Oklahoma City 1936
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Oklahoma City News 1936

Compiled and Contributed by
Rebecca Edinger

Sunday August 9, 1936

Oklahoma Anglers Stray Far And Wide, But They Never Fail To Get Fish
Chester CROCKETT, Davy's Great-Grandson Snags the Rocks at Baltimore. It's as hard to beat these Oklahoma City fishermen at their own game as it is to catch Jesse OWENS in a game of tag. Comes now the yarn of Chester Crockett of Oklahoma City, who went a-fishing in Chesapeake bay with J. Hammond BROWN, sports writer on the Baltimore American. However proud a host he may have been, he took off his hat to the great-grandson of Davy Crockett of Alamo fame. The pair were trolling for rock fish near Solomon's Island in the hay and Brown remarked that Crockett's first strike only the setting sun made the Oklahoma citizen call it a day. (photo included)

Monday May 20, 1946

June Week Visitor
Miss Mary Elizabeth SYPERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Sypert , will leave May 29, by plane for Annapolis , Md. where she will attend the United States Naval academy. (photo included)

Vinita Lions Elect Boatright President
Vanita: May 19- Ray BOATRIGHT has been elected to head the Vanita Lions club for the 1946-47 year. Other officers include: O.L. DEARMON first vice-president; Carl Campbell, second vice-president; and Ronnie MOORE, third vice-president.

Saturday January 31, 1942

Mrs. Georgia A. Nunn Dies in City Home
Mrs. Georgia Ann NUNN, 70 year-old mother of Mrs. J.C. WEAVER, choir director at Grace Methodist Church, and J.H.Nunn, city employee, died at 3:30 a.m. Saturday at the Weaver home.
Mrs. Nunn had lived with her daughter in Oklahoma City since 1931. She was a member of the Grace Methodist Church.
Survivors are her husband: J.M.Nunn, and her son and daughter, both of the home address.
Services will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Perrine funeral home. Burial will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at Wagoner.

Four Members of the Queensberry Club who will act as host Saturday night when the group sponsors a party for the men at Will Rogers field, are pictured above. Left to right: Mrs. Frank FONVIELLE, R.OLSEN, Cliff MYER, and Mrs. OLSEN.
(photo included)

Shawnee Gas Stations To Close at 7 p.m.
Shawnee: Jan. 31

Thirty-five Shawnee service station operators have agreed upon a change of working hours for the duration of the war beginning February 1. The stations will open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, eliminating late or all night service. The curtailment is planned because of loss of business , and because of difficulty in getting helpers since the draft. Ival Goodman, Cincinnati Reds star, who operates a station here, with Eler BEDFORD, Herman THOMPSON, R.P. HARPER and W.Q. PALMER, compose a committee to extend the move to other stations.

Monday August 17, 1936

Hold Rites for Pioneer Resident
Mrs. Bertie WILLIAMS Was Early Settler at Capitol Hill Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. today at the Capitol Hill Funeral Home for Mrs. Bertie Williams, 67 year old pioneer Capitol Hill resident. Burial will be in Sunny Lane Cemetery.
Mrs. Williams died yesterday at her home. She had been a invalid for 14 years. With her husband, C.A. Williams, she move into the third home to be built in the Capitol Hill area in 1900. She was a leader in the movement to bring Capitol Hill into Oklahoma City and founded the Patrons' Club, serving as its first president.
Survivors include two grand-daughters; a sister, Mrs. Aotto YOHO and a brother, Fred BRABAM,  both of Lexington.

Services are Set For Virginia Burch
Utility Company Employee Will Be Buried in Fletcher Funeral services for Miss Virginia BURCH will be conducted at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Hann Funeral Home. Services also will be held at 4 p.m. in the First Baptist Church, Fletcher and burial will be in the Fletcher Cemetery.
Miss Burch, employee of the Capitol Hill division of the Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. died Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ida Burch from complications resulting from an appendicitis operation seven weeks ago. She was 23 years old. Graduating from the school of home economics at Oklahoma A & M College in 1934, Miss Burch served as county home demonstration agent of LeFlore County for two years before taking a job with the O.G. & E last April.
Surviving are three sisters: Miss Ruby Ann Burch and Mrs. Nora Van DEVENTER, both of the city and Mrs. Christine DAWSON, Fletcher, and a brother Everett Burch, Fletcher.

