Assorted News Clippings - 1890 - 1891

Miscellaneous News Clippings
1890 - 1891

Mohave County Miner.
May 31, 1890,
Mineral Park, A.T. Ariz. 1882-1918
Oklahoma Organized

Guthrie, OK., May 23, – The people of Oklahoma gathered here to-day to welcome the first governor of the new territory, and the streets were crowded until walking was difficult and riding impossiile, and yet with all this there was no dis- order, At the close of a speech the governor administered the oath of office to Judge Seay of Missouri and Judge Clark of Wisconsin, A grand reception was given in the evening and an opportunity was given to all to meet the new officers of state.

Mohave County Miner.
July 19, 1890,
Mineral Park, A.T. Ariz. 1882-1918
Was He Poisoned?

Kansas City, July 10, – City Chemist Hunter has a human heart, stomach, lungs and kidneys which were brought to this city last night by Coroner Winterstein of Guthrie to be analyzed. They are those of William R. Parr, who died last Saturday evening on his farm near Guthrie. He was given a cup of tea by his mother-in-law and in five minutes after drinking it went into convulsions and his death followed. It is suspected that there was poison in the tea. Parr's father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately started to sell what property he had left and leave Oklahoma. Their arrest changed their plans. Parr's body was buried hurriedly Sunday morning without permit, but was disenterred.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
November 28,1890
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
A Witness Murdered.

Guthrie. O. T., Nov. 27. – A tragedy in the notorious McPeek-Westland claim affairs has occurred. May Bailey, a witness in the case, was to testify yesterday, but on Tuesday night she died in great agony from the effects of arsenic poisoning. McPeek is suspected, and it is likely that be will be lynched.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
December 03, 1890
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
Rattled Legislators.

Guthrie, O. T., Dec. 2. – A soldier accidentally fired into the powder house stationed outside the city and a terrific explosion occurred. The city was shaken as if by an earthquake. The legislators who were in session were badly frightened, and rushed out of the building, thinking their hall was falling down. No one was killed by the explosion.

Sacramento Daily Record-Union.
December 25, 1890
Sacramento, Calif. 1875-1891
Oklahoma's Legislature.

Guthrie (O. T), December 24th. – Oklahoma's first Legislature adjourned to-night. It has passed a Complete of laws – the composition of Dakota, Indiana, Nebraska and Illinois statutes. The capital question was the upper most in the minds of the Senators. Every other measure was secondary, but when they found that Governor Steele would not approve the capital removal bill, they get down to work in earnest and did all they could to adopt a code of laws best suitable to the people of Oklahoma.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
February 01, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896

This Is the Personnel of the Cherokee strip Boomers.

St. Louis, Jan. 31. – Alvin (J. Hartley of Guthrie, Ok., one of the original Oklahoma boomers, has arrived in St. Louis from the Cherokee strip boomer camp.
"I was astonished to find how many; of the old set are with the present invaders," he said. "There are a lot of restless spirits on the frontier who are always engaged in such enterprises. The present expedition certainly means business, and unless decisive measures are taken, to prevent it before another week has passed, they will have all the best land in the Cherokee strip located. Their claim is that the land is now the property of the United States, part of the public domain and subject to pre-emption and homesteading, as other parts of the public lands are. They maintain that the interior department cannot prevent entry being made by simply withholding the proclamation opening the territory.
They intend to go in and take up claims unless forcibly kept out, and, as a matter of fact, a great many have already slipped across the line and are on the ground now. To expel them will prove a very difficult task, unless the military are called in. The party, for an organization of the kind, is surprisingly. well equipped. There must be fully 500 wagons and several thousand animals. The plan that many intend to pursue is to erect buildings at once and make improvements ,as rapidly as they can, trusting that the United States will not order wholesale destruction of property if it is decided to try and expel them.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
February 12, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
Edward Laws shot and killed James Walters yesterday, at Guthrie, O. T. The trouble originated over a land claim.

The Morning Call.
February 26, 1891
San Francisco, Calif. 1878-1895
Officers Elected by the Farmers' Alliance Break Into County Offices.

Guthrie (O. T.), Feb. 25. – Two weeks' ago at a county election the Farmers' Alliance ticket was successful, but the Republican office-holders, claiming that the election was held without authority, refused to give up the offices. The farmers set up independent offices, and early this morning broke into the old county offices, opened the safes and vaults with crowbars and sledge hammers, took possession of the books and began business.

