Census of Murray County, Oklahoma |
For a Murray County Township Map go here.
Murray County, OK Census Lookups Candace Gregory has volunteered to do lookups for the various census not listed on this website. You can email her your question by clicking HERE.
1890 Oklahoma Territory Census Index Indian Territory Census - 1766 - 1929 1904 - List of Property Owners - Sulphur Springs, I.T. 1900 - Allen Township - Twp 1 S, R 2 E 1900 - Allen Township - Twp 2 S, R 2 E 1900 - Brady Township -Twp 1 N, R 1 E 1900 - Coyle Township - Twp 1 N, R 2 E 1900 - Coyle Township - Twp 2 N, R 2 E 1900 - Leeper Township - Twp 1 N, R 3 E 1900 - Leeper Township - Twp 2 N, R 3 E 1900 Lowrance Township - Twp 1 S, R 3 E 1900 Lowrance Township - Twp 1 S, R 4 E 1900 - Morgan Township - Twp 2 S, R 3 E 1900 - Morgan Township - Twp 2 S, R 4 E 1900 - Mosley Township - Twp 1 N, R 4 E 1900 - Turner Township - Twp 1 S, R 1 E 1900 - Turner Township - Twp 1 S, R 1 W 1900 - Turner Township - Twp 2 S, R 1 E 1910 - Coyle Township work in progress
Here are some things to keep in mind when reading one of these census transcriptions.
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