Bittner Funeral To Be Held Today
Pioneer State Woman Dies of Paralytic Stroke
Mrs. Lucinda BITTNER, state pioneer, will be buried today in Rose Hill Cemetery. Following funeral services at 4.p.m. at the Hahn Funeral Home. The Rev. M.L.Simpson will officiate.
Mrs. Bittner, 77 years old, died late Saturday at her home of a paralytic stroke. She moved to Cushing in 1893 from Kansas and to the city in 1906. She was a member of the Wesley Methodist Church.
Survivors include her husband, J. Bittner, two daughters, Mrs. R.S. ROSS and Mrs. R.E. PITTS, both of the city; a son, O.E. Bittner, Wichita, Kas.; and two sisters, Mrs. S.P. ALLES, Cushing, and Mrs. John GOODRICK, Marshall, Kas.

Monday, August 17, 1936

Funeral Services Will Be at Ottawa, Kas.
The body of Mrs. Daisy Stewart, 2224 NW22nd-st was sent last night by the Watts & Mctee Funeral Home to Ottawa, Kas. Mrs. Stewart, 60 years old, died yesterday at her home after an illness of several years. She came to the city about a year ago from Ottawa, Kas.
Survivors include her husband, George K. Stewart, retired railroad man; and a daughter, Mrs. J Lloyd Carey, city.

Funeral Conducted at Kendrick For Retired Farmer
Funeral services were conducted today at the Bethel Cemetery near Kendrick, Okla. for George E. Roberts, 71 year old retired farmer. The Hunter Funeral Home was in charge. Mr. Robert died late Saturday in a city hospital fro complications resulting from an abdominal operation. He came to the state 26 years ago from Indiana and settled on a farm near Kendrick, where he lived until the death of his wife several years ago. He then moved here to live with a daughter, Mrs. Rebecca HINTON, 207 SE 24th -st.

Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Bell Covey, 3629 S. Robinson-av, were conducted today at the Garrison Funeral Home. Burial was in Sunny Lane Cemetery. Mrs. Covey, 77 years old, died Thursday of heart trouble at her home. She had returned to the city only a few days before from a two-month visit with a son, Elbert W. Covey, in Chicago.

'BILLIE' Engraved on Arm Band Aids Police in Search for Parents of Victim of Accident At Downtown Intersection. The youngster killed by a truck was identified shortly after 2 pm. as Billie DISMUKES, 9 , son of Mrs. Edna Ethel GRAY, 1225 W. Main-st.
An unidentified boy, about 9 years old, was fatally injured here this afternoon when he dashed in the path of a truck at Grand and Western-ave. Police were searching for relatives or friends of the child whose body is held at Watts & McAtee Funeral Home.
The name Billie was engraved on a metal band the boy wore on his right arm. The youngster died in an ambulance before it reached Wesley Hospital.
Sherman S. STANFORD, 37 years old, of Norman,driver of the truck, said he had just made a left turn from Grand into Western-ave when the boy ran from the southeast curb of the intersection. The right front wheel of the truck struck the boy, knocking him to the pavement.
Mr. STANFORD said he was driving about 10 miles an hour. The boy got up from the paving and walked to the curb. He did not cry. Mr. STANFORD and witnesses made the boy lie down while an ambulance was called. It was said the youngster suffered a crushed head. Mr. STANFORD, driver-salesman for the Coco Cola Co, had just left the company's bottling plant at 1 NW Third-st, and was to cover a route between here and Norman.
The boy was wearing a yellow polo shirt, gray wash rousers, white shoes and blue socks and a broad brimmed Texas Centennial hat. He carried a Centennial cane and wore a ring bearing a Centennial inscription.

Glen MARTIN Escapes Through Crowds as Judge Revokes Freedom From Twenty-Year Sentence For Robbery With Firearms All available police and deputies were pressed into the chase. MARTIN was not armed and he fled on foot.

