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Carter County

State Herald Ardmore, IT

MAR 1, 1894

Our patrons will do us a great favor, today, if they will settle in full with the State Herald collector. We have drafts and obligations at the bank, representing a considerable sum, which must be paid, and our only resource is from monthly collections. Enough is owed this office to make us easy, pecunilary, if paid and we would especially urge upon our friends that they assist us in the manner indicated at this time.
----R W MCADAM, Manager.

Will DUSTON went to Wynnewood Monday.

Will BURCH was up from Marietta Sunday.

H C POTTERF was in Gainesville yesterday.

R S DENEE went to Paul's Valley yesterday.

Mike GOLDMAN has located in business at Davis.

H H RUSSELL returned from Perry, OT, Sunday.

Sam DAVIS and Sol ERDWURM were down from Davis yesterday.

A C CRUCE went to Gainesville Monday night.

Judge CARTER is again in Dallas having his eyes treated.

Charles HUMPHREY went to Oklahoma City Friday.

Major L L STOWE has been badly under the weather of late.

Rev SHAWHAN is at Pauls Valley conducting a revival meeting.

Charlie SAMMONS and Lee ROBERSON visited Gainesville Monday.

It is said that Sam DAUBE married a wealthy New York heiress Saturday.

J S B APOLLAS is able to be out and about after several days confinement with the grip.

We are glad to announce Jno T ALEXANDER's little ones are convalescing.

Mrs. SEYFER, sister of Mrs. W A LEDBETTER, returned to her home in Illinois Friday.

Editor LYNN of the Wynnewood republic, called on the State Herald Tuesday.

John BOLEN, of Rex, was held to answer for robbery by commissioner GIBBONS.

A mite society and social entertainment was held at the residence of Rev CLAYPOOL, Tuesday night.

One SUTHERLAND was committed to Paris, Monday by Commissioner Gibbons for selling booze.

Frank COLEMAN, of Durwood, charged with adultery, was discharged by Commissioner Gibbons.

Misses BLISSINGAME and CANNON, who have been visiting Mrs R W DICK, returned to CANNON, Tex, Monday.

John SIMPSON, brother-in-law of John MAHONEY, was up from Gainesville the first of the week.

Jim GOLLEDGE, Ardmore's cornice manufactuer, has recently put in a $500 cornice break machine.

BRENTS & MILLER, druggists of Wynnewood, have been attached. Their liabilities greatly exceed their assets.

W A MCBRIDE, Masonic Grand Lecturer, begins a series of Masonic instruction lectures at the lodge room today.

HEARNE, alias BLACK, reposes in the Sherman, Tex jail charged with the theft of a horse belonging to Mr LOTT of Ardmore.

Mrs BENTON, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Lee ROBERSON, returned to Doughtery Saturday.

Mrs W B LAWRENCE is in the city from El Reno, OT, the guest of her sister, Mrs R S W PARKER.

Max MUNZESHELMER, of the great and only Iron Store, returned from his protracted visit to Galveston and other Texas points this week.

"Hello Central!" Ardmore is to have a city telephone. The stock has been  subscribed and the line will be stretched this spring!

One has not been to Italy who has not visited Rome. The Dawes commission will only half "do" Indian Territory without a visit to Ardmore, Monday Night.

HERBERT & HERNDON, a new Hardware firm, will open up in Joe F ROBERSON's store room. The stock is to be moved from Perry. We wish the firm success.

Mrs. Rosa GARDNER, of Alabama, representing the Confederate Veteran Magazine and working in the interest of Confederate Charities, is in  the City.

Work has begun on Ardmore's $12,000 brick hotel, north of the courthouse.The structure will be three stories high and handsomely appointed throughout.

MOORE, the man accused of wife murder near Doughtery, has been granted $1,500 bail by Judge BRYANT through the efforts of attorney J C THOMPSON.

ROSAMOND & KEMERER, Admore's enterprising commission merchants, are clearing the ground for a brick business house on Court street.

Miss Ellen DORTCH, editess of the Milledgeville(Ga.) Chroncile who was visiting the family of Lum JOHNSON, returned home Friday.

General Manager YOAKUM and some Santa Fe magnates has their special car side tracked here yesterday and took in the town for a couple hours, visiting the oil mill and compress.

One DOOLITTLE, whiskey peddler, was committed by Commissioner GIBBONS yesterday. He is thought to be wanted for the murder of the sheriff of Baxter county, Ark.

J R M PATTERSON, the Gainesville merchant, has discontinued his Ardmore Branch store. The business relations of this firm with our people were honorable and pleasant.

Holmes MCLISH, a well known Chickasaw, brother of Richard MCLISH, of this City, was shot to death at Tishomingo, Tuesday, by one MCSWAIN, a white  man, who claims the killing was accidental. The deceased is said to have been shot twice through the back.

Josiah BROWN and Palmer MOSELY, the Chickasaw Delegates to Washington have gone upon their mission of drawing a $2000 salary and seeing the "sights".
Both were progressives during the BYRD administration and favored allotment. They are hold of the tribal teat now and oppose it.

A fire from an unknown in Rev J B SMITH's store, on Main Street Tuesday night, at 9:30, But for the timely arrival and action of the townspeople, who turned out in force, Ardmore would have had a disastrous fire.
The stock and building were damaged about $500.

In Commissioner SCOTT's court, the latter part of the week, Robert HALL, assault and battery, was granted $150 bail; Frank HALL, larceny, $300 bail, committed; Jerome B CHASTAIN, assault and battery, $100 bail; Dan AYERS and Ed CHRISTAIN, disturbing the peace, $300 bail each; Ollie RHODES, affray, $100 bail; John BOWMAN, assault to rob, $300 bail.

Mrs Tecumseh MCCLURE and her daughter Mrs STEVENSON, passed through the city yesterday enroute to Paris. They have a $5000 bond ready for STEVENSON, who is the murderer of Constable Joe GAINES. They will pass through here today enroute to Pauls Valley. ---Gainesville Hesperian

The residence of George COONER adjoining the I T & F A wagon yard east of Ardmore was totally consumed by fire Friday afternoon. The house hold effects on the lower floor were saved by quick action on the part of  those early attached to the scene. There was no insurance and the loss is something like $400. Mr COONER is a mechanic with no assets but his hands and the loss of his home left him destitute. The generous and  sympathetic people of Ardmore immediately responded to his dire need and raised a purse sufficient to rebuild the house. The origin of the fire is supposed to be a defective flue.

