Cemeteries of Murray County, Oklahoma |
Murray County is the third smallest county in Oklahoma, yet it has 41 cemeteries or burial grounds that we have recorded at last count. We have recently learned of one other small cemetery that is located near Dougherty. It is known as the "Walnut Cemetery". Its general location is between the old Rayford Quarry and 1/2 mile north of Sorghum Flats cemetery. We have searched many times for this grave site and have found nothing even though there are many people that say the graves exist. There are supposedly about 10 graves located here. There are three African American (AA) Cemeteries in Murray County that we have found to date. They are 5 Mile Cemetery, James Cemetery and Oak Ridge Cemetery. The links are listed on the right. There are also two cemeteries that are exclusively Native American (NA). The Sandy Baptist is mostly Chickasaw Indian burials. The Salem Presbyterian Church at Oak Grove is mostly Choctaw Indian burials. Links to these cemeteries are listed on the right. Most of the cemeteries in Murray County are in good shape and well kept or at least protected. Several of these are not in good shape and are in real danger of being taken back by the earth. These cemeteries include Walnut Cemetery, Oak Ridge and Swayback. They are seriously overgrown and stones are broken and toppled. We are pleased to say that the new property owners of the Old Washita cemetery have cleaned up the graves, mowed and planted flowers around the stones. The registry of Green Hill Cemetery in Davis is brought up to the year 2000. The registry of Oaklawn in Sulphur is online and is dated up to 1983. There is no plan as of now to bring them to the year current. If you are aware of a cemetery in Murray County that is not listed here, please let us know. If you know of an interment that is not listed in a particular cemetery, please let us know. There are many, many unknown burials in all these pioneer cemeteries and all additions are welcomed. Dennis Muncrief Eulogy to an Abandoned Graveyard a poem by Fredrick A. Olds "Show
me your cemeteries, and I will tell you what kind of people you
have." |
OTHER CEMETERY LINKS African American Cemeteries online. Native American Cemetery Readers |
Wynnewood View Cemetery |
Old Washita - McMennimen |
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