McClain County Historical & Genealogical Society

McClain County, Oklahoma
Historical & Genealogical Society

203 West Washington
Purcell, McClain County, Oklahoma, 73080

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2009-2010 Officers

President - Wayne Toomoth
1st Vice President - Annie Enox
2nd Vice President - Johanna VanVeen
Secretary - Inez Simmons
Treasurer - Joyce Rex
Editor News - Susan Gabel

Mission Statement

To research, preserve and perpetuate the history
of McClain County and its people!

Interested in joining our group?? Membership in the McClain County, Oklahoma Historical and Genealogical Society is open to all interested persons. Membership is due, March 1st of EACH YEAR. Annual fees of $10.00 for Participating/(Working) Members, $15.00 for Sustaining/Supporting Members (Non-active, but interested in the aims of the Society). Husband and wife w/1newsltr - $25.00. Out of State members often fall into this category. $100.00 for Life Members. Honorary Members (individually voted by membership) ($4.00 includes newsletter). Click here for an application.

Just fill this in and mail it along with your dues to the McClain County Historical and Genealogical Society, 203 W. Washington, Purcell, Oklahoma 73080.

Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at the Masonic Hall. It is located at 900 N Canadian, Purcell, Oklahoma. No meetings held during June, July or August.

Museum Hours:  Weekdays - Noon - 4 PM. Reservations for groups will be accepted by writing in advance. Please write several weeks in advance of your planned visit so additional tour guides can be scheduled.

The McClain County Museum contains eleven rooms of pioneer furniture and artifacts. In addition to a photograph collection of over 1000 prints, there also is a collection of family histories and data about the early history of the county.

The Museum is closed on all Federal and State holidays, in addition to weekends, unless arrangements have been made previously.

Before sending in a request for research, please check here for records that LDS has.

At this time we can not research for free, so when sending a request for research, please include a SASE, donation and if possible a pedigree chart and/or family group sheet of the person.

Charles Morgan McClain
A Family History
Place and Location Names
of McClain County, Oklahoma
Gold and Silver Mines of McClain County
by Joyce Rex

A History of Sheriff's
of McClain County, Oklahoma
Law Enforcement Officers Resident to Early Purcell
Michael Towers Oklahombres
McClain County Museum
Centennial Notes

Publications For Sale


McClain County, Oklahoma (Old Pontotoc County, Chickasaw Nation)

Obituaries and Other Death Records

1887 - ?

From Early Newspapers, Church Records and Other Sources

This book, featuring over 2500 indexed obituaries from the newspapers, church records and other sources of McClain County is now available for Sale!
These entries begin with the first published paper in November 1887 and continue into the 1930's. Some additional dates have been included by special request.
Each entry contains the name of the person, or identification, date and place of death, if known, many times his/her birthplace, identifying information and the newspaper, page number and column numbers where it is located. Many of these are people who did not have a tombstone to be included in our cemetery listing, or a local burial.
Copies may be obtained from the Historical Society by mail, or at the Museum.

They are $30.00 each. Add $5.00 if you want the book mailed to you. Oklahoma residents, please add $2.70 sales tax.

Marriages McClain County, Oklahoma Marriages (1863-1895).

Marriages IN and OF residents of Old Pontotoc County Chickasaw National Indian Territory, gleaned from newspaper, family and church records and other miscellaneous sources.
Soft Back, separate groom and bride indexes, OVER 1000 names.
$25.00, postage and handling $3.00 (+2.25 sales tax for Oklahoma residents).

History McClain County, Oklahoma History and Heritage

Books 1 & 3, Hard Backed. Book 2 Soft Backed. Area, town and family history and photos. Each a separate book, material as submitted. Surname indexed.
$32.00 plus $5.00 postage and handling (+2.88 sales tax for Oklahoma residents) per book.
Check here for an index of surnames in these books. The surname may be listed in the town history, area history, photographs of the area or towns, or in the family histories.

Cemeteries  McClain County, Oklahoma Death Records (1882-).

This book is out of print at this time. We will be working on a revision of this book with corrections and new information added. Publication date to be announced later.

Census  1890 Chickasaw National, Indian Territory Census

Book 1  PONTOTOC CO.  Census and 1878 Annuity Rolls. (McClain, parts of Garvin, Murray, Johnston, Coal and Pontotoc Counties, Oklahoma)
Book 2  PICKENS CO.  Census (Now Love, Marshall, parts of Grady, Garvin, Stephens, Jefferson, Murray, Carter, and Johnston Counties, Oklahoma).
Book 3  TISHOMINGO AND PANOLA COS.  (Bryan county and parts of Johnston, Murray, and Pontotoc Counties, Oklahoma). No Panola census. 1878 Annuity Rolls for the 3 remaining territorial counties, plus miscellaneous records and "KEYS TO INDIAN TERRITORY RESEARCH."  Indexed.
Each Book $27.50 plus $5.00 postage and handling (+$2.48 sales tax for Oklahoma residents).

This page was updated: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2018 01:05:25 MDT

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