Deputy Marshall VADEN arrived here yesterday with Wesley GROVES, a negro,who is charged with outraging his 12-year-old stepdaughter, near Colbert's Ferry, in the Indian Territory, a few days ago. GROVES and the girl went to the cotton field to work, and while there, he attacked her. She soon afterwards ran back to the house and told her mother of what he had done. An examination of the girl, showed her to badly injured. When VADEN went to the house to arrest him, GROVE hid under a bed. He was taken to Sherman last night to have his examining trial beofre Commissioner RICKELS, as the witnesses live only a short distance from there.
--Paris Dispatch.

J H GIBBS, the schoolspeacher, who murdered a man by the name of Charles JOHNSON on the 5th of this month, an account of which was given in this paper a few weeks ago, surrendered to Deputy C H MEYERS near Buckthorn last Wednesday and was brought to Ardmore to have his preliminary hearing before Commissioner GIBBONS. The evidence plainly showed that the two men had some words over a due bill which GIBBS owed JOHNSON and as JOHNSON presented the bill GIBBS became enraged and words followed which would have resulted in blows had not a bystander separated the men. JOHNSON then got in his buggy and started for Daughtery while GIBBS went to  his brother's house and procured a .44 caliber Winchester, started in pursuit of the unsuspecting victim. Seeing JOHNSON on the road he cut across the prairie on horseback and headed JOHNSON off about 200 yards from the post office. Whether any words passed is not known as eye witnesses were not near enough to hear the conversation. GIBBS was seen to dismount and with cool and deliberate aim he sent the leaden messengers of death into the body of JOHNSON. The body was rolled off of the seat and fell in the fron end of the buggy. The team became frightened and ran away, bruising the body. After the shooting, GIBBS mounted his horse and fled. His whereabouts was unknown, but officers were watching the neighborhood so closely that the murderer became uneasy and surrendered to the above officer. The evidence was so strongly one of deliberate murder the Commissioner GIBBONS bound the prisoner over to the Paris court without bail.

March 8, 1894

About Ardmore

Court convened Tuesday.

Capt Tom GRANT of Arbuckle is in town.

Pickled pigs feet at the Red Front Grocer, J N WORTHY, Manager.

Mr and Mrs Sam GARVIN are here from White Bead Hill.

Arthur WALCOTT is performing his official duties with the court.

Call and get R F MELTON's prices on stockmen's saddles before you buy.

Mens, youths and children's clothing at actual cost at H H RUSSELL's.

Mrs J W EOLSOM and daughter have returned from Atoka.

Max HEYMAN was up from Gainesville Monday.

Rev J M CLAYPOOL went to Dallas Monday night.

Mrs Dr. HIGH, of Berwyn, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo. COOPER.

Attorney HARRISON, of Muskogee, was a pleasant caller on the State Herald Saturday, and subscribed.

Deputy LINDSAY took Frank WESTMORELAND, indicted for murder, to Paris,Tuesday night.

Mrs J W GIBSON and son, H M GIBSON of Duncan, are visiting their relatives,J D HAYNES and family.

We want your butter and eggs and will pay the highest market price, J D KELLY's Grocer, corner of Mill and Main streets.

Ex-Governor ANTHONY of Kansas, is among the visiting attorneys in attendance at court.

Sam NOBLE, the wholesale grocer, returned the first of the week from Kansas City.

J E CARR, who was visiting his daughter, Mrs A B MCCOY, returned to his home at Wynnewood, Monday.

Maj Henry C DEAT and S S EVANTS were here from Marietta the first of the week.

We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs J J BLAKE, in this city, Sunday morning, the funeral was held Monday afternoon.

Rev J B SMITH, Sunday tied N A LEE and Miss Rosa PARKER of Berwyn in the bonds of Hymen.

Misses Stella GREEN and Ada MULLINS, the popular young ladies of Gainesville,visited Mrs R W MCADAMS the first of the week.

Marshall MCALESTER addressed a meeting of the deputy marshalls of the third judicial division, Monday night, and gave them some good advice along with some compliments.

Commissioner Joe THOMPSON was down from Purcell on judicial business Tuesday.

Commissioner SCOTT tried a Creek Indian for cattle theft the other day,who could not or would not talk United States, and it was difficult to get an interpreter. He was finally discharged.

Following are the grand Jurors:
B F FRENSLEY, forman
William GREEN

W L THOMAS' residence caught fire from a defective flue, yesterday morning, but the blaze was extinguished before it had gained much headway.

MCRAE says his single statehood bill is sure to pass soon. WHEELER says the same of his double statehood bill. One thing is certain, the other territory will get nothing unless Oklahoma, in some form, is admitted. The Republicans in congress have determined on this and can enforce it.
-----Guthrie Capital.

A train left Ardmore yesterday loaded with cattle for New York. James REDDY pulled it to Purcell with his big Frisco engine and made forty-one miles an hour.---Gainesville Hesperian.

An Ardmore man was held up Saturday night by foot-pads, and ordered to  shell out the dough. Instead of shelling, he pulled his gun and made music about the coat tails of the fleeing toughs.

The Chickasaw Cheiftain, of Ardmore, has changed its name to the State Herald, which it editorally says better accords with the views of the  paper. It is needless to say that the paper is an ardent supporter of statehood for the B I T.

The address issued by the delegates of the five civilized tribes to the  president and congress will recieve carefull consideration, but we don't believe it will have very much weight. A change from the present status is bound to come.---Denison Herald.

A fellow claiming to represent a newspaper at south McAlester had the gall to work a number of Ardmore men for Ads. In a sheet containing the criminal docket of the present term of court we observe that quite a number got  themselves faked. The United States attorney has the criminal docket printed in pamphlet form for free distribution. The other is an advertising fake, pure and simple.

Johnnie REYNOLDS and Eddie BROWN are Ardmore kids who are fond of handling shooting irons. Sunday afternoon the former was playfully snapping a Winchester at the latter. The gun was no loaded, as usual, but somehow went off and tore a great hole through Eddie's wrist, neccesitating amputation by Drs. BOGLE, FOLSON, and ALVIA. The little fellow bore the operation bravely and is doing nicely.

Frank WEBB

Mixed bloods and white monopolists in the Indian Territoy argue with Uncle Sam that they are the only guardians of the poor, guileless Indian. Who is the guardian of the property and life in the adjoining states? The Monopolist and the baron have never in al the history of  the human race guarded any rights save their own.---St Lou's Republic.

