Post Offices of Murray County
Post Offices of Murray County

"Price" was the first post office in Murray County (1884).

Samuel R. Offutt was the first postmaster.

Community Date Started Date Ended Other Names Used
Arbuckle 1911 1922 Crusher/Big Canyon
Big Canyon 1922 1961 Arbuckle/Crusher
Buckhorn 1890 1910 none
Chigley 1900 1914 none
Crusher 1904 1911 Arbuckle/Big Canyon
Davis 1890 Active none
Dougherty 1887 Active none
Drake 1901 1920 none
Gilsonite 1900 1909 none
Hickory 1893 1964 none
Iona 1894 1929 none
Nebo 1890 1922 none
Palmer 1892 1915 none
Price Aug 20, 1884 1887 Sorghum Flat
Scullin 1901 1954 Vaughn
Sulphur 1895 Active none
Vaughn 1896 1901 Scullin
Washita 1887 1900 none

                     Contributed by Dennis Muncrief, November 2000.