Fouth, Lincoln Co.
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OKbits FileLincoln Co.: Fouth

Fouth is present day Tryon, name changed March 15, 1899

June 14, 1895

We are sorry to learn that FISHBACK, the leading merchant of Parkland is closed out.

Dr STYLES reports the arrival of a fine baby boy at Irving CLELLAN's on Wednesday morning.

Miss Ada CROUSE had to get an operation performed on her teeth this week, it was a hard job but she stood it bravely.

List your land with A R RHODES, Real Estate Agent, Tryon.

A fine line of Patent medicines at Dr. HARDIN's drug store.

We had a meat market at Tryon last Saturday. Mr. Joe SPILLAR, was here with his wagon, and says he will come regularly. We hope so, for we like to get a good juicy steak on our plate once in a while.

Best green Rio coffee, 24c per lb. at the M F JONES grocery.

Mr G W GAMMELL was in Tryon trading last Saturday, he comes 25 miles from here in the Strip.

For Sale. An 80 acre farm well improved, a bargain, only 500 dollars. Apply to RENDALL and Son, Mercury Office.

How about that telephone company, are the post holes dug yet? We want to hear that bell tapping as soon as possible.

Dr HARDIN and Mr PARROTT made a trade Saturday. Mr PARROTT giving his big grey mare in exchange for some of the Doctor's hogs.

John DAVIS will be on hand Saturday and Sunday mornings to do shaving and haircutting.

The Rev LUMPKINS will preach on Sunday as usual, please make a memorandum of that and let us have a good meeting.

Dr HARDIN has a large practice as a physician, but nevertheless will be found on hand for critical cases at all times.

We did not have the pleasure of listening to the choir on last Sunday,We hope they did not forget the Sunday School as the choir is such a help to it.

Mr PRINGEY was in Tryon on Monday, he has been away from home for a few days and reports good rains in Payne County and Corn looking well.

A R RHODES of Tryon, has lots of fine farms for sale. It will pay those wishing to buy to call on him. He is now prepared to show you the farms.

Mr HALSELL, of the firm of NIX and HALSELL Co., wholesale merchants, Guthrie, was in Town on Monday and stopped over at the St Charles Hotel on his way to Parkland.

Mr and Mrs SEARS were in town trading on Saturday, also Master Ray SEARS who, by the by, is one of the little fellows who recited so nicely at the Pleasant Valley picnic.

Mr T. WILSON, who clerks for Mr RANKINS, was married last week to Miss THOMAS, sister of Dr THOMAS of Perkins. Mr and Mrs WILSON have a nice little home in Perkins, we wish them joy.

Frank PENTLAND says that he has forty acres of pretty good wheat. Of  course Frank does not claim a full crop, bur he still has a big pull on those who have no wheat. Frank generally gets there anyway, it is an old trick of his.

Mr BRADBURY was cutting wheat on Saturday and they managed to get quite a lot of wheat that in the ordinary way could not be harvested. They are using a machine that was gotten up by Marshall BRADBURY. It gathers up all the heads of wheat into a reciever and it is proving a great success. We think Marsh should not let his inventive genius go to waste, but should patent his new invention.

Mr B G WILLIAMS had a valuable barn burned down last week. Unfortunately, they had used the barn as a storeroom, and several articles of furniture, beside bed clothes, harness, etc, were stored there. The son, A V  WILLIAMS, in his endeavors to rescue a buggy from the flames got his foor badly burned. The loss will no doubt amount to about $400.

The baseball game at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse between Tryon and Pleasant Valley came very near being a tragedy. Mr VASSER and Mr MAUS were running to catch a ball on the fly and cannoned against each other with such force that both men were seriously hurt. VASSER had his nose broken and MAUS was hurt internally, both men are however, doing well. We saw VASSER on Saturday and he looked as if he had ran into a  steam engine.

We have reports from all over the territory of fine rains. Kingfisher, Newkirk, Perry, Stillwater, Orlando, Chandler, Perkins, Clayton, and now we are able to report a first rain in Tryon. We had several slight showers, but on Wednesday morning we had a good steady downpour that made our hearts rejoice. We consider that our crops are now assured and that all our farmers have to do is to go steadily along as they have been doing, attending to their crops and we feel confident that we shall have plenty to eat and something to spare.
Some places the rain came in too big a volume, near Chandler, Lawyer PAYNE tried to cross a creek and lost two horses and barely escaped with his life. This is the only accident in our neighborhood that we have heard of by floods. Mr James RUSH has a valuable colt killed on Wednesday by lightning. There seems to be every indication that we have got over the dry spell and people are far more hopefull for the future. Oklahoma must come in the front, nothing can keep her back.