The Seminoles are taking no part whatsoever in the discussion brought about by the coming to the Territory of the Dawes commission, with  power to treat for a change in tribal governments. They were not represented at the Checotah council and have not taken the slightest notice of the commission. It is evident that the members of the commission must go direct to that tribe if they get any expression for its members.
----Purcell Register.

The White adopted citizens of the Cherokee Nation have formed themselves into an association and have determined to go into the United States Courts and sue the Cherokees for their interest in the land and moneys belonging to that tribe. A meeting was held at Vinita Monday and the Executive Commitee was authorized to employ a council in the case. Attorney General GARLAND will probably be retained. There are upwards of 2,000 of these people. They married Cherokees by blood according to the laws of the tribe, but have been denied the right to participate in any of the per capita payments since 1880.

Mrs Mary E MCCOY, wife of C MCCOY, died at the family residence in this city at 7:10 Sunday evening, after a short spell of pneumonia. Deceased has been a resident of Ardmore almost since its foundation and has a large circle of friends. A Husband and several children, to who the sympathy of the community extends, survive her. The funeral took place from the family residence, Monday at 3 pm, Rev SHAWHAN, of the presbyterian church, of which she was a member, delivering a touching sermon to a  large audience.

Mrs REAM and daughter, Mrs TURMAN, witht he latters baby met with a narrow escape as they were driving across the track on main street, Thursday afternoon. Their carriage was struck by the caboose of the backing freight train and was completely demolished, the occupants being thrown to the ground in dangerous proximity to the rails. Fortunately nobody was hurt, save for some bruises and shaking up. If this was a state the Santa Fe would be compelled to put a flagman at the Main Street crossing, It is a dangerous place.

The Ardmore Benevolent Association, composed of many ladies of the city whose objects are the alleviation of suffering and distress, will give a very attractive entertainment at the residence of J A MAYS, Esq., the evening of March 15, and the general public is invited to enjoy a good time and help a good cause. The liberal and charitible people of Ardmore will certainly respond nobly to this effort of the ladies in the direction of charity and humanity. The STATE HERALD trusts the affair will be a grand success. Following is the programme:
1. Quartette--Mesdames CAMPBELL and LEDBETTER, and Messrs TROUTMAN and ANDERSON
2. Recitation--Miss Zelma NOLEN
3. Piano Solo--Miss Birdie DUSTON
4. Vocal Solo--Miss ATKINSON
5. Recitition--Miss Anna MATHEWS
6. Male Quartette--Messrs. MASON, CAMPBELL, BOYD, and ANDERSON.
7. Reading--Mrs F G BARRY
8. Music---Mr and Mrs PATCHELL
9. Recitation---Nita WILLIAMS
10. Vocal Solo---Mrs C M CAMPBELL with violin obligate by Mr S DOUGLAS
11. Recitation---Mrs KENDRICK
12. Piano Solo--Miss ATKINSON
13. Quartette:--Mixed voices.

March 15 1894


News Paragraphs from over Oklahoma and The B. I . T.

A coal black negro was married to a white girl last Friday in the Burney settlement in the Chickasaw Nation. The girl was 17 years of age, and the man was about 40.

Mr KELLOGG has just returned from the Chickasaw Nation and reports that he saw an undeveloped slate quarry which will prove a fortune to some person in the future when it is developed.--Denison Herald.

The Talahina News says: Things are getting pretty hot at Goodland. A letter written from there on the 23rd says that some parties have shot forty-six holes in Ross MCCOY's house, some of the balls passing through the clothes worn by a baby. MCCOY and family layed flat on the floor while the  shooting was going on.
The parties also burned his barn and killed one horse and three cows. They then went to Charles STEWART's house and shot into it, some of the balls lodging in the bedding, but no one was hurt.
They then burned his barn with all the contents, consisting of hay, corn, machinery, a buggy, etc. and killed four cows which were in the lot.

PERRY, OT---March 8--Hon Robert F HODGES, one of the most prominent  lawyers of this city, sustained quite a serious accident last night. Mr HODGES is from Texas, and is a brother of Hon Jake HODGES, who was elector-at-large on the Cleveland Ticket in 1892. Mr HODGES has been having [obscured, probably "hallucinations"] and claims he saw [obscured]
Last night he became aggitated at the ugly picture and jumped from a two story window to escape the imaginary devils. He broke a thigh and it is thought he cannot live.

INDIAN BOOMERS---Eufala is on a boom! In fact, it has the appearance of a regular boom town. All this week the citizens have been staking off lots until now there is not enough vacant land around town to build a  pig pen on. Not being satisfied with that, some of them have even fenced up the public road! The road between the Eufala House and Alex SELLAR's Blacksmith shop is fenced up as is the alley north of the National Hotel, therby cutting off a passway in that direction. Every foot of ground on the east side is taken. It is alright to fence in the vacant  lots but when a man or set of men go to fencing the public thoroughfares it is time for the proper officials to step in and take a hand. There is a law against such proceedings and if it cannot be enforced it is high time to repeat them, call off the dogs, and give up the chase.
--Indian Journal

DEFINITION OF "SOONER"--Guthrie, OT March 8--
A decision on the soonerquestion just recieved from the general land office causes consternation among thousands of claim holders in the Oklahoma and The Cherokee Strip.
The decision is in a Payne county contest case, and is that the man crossed the country prior to opening, and even though he did not select a claim or pass near the claim, the fact of his crossing any portion of land made him a sooner and he consequently loses his right to take a homestead.

SHOOTING AT ENID--A lively shooting affray took place at Enid Tuesday.
The participants being William A WILLIAMS, commissioner of O county, and John A WILLIAMS, county jailer. It seems that jailer WILLIAMS has had it in for Commissioners WILLIAMS and LAY ever since they issued an order requesting him to remove a shack, used for a jail on a certain lot. The jailer declared he would not remove the shack and berated the commissioners for their orders. On Tuesday the jailer and commissioner met in the Cherokee Pharmacy. Jailer WILLIAMS was drunk, It is alleged, and he began cursing Commissioner WILLIAMS. Then drawing a gun, he  began firing, but the commissioner was not slow ans soon has his artillery in action. Five shots were exchanged. The commissioner shot the jailer twice in the abdomen, seriously, if not fatally wounding him.

