Oklahoma Genealogical Society


(The First)



August 22, 1889






·        MACKEY, W.R. b-31 Santa Fe St., wife & 7 children

·        Mackey, W. carp b-63 l-8 Main

·        MacMartin, D.F. b-33 l-24 Grand, wife and 1 child

·        MADDEN, D.B. lawyer b-2 l-9 Reno

·        Magill, T.W. b-37 l-14 3rd, wife and 2 children

·        Magnish, J. con’t b-53 l-1 Reno

·        Magruder, A. b-19 l-27 3rd

·        MAIDT, H.M. real estate b-51 l-24 Main

·        Major, C.A. doctor b-4 l-24 Calif., wife & 1 child

·        Mallory, H.C. real estate b-4 l-27 Washington

·        Malone, B. merchant b-5 l-8 California

·        Mamon, J. clerk b-5 l-7 Cal.

·        Maney, S.E. b-67 l-32 Fifth, wife

·        Mangum, R. barber b-5 l-20 Grand

·        Manion, W. b-11 Santa Fe St.

·        Mann, J.C. b-52 l-29 Grand, wife

·        Mans, F. at freight office

·        Marble, A.D. real estate b-4 l-16

·        Markland, J.H. b-9 l-5 Wash., wife and 5 children

·        Marks, F.C. butcher b-63 l-8 Main

·        Markwell, W. b-20 l-29 2nd, wife and 4 children

·        Markwell, Vina b-20 l-29 Second

·        Markwell, Ed b-20 l-29 2nd

·        Martin, C. b-12 l-22 Sixth

·        Martin, J.M. b-23 l-20 Main

·        Martin, J.M. b-19 l-6 Br’dway, wife & 2 child.

·        Martin, H. b-13 Santa Fe St., wife and 3 children

·        Martin, L. Santa Fe alley

·        Martin, W. b-26 l-10 Frisco

·        Martin, G. b-20 l-20 Third

·        Martin, Mary b-17 l-27 Potta.

·        Martin, J.F. b-25 l-15 Reno

·        Martindale, D.H. b-46 l-4 Fourth

·        MARUM, D.P. stand b-23 l-7 Main

·        Marvel, L.R. b- 7 l-3 Main

·        Marvis, C.E. livery b-1 l-17 Washington

·        Mason, Chas. B-8 l-28 1st

·        Massey, G.W. b-22 l-15 Main

·        Massey, G. b-62 l-23 Main, wife and 2 children

·        Matcker, J.H. painter b-65 l-31 Third

·        Mavis, G.W. carp b-13 l-1 Noble, wife

·        Mavis, L. carp b-13 l-1 Noble

·        Maxey, J.W. b-35 l-7 Main, wife and 1 child

·        Maxwell, W. at Pickwick Hotel

·        May, L. b-8 l-7 Washington, wife & 1 child

·        Mayer, A. Santa Fe bakery b-33 l-5 California

·        Maze, H.W. druggist b-6 l-8 Main, wife

·        McAdam, R.W. pub CHIRF b-24 l-7 California

·        McAdams, K. clerk b-53 l-32 California

·        McAdams, J.A. b-47 l-17 2nd, wife and 5 children

·        McAdams, Daisy b-47 l-17 “

·        McAdams, J. b-47 l-17 2nd

·        McAfee, Wm. painter b-51 l-20 Main

·        McAfee, M.C. real estate b-51 l-20 Main, wife & 2 children

·        McApry, B.E. b-30 Santa Fe St., wife & 8 children

·        McCann, G. b-2 l-3 Reno

·        McCann, G. b-2 l-30 Wash.

·        McCann, M.D. b-52 l-5 Grand

·        McCammis, J. carp b-62 l-18 Grand

·        McCarty, J. b-23 l-20 Main

·        McCarty, J.J. b-7 l-4 Reno, wife

·        McCarty, J.C. b-7 l-4 Reno, wife

·        McClelland, G.W. law b-19 l-11 Chickasaw, wife & 2 children

·        McCluney, J. b-9 l-12 Reno

·        McCLUNG, J.M. stand b-5 l-31 Grand

·        McConnell, D. carp b-11 l-7 Broadway

·        McCormack, J.L. real estate b-22 l-1 Main

·        McCormick, R.C. butcher b-21 l-4 Broadway

·        McCurry, J.W. b-13 l-16 7th

·        McCutcheon, G.C. merch b-25 l-25 California, wife & 2 children

·        McDaniel, E. merch b-4 l-28 California

·        McDaniel, E.M. b-5 l-13 California

·        McDaniel, G. b-5 l-5 Calif.

·        McDermed, J. merch b-4 l-11 Reno

·        McDonald, J.T. b-47 l-15 Fourth, wife

·        McDonald, Safronia b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, Marie b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, Caroline b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, D.A. b-10 Santa Fe St., wife and 6 childr.

