N. Jasper Price
With producing oil wells on property he owns in Seminole County, N. Jasper Price, who makes his home in Okemah, is one of the leaders in the industrial movement of this community where he has achieved a high reputation for his general activities and his outstanding qualities of citizenship. Reared as a farmer, he engaged in that occupation for many years, only abandoning it in some small measure when his interests grew to such proportions that they required a large share of his time. For more than a quarter of a century he has been a resident of the Southwest, coming here before statehood. He is a man of progress, an agriculturist of ability and long experience, a citizen of irreproachable integrity, an ornament to Oklahoma's population.
He was born in Alabama, June 12, 1881, a son of Francis M. and Victoria Price, his father having been one of the members of the pioneer families of that State. His education was confined to the elementary grades of the public schools. His life-work beginning on the home farm. In 1903 he came to the Indian Territory and leased one hundred and sixty acres of Indian land, engaging in farming. For eight years he cultivated his farm, purchasing it in 1911 and selling in 1917, when he bought eighty acres from his brother Frank Price in Seminole County. To this purchase he had added until he now owns 311 acres, rich in pasturage and overlying valuable oil deposits. This land he has leased for the oil and gas rights and has a number of producing wells. He is also financially interested in other mineral properties. In 1925 he purchased one hundred and fifty-five acres of land one-half mile east of Okemah, which is improved with modern buildings essential to a fine farm and where he makes his home. He is a Democrat in politics and a member of the Baptist Church.
N. Jasper Price married in Okemah, Oklahoma February 2, 1910, Alpha Burns, daughter of John and Ella Burns. Their children are Ralph, born December 17, 1911, a high school graduate and Beulah, born March 30 1916, a high school graduate.
-Contributed by Illawynne Goodall from Oklahoma-State and People Vol. III
©2002 Linda Simpson
August 11, 2002