The Ottawa Citizen

Article One

The Ottawa Citizen

Tuesday, March 25 1879

Page 4

For The North-West


A Large Party of Well-To-Do



An Affecting Scene at the Railway Station


Perhaps there is nothing more painful in this life of trials and troubles than to be separated from those we have loved and with whom we have spent many happy and eventful days. When the parting comes it indeed gives that pain the poet pictures. All the tender chords within our nature are touched, all the sweet memories of the past are reached, and all the happy influences of home and friends flash upon us. In the three hundred who assembled at the St. Lawrence and Ottawa depot yesterday bound for the great "Lone Land" there were those who had reached the period of the "sere and yellow leaf", men who were stout of heart and strong of arm; and burly lads and buxom lasses. And among the whole throng there was hardly one who was not visibly affected as the cheers of a sympathetic crowd rent the air and the strains of "Auld Lang Syne" were wafted on the breeze. Throughout the day the station presented a scene of chaos and confusion and resembled more a country fair than anything else. Farm implements were scattered around indiscriminately; horses, cattle and sheep were stationed in every quarter, and they kicked up a lively noise for a time. One o’clock was the hour fixed for the departure of the train, but things were not in readiness for several hours later. Nearly two thousand persons were present, many of them attracted from curiosity and from the fact that the City Band was in attendance but the majority of them friends of the departing ones.


The train, composed of 14 freight and four passenger coaches left the station at 3:30 o’clock amid the cheers of several thousand persons who had gathered to bid their friends "farewell" whilst the band played "Auld Lang Syne" and the "Girl I Left Behind Me". The hour of departure was fixed for one o’clock, but owing to the time required for getting things in order; the train did not leave until the time above stated. With few exceptions, which are noted below, the party were bound for Manitoba, most of them being farmers from Carleton and Russell and adjoining counties- and the general intention of the emigrants, upon reaching their destination is to secure land and commence farming operations at once. The freight cars were loaded principally with household and farming implements, although several were freighted with horses, cattle, sheep, etc. The passenger cars were clean, comfortable cars; each one of which would probably hold sixty passengers. The larger number of the emigrants were women and children, and they were all of very respectable appearance. They all carried provisions to last them through the trip which will occupy five or six days. At Prescott, they will be joined by others, and at Brockville, Kingston, Belleville and Napanee it is expected at least 200 more will assist in making the largest exodus that has ever taken place at one time from this section of the country.


The following is a list as complete as could be made, of the names of the male members of the party;

For Manitoba-------Messrs. J.W. HUGHES, Joseph BASKERVILLE, Thomas BASKERVILLE, Osgoode; Thomas ARCHER, Moses CAYLEY, Nepean; Samuel CRAIG, North Gower; J.F. SHILLINGTON, Goulbourn; Geo. SMILEY, Duncan WILSON, Cumberland; Jno. LOGAN, J. SPARKS, J. MacCOLSON, Wm. GRAHAM, Andrew JOHNSTON, Bell’s Corners; Wm. McCLUTCHY, Templeton; Adam ACRES, Huntley; J. JOHNSTON, Wm. HUBBS, D. McLAREN, Fitzroy; James LINDSAY, Wm. BINKS, Mrs. KEELY, Napoleon HARSHEE, Alphonse LEGER, W. McCULLOGH, S.E. CLARK, A. C. CLARK, W. BANWARDEN, M. WANLESS, St. Andrews Quebec; Charles KENTLER, Wm. KETTLE, A. JOHNSTON, W. HUGHES, W.M. EWAN, C.A. WILSON, Thomas COUSINS, Wm. HAY, James HAY, Lachute; James MUIR, J.A. SHILLINGTON, Goulbourn; Thomas ACRES, D.H. McLEAN, George McLEAN, John GOOD, W. YORK, James HODGINS, Stephen BOWER, G.W. WRIGHT and J.C. SIMPSON.