The Pleasant Valley School held their Picnic at the VASSER Springs on Friday. The Rev LUMPKINS was present and made the opening address, after which the company set down to a big spread. We were kindly invited to sit down with Bro. MYERS and family, we did full justice chicken, etc.
After everybody was replenished with the good things of Oklahoma, the little folks gave a nice selection of pieces, the choir coming in at intervals and singing choice selections. The harbor was tastfully decorated and everything was done to make the entertainment a success.
The Rev LUMPKINS brought the evening to a close by a few well chosen remarks, and thus ended a pleasant day. We feel that there should be some chance given to the little people to exercise their ability in speaking, the Sunday School is going to help, and we believe is doing a great good. We hope the Pleasant Valley School will attain the success which they so richly deserve.

At a called meeting of citizens on Tuesday evening the purpose of electing officers to arrange about the fourth of July Celebration at Tryon, the following business was transacted and officers appointed:
Chairman, Dr HARDIN
Secretary, James RENDALL
Moved and seconded that the celebration be held on the part of Tryon known as Fred TRYON's Grove.
Adopted unanimously. Officers elected
Marshall, M B PARROT. Asst Marshall, Frank PENTLAND.
Committee Programme, Messrs Fred TRYON and George PARROTT
Committee on Arrangements, Messrs M F JONES and Jack TRYON
Committee on Music, Misses Jessie SMITH, Laura PRIGMORE, Lillie JONES,
Committee to select speakers, Messrs Dr HARDIN, D R FOWLER, James RENDALL
Committee on Advertising, Messrs Phillip RENDALL, James RENDALL.
Committee on Stat'd Privleges, Messrs LEDINGTON, CROUSE, RHODES.
Resolved that the merchants will have plenty of water on the grounds.
The meeting adjourned to meet again on Jun 28.

A R RHODES of Tryon is now prepared to do all kinds of Notary work.

Mr and Mrs HALL were in Tryon Thursday, they have a sick child and they brought it to Dr HARDIN.

The COOPER boys lost a valuable ox on Wednesday. It was working with the other when it suddenly reared up and fell down dead. No cause is assigned to it. We presume it must have been heart trouble.

Quite a number of our young people paid a visit to the Indians on Sunday to see them dance. We notice Miss Libbie PARROTT, Jessie SMITH, Maude ROBINSON, and Maude MYERS, Messrs Fred TRYON, STREAM, Fred COOK, and Will PARROTT. They encountered a little shower on the road, but only one or two got wet.

Mr HARDING, who was in Guthrie on Wednesday morning reports a tornado in the city. There were six houses torn down besides the telephone plant. They had a splendid rain, and we have not heard of any serious accident to people so far. There is good cause to rejoice, rain is what we want and we are getting it all over the territory.

A letter from the Register of Deeds of Lincoln County states that the addressed contained in the Mercury May 8, of registered physicians that Dr. O STYLES should have been Tryon instead of Clinton, and that Dr O STYLES is a registerd physician and holds a diploma from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA.

Baseball game, Indian Dance, horse racing, sack racking, vocal and instrumental music, baby show and speaking by prominent men, reading of the declaration of independence, sham tattle between veterans and sons of veterans, The Rayburn and Barnhill artillery will be on hand, fireworks and dancing at night.
The following are a list of prizes that will be given by our merchants and others:
Dr HARDIN will give a handsome dress pattern to the mother of the prettiest baby under 12 months old.
D. CROUSE will present a handsome prize to the winner of the sack race.
M F JONES will give a $1.50 ball to the team winning the baseball game.
TRYON & LEDINGTON will give a fine pair of shoes to the ugliest man on the ground.
Fred TRYON will give a fine dress pattern to the winner of the sack race to be run by ladies over 40 years old.
George PARROTT will give a handsome necklace to the winner of the sack race to be run by ladies under 25 years of age.
M B PARROTT will give a handsome ornamental cane to the winner of the sack race to be run by gentlemen over 50 years of age.
Prizes for horse racing will be given and several others to be advertised later on.
Veterans and sons of veterans will meet to organize on Saturday June 20.Committees are requested to meet in the City Hall, Monday evening June 17, at 7:30 pm.


Rain has come at last and plenty of it!

Will DAVIS and family went to the Kickapoo Friday.

Mr HOLIDAY and DOWING went to Chandler Monday.

The RYAN boys and Chas BOWIE go to the Cherokee Nation on Tuesday.

