Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association Brand Book



Stockmen of the Cherokee Strip,


CALDWELL, MARCH 1 &2, 1882

    Meeting called to order by S. S. Birchfield, President.
    Officers chosen for the ensuing year were Ben. S. Miller, President, W. E. Campbell and H. C. Manning, Vice Presidents, and M. H. Bennett, Treasurer.     On motion of W. E. Campbell, John A. Blair was elected Secretary, and W. P. Brush, of the Kansas City Commercial Indicator, Tell walton, Caldwell Post, W. B. Hutchinson, Caldwell Commercial, T. A. McNeal,Medicine Lodge Cresent, Will Eaton, Cheyenne Transporter, and Joe Carter, Hunnewell Independent, Assistant Secretaries and honorary members of the Association.
    The Treasurer, Mr. Bennett, was instructed to provide a register for the names and post-office address of each member, with instructions that such book be used as a refeerence book by the Association; and on motion, the membership fee was increased to $1.00.
    The Treasurer, Mr. Bennett, made his annual report for last year as follows:
    Receipts from memebrship fees and advertising for brand book, $287. On expenditures for brand book of last year, $181, leaving a balance on hand in the treasury of $106.
    Mr. Hewins moved that a committee of five be appointed on stock inspection, to appoint and employ an inspector for Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago, and to report to the convention on Thursday.
    E. M. Hewins, A. H. Johnson, W. Timberlake, Ben Garland and J. C. Pryor were appointed.
    The following resolution was read by Secretary Balir and unanimously adopted:
    Resolved, That the respective pool captains, and executive committees, notify the surrounding pools of any and all persons who have knowingly and willfully turned loose without their consent, or pay, or remuneration therefore, that if said persons fail to pay, not only their assessments and proportion of the expenses, the established price for wintering cattle to the pool they turn loose with, on or before the 10th of April, 1882, they shall be denied the privilege of gathering cattle with any pool or members of this Association. And that the names of all persons so, refusing to pay, as aforesaid, be published in a dead-beat list in the Caldwell, Anthony and Medicine Lodge papers.
    On motion, adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock A.M. Thursday.


    The meeting was called to order by President Miller, at 10 A.M.
    The following communication was received and read by the President

MEDICINE LODGE, KAS., February 27, 1882

    To our Friends and Co-workers, the Cattlemen, in convention, at Caldwell, Greeting:
    It is our sincere desire that you favor us with your presence at the meeting of the cattle men, to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 17th and 18th of March, 1882, and participate in the business proceedings, ball, and banquet, on that occasion.
    This done by order of committee.

W. F. Haughton

E. W. Payne,

    Mr. Hewins moved that a vote of thanks be tendered the citizens of Medicine Lodge for the invitation. Carried.
    Mr. T. F. Pryor then offered a resolution to the effect that a committee of three be appointed by the chair, to draft an address to the cattle drovers,embodying it in a resolution adopted by this Association, at its meeting in this city, March 17, 1881. The resolution was adopted, and the following named gentlemen appointed as such committee: W.E. Campbell, T. F. Oryor and W. S. Snow. The address is as follows:


An Address to the Texas Cattle Drovers from the Southwestern Kansas and Indian Territory Stock association.

    At a meeting of the above named Association, held in the City of Caldwell, on the 1st and 2nd days of March, 1882, the following resolution, adopted at it's meeting in March, 1881, was reaffirmed, and the undersigned appointed a committee to publish a suitable address in accordance therewith:
    Resolved. That in order to prevent the spread of desease among the wintered cattle held on the Cherokee Strip, there ought to be established, and rigidly maintained, a proper line of separation and quarantine between cattle and said wintered cattle; and that this convention recommend the establishment and maintenance of the following quarantine line, and request the active co-operation of the Cherokee Council and all stockmen driving through cattle into the Cherokee Strip, in maintaining said line. Osage Creek shall be the western boundary for through cattle; a line runningeast from Osage Creek, parallel with the northern boundary of the Nez Perces reservation, shall be the southern boundary for through cattle; the Arkansas River will be the eastern boundary for through cattle, and the State of Kansas shall be the northern boundary.
    The undersigned, after careful consideration of the subject, do not deem any formal address necessary at this time, believing that every cattleman who will drive from Texas this year fully understands the situation of the cattle interests in the Territory, and on the boundaries of Kansas, and will, so far as he can, use all due care to comply with teh request of this Association,and respect the rights of those holding wintered and domestic cattle in the Territory.
    The Association feel satisfied that the country selected as a holding ground for through cattle is of sufficient scope to furnish ample grazing for all cattle that may be driven to the Caldwell and Hunnewell markets. We would also state that the grounds selected are well adapted for grazing purposes, having a reasonable amount of timber, abundance of water, and are within easy reach of the stock yards at both Caldwell and Hunnewell.
    Further than stating the above facts, we do not believe it necessary to dwell at length on this subject, feeling assured that our through cattle friends will fully appreciate the spirit in which the above resolution was adopted and this address put forth.
    In conclusion, we assure all driving to the above named markets that the members of our Association will do all in their power to make their sojourn among us both pleasant and profitable.