For Dakotah-----Messrs. Wm. HUBBS, John JOHNSTON, M. COPPS, E. COPPS, Moses ABBOTT, M. PEPPER, T. MORAN, R. COCKBURN, L. KENNEDY of the Richmond Rd.

The names of city residents are:

Messrs Rody MACDONALD, Benjamin EDWARDS, Alex S. PEACOCK, John KENNA and George HAGGARTY, James HAGGARTY for Manitoba and J.W. ENRIGHT for St. Paul Minn. The last three mentioned were employees of the Russell House.

The Cause of the Exodus

Mr. J.W. HUGHES, a prominent agriculturalist for Gloucester township, who was a passenger with his family states that the cause of the exodus is to be found in the fact that the farming lands in this section are often worn out and that Manitoba and Dakotah Territory offer the best inducements to the farmer. He has bought 320 acres of land about 7 miles from Pembina, the result of a trip to that section of country last summer where the crops were about being gathered and a better yield of different kinds of grain he never saw. With such land to be had, and so cheaply, he thought a farmer is foolish to remain here longer. He takes with him seven mules, four horses, three cows, a thoroughbred bull, and a large quantity of farming and household implements, the freight on which amounts to $1.000 in cash and $500. Worth of goods. Mr. Hughes was a former resident of this city, but has resided for the past ten years in the township of Gloucester, where he took an active part in politics, being Vice-President of the Liberal-Conservative association.

Mr. Joseph Baskerville and family also residents of Gloucester were among the passengers. That gentleman said his principal reasons for emigrating was that his farm was too small for his large family. He intends purchasing a section of land near Emerson and carries with him a large stock of household goods, several horses, cows, sheep etc. There were three car loads of stock which was owned by Messrs. Joseph Baskerville, Thomas Archer, Thomas Cousens, Geo. Smiley, L. Kennedy, J.W. Hughes and David McLaren.

A telegram was received last evening at the Grand Trunk office to the effect that the passengers would be carried through to Winnipeg as the line was now in running order from that city to St. Vincent.

The Ottawa Daily Free Press

Monday, March 24 1879

Page 3

Emigration From the Valley


The First Trains For the North-West

This afternoon the first train for Manitoba started from this city. The train when it leaves Brockville will be made up into two specials, bound for the great Northwest. Ottawa furnished 14 freight cars and 3 passenger cars; Aultsville, 4 freight and 1 passenger car; Manotick 1 freight car; and Brockville, 5 freight and 2 passenger cars. In addition to this, two baggage cars were furnished, which will make two trains of 16 cars each. Some of the best men of the Ottawa Valley have pulled up stakes and are going to plant themselves in the Northwest Country, and others are preparing to follow suit. The party will consist of about 250 persons, who take with them a large amount of freight.

The Smith’s Falls Party

The following are among the Smith’s Falls party. The majority of them go to Dakotah, others to Manitoba, and the family of James FLOYD of Carleton Place, to St. Peter’s Minnesota.

Jas. EDMUNDS and wife, J. KINCH, G. PHILLIPS, A. CROSS, W. CROSS, T. CROSS, S. CAUL, Mrs. BARTON and family, R. LEESON and wife, W. McCAW and wife, J. R. CHURCH, R. HUNT and wife, Smith’s Falls; A.F. DANGERFIELD and family, W. MASSON and family, Merrickville; W. MORRISON, MORAN brothers, A. McKIN, M. McGUIRE, M. O’CONNELL, Jas. PORTER and wife, Andrew FLEMMING, A. STEWART and two brothers, Montague; W. PINKERTON, Portland; W. SPAULDING, Perth; Mr. ROGERS and family, Moberly; P. ARMSTRONG and family Oso; J. KEHOE, Smith’s Falls; John GIBSON, Mrs. McCALLUM and family (seven), Jas. FLOYD and family, Carleton Place; W. A. McLAREN, Perth; R. LYONS, S. ROGERS, Mr. FOLEY, Newboyne; James THOMSON and son, Lombardy; T. CONNORS, Kilmarnock; I. FOSTER, Mrs. BROWN and family, Smith’s Falls; John PARKER, Toledo; J. IRWIN, J. COCHRANE, P. O’CONNELL, R. WALKER and family Newboyne; George COCHRANE, Newbliss; Frank ROSS and brother, Mr. LOCHEAD, Kilmarnock; Jas. McGREGOR, Smith’s Falls; Jas. FRANCIS, John SCOTT and wife, — FOLEY, Jasper; G. AGNEW, Smith’s Falls.

