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Updated: 03 Oct 2017
Created:  14 Aug 2013

bullet Sackett, Curtis Clayton
bullet Sadler, Robert Henry
bullet Sage, F. J. (Mrs.)
bullet Sakaly, Anna Elizabeth
bullet Sakaly, Frank
bullet Sakaly, John Edwin
bullet Salasco, Mary Joanna “Jody”
bullet Salisbury, Ellen P. [Englund] (Fox)
bullet Salisbury, Earl
bullet Samara, Ernest & Adma Richie
bullet Samara, James K.
bullet Sandmann, Mike & Bonnie
bullet Sanders, Anna
bullet Sanders, Jay Carl
bullet Sanders, Glory Anne
bullet Sanders, Leo & Jesse
bullet Sanders Sr., James
bullet Sanders, Tom
bullet Sands, William L.
bullet Samuels, Zerelda (Cole) James ~ mother of Frank & Jesse James
bullet Sapp, Jessie Mae Renfro
bullet Sartain, DeLois Muril
bullet Sartain, Maude
bullet Satterfield, James
bullet Savage, Jimmie P.
bullet Scales, Robert S.
bullet Scantling, Vashti Allen
bullet Schmoyer, Frank James & Annette B. (Hedges)
  Schultz, Emma A. (Wiese)
bullet Scranton, Ely
bullet Sauthers, Celinda
bullet Schabel, Robert Alford
bullet Schaeffer, Daisy Lucille
bullet Scheinost, Fred
bullet Schmahl, Edward L.
bullet Schmidt, B. Allen & Anna M. (Falteysek)
bullet Schmidt, George
bullet Schmidt, Willard Raymond
bullet Schwarze, Dora Eva
bullet Schweinie, William
bullet Scoggins, _____
  Scroggins, Lillie Mae
bullet Scoresby, Oliver C.
bullet Scoresby, Little Hazel
  Scott, A. Genola
bullet Scott, Alta Marie
bullet Scott, Betty Jane
  Scott, Carl
bullet Scott, Clementine
bullet Scott, H. L. (Mrs.)
bullet Scott, Jocelyn Culpepper
bullet Scroggins, Maude E.
bullet Scroggins, Tommy Allen
bullet Seal, William
bullet Searman, Infant child of W. E. Searman
bullet Seamouris, Mary Catherine
bullet Segerhammer, Helen
bullet Sebastian, Dave
bullet Seebeck, Albert & Muriel Ellen (Dean)
bullet Seeds, Lillian M.
bullet Seeger, Mary
bullet Seeley, Ora Christine (Henson)
bullet Self, Helen Doris (Sanders)
bullet Severin, Margarathe Dorathe (Classen)
bullet Severs, Frederick B.
bullet Shadid, Futha
bullet Shadid, Helen Mary
bullet Shadid, John A. & Anna Mae (Kouri)
bullet Shadid, Khouriah Hafeeza
bullet Shadid, Nabeeha "Nevada"
bullet Shadid, Najeeba "Nellie"
bullet Shadoan, Evert B. & Esther
bullet Shaha, Bryan
bullet Shaha, Lewis F.
bullet Shahan, Sam & D. Cheryl (Silkwoood)
bullet Shahan, Lawrence S.
bullet Shannon, Bob
bullet Shaw Sr., Randolph "Randy" Lee
bullet Shaw, Ray
bullet Sheehan, Carolyn A.
bullet Sheehan, David
bullet Shelby, Donald Hugh & Patricia (Pat) Marie (Womack)
bullet Shelley, Earl
bullet Shephard, Mettie
bullet Sherburne, Wadena "Sally" Evans (Albee)
bullet Sherman, Genevieve (Duncan)
  Sherrill, Zora Marie Balwin Beardslee
bullet Shields, William T.
bullet Shi, Jr., A. H.
bullet Shirk, George Henry
bullet Shirk, John Henry & Carrie (Hinderer)
bullet Shirk, John Francis & Maxine Moody
bullet Shirk Jr.,John Raymond (Jack)
bullet Shirk, Paul Raymond. & Ann (Detzer)
bullet Shirk, Lucyl A.
  Shirley Jr., Ray "Buddy"
bullet Shown, "Curly"
bullet Short, Abraham
bullet Short,Ola
bullet Shuffield Sr., Dewayne
bullet Shumaker, Frank
bullet Sideri, Joseph & Jessie Lee
bullet Siegfried, Clara Inez Faulk
bullet Silkwood, Ray G.& Laura (Banister)
bullet Singleton, Robert Marshall
bullet Singleton,Stella
bullet Simon, Theodore
  Simmons, Knox
bullet Simms, Rita June
bullet Sims, Willie Alberta (Lee)
bullet Sipes, Jasper
bullet Sires, Delmar E., "Smiley", Sr. & Juanita M.
bullet Sires, Delmar, Jr. & Bobbie Jean (Heath)s
bullet Sivard, A.
bullet Skeen, J. C.
bullet Skelton, Martha Butcher
  Skidmore, Don B.
