Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte was originally published in Toronto in 1904 by Rolph and Clark Ltd. For almost 100 years it has been the starting point of many family historians. It is not without its mistakes but is also not obsolete. Pioneer Life's exhaustive coverage remains an important body of work.
Page no. in
Pioneer Life
BONISTEEL ......173
CARR ......230
CLAPP ......191
DREWRY ......295
FINKLE ......332
FLAGLER ......324
FLINDALL ......314
FOSTER ......319
GARRETT ........82
GARRISON ......362
GILBERT ......371
GUNN ......350
HALLIWELL ......400
HAWLEY ......386
HESS ......435
KETCHESON ..........1
MORDEN ......561
MOWAT ......950
OSBORNE ......616
STICKLE ......737
TRUMPOUR ......970
VANDUSEN ........57
WALDRON ......870