Long Illness is Fatal to Fancis Thomas BLANDY
Francis Thomas BLANDY, an old-time cowman and supervisor in the Internal Revenue Bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department, died today at his home, 2408 NW 16th St. after a long illness.
Mr. BLANDY, 67 years old, had been connected with the Internal Revenue Bureau for 30 years, entering the Santa Fe, N.M branch in 1906 as a deputy collector. He was transferred to Salt Lake City, Utah, and then to Brooklyn, NY before being sent here in December, 1923.
He was born in Newark, Del. and at the age of 14 years moved west and secured a job with the Eddy Bissell Cattle Co. one of the largest of the old-time cattle farms. He rode the range near Carlsbad, N.M.. At the age of 20 he joined an engineering party and helped survey the townsite of Carlsbad. He then became interested in mining and worked all over the west, rising to the position of mine superintendent before quitting to enter the Internal Revenue Bureau.
He is survived by his widow, Ina; a daughter, Thelma, of Los Angeles; three sisters and a brother. Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the Garrison Funeral Home. The body will be sent to Kansas City., Mo.

Services For Mrs.Mary WILLIAMS Held At Aydeoltte Church
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Williams, Route 2, Shawnee, were held today at the Aydelotte Church north of Shawnee. Burial was in the Gable Cemetery, directed by the Garrison Funeral Home. Mrs. Williams, 70 years old, died yesterday at her farm home after a long illness.

City Woman, Victim of Heat, Buried In Fairlawn Cemetery
Mrs. Angie L. PIPKIN, 84-year-old Saturday heat victim, was buried today in Fairlawn Cemetery , following funeral services at the Hahn Funeral Home. The Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, associate pastor of St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church officiated. Mrs. Pipkin died at the home of a daughter, Mrs.E. J. ROGERS, 2329 N. Flynn-av. She moved to the city in 1908 from Clinton to live with relatives.

Dated August 15, 1936

The cotton was grown on the W.H. MORRISON farm near Fleetwood, Jefferson County, Oklahoma, and was ginned at the Fleetwood Gin August 1, and delivered to the Oklahoma Growers Association August 3. This is about, if not the earliest date on record for the first bale of cotton for the state.


The willing horse gets the heaviest load, and the most oats.

Ambition is great stuff, but use your head. A grasshopper shouldn't try to learn to be a kangaroo.

Hope is the mainspring of courage.

It is not size or population that makes a country great: it is the spirit of the people

Good Ideas;

Soot on wall paper may be removed with corn meal.

To add a little sugar to the rinse water, when washing laces, gives them a gloss which starch cannot impart.

Brittle Nails: For finger nails which break easily, use more oil on them. A frequent treatment of warm oil will help to keep them in healthy condition.

Candle Salad:
Place half a banana upright in one slice of canned pineapple, place a cherry on top of the banana, pour mayonnaise around the pineapple, serve on lettuce leaves. Add a little salt and cinnamon to prunes to give them added flavor.

Sunday August 16,1936



Guns Manned After Threat To Open Fire- Cutter and English Ship Were Taking Refugees From War Zone

Marland Rules Carlton B. CHILTON Must Serve Out His Bank Burglary Term Despite Good Record Since Escape.

State Representative and Four Children Injured Severely McAlester, Okla. Aug. 15 Automobiles carrying a wedding party and a family of six crashed in a fog of dust near Quinton Saturday, killing the prospective bride-groom and a mother of four children.
Mrs. H.O.BOGGS of Wilburton was dead when extricated from the wreckage. Her husband , state representative from Latimer County, and her four children were injured seriously. They were brought to a hospital here where attendants said they probably would recover.
The other victim was Pete ABELS of Madill. He and Louella WHEATLEY of Quinton were traveling to Wilburton to be married. In the car with Ables and his prospective bride was Bud WINNIGER of Madill, who escaped serious injury. With Mr. and Mrs. Boggs were their four children: Betty May 10, Tommie 7, Pat 5, and Dickie 2,.
All the injured were brought to a hospital here. Ables died at the door of the hospital. Winneger and Ables were employed in the Wilburton C.C.C camp.

Three Overcome When They Attempt Rescue Odessa, Tex. Aug. 15.
Four men were killed Saturday when they were overcome by gas fumes in an oil well near Odessa. The dead were Bertis MAGNESS, Jack HALL, Granville TORBERT, And D.B. STRIPLING.
One of the men had gone into a cellar at the Wellhead, 17 miles southeast of Odessa, during an operation of acidizing the well. He remained so long one of his companions went after him. Both were overcome by gas fumes. The other two then attempted rescue, but also were overcome. Stripling was manager of an acid company at Breckenridge and the other three men were employed by the concern.