·        McDowel, A. painter b-48 l-25 Third

·        McDowell, P. b-15 l-14 Noble

·        McGaughey, B.F. b-7 l-1 Reno

·        McGee, M.P. hotel b-23 l-9 Main

·        McGee, J. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGee, H.M. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGee, C. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGinley, F.J. merch b-24 l-9 California

·        McGinnis, Bettie b-7 l-25 1st, wife & 2 children

·        McGinnis, J. b-7 l-25 1st

·        McGinty, P. b-6 l-6 Main

·        McGLINCHEY, F.J. merch b-23 l-20 Main

·        McGranahan, J. hotel b-5 Santa Fe, wife

·        McGregor, G.G. b-3 l-26 Wash., wife & 5 children

·        McIrvin, J.E. b-20 l-18 3rd, wife & 6 children

·        McKay, D. marshal b-12 l-7 Noble

·        McKay, C.L.b-12 l-32 5th, wife & 1 child

·        McKay, C.P. b-12 l-332 5th

·        McKee, J. b-4 l-30 Calif., 1 child

·        McKinley, H.D. clerk b-33 l-32 Grand

·        McKinley, W.W. carp b-11 l-12 Noble, wife & 5 children

·        McKinney, M.H. lumber b-7 l-16 Main

·        McKinney, J.D. carp b-15 l-14 Noble

·        McKinney, G. clerk b-7 l-13 First

·        McKinnis, J.P. lumber b-1 l-7 Reno

·        McMannes, J.N. carp b-62 l-2 Grand, wife & 1 chil.

·        McMaster, A.E. printer b-23 l-1 Robinson

·        McMillen, Cora b-7 l-13 1st

·        McMichael, W.T. b-69 7th, wife & 5 children

·        McMitten, D.A. b-38 l-2 3rd

·        McMurray, W.M. b-24 l-6 Cal.

·        McNABB, A.C. merchant b-17 l-7 Chickasaw, wife and 2 children

·        McNall, H.A, Santa Fe alley

·        McNally, Mrs. Cook ab-7 l-13 First

·        McNary, W.H. b-13 Santa Fe St., wife & 3 childr.

·        McNeal, Ed. printer b-7 l-13 First

·        McNeil, B.L. printer b-35 l-3 Main

·        McPherson, S. spec b-23 l-37 Broadway

·        McQnoun, C.W. b-48 l-32 3rd, wife and 4 children

·        Meador, J.P. b-4 l-3 Reno, wife and 1 child

·        Meador, Wm. b-4 l-3 Reno

·        Meechum, C. b-47 l-25 3rd, wife and 3 children

·        Meigs, G.W. carp b-65 l-2 Second

·        Mellinger, D. b-35 l-5 Main, wife

·        Menten, F. baker b-8 l-31 1st, wife & 2 children

·        Merrick, R. cook b-4 l-7 Reno

·        METHODIST CHURCH b-19 l-40 Third

·        Meyers, F. stockman b-15 l-6 Noble

·        Middleton, J. real estate b-32 l-30 California

·        Miles, O.E. real estate b-6 l-5 Main

·        Miller, M.S. merchant b-32 l-19 California

·        Miller, M.M. b-6 l-22 Grand, wife

·        Miller, R. gun smith b-31 l-1 Robinson

·        Miller, B. livery b-32 l-16 Reno

·        Miller, J.B. teacher b-53 l-3 Reno

·        Miller, M.B. b-15 l-18 Noble, wife

·        Miller, J.X. b-47 l-21 4th

·        Miller, A.J. lumber b-1 l-7 Reno

·        Miller, A. b-7 l-15 Wash., wife

·        Miller, T.A. b-7 l-15 Wash., wife and 1 child

·        Miller, B.H. livery Santa Fe alley

·        Miller, B.S. Ind supply agt reservation, wife

·        Miller, W.H. b-21 l-29 1st, wife and 1 child

·        Miller, H. carp b-38 l-23 Fourth, 1 child

·        Miller, J.P. b-40 l-7 5th, wife and 5 children

·        Miller, A. teacher b-5 l-8 Grand

·        Milligan, M.W. b-66 l-40 4th, wife & 5 children

·        Milligan, S.J. b-22 l-8 Main

·        Milligan, S.J. b-66 l-40 4th, wife

·        Mills, B.F. real estate Recorder’s office South Oklahoma

·        Minks, J. carp b-38 l-24 4th, wife & 1 child

·        MITCHELL & McDANIEL, grocers No. 10 Calif.

·        Mitchell, J.A. stand b-5 l-21 Grand

·        Mitchell, J. H. painter b-61 l-30 Grand

·        Mitchell, J.H. b-4 l-5 Reno

·        Mitchell, W.W. b-8 l-29 Noble, wife & 3 children

·        Mitchell, T.H. b-6 l-24 Noble

·        Mitchell, G.B. b-29 l-26 Choctaw, wife & 2 child.

·        Mitchell, H.B. lawyer b-34 l-6 Grand

·        Mitchell, W.W. barber b-32 l-29 California

·        Mitchell, G.A. merchant b-4 l-28 California

·        Moers, T.M. b-51 l-21 Main

·        Moffat, W. Santa Fe alley

·        Monroe, W.M. lawyer b-46 l-10 Fourth, wife and 6 children

·        Montanio, S. painter b-23 l-29 Grand, wife and 5 children

·        Montgomery, J.B. b-68 l-10 5th, wife & 1 child

·        Montgomery, S.J. b-68 l-10 Fifth

·        Moody, J.D. b-22 l-18 Main

·        Moore, J.O. carp b-67 l-10 Fourth, wife

·        Moore, S.A. mechanic b-25 l-31 California

·        Moore, E.L. operator b-53 l-1 Reno

·        Moore, D.J. b-6 l-12 Main

·        Moore, M.B. Santa Fe alley

·        Moore, L.C. b-34 l-23 Seminole, wife & 11 chi.

·        Moorehead, J. b-6 l-19 Noble

·        More, C.P. b-64 l-14 1st

·        More, L.C. b-64 l-14 First

·        More, J.E. b-64 l-16 1st, wife and 1 child

·        More, A. b-64 l-14 First

·        More, T. b-64 l-16 First

·        More, M. b-64 l-16 First

·        Morey, W. carp. b-9 l-9 Broadway, wife

·        Morey, F. carp. b-9 l-9 Broadway

·        Morey, E. b-9 l-9 Broad.