The Salt Lake Herald.
April 23, 1891,
(Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909
Women May Hold Office in Oklahoma

St. Louis, April22 – A dispatch says Chief Justice Green, at Guthrie, O. T., has rendered a decision that women are eligible to public office.
General Grier did at his residence in this city at a late hour last night.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
June 05, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
May Succeed Kauin.

Guthrie, O. T., June 4. – lt is said here that Gov. Steele, of Oklahoma, has been offered a position as commissioner of pensions by President Harrison. Gov. Steele is an Indiana man and was appointed governor by the president.

The Climax.
June 10, 1891
Richmond, Madison County, Ky. 1887-1897

Practiced By a Guthrie Bank – Started Without a Dollar and Took All it Could Get Without Intending to Pay Back

Receiver E. D. Mex, of the Commercial Bank, Guthrie, Ok, which failed some months ago, has handed in his report to the court. It shows that the bank from its inception was run with a view to take all it could in deposits and then fail. The defunct bank started without a dollar. It opened on the 22d of April, 1889. On the 23d $10,000 in silver was received from the Newton national, of Newton Kan., by express and the same day $12,00* was sent back to the Newton national. The deposits for the first three months averaged $18,000 a day. There is no record that any of the organizers of the institution or any body else ever ****** in a dollar except the depositors. The handsome brick building was built on depositors money. President J. M. Rogsdale credited himself with having deposited $55,000, while another party named T. M. Rogsdale had a credit of $48,000. The books are in a bad condition.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
June 29, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
The Story a Fake.

Kansas City, June 28. – A dispatch from the Associated Press correspondent at Guthrie, O. T.. a few miles from the Sac and Fox agency, says there is no truth in the report that the Dalton gang last night attacked their agency and made away with a large amount of booty.

The Record-Union.
September 18, 1891
Sacramento, Calif. 1891-1903
Opening of Indian Land.

Guthrie (O. T.), Sept. 17. – Governor Steele and Mayor Spagle have telegraphed President Harrison, asking for a delay in opening the lands east of this city.

The Record-Union.
September 19, 1891
Sacramento, Calif. 1891-1903
Proclamation Issued Concerning Ceded Indian Lands.

The Announcement Causes Great Exitement at Guthrie-Thousands of People Getting Into Line to Join the Crowd Already in Waiting for the Order to Go Into Effect-Trouble Looked for Between Whites and Negroes.

Special to the Record-Union.
Washington, Sept. 18.-The President has signed the proclamation opening to settlement and homestead entry the newly ceded lands of the Sac and Fox, Iowa Pottowatamie Indians, in the eastern part of Oklahoma. These lands may be entered upon next Tuesday, the 23d instant, at 12 M., central standard time.
The proclamation reviews in detail the agreements between the Government and the several tribes and bands of Indians, and also the Acts of Congress authorizing, accepting and confirming these agreements and providing for the proclamation. Notice is given in the proclamation that no person shall be permitted to enter upon and occupy the land until the time given, and no person violating this provision shall be permitted to enter any of said lands or acquire right thereto. A further notice is given that the land included in the proclamation be attached to the Eastern and Oklahoma Land Districts. Attached to the proclamation is a schedule giving a description of the land to be opened, the aggregate of which is 266,243 acres.
Guthrie(O. T.), Sept. 18.-The long- delayed news from Washington announcing the opening of the ceded Indian lands for next Tuesday was received here this morning, and caused intense excitement. The ceded reservations comprise almost as much territory as Oklahoma proper. The land lies directly east of Oklahoma. The two regions are separated by the Indian meridian line. The North Fork of the, Canadian River runs directly through the new country. Thousands of people have been camped on the meridian line for days. Companies A and D of the Thirteenth Infantry and a troop of the Fifth Cavalry are in the new territory driving out the boomers and assisting in maintaining order. Every body is now making the best possible time in getting into line to join the crowd that is already waiting for next Tuesday. In the treaty with the Sac and Fox Indians the words "open to white settlement" occur. These words are apt to cause some trouble. The Indians say will insist on their stipulations, and will not permit negroes to take lands in their country.