BURNED TO DEATH---Talequah, IT, March 9----
A freight wagon driven by D W BUSHYHEAD's hired man arrived from Fort Gibson Wednesday, with the  body of a woman who had been burned to death on the way. Her name is LUCAS.
The wagon was heavily loaded with goods and they had to camp out over the night. The woman complained of being cold and asked the driver to make a fire and put the spring seat of the wagon in front of the fire for her.
The man thinks she went to sleep and fell in the fire. He heard screams and jumped up. She was running, blazing like a comet, and when he caught her she was burned almost to death. He tried to get help for her, but no one would take her in and she died two miles [obscured] ..was on her way to Talequah.


We reget to hear of the serious illness of Judge WILSON of Gainesville.

Capt Robert SCALES is dangerously ill at his home in this city, with typhoid pneumonia. His many friends are in hopes he will ultimately recover.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will serve tea at the home of Mrs Jno MAHONEY on Tuesday March 20th from 3 to 7 pm All are cordially invited.

ALBRIGHT & YOUNG. Ardmore's new millinery firm, have recieved their splendid stock of spring millinery ansd will give a grand opening to the ladies of Ardmore and vicinity, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week in Mrs DOBBINS old stand, west Main street.

Jake PALMER of this city sold a hog on Monday that weighed 500 pounds. This is the largest hog that was ever sold in this vicinity.

Some of the boys decided to have a little fun at the expense of a country man Friday night and played the Badger racket on him, much to the amusement of a large crowd of spectators.

Chief Marshall WILLIAMS, of the northern district of Texas, was in the city Sunday getting acquainted with our people. Mr WILLIAMS is making a tour of the nation with which, as an officer of the Paris court, he has to deal. Mr WILLIAMS represented himself as being desirous of appointing good men to fill the positions of deputy.

Mr CRAIN, the manufacturer of CRAIN'S Snuff, of Memphis, Tenn., the author of Four Weeks on the Road, has been putting in the week at Ardmore, he says his snuff has the deadwood on all competition and is the only goods that will produce a clear spit. He sold every man in town and sold also a number of visiting merchants attending court. Come back again Bro. CRAIN, and we will duplicate the order.

A little four year old child, belonging to Geo. HOLFORD, while playing about a fire built by campers, has the misfortune to set his clothes on fire. The little one was seriously burned but is getting along as well as  can be expected and no serious results are meditated.

Those interested in the case of Jno BONNER, who was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary at the May term of court and later on was brought back to Ardmore under a writ of habeas corpus and resentences to 60 days in jail, are making a strong fight towards getting BONNER released, on the grounds that the prisoner has been sufficiently punished, ans should not be subjected to further incarceration. Judge STUART has not decided yet in the matter.

Bob NICHOLS returned yesterday from New York City where he had been with a shipment of cattle, fed at the Ardmore oil mills, the cattle, when they left the city averaged 1407 pounds and when New York was reached the average weight was 1365, having been watered and fed but once while enroute. These cattle brought the top price of the market and were considered by experts the best average bunch of feeders that has ever reached the city. The trip from Ardmore to New York was made in 98 hours.

We are in reciept of an invitation announcing the marriage of C L ANDERSON of this city to Miss Nettie WILLIAMS of Brenham, Tex. The ceremony will be solemnized at St. Peter's Church, Brenham, Tex. on Wednesday Morning,
March 21st. C. L. ANDERSON is the popular and well known cashier of the First National Bank of this city, while the bride to be, a charming and wealthy society young lady of Brehham. The young couple will be at home to their many friends in this city after April 23rd. The STATE HERALD and their many friends wish them a life of happiness and prosperity.

Big Jim and a few of his band of Shawnees, who reisde in the Pottawatomie County, OK, passed through this city Wednesday on their way to pay a visit to the Commanches. Big Jim is the indian who in the past given various commissioners of the United States so much trouble, they having stubbornly refused to take their allotments at the time the agent were allotting the Pottawatomies. They have also of late given trouble to Maj. NEAL, alloting agent to the Kickapoos by inciting members of that tribe to refusal of their allotments. While here, Big Jim was asked to go up and have his picture taken, but he refused, saying if he had a picture  taken, the Great Father would refuse to care for him after his death.
--Purcell Register.

$10,000 ROBBERY--Woodward, OT, March 1---
To U S Marshall NIX, Guthrie, OT, Station Agent ROURKE was taken from his room at the hotel at about 1 o'clock a.m. by two robbers and made to go to the depot and open the safe and deliver the contents. There was a package of money from Leavenworth for the Ft. Supply paymaster (about $10,000), one package of money and checks for Wellington, and about $40 in Railroad money.
Description--One, 5 feet 10 inches tall, 30 years old, slim, dark, weight 170 pounds,mustache, closely built, dark-brown shirt, dark slouch hat, rather heavy voice. The other is about 5 feet 7 inches tall, 25 years old, about 2 weeks growth of beard, slouch hat with high crown and crease in top, weight 150 pounds, pants in boots, check handkerchief about his neck, dark suit, sack coat, dark complexion. This man was the leader. Neither was masked.They were on Red Bay horses and rode off from the stock yard in a southeast direction.

ROBBERY AT MILL CREEK---Last friday a State Herald reporter in an interview with Jno JOHNSON, deputy permit collector of Pickens County, who had just returned from Davis, learned the following account of a bold robbery which was committed at Mill Creek on the day previous to the narration. Mr JOHNSON was an eye witness to the hold up and as near as we can give you the story in his own words:
James DAVIDSON, a merchant and postmaster at Mill Creek, was excused from serving on the grand jury, Wednesday by Judge STUART, on his return home there were three men waiting his arrival and as soon as the store door opened the robbers drew their revolvers and ordered Mr. DAVIDSON to open the safe and ante up its contents. Upon his refusal to comply with the request the robbers became enraged and threatening instant death, they proceeded to club their victim over the head and with all probability would have seriously hurt Mr DAVIDSON if Jeff CARTER had not arrived and diverted the attention of the robbers, who immediately ordered Mr CARTER to throw up his hands; Mr CARTER, instead of throwing up his hands, drew his pistol and made the robber retreat; another robber came to the assistance of  his pal and forced Mr CARTER to throw down his gun. Mr JOHNSON and five other citizens suspecting something was wrong, went over to the store to see what was the matter, and taken by surprise, were too commanded to  surrender, which they were not slow in complying. Knowing that the delay was dangerous, the robbers proceeded to business by going through the cash drawer and obtained $75. They then proceeded to go through their victims, obtaining $65 from Mr CARTER, and watch from Mr DAVIDSON, but gave the timekeeper back. Mr DAVIDSON offered them a few dollars belonging to the post office, which they refused to accept. After the preliminaries the victims were marched down the road about half a mile and commanded to stand. When the robbers rode away, Mr JOHNSON in the company with others, traced the highwaymen about four miles where they found cord, which they identified and are satisfied they have them located. Mr JOHNSON came to Ardmore and in the company with Deputy CHANCELLOR of the Paris force, they proceeded on the next train for Davis and say they will undoubtedly bring the highwaymen back.