Nearly everyone from this district attended the Stanley [obscured] on Thursday. It was well attended from all parts. Five schools were represented: Lone Oak, Flynn, Oak Dale, and Fairview, also the christian bible class of the Fairview school house. Everything went off in order and the Fairview school has a splendid programme, in fact it was so lengthy that fears were entertained that the other schools would not get a show, however, everything was arranged satifactorily. When the fairview school came in singing, and the Stars and Stripes floating in the breeze with the national emblem on the back of the banner and the American Eagle high above their heads it caused an effect that was imposing and patriotic. A slight error occurred in the programme, the children halted to have their picture taken while the Rev LOWRY was offering the opening prayer. You can now get a picture cheap and it will be a pleasant souvenier of our picnic.

June 21, 1895

Miss Della LEWIS, of Parkland, paid our town a visit on Tuesday.

Mrs Myrtle REED, of Flynn, was in Tryon Tuesday trading with our merchants.

Charles BURWICK had a young lady visitor at his home last week. Mother and child are doing well, at least, that is the report of Dr. HARDIN.

Dr STILES returned from Downs on Tuesday and says it looks like the fall of the year over there. He met with a lot of people on the road to the gold fields.

We notice Mr F B LILLIE of Soonerville, on our streets this week. Soonerville is quite a way from here, but Mr LILLIE saves money by trading with our stores.

We had a lively dance in the City Hall on Tuesday evening. Everything went off in good order and Marab BRADBURY announced he would have the biggest kind of a dance the 4th all day and evening.

Lawrence WALTERS while attempting to ride a colt on Sunday morning broke his arm above the elbow and smashed the elbow joint. We fear this is a bad job for the boy. Dr HARDIN pronounces it a difficult case. We hope he may come out all right.

Mrs. Dr HARDIN and Miss Maude ROBINSON returned from Guthrie on Tuesday.They made a business trip, but met with a number of friends and had a very enjoyable time. They were caught in the rain on the return trip and had to stay overnight.

John RATHBURN is making things look lively with his company of Sons of Veterans. They drill three evenings in the week and the air is filled with the cry of "as you was before you was, jonnie get your gun.", etc.
The young men take kindly to the drill and will give a good account of themselves the fourth of July.

Squire RHODES has just come back from Chandler thoroughly equipped with all the neccesary law books pertaining to the way and wherefore of Oklahoma. We may now expect to see the squire spreading himself as a walking encyclopedia on all legal matters.

Mr WALTERS reports that his son, E A WALTERS and others found a drowned man in a washout, caused by the tornado, and waterspout near Guthrie. He was, apparently, 45 years old, had $104 dollars and a gold watch in his pocket. The part of a new harness was tangled around him and probably when the cart went over into the water, he became entangled in it.

We have just recieved the first peach of the season from Mr R W POOL, it is a fine plump specimen and comes from an 8 year old tree. Not a long time to wait for fruit, three years soon passes away and the fruit is mighty handy when it comes.

Mr POOL also brought a fine sample of a 7 foot corn stalk with three shoots on it. Just what we said all along, the people who have attended to their business and let the Lord attend to his, have corn and plenty of it, at least that is our experience in this part of Oklahoma.

Mr GOOCH from Soonerville was in Tryon Wednesday with Mrs RICHARDS trading at JONES' Store. She was suddenly taken violently ill. Dr HARDIN gave the lady some medicines and she rapidly recovered and was able to go home.

Eugene V DEBS and other officials of the American Railway Union were sent to Woodstock Jail from Chicago yesterday to serve out their repentive sentences of six and three months in two different company cases. The men who accompanied them were G W HOWARD, S KELLIHER, D W ROGERS, James HOGAN, W E BURNS, R M GOODWIN, and Martin ELLIOTT.

Mr and Mrs Jack TRYON went to Guthrie on Thursday.

W O BEACH, the nurseryman from Perkins, paid us a visit on Thursday, Mr BEACH was on his way to Cushing.

Mr C T RUSH from Cushing paid us a pleasant call on Thursday. He is looking up a school that needs furniture.

Mr MCKNIGHT reports that his little girl is much better and that Dr HARDIN will not need to come any more.

Mr MALLEY had the misfortune to get one of his horses cut up badly on a wire fence. He will not be able to work it all summer.

MR STREAM has returned from Kansas where he had been visiting some of his old freinds. He reports a pretty good time and corn looking well.

Mrs. Emma HUTCHINS, and daughter from Fall City Nebraska, are visiting M F MINSHALL, the brother of Mrs HUTCHINS.

The choir met for practice at Mr John SHOEMAKER's house on Wednesday last, they are making good progress.

Nearly every town in Oklahoma that can boast a post office and blacksmith's shop is making active preparations to let the eagle scream on the glorious fourth.