·        Morgan, G. b-24 l-1 Pota.

·        Morgan, F.H. b-32 l-3 Reno

·        Morgan, A.J. painter b-37 l-4 Second

·        Morrison, A. merchant b-6 l-26 Grand

·        Morritz, M. H. merchant b-5 l-8 California

·        Moser, Nellie b-11 l-6 Noble

·        Mower, J.W. at Pickwick hotel

·        Mullican, L. ex agt at depot

·        Mulvey, W.V. b-65 l-26 3rd

·        Murphy, S. lawyer b-34 l-5 Grand

·        Murphy, Anna b-34 l-5 Grand

·        Munger, Dr. b-22 l-32 Broadway, wife

·        Murray, P.J. b-7 l-3 Wash.

·        Myer, H. carp b-38 l-23 4th

·        Myers, J.T. stand b-61 l-17 Grand

·        Myers, J.S. b-6 l-2 Wash., wife and 4 children

·        Myers, W.L. b-26 l-22 Choctaw, wife & 8 child.




·        NAUSIN, J.N. grocer b-7 l-12 Main

·        Neal, J.T. mechanic b-51 l-28 Main, wife & 1 chi.

·        Neal, J. b-20 l-9 Broad., wife and 4 children

·        Neal, H. cook b-24 l-31 Grand

·        Neathercett, G.M. b-10 l-14 Washington

·        Negley, J.Q. b-62 court, wife and 8 children

·        Nelson, G. b-61 l-14 Cal., wife & 1 child

·        Nelson, T.W. Santa Fe alley

·        Nelson, T. b-37 l-19 Third

·        Nesbitt, W. merchant b-47 l-2 Third, wife

·        Newell, T.J. merchant b-25 l-14 Reno, wife & 2 chil.

·        Newell, S.R. clerk b-25 l-14 Reno

·        Newell, F. b-25 l-14 Reno

·        Newman, W. confect’r b-32 l-7 Reno, wife & 2 chil.

·        NEWMAN, A. merchant b-50 l-32 Third, wife

·        Nicely, J.W. wagon yard b-4 l-1 Reno

·        Niederer, C. blacksmith b-7 l-24 First, wife

·        Niles, H.H. spec b-14 l-32 Chickasaw, wife

·        Niles, Nellie b-14 l-13 Chickasaw

·        Niles, A.H. b-14 l-13 Chick.

·        Niles, Ada b-14 l-13

·        Niles, Belle b-14 l-13 Chic.

·        Nimley, S.H. b-41 l-1 6th, wife & 2 children

·        Nimocks, A.H. tinner b-33 l-16 California

·        Nisivonger, N. Carp b-47 l-22 Fourth, wife and 3 children

·        Niswonter, N.I. b-17 l-15 Sixth, wife & 3 children

·        Nix, M.L. b-37 l-14 Second, wife and 4 children

·        Nix, O.V. b-37 l-14 Second

·        Nix, Minnie b-37 l-14 2nd

·        Nix, Austin b-37 l-14 2nd

·        Nixon, W. printer b-49 l-13 First

·        Noland, J.L. merchant b-53 l-32 California

·        Nooman, D. b-10 l-7 Wash., wife and 9 children

·        Nootny, P. b-60 l- 24 Calif., wife and 1 child

·        Nordmork, A. carp b-63 l-33 First

·        Norman, R.O. jeweler b-28 l-15 Frisco, wife and 3 children

·        North, L.H. teacher b-18 l-39 Fifth, wife

·        Norton, Jennie b-15 l-24 Chickasaw

·        Nuget, M.J. b-20 l-1 Chickasaw, 1 child

·        Nurse, J. carp b-8 l-7 Broadway, wife




·        OASLEY, G.B. b-22 l-9 Main

·        Oates, L.G. carpenter b-16 l-25 Pottawatomie, wife and 6 children

·        O’Donnell, Ella b-1 l-28 Washington

·        O’Donnell, P. b-1 l-28 Wash., wife & 2 child.

·        O’Donnell, Carrie b-1 l-28 Washington

·        O’Donnell, E. b-1 l-28 Wash.

·        O’Donnell, J. b-1 l-28 Wash.

·        Ogden, F. b-5 l-18 Wash., wife and 2 children

·        Ogden, T.T. b-11 l-32 4th, wife and 7 children

·        Oglesby, M.E. barber b-22 l-31 First

·        Olin, D.W. b-25 l-23 Frisco, wife & 4 children

·        Oliver, R. Santa Fe alley

·        Olson, C. carpenter b-25 l-29 Frisco, wife and 6 children

·        O’Rourke, J. merchant b-24 l-32 F(G?)rand

·        Otto, J.B. merchant b-35 l-25 California

·        OVERHOLSER, H. spec. b-34 l-1 Grand

·        Overstreet, J.J. b-52 l-13 California, wife

·        Overstreet, R.L. merchant b-52 l-13 California

·        Owen, F.F. livery b-32 l-16 Reno

·        Owen, R.S. b-45 West Six, wife and 6 children




·        PACK, J.A. dairy b-34 l-12 Choctaw, wife & 3 child.