CRIMINAL COURT DOCKET, April Term, US Courts, Paris, Texas.

Mon April 2

Ed RAINS, int sg lq
Thos STALCUP, int lq
Eli FOLSOM, int and sg lq.
Wm H LONG, int and sg lq.
John S. MILLER, int lq
J K BIBBS, et al, int lq

Tues April 3

Wm PAIZZI, int lq
Frank LANE, int lq
Joe PAUL, int lq
John BRUMLEY, int lq
John VAUGHT, int lq
Dick DOW, et al, asst. to kill
Joe PAUL, et al, asst to kill
Dick DOW, et al, asst to kill

Wed April 4

Houston BROWN, int lq
Lou BOWERS, int lq
Joe BRIDGES, int lq
John KEMP, horse theft
Bill WILLIAMS, asst to kill
Wm POPE, int and sg lq.
Ed JONES, horse theft

Thurs April 5

Wm KENDRICK, et al, int lq
Hearken CEALEY, int lq
Ed KENDRICKS, int and sg lq
Mat TALBOTT, int lq
Jesse HAYDEN, et al, asst to kill
Robert BESSANT, horse theft
Dave VAUGHN, horse theft

Friday April 6

James S STANLEY, int lq
James COLBERT, int and sg lq
C WEST, int lq
Wash JOHNSON, horse theft
Wilson LOYD, horse theft
Ed BRENTS, asst to kill

Sat April 7

James TOWE, int and lq
John COVEY, int and sg lq
Charles COMBS, et al, adultery
L D CURTIS, adultery
WILL BUCKLOLT, int and sg lq

Mon April 9

Sam READ, int lq
Miller BROWN, int lq
Levi WECHUBBY, int lq
Bud SMITH, et al, horse theft
A D COLEMAN, int lq

Tues April 10

Arthur FESTER, murder
Jeff DUNCAN, et al, int lq
Henry ROBY, int lq
Henry ROBY, int and sg lq

Weds April 11

Wm WHEAT, horse theft
Thomas CARROLL, murder
Phillip JACKSON, int lq

Thurs April 12

Rufus BARBER, murder
Joe WARD, et al, murder
Dr. MCCOY, int lq
W B FRAME, int lq
Sam WILLIAMS, robbery
Sam WILLIAMS, burglary

Friday April 13

J B BOWDEN, murder
Elbert MORRIS, horse theft
Anderson SHIELDS, int lq
Daniel HINES, int lq

Sat April 14

D P DELAY, incest
D P DELAY, intr. with a girl under 16
James CHAMBLISS, adultery

Mon April 16

Emberson ALLEN, murder
John ENGLISH, horse theft
Sam MONCAS, asst to kill
Sam DUKES, int lq

Tues April 17

J L GREEN, murder
Bud STARR, horse theft
Bud STARR, horse theft
John MCLAIN, et al, asst to kill
Felix MCCULLER, counterfeiting

Weds April 18

C A WEAVER, et al, murder
James FISHER, et al, murder
Ed GOHEE, false claim
Dick KELLY, false claim

Thurs April 19

Milton WRIGHT, et al, murder
Robert G WILSON, murder
Robert G WILSON, murder
King FACTOR, horse thief
J P BARENTINE, asst to kill
J P BARENTINE, asst to kill

Friday April 20

John GIBBS, et al, horse theft
Nath BRADY, horse theft
Newton HEARD, asst to kill
Elbert ROLAND, asst to kill

Sat April 21

Joe BROOKS, intr with a girl under 16
Thos FRANKLIN, intr with a girl under 16
Wm DEW, adultery

Monday April 23

M F BALL, et al, murder
Anderson SMITH, horse theft
Mattie BURGESS, horse theft
John TOOMEY, horse theft

Tues April 24

Edmond WILLIAMS, horse theft
T J GARNER, asst to kill
Lewis REYNOLDS, asst to kill

Weds April 25

Chas EVANS, et al, asst to kill
John TUCKER, asst to kill
Sam PULLAM, false claim
Alfred SAMPSON, horse theft

Thurs April 26

D O COTTON, murder
J H SLAUGHTER, asst to kill

Friday April 27

Henry STEWART, murder
Pete HAMPTON, horse theft
Wm CASH, horse theft

Sat April 28

Sam BERRY, adultery
J O JONES, adultery
J H DEMPSEY, polygamy

Mon April 30

Oliver NUNN, et al, murder

Tuesday May 1

J. JACKSON, asst to kill
I KISER, robbery
Tuesday May 2
Pony JOHNSON, robbery
Andrew RYAN, robbery

Thurs. May 3

N H ZUMALT, murder
Clint HUNTER, burglary

Friday May 4

Lon EDWARDS, et al, inten. U S wit.
W T THOMAS, perjury
Mitch ARENDALL, asst to kill
Net MORRIS, permitting escape

Sat May 5

J A SELSOR, perjury
Frazier MCLISH, perjury

Monday May 7

A A KETCHUM, et al, murder
Jack RENFRO, et al, robbery

Tuesday May 8

Wm BERGESS, et al, robbery
George SCOTT, asst to kill

Weds May 9

J Q TAYLOR, murder

Thurs May 10

Geo PRITCHETT, et al, murder

Friday May 11

R M MOORE, asst to kill
Ed TUCKER, horse theft

Sat May 12

Tomlis WILLIAMS, murder
Tomlis WILLIAMS, murder

Mon May 14

John STEVENSON, murder

Tuesday May 15

J D MCSWAIN, horse theft
Dick MCSWAIN, horse theft

Weds May 16

Horace GANAWAY, murder
John SMITH, et al, murder

Thurs May 17

Isabella CAPPS, murder
Friday May 18
Charley COLLINS, horse theft
T W NORRIS, asst to kill

Sat May 19

John JOHNSON, asst to kill

Mon May 21

Parker, False claim
Parker, False claim
Parker, False claim

Tuesday May 22

Bill BOOTHBY, et al, robbery
Bill BOOTHBY, et al, asst to rob
Bill BOOTHBY, et al, asst to rob