Saturday, January 31, 1942

Highschool Cast to Give Performance At Will Rogers Field, Other Army Camps.
There'll be nothing old-fashioned about the one-act comedy, in which Mary Jane RICE, Ed BROWN, Mary Helen KIRKPATRICK and Jack LEE play key roles. And for tap-dancing add Maxine MORSE. Patricia STUMPFF, Robbie HALL, Ermalene PRICE , and Mary Jon JOHNSON sing soldiers favorites.  (Photo )

One Head and 116 Hats
Antonette BURNHAM, known at Classen highschool as just "Toni" , hasn't gone high-hat but she could if she took the notion. In 18 months she has collected 116 pieces of miniature headgear from Mexico, Canada and 14 states. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Burnham. (photo)

PALMERS Receive Many Gifts At Farewell Party
The Rodney PALMERS found little sorrow in their farewell when 150 friends honored them at an appreciation dinner Friday night at the Y.M.C.A.. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are leaving here after 16 years to move to Little Rock, Ark.

Old Fashioned Revival
Charles E. FULLER Director (photo)

Brother and Sister KITCHEN Invite you to Church (photo)

Trinity Baptist Church Invites YOU to Hear  Dr. W.B. HARVEY preaching at 10:45 (photo)

August 12, 1936

J.H. BROWN Rites Await Relative
Retired Businessman Died at Home Tuesday Funeral services for Joseph H. BROWN retired city businessman await the arrival of a son from California. Mr. Brown, 84 years old, died of paralysis last night at his home. Coming here from Illinois in 1907, Mr. Brown entered the lumber business and formed the old Brown Lumber Co. with yards .

HEINY Rites Conducted
Ninth-st Woman, Resident of City 25 Years, Buried Mrs. Ella HEINY, was buried today in Fairlawn Cemetery, following funeral services at the Hahn Funeral Home. Mrs. Heiny , a city resident for the last 25 years, died in a city hospital Monday, after an illness of two months. She came here from Wellman, Ia.

State Records:

O.B. RUSSELL of Mutual and Martha MCHANEY of Supply
Bruce CRAWFORD and Virginia DEWEY both of Buffalo
Corwin H. KINSER 21, and Sybil MOLTON, 18
Jack D. JONES of Shamrock and Rowena HARPER of Borger
Gene HENDRIX of Sayre and Wileen SIMMONS of Deihl
Karlis BARKER of Erick, and Mattie McADOO of Willow
James BELL and Bettie ELKINS both of Pampa
Veidon MASSAY and Minda WANN, both of Elk City
Paul DAVIS and Cleo M. ARNOLD both of Oklahoma City
Charles C. BINION of Sayre, and Beatrice BARNES of Sweetwater
Cecil IVEY 18, and Rada Mae GRISSOM 18
Lightle IVEY 42 and Inex COPELAND 30
Drewer RAY 30 Henryetta and Alice Mae MOON of Okemah
Jack MARSH 18 and Ruth HARRIS
W.A. CHISUM 32 Electra, Tex, and Mae WALKER 33 Vernon, Tex.
Bert BAIN, 41 and Betty MARSHALL 30 both of Wichita Falls, Tex.
Lee BECKES, 23 and Odessa BLACKMON 17 both of Tipton
Charley BOWERMAN 21 and Frances BOWLING 18 both of Binger
Albert DAVIS 26 and Amanda MILWEE 31 both of Carnegie
John R. DORAN 26 and Margaret P. BIEBERORF 19 both of Oklahoma City
Raymond NAIL 18 El Reno and Maxine HILLBURN 15 , of Hinton
Charles FREEMAN of Walers, and Ruby Lee REEVES of Eldorado
Hiram BRIMBERRY of Big Springs Tex, and Ruby K. PACE of Texas
Odis VOWELL 26 and Flora E. GAGE 18, both of Lawton
Terrence CLARK 22 and DeLores SMITH 22 both of Comanche

Lawton: Charles H. TRAVIS, 80
Hobart: Mrs. Hugh LAW
Chattanooga: Sam HANDERSON
Norman: Jimmy D. SWANK
Seminole: Mrs. Betty ELLIS, 67
Sapulpa; Mrs. Ralph WILSON
Jack DALY, 61
McAlester; J.R. COXEY, 61
Edmond: Ellen C. COTRELL
Drumright; L. D. KELLEAM, 52
Tulsa: Mrs. Cora WILLIAMS , 45
Stillwater: George H. TOMBERLIN, 71
Nowata: Henry B. LOWERY
Blackwell: Mr. Anna NEHER