·        Pack, N.M. livery b-35 l-1 Choctaw

·        Pack, W.R. b-68 l-15 Fifth, wife and 4 children

·        Page, J.J. carp b-20 l-31 Pottawatomie

·        Page, S.L. carp b-20 l-31 Pottawatomie

·        Page, T.J. carp b-66 l-3 Third

·        Palmer, H.L. clerk b-34 l-20 Main

·        Parker, C. livery b-24 l-6 California

·        Parker, J. b-34 l-4 Choctaw, wife and 3 children

·        Parks, J. shoemaker b-8 1st

·        Parks, B.P. shoemaker b-23 l-5 Main

·        Parmer, J.T. carp b-38 l-29 Fourth, wife & 1 child

·        Parr, S.F. b-6 l-5 Main

·        Parr, W. printer b-24 l-7 California

·        Parr, S.F. night operator at depot

·        Parrish, B.E b-67 l-37 Fifth, wife & 1 child

·        Parson, W. b-37 l-2 Second

·        Parson, J.S. b-29 l-22 Choctaw

·        Parsons, C. b-5 l-27 Wash.

·        Parsons, W.J. b-44 l-17 Seventh, wife

·        Patrick, W.G. lawyer b-25 l-9 Reno, wife & 1 child

·        PATTERSON, W.H. lawyer b-6 l-6 Main

·        PATTERSON, Jno. ice cream parlor b-23 l-7 Main

·        Patterson, Jno. Jr., b-23 l-7 Main

·        Patterson, G. b-66 l-13 Third

·        Pawrence, M.C. Santa Fe alley

·        Payton, J. Santa Fe alley

·        Payton, G. Santa Fe alley

·        Pendleton, W.L. b-44 l-32 Seventh, wife & 5 child.

·        Penn & Co merchs b-4 l-11 Reno

·        Penney, J.H. b-48 l-12 Second

·        Penock, W. b-49 l-11 1st

·        Penticost, F.E. lumber b-5 l-1 Reno, wife and 3 children

·        Percival, M.C. b-19 l-15 Fourth, wife & 1 child

·        Perkins, G.M. engineer b-17 l-27 Pottawatomie, wife and 3 children

·        Perry, W. b-20 l-199 Third

·        Pesterfield, G. b-69 l-38 7th, wife & 4 children

·        Peter, C. b-7 l-13 First

·        Peters, C.H. b-52 l-9 Cal., wife and 1 child

·        Pettee, C.H. merch b-22 l-11 Main, wife

·        Pettejohn, A. merchant b-23 l-19 Main

·        Peyton, C.A. doctor b-22 l-38 Broadway

·        Pharos, G.D. Santa Fe alley

·        Phelps, Kittie b-65 l-26 Third

·        PHILLIPS, D.M. livery b-24 l-6 Calif., wife & 1 child

·        Phillips, J.T. b-19 l-2 Chickasaw, wife & 3 child.

·        Phillips, P.B. b-9 l-4 Washington, wife

·        Phillips, C.M. b-26 l-19 Choctaw, wife & 4 child.

·        Phillips, E. carpenter b-64 l-9 First

·        Phillips, I.N. real estate b-22 l-15 Main

·        Phillips, A.G. ice factory b-25 l-31 California

·        Pickett, B.W. spec b-23 l-42 Robinson

·        Pierson, C.T. b-8 l-25 1st

·        Pike, W. b-67 l-9 Fourth, wife

·        Pimm, W.C. b-23 l-27 Grand, wife

·        Pinkston, W.D. b-5 l-19 Grand

·        Pittman, L.G. lawyer b-23 l-35 Broadway

·        Podine, W.T.S.O. rec b-2 l-18 Reno, wife

·        Poplin, R. real estate b-23 l-43 Robinson

·        Pollard, F. clerk b-6 l-15 Main

·        Potts, M.M. b-62 l-38 Main, wife

·        Potts, Mollie b-62 l-38 Main

·        Potts, J.L. b-62 l-38 Main

·        Potts, T.M. b-62 l-38 Main

·        Price, T. barber b-8 l-28 First

·        Price, C.W. spec b-5 l-31 Grand

·        Price, T.E. barber b-5 l-20 Grand

·        Price, W.C. b-33 l-22 Grand

·        Price, W.L. b-52 l-27 Grand

·        Prichard, J.T. livery b-1 l-17 Washington

·        Prichard, May b-20 l-31 2nd

·        Prickett, J.M. marshall (sic) b-34 l-10 Choctaw, wife

·        Prince, M.E. doctor b-3 l-12 Reno

·        Pryel, J. b-10 l-11 Wash.

·        Pugh, F.B. b-20 l-8 Broad.

·        Pugh, Edna b-20 l-8 Broad.

·        Pyle, J.N. b-13 l-23 Chickasaw, wife & 1 child

·        Pyle, Alice b-13 l-23 Chickasaw

·        Pyle, Myrtle b-13 l-23 Chickasaw

·        PYLES, W.M. merchant b-32 l-17 California, wife and 3 children

·        Pyles, L.F. b-5 l-15 Calif.

