1918 - "Mrs. Lily Day of Castle, wife of Joseph R. Day, who was reported killed in action in France on Sept. 20, has received a telegram from the war department informing her that her husband is now reported wounded in a hospital . . ." Joseph Day later became County Treasurer and court clerk.
Alonzo Campbell was a marshall for Judge Parker. He was the father of Jim Campbell, John Campbell, and Lillie Campbell Edwards. Plez Campbell was a merchant. He was the father of Delso Campbell, Arther Campbell, Mack Campbell, Clarkence Campbell, Ethel Bradley and Alice Kenneda.
Mrs. Lura A. Box, owner and manager of the Box Hardware and Furniture store, came to Okemah on April 22, 1902, the official day of the opening of Okemah. She was postmistress from 1906 until 1911.
Morse: Mule Shoe Ranch, owned by Judge N. B. Moore, operated by the Manwarrings, covered thousands of acres of pasture land. Hugh Smith's father, Pegleg, bought part of his place which was in Okfuskee and Okmulgee counties. Pioneers and farmers in the area included Woodwards, Hopwoods,Musgroves, Sowders, Fulcoms, Tanners, Deans, Magridges, Lowrimores, Storms,Lanes, Cases, Pratts, Masons, Bishops, Watsons, Burnetts, Camps, Eskridges, Nichols, and Harpers. Benton Callahan came from Graves Creek to Okfuskee in1896 or 97, where he farmed, raised cattle, and grew fruit. Indian families in the area included Harjo, Cash, Yahola, Hennehar, Knight, Tiger, Micco, Bear, Foster, Wesley, Davis, Scott, Stoddard, Hicks, Crow, Mulivisey, Martin Chohayo, Alex Harjo, Weetu Harjo, Peleg Franklin (had Frank and Annie), Tupper Dunn, Wm. Barnett, Lumer Foster (Jane), Nicey Knight, Billy-Nicy Yarhola, Mary and Ollie Bunner, Mistaly Chupca 1907.
Raymond Fields, Bill Graham, and Paulyte White were among the eight members of the graduating class of Okemah High School in 1916. Bill Graham went to O.U. to study geology. Paulyte was a trombonist in Sousa's Band. Raymond, "the student with the photographic mind" left Okemah and went to Cedarvale,KS. He later taught school at Pleasant Valley before entering the service for WWI. He was in the 2nd Rainbow Division under General MacArthur. He returned to Okemah to marry his childhood sweetheart, Muldred Ballard. He worked for the Oklahoma News and in 1925 bought the Guthrie Daily Leader.
1939 - Okemah "The first stone house, and a two-story one at that, was constructed by George D. Harvison about 30 years ago for J. J. Roland. Harvison, who still lives here, said it was the first building of its kind here. . ."
August 4, 1940 - members of the Pecan Bowl association of Okemah W. O.Black, Rep. Lyle H. Boren, O. D. Bras, V. K. Chowning, Harry Cook, H. B.Deardord, L. R. Dobbins, Glenn E. Dill, Grover Haydon, Gail R. Kennedy, W.C. McIntosh, Bill Manwarring, James W. McMahan, A. C. Martin, John Merideth, E. E. Parsons, Gov. Leon C. Phillips, Burr Randles, J. E.Scribner, Harry Scoufos, William L. Seawell, C. M. Seran, G. W. Shultz, Jack Smyth, Dr. L. J. Spickard, Boy Suppes, L. D. Tindall, W. P. Wood
Feb. 25, 1909 - Okemah Ledger - "Burr Randles bought a half interest in the Palace Drug Store from Fletcher White, the founder of the store, and the two men have formed a partnership and both will take an active part in the business. . ."
1913 - Okemah "W. M. Clowers of west of town was in after a load of lumber for a four room addition that he is building to his home. He already has a seven room home and the new addition will give him eleven. He is a great fruit raiser and takes an interest in that work, and says that we have a fine prospect for another good fruit crop this year."
Dills Ranch, owned by W. H. Dill and Glenn E. Dill, located four miles west of Castle, Oklahoma on the North Canadian River bottoms. Four well-known cowboys helped with the livestock on the ranch: Jesse Davis, Grover Haydon, Charlie Claunch, and Andy Higgins. Luther S. Williams moved his family to the ranch to oversee the crops. Later, Jesse Davis and Charlie Claunch each owned his own farm, and Mr. Williams became a big landholder in Canada.Grover Haydon bought "the world's largest natural pecan grove" from W. H. Dill and named the place Haydonville. Haydonville was near Okfuskee and comprised about 1300 acres. The Dill Ranch was home to about 27 families, including the Kilgores, Stockstills, Crisps, Hezzie Williamses, Horners, Lees, Scribners, Hartzogs, Ralph Footes, Ben Taylors, and the Eric Mayes family. Doyle Alexander was foreman from 1926.