Marriage Licenses:
Thomas P. ROSS 18 and Winnie MASSEY 15, both of Pennsylvania -av

Divorce Petitions:
Anna Mae GRIGGS vs. Ray S. Griggs
M.C.KELLEY vs. Nellie Mae Kelley
Theasa TUOHY vs. John Tuohy
J.T. MILES vs. Bonnie Lee Miles
Maurie WELLS vs. Harve Wells
Rebecca NEEL vs. Oliver Neel
B.W. RUSSELL vs. Della Russell
Ruby SMITH vs. Charles Smith
Tom TILLY vs. Lula Tilly
John L. MOORE vs. Dovie Moore
Ila CARMICHAEL vs. Fred P. Carmichael
Goldie MILES vs. T.D. Miles
Lula McINTOSH vs. Charles O. McIntosh
Helen JEZEK v. Henry Jezek
Cornelia P. BEESON vs. A.A. Beeson
Elven MURRAY vs. Arleva Murray
Etta V. RORK vs. Elmer A. Rork

Mrs. J.E. LANER, 26
Mrs. Zelma DEAL, 22
Mrs. Sally D. LATHEM , 75
Jim REED, 55
J.A. KELSEY 81, of Denison, Tex.
Harry H. LaMOTTE ,67 of Long Beach Calif.
Mrs. Martha PASSMORE, 84
Theodore A. GREESON, 26
Mrs. Susan Jane BURNSED, 87
John E. WALTON, infant
Mrs. Lula BALLARD, 56
Joseph H. BROWN, 84

Pennsylvania-ave Women Will Be Buried Today
Funeral services for Mrs. Lula Ballard will be conducted at 4 p.m. today in Sunny Lane Cemetery directed by the Garrison Funeral Home. Mrs. Ballard , 56 years old, died yesterday in a hospital, after a long illness.

Aged City Woman Buried Today in Memorial Park Cemetery Funeral services for Mrs. Susan Jane BURNSED, 87 years old, were held today at the Guardian Funeral Home, with burial in Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mrs. Burnsed died yesterday of paralysis at the home of a daughter. She moved to Pawhuska 17 years ago from Dallas, Tex. to live , then came to the city 14 years ago.

Former City Woman Will Be Buried In Memorial Park
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha PASSMORE, former city resident, will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at the Jones Funeral Home. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Passmore, 84 years old, moved from the city four years ago to live with a daughter in Blackwell. She died there Monday.

Services Held For Mrs. ROBERTS, Killed By Interurban Car
Funeral services were held today at the Marritt Funeral Home for 76 year old Bethany resident who was killed Monday when struck by an interurban car near her home. Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery. Her 78 year old husband, Charles W. Roberts, who was with her at the time of the accident, was only brushed by the car.

City Resident Buried in Sunny Lane Cemetery
Theodore A. GREESON, 26 year old laborer, was buried today in Sunny Lane Cemetery, following funeral services at the Hunter Funeral Home. Mr. Greeson died in a city hospital yesterday.

City Woman, Who Died Saturday, Buried in Fairlawn
Mrs. Pearl May McMARTY was buried today in Fairlawn Cemetery, following funeral services at the Garrison Funeral Home. Mrs. McMarty, 57 years old, died Saturday at her home, after a long illness.

J.A. KELSEY Funeral Services Conducted Today
J.A. KELSEY, 81 year old retired Denison, Tex. farmer and former Edmond resident, was buried today in an Edmond cemetery. The Baggeriey Funeral Home, Edmond, was in charge.
He died yesterday at Denison after an illness of two years. born and reared on a farm near S. Joseph, Mo. , Mr. Kelsey moved to a farm near Edmond in 1908 where he lived until 1915 when he moved to Denison.

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1936

County Farm Heat Victims Are Buried
Services Are Conducted For Two Aged Men:

Two county farm residents, victims of the heat and old age Sunday, were buried today in city cemeteries.
Alonzo SHERWOOD, 88 years old, was buried in Fairlawn Cemetery. He came to the city 15 years ago from Michigan and worked at odd jobs. He went to the county farm three years ago. He is survived by four granddaughters and a grandson.
Ralph RODGERS, 87 years old, was buried in Sunny Lane Cemetery, following funeral services at the Mission Grove Church, Community Camp. He came to the city 20 years ago from Ohio and worked for a few years as a building contractor. He is survived by his widow at the county farm, and a son. The Perrine Funeral Home was in charge of both services.

