The Frank D. Price Family History
Frank D. and Arizona Price
When Frank D. Price came to Holdenville, Indian Territory, more than twenty-seven years ago, he had a cash capital of five dollars, which he had earned by the sweat of his brow at the hardest sort of farm labor. But he had something more valuable than money. It was an indomitable spirit and energy and an industrious nature that could brook no idleness. His vision was broad and he saw the potentialities of the country that was beginning to awake under the prod of civilization. Using his brain and convincing men of his honesty, he became possessor of a team of mules and a bit of unimproved land. He went to work, building himself a log hut in which to live. Today he is the owner of many acres and of valuable oil and gas wells that lie beneath them, a man of means and of the very highest reputation as a good citizen. He is a lover of the great outdoors, an ardent advocate of progress, ever ready to lend his hand and his purse to civic advancement, a delightful companion and a staunch friend.
He was born in southern Alabama, on his father's farm, a son of Francis M. and Victoria Price, received an education in the public elementary and high schools and came to the Indian Territory in 1901, settling in Holdenville. Here he leased some land and engaged in general farming. He had been employed on a farm at a wage of eighteen dollars per month, out of which he saved a little, but at Holdenville his sole assets were five dollars in cash. His first crop was cotton and corn, with the proceeds from the sale of which he extended the scope of his operations to include stock raising in a small way. In 1908 he bought forty acres of the one hundred and sixty he had under lease, later adding to his holdings until he was absolute owner of the entire farm, acquired solely by his industry and knowledge of the business. He sold eighty acres of this land to his brother, N. Jasper Price, leasing the balance for oil and gas rights. He has eleven producing oil wells on the property, with bright prospects for others. In 1926 he purchased eighty acres of land on the outskirts of Okemah, where he now resides. His recreations consist of hunting and fishing and each season he spends a time in Mexico, where he goes for deer, wild turkey and other game. He is a democrat in politics and attends the Missionary Baptist Church.
Frank D. Price married in Ashland, Alabama, December 7, 1901, Arizona Bradford, daughter of Bailey and Sarah Ann Bradford. Their children are Vada, born January 18, 1903, a graduate of the normal School at Ada, Oklahoma. Homer, born April 16, 1906, a high school graduate, and Melford, born May 30, 1908, a high school graduate.
-Contributed by Illawynne Goodall grand-daughter of Frank and Arizona Price from Oklahoma-State and People Vol. III
©2002 Linda Simpson
August 11, 2002