·        Pyles, Frances b-32 l-17 California

·        Pyron, G.I. b-10 Santa Fe Street, wife & 9 children




·        QUEENAN, P. b-47 l-7 3rd, wife & 6 children

·        Queenan, J.J. b-47 l-9 Third

·        Queenan, T.P. barber b-47 l-9 Third

·        Quinby, G.W. clerk b-32 l-19 California

·        Quinby, G.W. b-52 l-17 Grand, wife

·        Quinby, C.C. b-52 l-17 Grand

·        Quinn, P. east Pott., wife & 5 children

·        Quinto, A. b-30 l-2 Frisco, wife & 9 children

·        Quist, J. b-22 l-1 Pottawatomie

Quong, Sam laun (4) ass’t b-22 l-35 Broadway





·        MACKEY, W.R. b-31 Santa Fe St., wife & 7 children

·        Mackey, W. carp b-63 l-8 Main

·        MacMartin, D.F. b-33 l-24 Grand, wife and 1 child

·        MADDEN, D.B. lawyer b-2 l-9 Reno

·        Magill, T.W. b-37 l-14 3rd, wife and 2 children

·        Magnish, J. con’t b-53 l-1 Reno

·        Magruder, A. b-19 l-27 3rd

·        MAIDT, H.M. real estate b-51 l-24 Main

·        Major, C.A. doctor b-4 l-24 Calif., wife & 1 child

·        Mallory, H.C. real estate b-4 l-27 Washington

·        Malone, B. merchant b-5 l-8 California

·        Mamon, J. clerk b-5 l-7 Cal.

·        Maney, S.E. b-67 l-32 Fifth, wife

·        Mangum, R. barber b-5 l-20 Grand

·        Manion, W. b-11 Santa Fe St.

·        Mann, J.C. b-52 l-29 Grand, wife

·        Mans, F. at freight office

·        Marble, A.D. real estate b-4 l-16

·        Markland, J.H. b-9 l-5 Wash., wife and 5 children

·        Marks, F.C. butcher b-63 l-8 Main

·        Markwell, W. b-20 l-29 2nd, wife and 4 children

·        Markwell, Vina b-20 l-29 Second

·        Markwell, Ed b-20 l-29 2nd

·        Martin, C. b-12 l-22 Sixth

·        Martin, J.M. b-23 l-20 Main

·        Martin, J.M. b-19 l-6 Br’dway, wife & 2 child.

·        Martin, H. b-13 Santa Fe St., wife and 3 children

·        Martin, L. Santa Fe alley

·        Martin, W. b-26 l-10 Frisco

·        Martin, G. b-20 l-20 Third

·        Martin, Mary b-17 l-27 Potta.

·        Martin, J.F. b-25 l-15 Reno

·        Martindale, D.H. b-46 l-4 Fourth

·        MARUM, D.P. stand b-23 l-7 Main

·        Marvel, L.R. b- 7 l-3 Main

·        Marvis, C.E. livery b-1 l-17 Washington

·        Mason, Chas. B-8 l-28 1st

·        Massey, G.W. b-22 l-15 Main

·        Massey, G. b-62 l-23 Main, wife and 2 children

·        Matcker, J.H. painter b-65 l-31 Third

·        Mavis, G.W. carp b-13 l-1 Noble, wife

·        Mavis, L. carp b-13 l-1 Noble

·        Maxey, J.W. b-35 l-7 Main, wife and 1 child

·        Maxwell, W. at Pickwick Hotel

·        May, L. b-8 l-7 Washington, wife & 1 child

·        Mayer, A. Santa Fe bakery b-33 l-5 California

·        Maze, H.W. druggist b-6 l-8 Main, wife

·        McAdam, R.W. pub CHIRF b-24 l-7 California

·        McAdams, K. clerk b-53 l-32 California

·        McAdams, J.A. b-47 l-17 2nd, wife and 5 children

·        McAdams, Daisy b-47 l-17 “

·        McAdams, J. b-47 l-17 2nd

·        McAfee, Wm. painter b-51 l-20 Main

·        McAfee, M.C. real estate b-51 l-20 Main, wife & 2 children

·        McApry, B.E. b-30 Santa Fe St., wife & 8 children

·        McCann, G. b-2 l-3 Reno

·        McCann, G. b-2 l-30 Wash.

·        McCann, M.D. b-52 l-5 Grand

·        McCammis, J. carp b-62 l-18 Grand

·        McCarty, J. b-23 l-20 Main

·        McCarty, J.J. b-7 l-4 Reno, wife

·        McCarty, J.C. b-7 l-4 Reno, wife

·        McClelland, G.W. law b-19 l-11 Chickasaw, wife & 2 children

·        McCluney, J. b-9 l-12 Reno

·        McCLUNG, J.M. stand b-5 l-31 Grand

·        McConnell, D. carp b-11 l-7 Broadway

·        McCormack, J.L. real estate b-22 l-1 Main

·        McCormick, R.C. butcher b-21 l-4 Broadway

·        McCurry, J.W. b-13 l-16 7th

·        McCutcheon, G.C. merch b-25 l-25 California, wife & 2 children

·        McDaniel, E. merch b-4 l-28 California

·        McDaniel, E.M. b-5 l-13 California

·        McDaniel, G. b-5 l-5 Calif.

·        McDermed, J. merch b-4 l-11 Reno

·        McDonald, J.T. b-47 l-15 Fourth, wife

·        McDonald, Safronia b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, Marie b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, Caroline b-47 l-15 Fourth

·        McDonald, D.A. b-10 Santa Fe St., wife and 6 childr.

