Johnson, Wade

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The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 10, 1907
page 5

Wade Johnson Admits Crime

Arrested, He Confesses Having Slain Willis Jackson In A Quarrel
Says Acted in Self Defense
Another Negro Gave Policeman Inman Tip That Led To The Arrest.

Wade Johnson, a negro wanted by the authorities of Pottawatomie county for the murder of Willis Jackson, also a negro, was captured Tuesday night by officers of this city at a rooming house on West First street near the cotton blossom saloon.

The information that led to the arrest of Johnson was given by a negro who has left town. While awaiting the train at the Rock Island depot, he told Officer William F. Inman of the presence of the negro for whom a warrant had been issued, and later Johnson was locked up in the city jail.

The negro prisoner has made a confession of the killing, claiming that Jackson slashed him with a knife and the killing was done in self defense.

The tragedy occurred prior to Christmas in the eastern part of Pottawatomie county, just across the line from Econtuchka, Seminole Nation. A deputy sheriff from Shawnee will arrive here this morning to take Johnson to Tecumseh for trial.

The police have no advice of a reward being offered for Johnson's apprehension.


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Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
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