Kingfisher County Oklahoma Newspaper Items

News from

The Hennessey Clipper


June 9, 1893

Hennessey Lodge No. 11 I.O.O.F. elected the following officers last Wednesday night to serve the ensuing term: N.B. Beardsley, N. G. ; S. P. Richardson, V. G.; G. H . Block, Sec'y.; Able Washburn, Treas.

Henry Wick, from Preble county, Ohio is building a neat residence on 6th street between Cheyenne and Cimarron avenues.

A new brick store room will be erected at once by S. R. Overton on the lot now occupied by the Palace barber shop and Tontz's restaurant. Later on in the season the building occupied by the Clipper durug store will be displaced by a brick structure also by Mr. Overton. It is a matter of much satisfaction to business men to see brick buildings taking the place of frames. It will have a tendency to reduce insurance rates which are so enormous at present.

October 6, 1893

The Circus in Hennessey.

Hennesseyites who went early this morning to see Sell's circus at Kingfisher, missed a better show at home. About three or four hundred Cheyenne Indians came in about 9 o'clock enroute to a visit with the Osage Indians. To those unaccustomed to seeing these peculiar people it was better than a visit to a good circus to observe their maneuvres while here and to notice their fantastic dress. With but few exceptions the women were the drivers. They were presided over by Little Chief and Yellow Bear. As is usual with them when they go visiting, they had all their worldly possessions with them including their horses, etc. They made numerous purchases while in town.

October 27, 1893

George T. Purves, of Griswold, Iowa, attended the funeral of his son, James Purves, here Sunday. Emma Purves, a sister to the deceased, arrived on Monday from Kansas City.

Justice of the peace J. T. Thompson, having located on a claim in the strip, sent in his resignation which was accepted by the commissioners last week. This leaves us with one justice of the peace.

August 25, 1893

Gambling Dens Raided

For some time it has been apparent to the observing ones that gambling has been extensively engaged in here. For reasons not made public no arrests or attempts to break up this business have been made by the city authorities. Sheriff B. W. Burchett and Deputy Abel Washburn made their appearance in town in company with County Attorney Lyle on Monday evening last. The plan of the officers was to wait until after dark when games would be well under way---but it was soon learned that one of the establishments had wind of the proposed raid---from what source they got the information, we know not---so the officers entered The Elks saloon and wnet through to the back room where they found thirty or forty men and boys gambling. A half dozen tables were in use for different gambling games -- faro, poker games, craps, etc. Sheriff Burchett walked up to the faro game and taking a handfull of chips he inquired what they were. The dealer said: "They are chips. Please don't disturb the game, Mister." "Well, I am sheriff of Kingfisher county and I take charge of these implements for gambling," replied the sheriff. The bursting of a bomb shell would have produced no more sudden scatterment than these words. Everybody made a rush for a door or a window to escape. The men in charge of the tables were arrested, but on advice of County Attorney Lyle, they were released. This action of the county attorney is strongly condemned by our law-abiding citizens. The tables, chips and gambling devices were secured by the sheriff and deputy but the gamblers got away with the money.
A visit to the gambling rooms over Moshier & Osborne's saloon that night revealed no one there. Tuesday morning Deputy Washburn again visited it and seized and destroyed the tables.
The sheriff is determined that gambling shall be supressed in Kingfisher county. In his efforts to enforce the law he shoud have the support of law-abiding citizens.

Always to be Relied Upon.

As a substantial and profitable investment Binding's Furniture may always be relied upon. It is elegant, durable and cheap.
To secure further room for our Spring exhibit we are offering at reduced prices special values in parlor and bedroom sets. Undertaker's Goods! A fine line of Undertaker's Goods consisting of cloth covered and plain Caskets, Embalming Fluid, etc. I will positively not be undersold. Thanking you all for past favors, I remain
Yours Truly,


Late August, 1893

DEATHS. D. W. Bryant, aged 42, whose home was 10 miles southeast of Hennessey, died of typhoid fever last Monday at 11 a. m. after an illness of two weeks. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. His remains were buried in the cemetery near Union schoolhouse. He came from Sumner county, Kansas and carried $2,000 life insurance in the A. O. U. W. of Kansas.

Mrs. James Gibson who lived 13 miles northwest of Hennessey, died last Sunday evening at 4 o'clock of old age. She was buried at 2 o'clock.

One of the largest funerals held in this county was that of Mr. J. W. White, who died at his home, 3 1/2 miles east and one-half mile south of here, on Sunday, Aug. 20, 1893, of rheumatism of the heart, after an illness of about 7 weeks. He was about 46 years old, and leaves a wife and seven children. His funeral occured from the Evangelical chirch and he was laid to rest in thte Lyon Valley cemetery. His neighbors paid him a mark of high respect by their large attendance at his funeral.



-- AT --

Low Prices:

For Proof Call on

Ed. Gould,

North Main St.      East Side.
Hennessey, O. T.

The Dentist is Here

Dr. Rush, the dentist, has returned from the strip and can now be found at his office in the Liddle buiding. Those who have been putting off having their work done till he returned cna now be accommodated. He will receive a limited number of cattle or hogs in exchange for dental work.

October 27, 1893



James H. Purves was born January 15, 1870, in St. John, New Brunswick, and died in Hennessey, O. T. Oct. 22, 1893.
He united with the Christian church at Antony, Kansas, in January, 1887, since which he has been a consistent and faithful member and active worker, and said at his death: "I must go to God who is calling me."
He was married to Miss Adda Fyffe, at Anthony, at Anthony, December 31, 1891, and moved to Hennessey about three months ago. On the 3rd of September he was taken ill of typhoid fever and suffered patiently for seven weeks until death came. His constant prayer was that he might live for his family's sake if it were God's will.
For over five years he was in the employ of Winter & Herzberg at Anthony, and one who served with him during that time informs us that he was honorable in all his dealings and possessed the fullest confidence of his employers and fellow clerks.
He leaves a heart-broken wife and a little son 10 months old to mourn the loss of a kind husband and loving father.
The funeral occurred from the M. E. church Sunday, at 3 p. m. the services being conducted by Elder R. W. Turner of the Christian church, after which the body was laid to rest in the cemetery northwest of town.


Henry Olivant died this morning at 5:30 o'clock, aged 60 years, 7 months, 8 days.
Mr. Olivant was born in Northampton, England, and came to America in 1866. In 1871 he went to McPherson county, Kansas and from there to Hennessey in April, 1892. Mr Olivant had a very serious illness only recently and recovered sufficiently to be up and about for several days. He was taken down again aboaut five days ago, his death occuring this morning. He leaves three children, George Olivant of Mulhall, and son Harry and daughter Mrs. Eliza Frantz, to mourn the loss of a loving parent. The funeral will occur on Saturday, October 28, 1893, at 2 p.m., from the Baptist church.


Miss Fannie Lawrence died at the home of her parents, 8 1/2 miles southwest of Hennessey, Sunday morning and was buried in the cemetery southwest of town the day following. She died of typhoid fever, and was 23 years old.


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Tuesday, 16-Apr-2002 21:22:23 MDT