·        McDowel, A. painter b-48 l-25 Third

·        McDowell, P. b-15 l-14 Noble

·        McGaughey, B.F. b-7 l-1 Reno

·        McGee, M.P. hotel b-23 l-9 Main

·        McGee, J. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGee, H.M. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGee, C. b-10 l-32 Noble, wife

·        McGinley, F.J. merch b-24 l-9 California

·        McGinnis, Bettie b-7 l-25 1st, wife & 2 children

·        McGinnis, J. b-7 l-25 1st

·        McGinty, P. b-6 l-6 Main

·        McGLINCHEY, F.J. merch b-23 l-20 Main

·        McGranahan, J. hotel b-5 Santa Fe, wife

·        McGregor, G.G. b-3 l-26 Wash., wife & 5 children

·        McIrvin, J.E. b-20 l-18 3rd, wife & 6 children

·        McKay, D. marshal b-12 l-7 Noble

·        McKay, C.L.b-12 l-32 5th, wife & 1 child

·        McKay, C.P. b-12 l-332 5th

·        McKee, J. b-4 l-30 Calif., 1 child

·        McKinley, H.D. clerk b-33 l-32 Grand

·        McKinley, W.W. carp b-11 l-12 Noble, wife & 5 children

·        McKinney, M.H. lumber b-7 l-16 Main

·        McKinney, J.D. carp b-15 l-14 Noble

·        McKinney, G. clerk b-7 l-13 First

·        McKinnis, J.P. lumber b-1 l-7 Reno

·        McMannes, J.N. carp b-62 l-2 Grand, wife & 1 chil.

·        McMaster, A.E. printer b-23 l-1 Robinson

·        McMillen, Cora b-7 l-13 1st

·        McMichael, W.T. b-69 7th, wife & 5 children

·        McMitten, D.A. b-38 l-2 3rd

·        McMurray, W.M. b-24 l-6 Cal.

·        McNABB, A.C. merchant b-17 l-7 Chickasaw, wife and 2 children

·        McNall, H.A, Santa Fe alley

·        McNally, Mrs. Cook ab-7 l-13 First

·        McNary, W.H. b-13 Santa Fe St., wife & 3 childr.

·        McNeal, Ed. printer b-7 l-13 First

·        McNeil, B.L. printer b-35 l-3 Main

·        McPherson, S. spec b-23 l-37 Broadway

·        McQnoun, C.W. b-48 l-32 3rd, wife and 4 children

·        Meador, J.P. b-4 l-3 Reno, wife and 1 child

·        Meador, Wm. b-4 l-3 Reno

·        Meechum, C. b-47 l-25 3rd, wife and 3 children

·        Meigs, G.W. carp b-65 l-2 Second

·        Mellinger, D. b-35 l-5 Main, wife

·        Menten, F. baker b-8 l-31 1st, wife & 2 children

·        Merrick, R. cook b-4 l-7 Reno

·        METHODIST CHURCH b-19 l-40 Third

·        Meyers, F. stockman b-15 l-6 Noble

·        Middleton, J. real estate b-32 l-30 California

·        Miles, O.E. real estate b-6 l-5 Main

·        Miller, M.S. merchant b-32 l-19 California

·        Miller, M.M. b-6 l-22 Grand, wife

·        Miller, R. gun smith b-31 l-1 Robinson

·        Miller, B. livery b-32 l-16 Reno

·        Miller, J.B. teacher b-53 l-3 Reno

·        Miller, M.B. b-15 l-18 Noble, wife

·        Miller, J.X. b-47 l-21 4th

·        Miller, A.J. lumber b-1 l-7 Reno

·        Miller, A. b-7 l-15 Wash., wife

·        Miller, T.A. b-7 l-15 Wash., wife and 1 child

·        Miller, B.H. livery Santa Fe alley

·        Miller, B.S. Ind supply agt reservation, wife

·        Miller, W.H. b-21 l-29 1st, wife and 1 child

·        Miller, H. carp b-38 l-23 Fourth, 1 child

·        Miller, J.P. b-40 l-7 5th, wife and 5 children

·        Miller, A. teacher b-5 l-8 Grand

·        Milligan, M.W. b-66 l-40 4th, wife & 5 children

·        Milligan, S.J. b-22 l-8 Main

·        Milligan, S.J. b-66 l-40 4th, wife

·        Mills, B.F. real estate Recorder’s office South Oklahoma

·        Minks, J. carp b-38 l-24 4th, wife & 1 child

·        MITCHELL & McDANIEL, grocers No. 10 Calif.

·        Mitchell, J.A. stand b-5 l-21 Grand

·        Mitchell, J. H. painter b-61 l-30 Grand

·        Mitchell, J.H. b-4 l-5 Reno

·        Mitchell, W.W. b-8 l-29 Noble, wife & 3 children

·        Mitchell, T.H. b-6 l-24 Noble

·        Mitchell, G.B. b-29 l-26 Choctaw, wife & 2 child.

·        Mitchell, H.B. lawyer b-34 l-6 Grand

·        Mitchell, W.W. barber b-32 l-29 California

·        Mitchell, G.A. merchant b-4 l-28 California

·        Moers, T.M. b-51 l-21 Main

·        Moffat, W. Santa Fe alley

·        Monroe, W.M. lawyer b-46 l-10 Fourth, wife and 6 children

·        Montanio, S. painter b-23 l-29 Grand, wife and 5 children

·        Montgomery, J.B. b-68 l-10 5th, wife & 1 child

·        Montgomery, S.J. b-68 l-10 Fifth

·        Moody, J.D. b-22 l-18 Main

·        Moore, J.O. carp b-67 l-10 Fourth, wife

·        Moore, S.A. mechanic b-25 l-31 California

·        Moore, E.L. operator b-53 l-1 Reno

·        Moore, D.J. b-6 l-12 Main

·        Moore, M.B. Santa Fe alley

·        Moore, L.C. b-34 l-23 Seminole, wife & 11 chi.

·        Moorehead, J. b-6 l-19 Noble

·        More, C.P. b-64 l-14 1st

·        More, L.C. b-64 l-14 First

·        More, J.E. b-64 l-16 1st, wife and 1 child

·        More, A. b-64 l-14 First

·        More, T. b-64 l-16 First

·        More, M. b-64 l-16 First

·        Morey, W. carp. b-9 l-9 Broadway, wife

·        Morey, F. carp. b-9 l-9 Broadway

·        Morey, E. b-9 l-9 Broad.