Guthrie (O.T.), Sept. 18 – A deputy Sherriff just arrived, and brings the news of a race war in progress just on the line of the Iowa reservation. The town of Langston was founded several months ago, and is inhabited solely by negroe. There are several thousand of them there, more are arriving daily on the line of the new lands. The negroes contemplate settling in a body in the Cimaroon Valley as soon as the lands are opened. A gang of cowboys from the Cherokee strip also have their eyes on the locality, and that any negro who attempts to settle there will be killed. Yesterday the cowboys visited Langston, got into a row, and attempted to shoot Eggleston, editor of the Herald. Last night they returned, all drunk, and fired a score of shots into a crowd of negroes on the streets. Several received slight wounds. The cowboys left swearing they would return to-day and wipe out the town. The negroes have alll armed themselves, and if they do return many will likely be killed, Officers left for the scene.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
September 30, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896

A Mad, Maniacal Scramble for Town Property at Chandler.

One Woman Thrown, Killed ,and Trampled-Fatalities Were Many.

Guthrie, O. T., Sept. 29.-Couriers who have arrived here this afternoon give the following particulars and horrible details which attended the open- ing of the government town site of Chandler, in the Sac and Fox reservation, which was opened to settlement one week ago. The town site was opened to settlement at 12 o'clock yesterday, and the scene which followed the volley of musketry which announced the opening of the town site beggars description.
A mass of 3,000 excited men and women, intent upon securing a lot. had gathered about the boundary of the town. Some were on horses, broncos, and others on foot, stripped of all superfluous clothing, each carrying a sharpened stick with name and notice of lot taken thereon, all strung to the highest pitch of excitement.
At 12 o'clock sharp the signal was given and with a mighty yell from 3,000 throats, and amid the cracking of whips, volleys of oaths, shouts and curses, a conglomerate mass of men and women, on horse and foot.


for the town lots. They clambered up the steep cliff like soldiers charging a fortress. The line was one mile long on each side and a half-mile long on each end. The rush was toward lot 38, which was reserved for a court house. As the angles of the advancing lines met, many riders were unhorsed and hurled pell mell into the road.
Many persons are reported killed and others as having received severe in juries. Miss Daisy, a representative of the Guthrie News, was thrown from her horse at the beginning of the race and striking her head on a rock was killed. The excited and merciless crowd had no time to attend the dying, and road over the body of the unfortunate woman, until it was recognized by a friend, who took it out of the surging mass of humanity. As there were three or four times as many people as there were lots, the result could be easily foretold. There are from three to six claimants for a great many of the good lots to-night. On every hand can be heard curses and high-worded discussion. It will take considerable time to adjust these differences. An Indian killed a white man over a quarrel in one of the tents where liquor was being sold.
Gov. Steele's View.
Guthrie. O. T., Sept. 29. – Gov. Steele has arrived here from Chandler. In a talk with a Daily News reporter he said: "The town site is fairly good.but not such a place as I would have selected, should I have been authorized to make the selection. The site has one good advantage over any other location; it is the geographical center of the county. There is better water there than the public has been led to believe."
The Governor said that Chandler would, in his estimation, make a town of 2,000 people soon. He said that the principal street was called Manvel in honor of the president of the Atchison, Tepeka & Santa Fe railway.
Gov. Steele speaks well of the people who were congregated on the border, and says they acted well during the delay and at the opening of the new town. In speaking of the scene when the signal was given the governor says: "It eclipsed anything of the kind I have ever witnessed."

St. Paul Daily Globe.
October 02, 1891
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896

Fifteen Hundred People Living on Vacant Lots.

Guthrie, O. T., Oct. 1.- The town site of Chandler is now a town of about a thousand people, and there are about 500 floaters, made up of adventurers of every description. Everything is tranquil. Chandler will be in a brief time a progressive town. Values have not decreased, rather increased. A lot that sold for $100 the minute after a cowboy reached it is worth $200 to-day. A messenger has arrived here who says that everybody is busily engaged in building a shelter. Everything that is consumable in the way of food brings a good price, and that information from the states is eagerly sought after. Guthrie presents a busy appearance. Hundred, of people are here waiting to "fall in line" and file the farm they have selected, but numbers are issued, and a claimant has to wait his turn in line. Miss Daisy, the lady injured when the town was opened, is not dead. A carriage and a physician have been sent out to bring her to this city. The last report was that in all probability Miss Daisy would recover.

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