The Ottawa Daily Free Press

Tuesday Mar. 25 1879

page 4

The Manitoba Train

Starting from the Station- the Parting Scenes


It was half past 3 o’clock before the Manitoba train started from the Canada Central Depot with its load of living freight, farm implements and household effects. "Westward the Star of the Empire makes its way" and the shout of "Hurrah for Manitoba" resounds throughout the land. From all sections, the news comes of parties starting for the great North -West. It is to many a land of promise because the words have come down often of late years that it is a most promising land. Most of those who are removing hence sensibly go with the intention of settling down on land and begin farming at once, of which there is no more independent life on the face of the earth. Homes for the millions have been opened up in the heart of the continent, and the soil yields large returns at the touch of the hand of the husbandman. At the present rate at which immigration is flowing upon the Western wilds, in a short time it will be made to blossom as the rose, growing into provinces which will put to the blush our own Ontario, the present "garden" of the Dominion. The scene at the Canada Central depot during yesterday was one of indescribable confusion. The hurly-burly continued from an early hour in the morning until the time of departure. The train men and station employees had a great time in getting everything in shape making order out of chaos. The "emigrants" were more or less excited , being anxious to see that their goods were properly stowed away, and that nothing should be forgotten. But in time everything was all right and ready for the start. There was a great crowd at the station to see the party off, and the Ottawa City Band under the lead of Allie Brown and superintendence of Mr. G. St. George, kindly put in an appearance and discoursed some choice selection of music to cheer up those who were about to separate from friends and make the parting less severe if possible. The train consisted of fourteen freight cars–and four passenger coaches. There were about 250 passengers on board, all belonging to this immediate section. They embraced some of the best residents–the bone and sinew of the community; but they will still belong to Canada, even in their new homes in the great Lone Land. Among the party were the following:

Messrs. J.W. HUGHES, Joseph BASKERVILLE, Thos. BASKERVILLE, Osgoode; Thos ARCHER, Moses CAYLEY, Nepean; Samuel CRAIG North Gower; J.F. SHILLINGTON, Goulbourn; Geo. SMILEY, Duncan WILSON, Cumberland; Jno. Logan, J. SPARKS, J. MacCOLSON, Wm. GRAHAM, Andrew JOHNSTON, Bell’s Corners; Wm. McCLUTCHY, Templeton; Adam ACRES, Huntley; J. JOHNSTON, Wm. HUBBS, D. McLAREN, Fitzroy; James LINDSAY, Wm. BINKS, Mrs. KEELEY, Napoleon HARSHEE, Alphonse LEGER, W. McCULLOUGH, S.E. CLARK, A. C. CLARK, W. BANWARDEN, M. WANLESS, St. Andrews, Quebec; Charles KENTLER, Wm. KETTLE, J.A. JOHNSTON, W. HUGHES, W.M. EWEN, C. A. WILSON, Thomas COUSINS, Wm. HAY, James HAY, Lachute; James MUIR, J.A. SHILLINGTON, Goulbourn, Thomas ACRES, D. H. McLEAN, George McLean, John GOOD, W. YORK, James HODGINS, Stephen BOWER, J.W. Wright and J.C. SIMPSON

For Dakotah:

Messrs. Wm. HUBBS, John JOHNSTON, M. COPPS, E. COPPS, Moses ABBOTT, M. PEPPER, T. MORAN, R. COCKBURN, L. KENNEDY of the Richmond rd.