W.E. Campbell,
T. F. Pryor,
W. S. Snow



    Convention called to order at 2 P.M. by the Chairman.
    The committee on Inspection, by its Chairman, Mr. Johnson, offered the following report, and asked that the committee be discharged. Report read and approved, and committee discharged:

    We, the undersigned, appointed at the convention of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, held March 1st, 1882, for the purpose of drawing up resolutions regarding inspection, and assignments, recommend—
    That this convention appoint Maj. A. Drumm, Jesse Evans and A. M. Colson, as a standing Committee on Inspection, and give them full power to assess and collect in their divisions such amounts as in their judgement they may deem necessary to defray the expenses of inspection, not exceeding the sum of $5 per 1,000 head, and turn over all amounts collected to the Treasurer of the Association; the committee to select one from their number, whose duty it shall be to draw amounts on the Treasurer for all expenses appertaining to inspection.
    That they shall have the power to employ one inspector for Kansas City, one for St. Louis, and one for the Cheyenne and other Indian Agencies.
    That they shall confer with the Committee of the Medicine Lodge Convention and be empowered to make such arraingements and take such action as they deem necessary to the interests of this convention.
A. H. Johnson,
E. M. Hewins,
Ben Garland,
J. C. Pryor,
W. H. Timberlake.

    The Committee on Round-ups, by its Chairman, Mr. A. H. Johnson, asked leave to submit its report and be discharged from further consideration of the subject. Report received, read and approved, and the committee discharged.

    We, the undersigned committee, appointed at the convention of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, held March 1, 1882, on round-ups, herewith submit the following report:
    We recommend that the Territory known as the Cherokee Strip be divided into three divisions, to wit:
    Division No. 1 to be composed of what is known as the Rd Fork and Salt Fork country, including the territory north of there to the south line of the State of Kansas, and thence west, including the Crooked creek and Sand creek country, on the state line, to the eastline of the Comanche County Pool, said division to begin round-up at teh crossing of Red Rock creek on the Arkansas City wagon road, and Abner Wilson to be appointed as captain of said division; the day of the meeting of this division to be decided upon by the committee apointed for that purpose.
    Division No.2 to be composed of the country lying south of Division No.1, as far south as the Cimmaron snd west to the line of Barbour County Pool; This division to meet to begin round-up where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeletoncreek, and John Miller to be appointed captain of said division; the day of meeting to be decided upon the same as Division No.1.
    Division No.3 to be composed of the country lying south of Division No.2 to the North Canadian river, thence west to the western line of A. J. Day's ranch; said division to meet at Caldwel or the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Canadian river, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain of said division; the day of meeting to be decided upon in hte same manner as the other divisions.
    And we recommend that the captains of the above divisions be authorized to subdivide their respective divisions in such manner as they deem advisable, and appoint captains for such subdivisions, but to retain absolute control of the same.
    We recommend that the following named gentlemen, viz: Maj. A. Drumm, M. K. Krider, Oliver Ewell, H. W. Timberlake, C. H. Manning and John Blair be appointed as the committee to set the time for each division to commence work, and such time shall be set before the 18th day of March, and shall be published in the Barbour, Harper and Sumner county and Darlington papers, and that said committee confer with Barbour County Stock Association at their meeting on the 17th day of March, and solicit their co-operation in the coming round-up.

A. H. Johnson,
A. Drumm,
W. E. Campbell,
Marion Blair,
H. W. Timberlake,
J. K. Zimmerman,
M.K. Krider,
C. F. Plowman,
Jesse Evans,
Sylvester Flitch,
Jas. Murray.

J. A. Blair,
John Rees,
Oliver Ewell,
J. Miller,
C. Nelson,
J. Nicholson,
Pat Carnagie,
A. J. Day,
W. E. Quinklan,
J. W. Carter

    The following resolution was adopted:

    Resolved, That the resective captains be empowered to discharge all parties not doing satisfactory work, or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill such vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties so discharged.

    Mr. E. M. Hewins offered the following resolution which was read and adopted without a dissenting voice:

Resolved, That it is the sense of the stockmen and ranchmen of this Association, that the six-shooter is not an absolutle neccessity and necessary adjunct to the outfits of cowboys working on the ranges of the Cherokee Strip, and that we deprecate its use, except in extreme cases of necessity while on duty in protecting the rights of property against Indians and outlaws; but we deprecate the carrying of six-shooters in all cases while visiting the towns along the border.

    On motion adjourned, subject to the call of the President.