·        Morgan, G. b-24 l-1 Pota.

·        Morgan, F.H. b-32 l-3 Reno

·        Morgan, A.J. painter b-37 l-4 Second

·        Morrison, A. merchant b-6 l-26 Grand

·        Morritz, M. H. merchant b-5 l-8 California

·        Moser, Nellie b-11 l-6 Noble

·        Mower, J.W. at Pickwick hotel

·        Mullican, L. ex agt at depot

·        Mulvey, W.V. b-65 l-26 3rd

·        Murphy, S. lawyer b-34 l-5 Grand

·        Murphy, Anna b-34 l-5 Grand

·        Munger, Dr. b-22 l-32 Broadway, wife

·        Murray, P.J. b-7 l-3 Wash.

·        Myer, H. carp b-38 l-23 4th

·        Myers, J.T. stand b-61 l-17 Grand

·        Myers, J.S. b-6 l-2 Wash., wife and 4 children

·        Myers, W.L. b-26 l-22 Choctaw, wife & 8 child.




·        NAUSIN, J.N. grocer b-7 l-12 Main

·        Neal, J.T. mechanic b-51 l-28 Main, wife & 1 chi.

·        Neal, J. b-20 l-9 Broad., wife and 4 children

·        Neal, H. cook b-24 l-31 Grand

·        Neathercett, G.M. b-10 l-14 Washington

·        Negley, J.Q. b-62 court, wife and 8 children

·        Nelson, G. b-61 l-14 Cal., wife & 1 child

·        Nelson, T.W. Santa Fe alley

·        Nelson, T. b-37 l-19 Third

·        Nesbitt, W. merchant b-47 l-2 Third, wife

·        Newell, T.J. merchant b-25 l-14 Reno, wife & 2 chil.

·        Newell, S.R. clerk b-25 l-14 Reno

·        Newell, F. b-25 l-14 Reno

·        Newman, W. confect’r b-32 l-7 Reno, wife & 2 chil.

·        NEWMAN, A. merchant b-50 l-32 Third, wife

·        Nicely, J.W. wagon yard b-4 l-1 Reno

·        Niederer, C. blacksmith b-7 l-24 First, wife

·        Niles, H.H. spec b-14 l-32 Chickasaw, wife

·        Niles, Nellie b-14 l-13 Chickasaw

·        Niles, A.H. b-14 l-13 Chick.

·        Niles, Ada b-14 l-13

·        Niles, Belle b-14 l-13 Chic.

·        Nimley, S.H. b-41 l-1 6th, wife & 2 children

·        Nimocks, A.H. tinner b-33 l-16 California

·        Nisivonger, N. Carp b-47 l-22 Fourth, wife and 3 children

·        Niswonter, N.I. b-17 l-15 Sixth, wife & 3 children

·        Nix, M.L. b-37 l-14 Second, wife and 4 children

·        Nix, O.V. b-37 l-14 Second

·        Nix, Minnie b-37 l-14 2nd

·        Nix, Austin b-37 l-14 2nd

·        Nixon, W. printer b-49 l-13 First

·        Noland, J.L. merchant b-53 l-32 California

·        Nooman, D. b-10 l-7 Wash., wife and 9 children

·        Nootny, P. b-60 l- 24 Calif., wife and 1 child

·        Nordmork, A. carp b-63 l-33 First

·        Norman, R.O. jeweler b-28 l-15 Frisco, wife and 3 children

·        North, L.H. teacher b-18 l-39 Fifth, wife

·        Norton, Jennie b-15 l-24 Chickasaw

·        Nuget, M.J. b-20 l-1 Chickasaw, 1 child

·        Nurse, J. carp b-8 l-7 Broadway, wife




·        OASLEY, G.B. b-22 l-9 Main

·        Oates, L.G. carpenter b-16 l-25 Pottawatomie, wife and 6 children

·        O’Donnell, Ella b-1 l-28 Washington

·        O’Donnell, P. b-1 l-28 Wash., wife & 2 child.

·        O’Donnell, Carrie b-1 l-28 Washington

·        O’Donnell, E. b-1 l-28 Wash.

·        O’Donnell, J. b-1 l-28 Wash.

·        Ogden, F. b-5 l-18 Wash., wife and 2 children

·        Ogden, T.T. b-11 l-32 4th, wife and 7 children

·        Oglesby, M.E. barber b-22 l-31 First

·        Olin, D.W. b-25 l-23 Frisco, wife & 4 children

·        Oliver, R. Santa Fe alley

·        Olson, C. carpenter b-25 l-29 Frisco, wife and 6 children

·        O’Rourke, J. merchant b-24 l-32 F(G?)rand

·        Otto, J.B. merchant b-35 l-25 California

·        OVERHOLSER, H. spec. b-34 l-1 Grand

·        Overstreet, J.J. b-52 l-13 California, wife

·        Overstreet, R.L. merchant b-52 l-13 California

·        Owen, F.F. livery b-32 l-16 Reno

·        Owen, R.S. b-45 West Six, wife and 6 children




·        PACK, J.A. dairy b-34 l-12 Choctaw, wife & 3 child.

