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Updated: 06 Sep 2017
Created:  14 Aug 2013

Mabry, Willie
Madden, Walter ""Buck'' & Evelyn Lucille (Buchanan)
Maddox, Jo Faye
Maddox, Thurman F.
Magaw, Velta Rose Ruble
Magee, Carl C. & Grace (Griffin)
Malthan, Infant son of George T.
Mambert, Anna
Mandwell, Edward H.
Manees, L. Pauline (Brock)
Maness, Robert L. & Chloe Etta
Mann, Clara Griffin
Mann, Joel Everett
Mann, Mary L.
Manter, E. L.
Mantle, Mickey Charles & Merlyn Louise (Johnson)
Manzelman, George
Maples, Chris (Hereford)
Mappin-Brown, Doris (Longenbaugh)
Maritt, Eliza Marie Tescier
Marshall, Vivian "Elaine" Smith
Marshall, William (Mrs.)
Martin, Frank Lawson
Martin, Max Holland
Martin, Grady M.
Martinez, Gregorio
Martinez, Ramon Solis
Martinsen, Michael R. & Jacqueline
Massad, John M.
Massad, Omar K.
Massad, Dr. Ronald Glen
Massey, Mrs.
Massey, Harriet
Massey, Harrison
Mason, Charles F.
Mason, Thelma (Coker)
Masters, Elsie Faye
Mathes, Susie E.
Mattern, Edith M.
Matthews, Deanna Mitchell
Matthews, W. S.
Maune, Anna Marie Emma Dewert
Maupin Sr., John Andrew
Mayabb, David
Mayar, Patrick
Mayfield, Guy
Mayfield, James L. (Dr.)
Mayfield, Wesley
Maynard, Jesse Lindsey "J.L." & Wilma Jean (Whisenant)
Mayo, Bessie
Mayse, Donald
Mazza, Morgan Elizabeth
Mazza, Vito Anthony
McAllister, Cecile Lucille Lovell
McAllister, Frederick Allen
McAlister, Madison "Madi" Marie
McAllister, J. W.
McCabe,Lora Isabel
McCameron, Gaye Lynne (Looker)
McCampbell, William E.
McCain, Lauren
McCalister, Mittie
McCall, Infant son of J. A. McCall
McCall, Eric
McCarthy, Edmund A.
McCaskill, M. Mr. & Mrs.
McClain, Joseph Talbott (Dr.)
McClelland, Betty
McClure, Guy Vincent
McClure, William & Mary E.
McCluskey, Roy
McCollum, William Carl Jr.
McCollum, William H. Mrs.
McCool Jr., Alvin Leroy
McCoren, James
McCorkle, Bobby Gene (Corky)
McCorkle, Cecil Irene (Skelton)
McCorkle, Grady
McCoy, Robert D. & Carolyn Sue Bowman
McCracken, Gerald E. & Ruth Marie (Brown) Autry
McCrory, William Maurice
McCullough, Everette Earl
McCulley, Charles Vernon
McCurry, Eliza
McDonald, H. H.
McDonald William M.
McEntire, MarvinE. & Lula Lucille (Fite)
McFarland, Richard "Mac"
McGill, Ella Mae
McGlocklin, Betty
McGovern, Mary
McGuinness, Clarence Edward "Ed" & Darla (McCaulley)
McIntosh, Cleoria June (Wess)
McIntosh, Hazel (Haney)
McInnis, Jo Ann (Huene)
McIver, Myra
McKee, Kee R. Baker
McKee, Rebecca
McKinney, Linda Kay Wilkerson (Shartzer)
McKnight, Frieda
McMahan, Jack L.
McManus, Charles
McMillan, Ethel Brewer
McMullin, William James "Bill"
McNees, Ira Lee Jr.
McNabb, Charles A.
McNair, Orval Lee
McNew, C. E. (Mrs.)
McPheeters, Bonnie Bercilla (Garrett)
McReynolds, Hugh E."Mac" & Jan Marie (Streitenberger)
McReynolds, Mrs, Leona
McReynolds, Shirley Joan (Tidwell)
McRill, Albert LeRoy
McRill, Myrtle
McRill, Viola
McSwain, Daylan LeeRoy
McVey, Matthew Ross (Mrs.)
Mead, Perry A.
Meade, Fred R.
Meadows, James R.
Means, Matthew Jay
Medlock, Lottie "Maxine" (Smith)