On last Saturday night about 75 track layers on the Choctaw road laid down their tools and struck for an increase of 25 cents a day. They are now recieving $1.50 a day which they claim is not enough in view of the fact that they are compelled to pay $4 a week for board.

A farmer named RANSON who lives near Downs, has a snow white colt, with the single exception that on the left side of the animal is the perfect outline of the bust of Grover CLEVELAND siloutted in jet black, which gives the colt a most singular appearance, Mr RANSON has refused $200 for the animal.--State Capital.

STOLEN OR STRAYED--Last Saturday night, one small roan horse, horseshoe brand on left shoulder, 7 years old, in good order, a liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of horse or information leading to its recovery. V B REDBURN, Nora, Lincoln County, Okla.

Henry J ALDRICH, president of the Colorado Securities Co, of Denver, is a fugitive from justice, and an investigation of the company's books shows people have been robbed by it to the amount of nearly half a million dollars.

June 28, 1895

Mr. J L WILSON reports that he is cutting 80 acres of the finest wheat in the county.

We had a pleasant call from Mrs and Miss STANLEY, of Flynn, on Saturday. They report crops looking well in their district.

Will PARROTT lost 14 hogs last week, the cause is a mystery, and as yet, we have not been able to find the peculiarity of the disease.

Luther M CHANEY left Tryon on Sunday for Wicherville, Ark. He has done a lot of painting here, and, no doubt, when he comes back again, he will get more work.

Miss Jenney BRADBURY and Mr and Mrs. BEAGLES started for Carthage, MO, on Wednesday. They are going to visit and expect to come back in a month or so.

The Gold Fever seems to have struck Tryon. Several of our citizens have laid by their corn, and are off to investigate. We expect to have several millionaires in this section of the country by fall.

Dr HARDIN, B R FOWLER, M F MIHSHALL, Mr GAMMELL and BORROUGHS all started Monday for the Gold fields. We were forcibly reminded of the young soldiers marching off to the war to the tune of " left left, I left a good home when I left.."

On Wednesday, Mr E B POWER caught a grey wolf. The dog tracked him, and the wolf wanted to play with the dog, so Mr POWER made an easy capture. On Saturday he killed another one. If these wolves get troublesome, we had better turn out and have a circle hunt.

Young Fred WOOLBERT had a serious accident on Sunday. While bathing in a branch, he caught hold of an overhanging rock which broke away carrying the boy back into the water; the rock fell on his arm, tearing the joint  away at the wrist. Dr STILES was sent for and pronounced it to be a bad case. He put the boy under chloroform and set the bone, there was a large gash at the wrist which had to be sewed up. The poor boy bore his misfortune with fortitude. His undle and aunt, with the assistance of Mr JENNINGS, were unremitting in their attendance, and everything was done that could be done to help him. We fear it is a critical case, and  should blood poison set in, he may loose his hand but we hope not. His  father and mother came over and took him home.

Messrs JONES and RHODES returned from Guthrie on Monday night. Mr JONES bought a handsome present for his daughter Lilly, it was an elegant gold wathc and chain, the watch is beautifully ornamented and the chain is set in rubys.

Mr STEER brought in a fine lot of onions, the best we have ever seen. He has plenty more for sale.

Mr OLSON was in Tryon on Wednesday, and he says the chinch bugs are looking sick.

Mr C O WILSON brought in a fine lot of new potatoes. They are large and solid, in fact, a credit to any country. Mr JONES bought them, and they are $1 a bushel.

Mr and Mrs W H DUNCAN were in Tryon on Wednesday, and made a pleasant call at our office. We are much pleased to see many of our friends and patrons from Flynn and hope they all come over for the 4th in good force. We would like to see them all here with their families, and will try to make them feel at home.

Mr F C PENTACOST of Guthrie, representing the Arkansas City Milling Co., and Mr N M CARTER, representing Water Pierce Oil Co, were in Tryon this week. Mr CARTER says the present consumption of oil in the United States exceeds supply by many thousands of gallons, and it is, at the present outlook, only a question of time when there will be an oil famine.

On Tuesday night the Sons of Veterans were in the middle of their drill when Capt. RATHBURN had to dismiss them in a hurry, the clouds began to empty themselves in a lively manner. A big hail storm drove every one inside. Mr and Mrs CROUSE and Mr and Mrs STYLES and their families were soon snugly enscounced in the storm cellar, and everybody had quietly vamoosed for somewhere out of the storm.

Contributed By
Nalora Burns [email protected]

Created by
Sharon Burnett-Crawford
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