·        Pack, N.M. livery b-35 l-1 Choctaw

·        Pack, W.R. b-68 l-15 Fifth, wife and 4 children

·        Page, J.J. carp b-20 l-31 Pottawatomie

·        Page, S.L. carp b-20 l-31 Pottawatomie

·        Page, T.J. carp b-66 l-3 Third

·        Palmer, H.L. clerk b-34 l-20 Main

·        Parker, C. livery b-24 l-6 California

·        Parker, J. b-34 l-4 Choctaw, wife and 3 children

·        Parks, J. shoemaker b-8 1st

·        Parks, B.P. shoemaker b-23 l-5 Main

·        Parmer, J.T. carp b-38 l-29 Fourth, wife & 1 child

·        Parr, S.F. b-6 l-5 Main

·        Parr, W. printer b-24 l-7 California

·        Parr, S.F. night operator at depot

·        Parrish, B.E b-67 l-37 Fifth, wife & 1 child

·        Parson, W. b-37 l-2 Second

·        Parson, J.S. b-29 l-22 Choctaw

·        Parsons, C. b-5 l-27 Wash.

·        Parsons, W.J. b-44 l-17 Seventh, wife

·        Patrick, W.G. lawyer b-25 l-9 Reno, wife & 1 child

·        PATTERSON, W.H. lawyer b-6 l-6 Main

·        PATTERSON, Jno. ice cream parlor b-23 l-7 Main

·        Patterson, Jno. Jr., b-23 l-7 Main

·        Patterson, G. b-66 l-13 Third

·        Pawrence, M.C. Santa Fe alley

·        Payton, J. Santa Fe alley

·        Payton, G. Santa Fe alley

·        Pendleton, W.L. b-44 l-32 Seventh, wife & 5 child.

·        Penn & Co merchs b-4 l-11 Reno

·        Penney, J.H. b-48 l-12 Second

·        Penock, W. b-49 l-11 1st

·        Penticost, F.E. lumber b-5 l-1 Reno, wife and 3 children

·        Percival, M.C. b-19 l-15 Fourth, wife & 1 child

·        Perkins, G.M. engineer b-17 l-27 Pottawatomie, wife and 3 children

·        Perry, W. b-20 l-199 Third

·        Pesterfield, G. b-69 l-38 7th, wife & 4 children

·        Peter, C. b-7 l-13 First

·        Peters, C.H. b-52 l-9 Cal., wife and 1 child

·        Pettee, C.H. merch b-22 l-11 Main, wife

·        Pettejohn, A. merchant b-23 l-19 Main

·        Peyton, C.A. doctor b-22 l-38 Broadway

·        Pharos, G.D. Santa Fe alley

·        Phelps, Kittie b-65 l-26 Third

·        PHILLIPS, D.M. livery b-24 l-6 Calif., wife & 1 child

·        Phillips, J.T. b-19 l-2 Chickasaw, wife & 3 child.

·        Phillips, P.B. b-9 l-4 Washington, wife

·        Phillips, C.M. b-26 l-19 Choctaw, wife & 4 child.

·        Phillips, E. carpenter b-64 l-9 First

·        Phillips, I.N. real estate b-22 l-15 Main

·        Phillips, A.G. ice factory b-25 l-31 California

·        Pickett, B.W. spec b-23 l-42 Robinson

·        Pierson, C.T. b-8 l-25 1st

·        Pike, W. b-67 l-9 Fourth, wife

·        Pimm, W.C. b-23 l-27 Grand, wife

·        Pinkston, W.D. b-5 l-19 Grand

·        Pittman, L.G. lawyer b-23 l-35 Broadway

·        Podine, W.T.S.O. rec b-2 l-18 Reno, wife

·        Poplin, R. real estate b-23 l-43 Robinson

·        Pollard, F. clerk b-6 l-15 Main

·        Potts, M.M. b-62 l-38 Main, wife

·        Potts, Mollie b-62 l-38 Main

·        Potts, J.L. b-62 l-38 Main

·        Potts, T.M. b-62 l-38 Main

·        Price, T. barber b-8 l-28 First

·        Price, C.W. spec b-5 l-31 Grand

·        Price, T.E. barber b-5 l-20 Grand

·        Price, W.C. b-33 l-22 Grand

·        Price, W.L. b-52 l-27 Grand

·        Prichard, J.T. livery b-1 l-17 Washington

·        Prichard, May b-20 l-31 2nd

·        Prickett, J.M. marshall (sic) b-34 l-10 Choctaw, wife

·        Prince, M.E. doctor b-3 l-12 Reno

·        Pryel, J. b-10 l-11 Wash.

·        Pugh, F.B. b-20 l-8 Broad.

·        Pugh, Edna b-20 l-8 Broad.

·        Pyle, J.N. b-13 l-23 Chickasaw, wife & 1 child

·        Pyle, Alice b-13 l-23 Chickasaw

·        Pyle, Myrtle b-13 l-23 Chickasaw

·        PYLES, W.M. merchant b-32 l-17 California, wife and 3 children

·        Pyles, L.F. b-5 l-15 Calif.

·        Pyles, Frances b-32 l-17 California

·        Pyron, G.I. b-10 Santa Fe Street, wife & 9 children




·        QUEENAN, P. b-47 l-7 3rd, wife & 6 children

·        Queenan, J.J. b-47 l-9 Third

·        Queenan, T.P. barber b-47 l-9 Third

·        Quinby, G.W. clerk b-32 l-19 California

·        Quinby, G.W. b-52 l-17 Grand, wife

·        Quinby, C.C. b-52 l-17 Grand

·        Quinn, P. east Pott., wife & 5 children

·        Quinto, A. b-30 l-2 Frisco, wife & 9 children

·        Quist, J. b-22 l-1 Pottawatomie

·        Quong, Sam laun (4) ass’t b-22 l-35 Broadway





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