  Skidmore, Mary L.
  Skidmore, Pearl Pauline (Miller
  Skidmore, Mrs. W. A.
bullet Skinner, Maggie
bullet Skirvin, Hattie E.
bullet Slaughter, Dora B.
bullet Slaughter, John McBride "Mac"
bullet Slaughter, J. P.
bullet Slavin, William L. (Bill) Sr.
bullet Slayton, Flonora
bullet Sledge, Daniel Durland
bullet Sloan, John J.
bullet Smathers, David
bullet Smiser, H. T. (Mrs.)
  Smith, Audra M. (Strader)
bullet Smith-Briggs, Kelsey
bullet Smith Jr., A. J.
bullet Smith, Austin Odell
bullet Smith, D. W.
  Smith, Emma
bullet Smith, George Marion
bullet Smith, H. J.
bullet Smith, Henry
  Smith, Hobb
bullet Smith, Jackson A., M.D.
bullet Smith, James
bullet Smith, John 
bullet Smith. Lula See
bullet Smith, Marjorie Helen
bullet Smith, Merrick
bullet Smith, Nather
bullet Smith, Phoebe
bullet Smith, R. H. (Mrs.)
bullet Smith, Selma
bullet Smith, Sherman Graham
bullet Smith, Solon Williams
bullet Smith, Viki Marie
bullet Smith, Zelma
bullet Smyth, Enid B. (Crooks)
bullet Sneed, S. R. "Ray"
bullet Snodgrass, Jerry Donn
bullet Snyder, Marcie (Gardner)
bullet Snyder, Treva M.
bullet Soard, David
bullet Socwell, Oliver C. & Laura
bullet Sommers, Henry (Captain)
bullet Sorrels, Robert
bullet Southerland, Everett
bullet Spain, Donald Leroy Sr.
bullet Spang, Eric Andrew
bullet Sparkman, Olus Lee "Sparky"
bullet Sparks, Bobbie Ruth Daugherty
bullet Sparks, Gorman C. & Lois B.(Tison)
bullet Sparks, Mildred A.
bullet Spear, Clyde
bullet Speegle II, C. B.
bullet Spencer, Jean
bullet Spencer, Clifford D.
bullet Spencer, George W.
bullet Spencer, P. K.
bullet Spencer, William P.
bullet Spitler, James Oliver
  Spiva, William Lee
bullet Spivey, John A.
bullet Spooner, Richard Joseph
bullet Spurrier, Alice
bullet Stafford, W. A.
bullet Stahl, Minnie
bullet Stallings, Evalu V.
bullet Stallings, Ruby
bullet Stamps, Norman "Pete"
  Stanbro, Billie Sue (Knight)
bullet Standridge, Anita
bullet Stanford, David
bullet Standley, Don Howard
bullet Standley, Jack & Myrtle (Farr)
bullet Standley, Johnny
bullet Standrich, Earl A. & Geraldine "Jerri" E. (McDowell)
  Stanley, Golda Isabelle
bullet Stanley, Grant
bullet Star, Myrtle
bullet Stavig, Theodore & Pearl T.
bullet Stathopuios, Bessie
bullet Steaveson, Vivian "Leila" Harvey Breedlove
bullet Steele, Ralph E.
  Stemp, J. A.
bullet Stephens, John W.
bullet Stephens, Larry Gene
bullet Stephenson, Abbey C.
bullet Stephenson, Armel Wayne
bullet Stephenson, Oder
bullet Stevens, Althea J.
bullet Stevens, Clara R.
bullet Stevens, Ralph Linn & Elizabeth (Ambrose)
bullet Steward, Bert
bullet Stewart, Joseph Felix
bullet Stewart, Patsy Ann Casey
bullet Stewart, Ralph A.
bullet Stiles, Captain Daniel Frazier
bullet Stiles, George L.
bullet Stoltz, Audine A.
bullet Stone, Fannie Elizabeth
bullet Stone, Jack Ronald
bullet Storts, Ila June (Booth)
bullet Story, Robert
bullet Stotts, Charles C.
bullet Straily, Max D. & Dorothy Faye (Whisenhunt)
bullet Straka, Joeph
bullet Strasenberg, Andy
bullet Street, Ronald Lynn
bullet Street, Willard Lee
bullet Streller, Steeva Dawn Gandy
bullet Strickland, Betty Jo "Nanny" (O'Dell)
bullet Strickland, Sarah Florence
bullet Struble, Robert Ben
bullet Stucker, Howard (Mrs.)
bullet Sturgeon, Richard "Bomar"
bullet Sullivan, Anna Virginia (Ellis)
bullet Sullivan, Charles William & Erma Belle (Humphrey)
bullet Summers, J. S.
bullet Sumner, Mary A.
bullet Supple, Ella E.
bullet Sutton, Mildred
bullet Swaim, James Eugene
bullet Swank, Fletcher B.
bullet Swank, Wallace & Malinda
bullet Sweat, Hiram P.
bullet Swenson, Arthur & Maud Orpha


I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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