Clay Center, Kas. Aug. 18
, for 30 years publisher of The Moranville (Kas) Tribune, died in a hospital here yesterday. Huff was president of the Editorial Association in the fourth district.

Marriage Licenses

Thomas GREY, 31 and Mrs. Loretta SHAW 25
George W. SMITH 22 of Newcastle, and Miss Ona SPAULDING 20 of Tuttle
Charles Edward BEARD 29, and Miss Lena Thelesa SMITH 22
Claude E. WATSON 23 of Chickasha and Miss Geneva IRWIN 19 of Chickasha
Jack RICHMOND 20 and Miss Cordelia Mary WALKER
Vestal BEVEL and Miss Faye HENDERSON 22
LaMar VAUGHT 22 and Miss Hazel FIELDS 19
Roy BEARD 49 and Miss Rosa LIMBACK 36
Tom B. MORRIS 38, of Frederick, and Miss Cata FARISS 38 of Oklahoma City.

Divorce Petitions Filed:
Winnie BEVEL vs. Odie Willia Bevel
D. Camerlon JOHNSTON vs. Grace Johnston
Golda J. KEPS vs. William R. Keps
W.D. TAYLOR vs. Ada B. Taylor
Lucille PAYNE vs. Kenneth Payne
Edward JONES vs. Mary Jones
Betty MARTS vs. C.E. Marts
Anna Bertha WING vs. Jack Wing
Roy SIMERLY vs. Gerty Simerly

Francis T. BLAND , 67
W.Robert SHANKLE , 36
Mrs. Kate TATOM , 63
Etta Earline MONTGOMERY, 3
Billie Earl DISMUKES, 9
William W. REY, 26

Marriage License:

J.H.EVANS 24 of Holdenville and Mildred NEAL 21 of Spaulding
Cecil BUTLER 24 and Lois VONZULA 18 both of Holdenville
E.C. NELSON 32 and Gladys FLOYD, both of Seminole
Raymond CLIFTON 21 and Lillie LIVELY both of Seminole
Joe SELLERS 23 of Binger, and Rachel MELUGIN of Norman
Harold KNOX 21 of Norman and Frances TOMLINSON of Oklahoma City
Art MOSLEY 42 and Mrs. Margaret FERGUSON both of Ponca City
Jimmie C. FELLOWS 29, of Fort Sill and Mrs. Mae Fellows 27 of Lawton
Shelby HENNESSEE 22 and Bennie BRISTER 18 both of Lawton
Noble BALLINGER 23 of Tonkawa and Mary Ellen COLE 27 of Burbank
Howard HAFFEY 25 of Boise City and Elizabeth Ruth RUSS 18 of Lawton
Millard J. HAYES 24 of Temple and Violet marle CORNUTT 23 of Walters
Vernon TRUSTY 21 and Juanita McELYEA 18 both of Chickasha
Winston PALMER 23 of Oklahoma City and Lahoma WADE 19 of Weleetka
Odell STOVER 20 and Kathleen HAYS 18 both of Okemah
J.W. JACKSON and Anetta SCARBOROUGH both of Seminole
George James BROOKS 25 and Louis WILSON 19 both of Ardmore
Alfred T. WILLIAMSON 22 of Ardmore and Ruth HEFNER 18 of Wilson
S.O.HAYES 24 and Irene LEE 24 both of Ardmore
William E. CURTIS 29 of Coyle and Delle ARMSTRONG of Willington, Del.
Paul HONEGGER and Melvina ALLEN, both of Shidler
C. H. THAXTON of Lyman and Freda Mae ARGO of Webb City


J.H. McCRAY 94
Nina FRENCH 26
Mrs. Susan A. PENDLETON 69
Ollie TAYLOR 30
Mrs. Ruth Irene BRANDON 41
Elk City:
Roger Dale LUTHY 5
Lasco WHEELER 73
Mrs. Luttie GRIFFITH
Ellis Clayton WRIGHT 27
Mrs. Richard MEADOWS 27
Mrs. Ravenne E. POUND 58
Kiefer: Mrs. Alice SHAW 42


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