A Village situated on a branch of the Rideau Canal, 2 1/2 miles
from the Main Trunk of the Canal, in the Township of Oxford,
C.W. - distant from Prescott, 23 miles - usual stage fare, 7s. 6d.
- distant from Smith's Falls, 27 miles - usual stage fare, 6s.
3d. Population about 1000.
AVERELL & HOOKER, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware,
china and medicines, & c.
BALDWIN, THOMAS, cabinetmaker - keeps always on hand, or makes to
order, all kinds of furniture of the best quality, and at
BARNES, SURRAJER, tanner, currier, harness and shoe store
BOTTUM, WM. H., postmaster and J.P.
BOWER, JOSEPH, distiller and dealer in dry goods, groceries,
hardware, china, drugs & c.
BROWN, DANIEL D., M.D., physician and surgeon
CHRISTIE, SAMUEL, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries,
crockery, patent medicines, drugs & c. & c.
CLOTHIER, AMBROSE, saw mills, distillery and general store
CONDELL, JOHN, cabinetmaker - all kinds of furniture constantly on
hand or made to order of the best materials, and at
FITCHELL, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, crockery,
drugs & c.
HOLMES, ALFRED, cloth dressing and fulling mills, South Kemptville
KELLY, CHAS. M., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china,
glass, drugs & c., & c.
in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, drugs & c. & c.
LESLIE, ROBERT, clerk of Division Court and deputy postmaster
MCGREGOR, WM., hotelkeeper - the public will find good
accommodations and reasonable charges at this house
MILLS, JOHN, boot, shoe and leather dealer - every article in the
line constantly on hand or made to order at low prices
PERKINS, JOHN, grist saw and carding mills, South Kemptville
ROSS, GEORGE, practical distiller
copper smith and dealer in stoves and stove fittings - every article in his line is
furnished at very
SERVISS, GORDON, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries,
crockery, drugs, books, & c.
STENNETT, MILES B., surgical and mechanical dentist
TANNEY, STEPHEN, iron founder - manufactures stoves, ploughs,
threshing machines and all sorts of castings, at reasonable
Barnes, Olvesson, saw mills
Barnes, William J., carriage maker
Barnes, Sylvester, blacksmith
Baynon, Rev. George, Wesleyan
Beckett, Alexander, grocer and mason
Beckett, Thomas, brewery
Boyd, David, leather and shoe dealer
Brandon, John S., saddler and harness maker
Bull, Henry, painter
Clothier, Lyman, innkeeper
Connor, Martin, cooper
Cooper, Rev. James, Baptist
Dougall, Wm., tanner, shoe and harness maker
Dyer, William J., general store
English, William, carriage maker
Fannin, William, tailor
Farley, Rev. Daniel, Roman Catholic
Foster, James, blacksmith
Harding, John, grist mill
Healy, Jesse M., carriage maker
Hemmingway, D., carpenter
Howey, William, botanic physician
Huntingdon, Silas, M.D.
Hurd, Eli, blacksmith
Inglis, Alexander, carpenter
Jackson, James, joiner
Johnston, Arthur, shoemaker
Keenan, Neil, tanner and shoemaker
Kernahan, Robert, general store
Lattimore, John, cooper
McAlpin, Rev. H., Church of England
McDowall, Rev. William, Free Church
McGregor, Mrs., harness and saddlery store
Magee, John, tailor
Maley, Thomas, general store Mix, Edward, carpenter
O'Connor, John, tailor
Robinson, William, carriage maker
Sanderson, George, carpenter
Shaver, W.H., tanner and shoemaker
Sperham, Terence, M.D.
Spotswood, Robert, blacksmith
Stitt, John, blacksmith
Sullivan, William, tinsmith
Tripp, James, cooper
Waugh, Richey & Co., grist and saw mills and general store,
Oxford Mils, 4 miles from Kemptville
Wilson, George, blacksmith
Wolfe, Joseph, chair maker