information is through contact with other researchers of the same name. Manitoulin has a fantastic, resourceful mailing list (no, there is no fee to subscribe!) designed specifically for your use. One subscribed you will receive copies of all correspondence between researchers, regardless of the name being searched. When you post a query you have the confidence of knowing that everyone on the mailing list will receive a copy, and who knows what information they may have come across. That one message could break down your brick wall!
Just follow the directions below to subscribe.
they are posted to the list, click here: Subscribe to CAN-ONT-MANITOULIN-L To contact Lynn Goutouski Mailing List Administrator click icon above |
together once a day, click here: Subscribe to CAN-ONT-MANITOULIN-D (digest) To contact Lynn Goutouski Mailing List Administrator click icon above |
For more information on the mailing lists CLICK HERE
If you wish to check past messages that have been posted to the mailing list you can �browse� all messages or �search� for a specific surname
To browse the mailing list archives, click on BROWSE
To search the mailing list archives, click on SEARCH
The Manitoulin message boards are an excellent resource for posting messages regarding Manitoulin families. These messages are automatically sent to the Manitoulin Mailing List. If you are not a list member and wish to receive notification of messages posted to the board, be sure to click on My Notifications to have them sent automatically to your mailbox.
To contact Lynn Goutouski
Manitoulin Message Board Host
click on icon above
HAWEATER NEWS Hosted on Yahoo by Lynn Goutouski To join in discussion about the news, events, history,
etc. of the Manitoulin To Join This Group To contact the List Owner |
Assiginack Museum (Manitowaning) 859-3905
Fathom Five (Tobermory)
Gore Bay Museum (Gore Bay) 282-2040
Little Red School House (South Bay Mouth) 859-3663
Centennial Museum (Sheguiandah) 368-2367
Mississagi Lighthouse Museum (Meldrum Bay)
Net Shed Museum (Meldrum Bay)
Museum of the Great Lakes (Manitowaning)
Funeral Homes
Culgin Funeral Home (Gore Bay) Phone: 282-2270 (1-888-212-9901)
Island Funeral Home (Little Current) Phone: 368-2490
Manitowaning Chapel (Manitowaning) Phone 859-2960 (1-888-212-9901}
Bourcier Funeral Home (Espanola) Phone 869-0550
Municipal Offices:
Assiginack Municipal Office
Box 238
Manitowaning, Ontario P0P 1N0
Email: Muncipality of Manitowaning
Phone (705) 859-3196 Fax: (705) 859-3010
Visit Assiginack Website
Barrie Island Township Office
Box 30
Gore Bay, Ontario P0P 1H0
Phone (705) 282-2991
Billings Township Office
Box 34
Kagawong, Ontario P0P 1J0
Phone: (705) 282-2611 Fax: (705) 282-3199
Burpee-Mills Township Office
Evansville, Ontario P0P 1E0
Phone: (705) 282-0624
Central Manitoulin Municipal Office
Box 187
Mindemoya, Ontario P0P 1S0
Phone: (705) 377-5726 F: (705) 377-5585
Cockburn Island Township Office
71 Walford Road
Walford, Ontario P0P 2E0
Phone: (705) 844-2289
Gordon Township Office
Box 120
Gore Bay, Ontario P0P 1H0
Phone: (705) 282-2702
Corporation of the Town of Gore Bay
Postal Box 590
15 Water Street,
Gore Bay, Ontario
P0P 1H0
Phone: 705-282-2420 Fax: 705-282-3076
Information Centre: 705-282-3352
Email: Town of Gore Bay
Contact: Nicole Weppler, Curator -282-2040
Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands (NEMI)
Bag 2000
Little Current, Ontario P0P 1K0
Phone: (705) 368-3500 Fax: (705) 368-2245
N.E.M.I. Public Library
Phone: 705-368-2444 Fax: (705) 368-0708
Tehkummah Township Office
Tehkummah, Ontario
P0P 2C0
Phone: (705) 859-3293 Fax: (705) 859-2605
E-mail:Manitoulin Genealogy Snail Mail: P.O. Box 6 Little Current, ON P0P 1K0 |
Clipart and background from: J. O. D's Old Fashioned B & W Clip Art Collection |
You are Visitor Number Since March 16, 2001 |
Disclaimer: I am pleased to offer this research tool and although I have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the Manitoulin Genealogy, based on the data I have been provided, please check original sources whenever possible.
Note: I would like to take this time to thank Laurie who made this website possible and spent Many Hours putting it together. She has now retired it to me, and; I will attempt to keep up her standards but please bear with me as I am on a large learning curve.
COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. Use of the information contained on this site for PERSONAL Genealogical research is acceptable, however, the information MAY NOT be uploaded to any commercial database or used for commercial purposes without the express written permission.
c 2001-2013 Manitoulin Genealogy