Weds May 23

John W NUTT, murder

Thurs May 24

Wisson STEPHENSON, et al, murder

Friday May 25

J W HOCKER, et al, murder
Sat May 26
Joe DYER, murder
Monday May 28
Joe PAUL, murder

Tues May 29

Wm RODY, murder
J S SISCO, murder

Weds May 30

Samuel SMITH, et al, murder

Thurs May 31

Joe SEWELL, et al, asst to kill
Joe SEWELL, et al, murder
Joe SEWELL, et al, arson
Joe SEWELL, et al, asst to kill

Friday June 1

John LENNOX, murder
Jim HOLT, horse theft

Sat June 2

Joe JEFFERSON, perjury
Goodman MCKENZIE, perjury
Wesley EDWARDS, perjury

Mon June 4

James W JONES, et al, murder

Tues June 5

Sam ROBINSON, et al, murder
Sam ROBINSON, et al, murder
Sam ROBINSON, et al, murder
Sam ROBINSON, et al, murder
Sam ROBINSON, et al, murder
Sam ROBINSON, et al, asst to kill
Bill HUDGINS, murder.

Transcribers note: I do not know what the abbreviations stand for, my best guess on the "int liq" and "int and sg liq" is that they possibly have something to do with "intoxication, or intoxicating liquor"  and possibly the sale of liquor. This is, however just a guess.

Mar 22 1894


The indians at Cooweescoowee are in favor of taking their lands in allotment. Good for the Cooweescoowee. What the territory wants is more Cooweescoowees.
[transcribers note: you think the editor liked the word Cooweescoowee? 8) I personally am impressed the typesetter got it right every time.]

The supreme court has ruled an officer has no right or authority to seize and search a package without warrant describing the articles to be searched. This is of interest to Territory whiskey introducers.

Attorney General OLNEY has instructed United States Marshall WILLIAMS to have the execution of Manning DAVIS, Ed GONZALES and Jim UPKINS as private as possible. The scaffold will be erected in the jail yard between the old jail and the new addition.
---Paris Dispatch

At a meeting of the ministerial association of El Reno a resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote that any member of the church who dances or plays cards at either public or private gatherings is not regarded as in good standing by that association. If that resolution should obtain in Ardmore what a thinning out there would be at the balls and card parties
---or in the churches.

Albert JACKSON, a Choctaw indian and Caleb WARE, a negro, were brought in and jailed on a charge of robbery. They went to a camp of white people on the Kiamitla River, and went through the people's trunks on the search for money, but failed to find any. Albert JACKSON is the Indian whom Gov. JONES of the Choctaw nation, called out the militia to arrest last spring, which caused so much trouble in that country for several months.
---Paris Dispatch

GUTHRIE ODD FELLOWS--Guthrie, OT, March 15--
The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Odd Fellows met here today and elected grand officers of the Territory as follows:
Grand High Priest, E E BACON, Grand Prelate, D D SLOCUM, Grand Senior Warden, L J BYCKFORD, Grand Scribe, H L STROUGH, Grand Tresurer, N NELSON.


W F WHITTINGTON went to Kansas City Friday.

We are glad to hear that Uncle Bob SCALES is improving and thought to be out of danger.

A B SILLMAN attended the ANDERSON-WILLIAMS nuptials at Brenham, Texas yesterday.

Remember the Ladie's Aid Society tea a the residence of John MAHONEY tonight.

C C LANGSTON, of Davis, charged with Larceny, was committed to jail by Commissioner SCOTT, Tuesday, in default of $500 bail.

Prof Thos EDGERTON of the Oak Cliff female college, near Dallas, was in the city for a few days since in the interests of his school.

Miss Eva MORSE, one of the popular young hostesses of the Raliegh Inn, gave a very enjoyable birthday dinner at that hostelry, Monday.

Ground is being broken for the JOHNSON, CRUCE & CRUCE two story brick, just east of the VAN DENBERG Bros lumber office.

Robt WATKINS, a well known inter-married citizen, brother of Bill WATKINS,died Saturday afternoon, in this city, after a protracted illness. The funeral Sunday was largely attended.

G W STUART, a brother of Judge C B STUART, has been given the deputy clerkship of this Judicial division and will move here from Alexander, La., this Spring.

Clerk PHILLIPS, Marshal STOWE and George EDWARDS went on a fishing expedition to the Arbuckles Tuesday.

Sam TURNER of Ardmore has sued the city of Paris, Texas for $4,500 damages on account of alleged false imprisonment. Affiant alleges that he was thrown into the municipal cooler without legal cause and requested the mayor and police officers to plead guilty because it would cost less than to fight the case. This he refused to do and was finally discharged. He seems to have a good case.

The assignment of Lee B ROBERSON, proprietor of the Racket Store, Tuesday night, was a great surprise to the community and heard with regret by his many friends. The assets are largely in excess of the liabilities and the assignment was the result of the annoying squeezing by creditors during these hard times. Lee will do as near right as he can and we hope he will resume business in the future.

Saturday Night's rainstorm seems to have been the ragged edge of a cyclone or several cyclones that visited points south of here. Panola County, in the southeast part of this nation, suffered quite severely, but we have heard of no fatalities. A dozen or more people were killed in Texas and nearly one hundred injured. The storm season is now upon us and a wise man will have a cyclone cellar handy and take out an insurance policy.