There were four car loads of stock which was owned by Messrs. Joseph BASKERVILLE, Thomas ARCHER, Thos. COUSENS, George SMILEY, L. KENNEDY, J.W. Hughes, David McLAREN and A. McEWEN.

The parting scenes were most affecting and the touching strains of "Auld Lang Syne" touched a tender chord in the breast of every one present; but as the train started to move out from the station cheer after cheer went up. While the band struck up a more lively tune, that of "The Girl I Left Behind Me" and the waving of handkerchiefs gave a final adieu to those who were bound to make a fresh start in life, in a new and almost strange land. Mr. A.H. TAYLOR, Mr. WILLS and the station officials did all they could for the comfort and convenience of the party. Mr. TAYLOR went with them to Brockville, where two special trains of sixteen cars each were formed, the original train having been largely added to along the line. We wish every one of the noble pioneers--men, women, and children–success in their new homes.

The Free Press Ottawa

Monday, April 7 1879

page 1

Lanark County (From Almonte Gazette)

Owing to the great rush of emigration to Manitoba and Dakotah, land property has fallen far below par in various parts of the country. Valuable farms can be purchased now for a mere trifle compared to what one would have to pay some years back.

The Ottawa Daily Free Press

Wednesday Apr. 9 (1879)

page 4

Second Manitoba Party

"Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way

The second party for Manitoba from the Ottawa District left yesterday. The train was made up at Brockville, about fifty started from the Ottawa station, and Kemptville added a dozen more, with additional "emigrants" at one or two stations. The largest section of the party was from the Lanark County locality. Almonte gave twenty-five, Renfrew thirty-six, Arnprior half a dozen, Perth a similar number; Smith’s Falls about twenty, etc., making a total of about 175 persons in the party. The following are the names of some of those who have departed from this section.

Ottawa and Vicinity–William MITCHELL north Wakefield; A. BRADLEY, Hazledean; William HOBBS, Bell’s Corners; Robert ARMSTRONG, Kinburn; James LEONARD, Dwyre Hills; John G. CRAIG, Russell; John Logan, South March; Peter McLAREN, RUSSELL; James SCOTT, William CAREY, Metcalfe; John DOWNEY, Thomas MOORE, Dunrobin; James CREGAN, Chelsea; F. ATKINSON, Manotick; C.B. GRAHAM, Norton’s Creek; Carl RAPPISH, Brudenell; Robert BLAIR, ROSS; R. JAMES, Rockingham; Hugh Dennis, City; Stewart McNUT, D. PARKER, George HANRAHAN, Geo. HINCH, Gordon HENDERSON, John SAUL, New Edinburgh. A large number of the above—the married men—were accompanied by their wives and families.

Almonte–Felix LALONDE, wife, and family of five; James DRISCOLL, wife and family of four; Annie FORA, Michael O’BRIEN, Wm. RITCHIE, wife and family of five.

Renfrew–Alexander TAIT, R. SQUIRES, wife and family of eight; Samuel FOREST, wife and family of five; W.O. Palmer, G.B. BELL, F. DOUGALL, W.DOUGALL, R. JAMIESON, J.JAMIESON, G. CORCORAN, John MITCHELL, S. TAIT, Miss TAIT, Mrs. D.S. STEWART and family of five; Mrs TRAYNOR, Miss MAYHEW.

Arnprior— James and George McLAUGHLIN

Perth– James ALLEN, with car-load of horses; R. MCLENIHAN, ditto

Brockville–A. CONNOR, wife and family.

When the train was made up at Brockville, under the superintendence of Mr. A.H. TAYLOR, it consisted of twenty-two cars, four being passenger coaches and eighteen freight cars. The farmers took with them a good deal of stock and farm implements. The parties from each section were seen off by friends, who wished them a safe journey and every success in the western land. At Renfrew, the whole village was out, along with the brass band and a good many country people. The farewell demonstration was a grand one at this point.

Submitted by Eileen - February 4th, 2001 - e-mail [email protected]

Posted: 05 February, 2001.