Oklahoma Genealogical Society




Okarche, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma

From Oklahoma Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1970

Transcribed to Electronic form by Jo White



Located six miles west, two miles north of Okarche.  Said cemetery is situated in the southeast corner of the southwest Quarter of Sec. 20, Township 15, Range 8.  Recorded:  J.E. Burris, Co. Clerk, 13 day of March 1901, County of Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory.


This material concerning the burials in Mt. Pisgah Cemetery has been gathered and compiled by Oran Nunemaker, Fowler, Kansas, February 1969.




John W. Crouch


b. 18 Nov 1863

d. 6 Aug 1899


Clyde Cubbage

Son of F.C. & L.M. Cubbage

“Gone but not forgotten”

b. 14 Oct 1891

d. 2 Jan 1893


Fred C. Cubbage

b. 1861

d. 1951


Lillian M. Cubbage

b. 1866

d. 1927


John Dix, Co. I, 2nd Colorado Cavalry

(General Services Adm., National Archives & Records Service, Washington, D.C.) John Dix, b. in Carroll County, State Indiana.  A farmer, age 16 yr., 10 mo., at time of volunteer enlisted for one year on Jan. 11, 1865 at Denver, Colorado Territory.  He was unable to write his name; his mark was witnessed by Capt. Isaac F. Evens, 2nd Colo. Cav.  Mustered out 23 Sept 1865 at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.  Retained one Starr's Revolver per General Order No. 101, War Dept. 1865.  At time of enlistment, John Dix was 5' 5 1/2" Hazel eyes, brown hair, fair complection (sic)


Alice Edwards,

“Dau of W.B. & A, Edwards”

b. 30 Oct 1903

d. 21 Sept 1904


Charles M. Frederick


b. 25 July 1869

d. 17 May 1904


Charles A. Fulk

b. Dec. 1873

d. Nov. 1899


Ralph A. Frederick

“Son of Peter and Ida”

b. 16 Sept 1897

d. 31 Aug 1901


Charles H. Hale

b. 19 Oct 1873

d. Nov. 1899


First husband of Retta Nunemaker—

Third dau. of Jacob Worth and Lydia Margaret (Redfearn) Nunemaker

Block 2, lots 20 & 21


Mary A. Householder


b. 20 April 1838

d. 20 Oct 1903


Azor Householder


b. 1 March 1833

d. 13 April 1921


Lot # 14, Block 3


“Baby of John C. Jung”

b. & d. 31 July 1910


Clyde Leroy James

“Son of O.C. James”

About 1 year of age

Buried northeast of Householder graves


Warren Keller

“Son of F.M. & M.L. Keller”

b. 17 Jan 1878

d. 2 Oct 1898


John Lehenbauer

b. 9 Dec 1838

d. 26 April 1899

His wife

Katherina Lehenbaur

b. 15 May 1838

d. 12 Jan 1913

(The huge granite stone remains in the N.W. part of the Cemetery.  They are now buried at Watonga, Blaine Co., Okla.)


Ruth Norris

“Dau. of J.P. and S.S. Norris

b. 1897

d. 1902


(Lots 20 and 21, Block 2)

Jacob W. (Worth) Nunemaker

b. 29 May 1847

d. 12 Sept 1922


Lydia A. Nunemaker (Lydia Margaret Redfearn)

b. 26 Aug 1851

d. 3 May 1922


(Jacob Worth Nunemaker is a descendant of Daniel Nunemaker who was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, 10 Aug 1771.  Daniel’s wife was Christena Shoe, daughter of Joseph Shoe of Rockingham County.  Their marriage bond is dated 30 March 1903.  Jacob’s father was Daniel Nunemaker, born in Ohio, 24 February 1815 and who married Rachel Stalter (Staller) on 30 January 1836 in Perry County, Ohio.  This family resided in Vinton County, Ohio.


Lydia Margaret Redfearn is a descendant of Isaac Redfearn of Randolph County, North Carolina and who was born about 1744.  Lydia’s father was Austin Nelson Redfearn (1817-1896) who married Mary Jane Leach on 9 January 1840 in Jackson Co., Ohio.  Austin Nelson Redfearn is the son of James Redfearn who married Lydia Rains of Randolph County, North Carolina.  James Redfearn is the son of Isaac Redfearn and was born in 1793 in Randolph County, North Carolina.


Harry Raymond Siegrist

b. 18 April 1914

d. 10 May 1921

(Son of Jake and Maude Siegrist.  Disinterred to the Kingfisher Cemetery.  Block 19, on 28 May 1968.)


Buried but not recorded:  Baby of Daisy Edwards, buried in the Edwards’ lot.



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