Henry Trow came to Okemah in 1926 from Toronto, Canada. T. A. Trow was a baker from the age of 14. He worked in eastern bakeries before coming to Okemah in 1924, where he worked in the Cox bakery until 1930, then purchased the Cox Bakery in Henryetta in 1932. The Cox Bakery of Okemah was purchased by T. A. Trow in 1936.
1930 - John Storms and his brother Alfred "Sleepy" Storms began a grocery business in Okemah on May 20, 1918. John Storms was chairman of the City Council and a member of the First Methodist Church. He was born in Nebraska 52 years ago and came to Indian Territory from Kansas at the age of 9; came to Okemah 25 years ago, before Oklahoma was a state.
1939 - Mr. And Mrs. Henry Aberson began a ready-to-wear store in Paden in1914, then moved their store to Okemah in 1931. Aberson is active in Masonic Lodge, Kiwanis, chamber of commerce, and spends much time in Boy Scout work. Other personnel who work in the store are Mrs. J. D. Kezer, Mrs. Roy Collins, and Mrs. James Weaver.
C. L. Overall, owner of the Dixie Store, came to Oklahoma from Tennessee.He came to Okemah in 1931.D.E. P. Dick, grocer, came to Oklahoma in 1908 from Paris, Texas.
The 1912 Okemah High School football team consisted of Guy Board, Bill Johnston, Charlie Earnest, Elton Forest, Fillmore Tufts, Bill Graham, Herb Miller, Dan Custar, Ed Ball, Ed Clowers, E. A. Dunham (coach), WylieTaylor, and Sam Davis (coach).
The 1918 Okemah football team included Harold Sibley, center, Leonard Cowan, LG, Oakley Crossley, LT, Charlie Castle, LE, Willie Kier, RG, Joe Reedman, RT, Guy Fears, RE, Raymond Board, HB, Clarence Cowan, RHB, A. B.Jones, LHB, Robert McMahan, FB, Oakley Wadsack, sub.
The 1909 Okemah football lineup included E. Bearden, L.T. Hayman, L. G.Moon, C. Ball, R. G. Tennyson, R. T. Dossey, R. E. Whyte, T. B. Bowlin, R.H. Eaton, Q. B. Patterson, L. H. Henry.
The 1909 Weleetka lineup included Northrup, Browning, Ed Heard, Lawrence, Elmer Heard, Canard, Hinds, Tom Robinson, Sims, Kennedy, Bud Roninson.
From a child's obituary, about 1904 - Frank Bishop, oldest child of C. G.Bishop, born in Williamston, KY Nov. 23, 1893 of family of 8 this is first of golden chain to be broken.
E. O. Dexter and his wife Jennie Dexter - Dexter is the son of a founder of Okemah. H. B. Dexter was a founder but he died in May after the town was opened in April, so his son came to Okemah where he remained until his death.
George W. Perry family from East Tennessee in a covered wagon to Morse, IT.
Reverend John R. Webb came to Okemah as pastor of the St. Paul's Methodist church when his son Robert was seven years old and his daughter Margaret was 2 1/2. He had previously been in Broken Arrow, OK. He was born in southern Texas, moved with his parents to Louisiana, and then to Oklahoma in 1918. He attended Oklahoma City University for a year, then three years at Asbury College, KY. He has also studied at Iliff School of Theology in Denver and the Garret Biblical Institute of Evanston, IL.
Jarvis Schoolhouse in 1906 was four miles west and one and one-half miles south of Okemah, on what later became the Jim Byrd Ranch. Mr. And Mrs.Clarence Rebman and two daughters, Nellie Sanders Rose, and A. Sanders, inventor of the Sanders Cotton Truck and a Civil War veteran, were photographed near the school. Photo at Okfuskee County Historical Society.
Mrs. Mattie Martin and L.F. Martin were pioneers of the Mason area.
Mrs.Martin lived to the age of 105.
Rev. Crosby of the M.E. Church South married Mr. R. M. Parsons and Miss Mary Bass three miles southeast of this city, Sunday afternoon.
Wm. Huser and Charles London, two attorneys from Waurika, Okla., have decided to open a law office in this city and enter the practice.
Thomas Lovelady of Wewoka was here Sunday visiting his brother, Dr. Benton Lovelady.
