TGS - Tulsa Genealogy Society - Contents

Welcome to the Tulsa Genealogy Society homepage, your source for Family History research in Tulsa County, Oklahoma.

Announcing the Tulsa Genealogical Society's larger facility just around the corner from our previous home.

To find the new facility, turn south from 31st Street on South 93rd East Avenue. Drive past the old grocery store and turn to the right.

The new address is 9136 E. 31st Street.

Please make a note of new library hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

For more information, read the latest Presidents Words.

Meetings of the Members
September through May, Third Monday Evening

New TGS facility, 9136 E. 31st Street

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings as well as
our Beginners Class, taught by Janet Cottrell at 6:00 pm or our Computer Genealogy Q & A, led by Paul and Peggy Koenig, also at 6:00 pm.

Last updated: 11/4/05

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