A BAD MAN LAID OUT--Deputy Marshall S T LINDSEY Kills a man in Louisiana--
P P BARBER, a man wanted in the federal court to answer a charge of perjury, was shot and killed near Tunica, La., on Monday last, by Deputy Marshall S T LINDSEY, one of the most vigilant and courageous officers of this court. LINDSEY left Paris on Thursday last for Turnica La., after P P BARBER and his son Melville BARBER, who was wanted here  for assault to kill. He went to Shreveport and obtained a disclaimer from the marshall of the Wester district of Louisiana for the BARBERS.LINDSEY then proceeded to the country where they lived, which was in a low swampy, unfrequented region. The marshal at Shreveport warned him to be careful, as the people there were hard characters and it was an ideal resort for criminals. Officers dreaded to work in that country, and many of them had met their deaths there. LINDSEY arrived in the neighborhood Saturday night and began to devise means to procure an  arrest. The people seemed to fear them and informed LINDSEY that the BARBERS were constantly on the watch and would fight to the death.
On Monday he managed to get five men to go with him where the BARBERS lived. Only one, a man named R D WRIGHT, was armed. As they approached the house about half a mile from it, they met Melville BARBER. LINDSEY arrested him and chaining him, left him guarded by two men and went on to the house. Arriving there, LINDSEY went to the back door and WRIGHT to the front. BARBER was just inside the door. WRIGHT threw the gun on him and ordered him to surrender. Instead of doing so, BARBER sprang at WRIGHT who was on the porch which was about four feet from the ground. As he did so WRIGHT tried to shoot him, but the gun missed fire. BARBER grasped the gun and tried to twist it out of WRIGHT's hands. In the struggle WRIGHT tripped and BARBER being much the more powerful man wrenched the gun from him.
Meanwhile LINDSEY came around the house and told BARBER to surrender, but he paid no attention to him. When BARBER got possession of the gun LINDSEY leveled his gun and fired, killing him instantly.
In 1890 BARBER was in the Mercenary business at Thomas, OT. He had a partner named MCDONALD, whom he killed. At the time of the killing it was thought the killing was an accident, but many circuumstances have since developed that have convinced the officers that BARBER murdered MCDONALD.
In fact that was why he went to the wilds of Louisiana in 1891. Melville BARBER shot and wounded a man at Thomas in 1893 and had been on the run ever since. The BARBERS believed that old man BARBER was wanted here for the killing of MCDONALD. LINDSEY reached here on the 12:05 train from Louisiana with Melville BARBER. He deeply regrets the neccesity that forced him to do the killing, but he knew the temper of the man he was trying to arrest, and his own life and that of WRIGHT was at stake. It is possible that he may be indicted in  Louisiana for killing BARBER, but it will be purely formal as it  clearly was a case of self defense. ---Paris Dispatch.


Monday March 26

M G MONTY vs Doc BINUM et. al, ejectment
S J GARVIN vs M WHITE, debt on note
MUNZESHEIMER & DAUBE vs C P KELLY & Co attachment on note
ORR & LINDSAY Shoe Co, vs A S PULLIAM, garnishment
H L VADEN vs EDDY & CROSS, damage
LEEPER Hardware Co vs HICKS & NEWMAN, attachment on note
Benjamin BEANS vs Overton LOVE debt
Amanda NIBLOCK vs G C & S F Ry Co. damage
M WHEELER vs T B NEEDLES, et al, damage
Chas ROBERTS et al, vs HICKS & NEWMAN, attachment on note
W B BROWN vs John VAN NUTER rent
Joby CAMPBELL vs G C & S F Ry Co, appeal
Joe C JACOBS vs Geo WIMBERLY, unlawful detainer
J C WINTERS vs G C & S R Ry Co, appeal
G SHRIFF vs W R BROWN, attachment
David D PARKER vs A T & S F Ry Co, damages
F G MAIN vs John H STONE et al, attachment
LEWIN Bros & Co vs E C MOODY, debt on account
Park OWNBY & JOHNSON vs Ste LOWE, debt on account
Joe E COLBERT vs G C & S F Ry Co damages
D J & L O MOSTELLER vs Ardmore Roller Mill Co, damages
United States vs Harry BLOCK, et al, scire tocias
United States vs Thos B. NOLEN, et al, scire tocias
United States vs Silas J. BOYD et al, scire tocias
United States vs Jacob MORITZ et al, scire tocias
Schiff LEWIS & Co. vs G T SMITH, appeal
WHITE and TIPTON vs Wilburn GAINES, summary motion

Tuesday March 27

CARTER Bros & Co vs E E GRAVES, debt on note
Robt LOVE vs Andy MONTGOMERY unlawful detainer
J T EALY et al, vs W A HOBSON, et al, unlawful detainer
Geo R HAMLIN & Co vs R G HALL & Sons, debt on note
Sweltzer PEMBROOK & Co vs R G HALL & Sons, draft
H R PARKS vs Chas DURIE debt on note
LEWIN Bros & Co vs J I SPEED appeal
W T SHEPHERD vs G C & S F Ry Co, damage
Joe S MCALESTER vs G C & S F Ry Co, damage
G W BRYSON vs M B SHERWOOD et al, unlawful detainer
M V WALLACE vs R W SMITH, appeal
United States vs Emitt BLOCK et al, scire tocias
Marthy WINTER et al vs W F BEARD, replevin
Ad HARD vs Green BROWN, appeal
H M KEDWELL, vs A T & S F Ry Co, damage
Missouri Glass Co vs R A CROMER attachment
J R HOUGH vs G C & S F Ry Co, appeal
R C ARMSTRONG vs G C & S F Ry Co appeal
Melisa WHITE vs Johnson LAMIR Drug Co, debt on account
Wm W KENDALL B & S Co vs Tishomingo Co Cooperative Store, debt on account
DONNELD Manufacturing Co vs Tishomingo Co Cooperative Store debt on account
Paty JOINER & Co vs Carl WARNER, appeal
W S HIGGINS vs H M BROWN, et al debt on note
Adge STEVENSON vs Genet MCDONALD, unlawful detainer
J F HAINES vs S J GARVIN, damage
Wellsville Tobacco Co vs Tishomingo Co Cooperative Store debt on account

Wednesday March 28

Susan ALEXANDER vs James ALVERSON, unlawful detainer
WELLMAN Mercantile Co vs J B Hewitt, et al, debt on account
Harrison BARKER vs J BROWN et al, damage
T J OVERSTREET vs J TUCKER and wife, damages
J H CULP vs Nat SMITH damages
Thos P SHAWS vs J D ANDERSON et al appeal
Wm S HANRED vs A T & S F Ry Co, damages
A G WELLS vs T FITZPATRICK et al, damages
Z P LOW vs G C & S F Ry Co, damages
Schiff SOMNER & Co vs W V ALEXANDER, debt
Emma JONES vs John M RUTER et al, damages
H Martin BROWN vs MORRIS & NUNN attachment
J C RAY vs J A BEVINS debt on note
Geo D. THOMPSON vs Thomas THORNTON, damages
BLOCK & ROGERS vs T B NEEDLES et al, damages