Meek, Harriet E.
Meek, Jack & Nannie
Mellon, Thomas Peabody
Melter, G. H.
Mercer, Otis (Mrs.)
Merriman, Bobby
Merriman, Pearl (Mrs. S. A.)
Merriman, Ryan
Merritt, Jesse Taylor
Mertz, Jane R.
Merwin, Ralph
Messenbaugh, J. F. (Dr.)
Messenger, Alta
Methvin, Kie
Meyer, Hannah M.
Meziere, Matt & Mabel Rose
Michael, Donna R.
Mikalaydek, Lawrence
Milam, Ethel B.
Milam, Thomas M.
Miley, John Henry & Cora (Brown)
Miller, Alma P.
Miller, Bernell C.
Miller, Charles N.
Miller, Charles W. & Zora
Miller, Darrell L.
Miller, F. P.
Miller, Francis M.
Miller, E. F.
Miller, G. M.
Miller, George M.
Miller, John Keeney & Fannie (Westmoreland)
Miller, Mary Ann (Perkins)
Miller, Leona
Miller, Lloyd T.
Miller, Myrtle Ruble
Miller, Opal T.
Miller, Walter W. Jr.
Milligan, Mary L.
Mills, M. G.
Mills, Robert Lee
Mills, Roger
Milton, Rose
Milz, Lewis
Miltenberger, John Jackson
Milton, Albert
Minter, General Billy Martin
Minter, Nattie Helen
Miskelly, John Sr. & Mildred K.
Miskelly, John Jr. (Representative)
Mitchell, Frances "Eileene" (Cook)
Mitchell, Gregory Frank
Mitchell, Jack
Mitchell, James (Jim) F * Mary Sue (Womack)
Mitchell, N. E. (Rev) & Laura L.(Pierce)
Mitchell Jr., William Benjamin
Mizera, Veronika
Mohr, Anna
Moler, Jack Norman
Molock, Emmett John & Vernie Mae
Monell, Maella
Monroe, Bula
Monroe, Bradley Scott
Monroney, Almer E. "Doc"
Montgomery, Bessie
Moody, Eunice J.
Mooney, Madalee Sarah Maddux
Moorad, Chrissy
Moore, Charlie
Moore, Charlie P.
Moore, George Crittendon
Moore, Henry
Moore, Isaac E.
Moore, Jess
Moore, Madaline Smith
Moore, Nancy Carole (Morton)
Moore, William
Mootassem, Pamela Jennings El
Moreland, Ezekiel "Zeke" Herndon
Moorhead, Milton B.
Moreland, Harold Lewis & Ezekiel "Zeke" Herndon
Moreland, Terry Virgil
Moreland, Walter James & Vivian L.
Morgan, Bill
Morgan, Melvin L & Lola Betrice (Dailey)
Morgan, Lucian P.
Morgan, Raymond L.
Morris, James Coffey
Morris,Thomas Wesley
Morrison, Infant son of W. P. Morrison
Morrison, J. W. (Mrs.)
Mosby, Thelma K.
Mosier, Floydayle
Moss, E.
Moulton, Mabel
Moulton, Muriel F. "Merle"
Mounts, Robert (Mrs.)
Mountcastle, Robert Miujgan
Muegge, Emil G.
Muegge Lois
Mulky, Frank L.
Mullens, Becky Copeland
Munz, W. C. Mrs.
Murcer, Bobby Ray
Murphy, John W.
Murphy, O. P.
Murphy, Rayford Lee
Murphy, Dr. Robert William "Bob"
Murphy, Retta Chloe (Stewart)
Murrah, Alfred Paul (Judge)
I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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Copyright © 1997-2015. NO PART may be reproduced without author's permission.

You found this information at

bullet Murphy, O. P.
bullet Murphy, Rayford Lee
bullet Murphy, Dr. Robert William "Bob"
bullet Murphy, Retta Chloe (Stewart)
bullet Murrah, Alfred Paul (Judge)
I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated:
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Copyright © 1997-2015. NO PART may be reproduced without author's permission.

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