Jones, Webb

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Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 5, 1923, page 2

Former Police Chief is Dead

Webb Jones, Veteran Peace Office, Here in 1890 Succumbs to Illness.

Webb Jones, 61 years old, widely known veteran peace officer, died at his home 1629 West Seventh street, at 6.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. He had been in failing health for a year.

Coming to Oklahoma in 1890 from his birthplace, Bowling Green, Ky; Jones spent the greater part of his life in Oklahoma City. While the path of duty as an officier led him many times into danger, it was never necessary for him to "notch his gun." old officers say. He was very kind and cheerful but fearless, they say.

He served as an officer practically all of the time he lived in Oklahoma. Jones was one of the first deputy marshals who preserved order in the ____ settled territory in early days. Later, he served as deputy sheriff under Mike O'Briwn and was chief of police under the administration of Whit M. Grant. During the past six years, he was truant officer of the Oklahoma City schools until July 1, when he resigned because of ill health...

Jones leaves his widow and one brother, F. B. Jones of Pettigrew, Ark., and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Couchman, 1431 East Twenty-second street, Oklahoma City.

Furneral arrangements had not been made.

[note: the obit of F. B. Jones  list this same sisters name and address in his obit, Mrs. Hattie Couchman, 1431 East Twenty-second street]






Sources: fair use as stated above

Contributed by Marti Graham, June 2007. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.


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