G.E. Clark of Huntsville, Ark. Arrived here Monday to visit his brother-in-law, J.S. Stone, and will more than likely remain here to make his home.
J.W.Whitwell returned home Wednesday from West Plains, Mo., where he spent ten days with relatives and friends.
Monday was Castle day at the county seat. Among the visitors were J.E. Eastman, J.W. Linton, W.S. Austin, F.E. Driskill, M.L. Boulware, C.F. Fine, John Bakhaus, R.W. Armstrong, J.E. Driskill, J.B. Phillips and several others.
Monday was D.J. Kezer’s seventy-seventh birthday, and his daughter, Miss Hattie of Shawnee, came over to spend the day with him. "Dad" says he feels as well as he ever did in his life, and works at his market-gardening every day.
The band boys went out on Greenleaf for a picnic Sunday and remained over until Monday. In the party were J.B. Patterson and son, J.K. Lamb and son, J.R. Grandel, G.B. Wilkinson, W.E. Clark, G.S. Thompson, Verlin White, Ray Wortman, Sam Gray, Walt Sheppard, Carl Eaton, Willard Scraper, Chas Greenwall and Jim Kezer. The boys practiced playing and marching while out and are getting ready to give a band concert. Their regular practice nights are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. The boys are playing good music and have offers to play for the Fourth at several places.
E.C. Dudgeon has sold his interests in the Okemah Lumber & Coal Co. To William Bonifield of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. Bonifield and family will arrive here in a few days to make his future home in Okemah. Mr. Bonifield is a brother-in-law of Mr. J.J. Minton. Mr. Dudgeon will remain in Okemah and be in the real estate business.
T.H. Wren of Ann Arbor, Mich., has joined county Attorney A.A. Hatch in the law office at Weleetka.
R.R. Lee and R.G. LeMay of Lewisville, Ark., bought out the grocery store of Clough & Whisenhunt Monday and are now in charge of the store.
D. Irons of Okfuskee was in town Tuesday to meet his father, who returned home from Hot Springs, Ark.
Miss LaVerne Skalicky, sister of Mrs. Gilbert Wood of this city, and well known to the young people of Okemah, was recently married in Oklahoma City to Harry Foreman of that city.
J.K. Arnold of Castle was a visitor in town Tuesday and is making plans to attend the annual Confederate Reunion at Memphis, Tenn.
A.C. Christopher returned Saturday after spending several days with his parents and old friends near Girard, Ill.,
Loyd White returned home Monday from a visit with his grandparents at Shawnee.
W.N. Dill and Ralph Dill were called to Champaign, Ill., Tuesday by the serious illness of their father.
Mrs. C.T. Farrow is visiting her son, Oscar Kilgore, in Oklahoma City, and our city marshal says it‘s lonesome about home.
Wm. Bonifield of Toledo, Ohio, was in this city several days the past week prospecting and visiting his brother-in-law, J.J. Minton. Mr. Bonifield may decide to locate here.
Dr. W.H. Davis, M.L. Boulware, Robert Armstrong, F.E. Driskill and Luther McCleonon of Castle were down Tuesday night attending Masonic Lodge.
Mr. And Mrs. S.T. Palmer and son visited Mr. Palmer’s parents near Ada, several days last week.
S.L. O’Bannon returned home Sunday after a few days visit with his parents in Mississippi.
Carroll Jones returned to his home in McMinnville, Tenn., Tuesday after an extended visit with his son, R.B. Jones and family.
William Allen of Nebraska who bought a tract of land from J.J. Minton laying north of town, has let a contract to Henry Mansur for the erection of a big barn which he will occupy as a residence until a house can be built. Mr. Allen and family will arrive about the first of March to make Okemah his permanent home.
Dr. Jennings Fuller of Old Mexico is here making his parents, Mr. And Mrs. T.L. Fuller a few days visit. Dr. Fuller will go to Fort Smith, Ark. From here.
Edgar Noble of Okmulgee was here Tuesday on business matters and spent the day with his parents, Mr. And Mrs. A.W. Noble.
C.T. Coplin, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Coplin, returned to his home in Shelbyville, Illinois, Sunday.
C.J. Coons left today for Jacksonville, Ill., where he will visit home folks for a few days.
Wm. Duke the jolly clerk in the R.B. Jones & Co. Store left here a few weeks ago to take his grandmother to Tennessee on a visit and to visit his mother at McMinnville. Tuesday a week ago he went to Trousdale Tenn. Where he and Miss Florence Brewer were married.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Martin returned home Saturday after several days spent in visiting with relatives at Concordia and other points in Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Huddleston arrived home Saturday
from a visit with relatives in Middle Tennessee.