Thursday March 29

Kate TURNER vs J P HARDMAN unlawful detainment
St Louis Carriage Co vs MORRIS & NUNN, debt and attachment
MANSUR & TIBBETS Implement Co vs CAREY & MOORE attachment
Dolan DRURY & Co vs CAREY & MOORE, attachment
John BENNER vs R CURTES, damages
G M D HALFORD vs Green BAILEY, appeal
Leon and H. BLUM vs J MILES, attachment
J J HESTAND et al, vs J C ROWLAND, et al, attachment
J M REVIER vs W B AYERS, appeal
Sam LOVE vs Edward CAMPBELL, attachment
H T COTTAM & Co vs L P ANDERSON, replevin
G M D HALFORD vs G and C POWLIN, attachment
J B SPRAGINS & Co vs H B GRAY, et al replevin
HODGE Tobacco Co vs L P ANDERSON replevin
Midland Coffee Co vs L P ANDERSON replevin
TAMY & DIKE vs L P ANDERSON replevin
Jacob DOLD Packing Co. vs L P ANDERSON, replevin

Friday March 30

Geo L. BOWLIN vs J R LOVE replevin
Jno S SNEED vs Robt ELLISON, et al, replevin
Lottie DURHAM vs Marshall NAIL, appeal
P B BOATRIGHT vs T B NEEDLES, et al, damages
ROBARDS Tobacco Co vs L P ANDERSON replevin
Geo W BRYSON vs Robert ELLISON, et al, replevin
CAREY and MOORE vs W H FLETCHETT attachment
Eliza MURRAY vs Joohna VURIYARD et al, attachment
Albert STEVENSON vs Jno N RUTER, et al, unlawful detainer
Lewis KEEL vs J M RUSSELL unlawful detainer
E W COTTEN vs Andrew FAIRCHILD, unlawful detainer
J B CRINER vs Oliver MASTLEWS et al, unlawful detainer

Saturday March 31

Frank HERMAN & Co vs CAREY & MOORE, debt
W R CAMPBELL vs G C & S F Ry Co damages
W H SWINFORD vs Perry FROMAN unlawful detainer
Nayes NORMAN & Co vs CAREY & MOORE, debt
JOHNSON Life Hat Co. vs CAREY & MOORE, debt
R S DENNIE vs Jules SAULE, replevin
Jno HAMMER vs M E RICHARDSON, unlawful detainer
C A ROBERSON assign vs B F PAYTON, debt
W A HOBSON vs J I COE unlawful detainer
W W ROBINSON vs J J ELLARD et al, attachment
W P VARLYARD vs P S HOGY damages
Grant A PATIN vs Marcus A KING appeal
United States Carriage Co vs W H WILLIAMS replevin
Rock Island Plow Co vs Ike HARRISON et al, debt

Monday April 2

CAREY & MOORE vs Dolan DRURY & Co, et al, damages
W D LEE vs G W BROWN debt
J T BRADLEY vs L H FULLINGEN, et al, debt
Thos J COGGIN et al vs W U T Co, damages
Jennie RAMSEY vs Wm NELSON et al, damages
Waples PLATTER Grocery Co vs T R WILLIS, debt
Paris Exchange Bank vs J F STRICKLAND, et al, debt
M KAHN & Bros vs B E LEVIN, et al, debt
J J BARNES vs R HARDY, et al, debt
Emily R MCGLEASON, et al vs J B SMITH et al, unlawful detainer
Emily R LITCH et al vs J B SMITH et al, unlawful detainer
Jas W DOWNARD vs Michael M BRODY, unlawful detainer
J M HIGHTOWER vs Scott MAYS, damages
United States vs James RENNIE, scire tocias
A W PARKER vs W H LASSETER et al appeal

Tuesday April 3

F J HALL vs Geo F PEERY debt
Kate HUNTLEY et al, vs J O SMITH, et al damages
Scott FORCE & GOODBAR Hat Co vs E C CARTER attachment
Sallie ARD et al vs H A OVERBY et al unlawful detainer
SWOFFARD Dry Goods Co vs Thos H NEEDLES et al, replevin
Issac JONES vs Dennis WILLIAMS et al, unlawful detainer
Henry PERRY vs C R I & O Ry Co, appeal
Midland Coffee & Spice Co vs W H TAYLOR, appeal
BYERS Bros vs Jos S ALVERSON, replevin
H C JUZAN vs E E GRAVES, unlawful detainer
J M ROBINSON & Co vs J S HAY attachment
JOHNSON Life Hat Co. vs E C CARTER & Co attachment
MOKSAK Mfg Co. vs E C CARTER & Co attachment

Wednesday April 4

W H RITCHLEY et al vs O C WALKER, et al unlawful detainer
Viola SAUNDERS vs Joe A CUMMINGS, damages
Henry GAINES vs John SELSER unlawful detainer
R S DENNIS vs Jules SOULE, appeal
Jno W NESBITT vs Henry INGRAM, debt
Mayor, Scherm OFFNER & Co vs M ETTERMAN, debt
John DEERE Plow Co vs CAREY & MOORE, damages
J L LITTLE vs W S BEARD et al, debt
G C ARNOLD, et al vs James ALVERSON, et al, damages
John HALL vs GIDDINGS & HOMER damages
J M Adair vs Frank JONES damages
Thomas HELM vs Wm GOODALL replevin
DONNELL Mfg Co vs Jas RENNIE, et al, debt

Thursday April 5

COX & GORDON vs CAREY & MOORE et al, debt
LEEPER Hardware Co vs S H MCGEE & sons, debt
Richard U BOUSTED vs R. WHITLOCK, appeal
Bun ROBERTSON vs Peter M EADS appeal
A VOCCARS & MAYNOR vs J A MAYS, replevin
GOODBAR & Co vs A HEFLIN, debt
WATERMAN Star & Co vs J H WALNER, debt
WATERMAN Star & Co vs R S BELL & Bros debt
WATERMAN Star & Co vs A NICHOLS, debt
Geo F STEWART vs C R I & P Ry Co, damages

Friday April 6

F M SANDS vs TURK Bros & Co replevin
SWOFFORD Bros D G Co vs P W WALLING replevin
John CAYLE vs Frank KIMBLER appeal
Joe CALWELL vs WALKER et, al, unlawful detainer
Jennie PAUL vs E I H SCRIVNER damages
John M TROUT vs John LEE unlawful detainer
O E CODWELL vs J W WHITE J C & Co, appeal
W R DOUGLAS, et al, vs W B FLEMMING debt
J D SUMSTER vs Leroy R GUINN unlawful detainer
Alexander SACRA vs M T BANNESTER unlawful detainer
R N BIRD vs P S HOGY appeal
Kate FULCH vs N F FULCH replevin
Sarah W CALF,et al vs C R I & R Ry Co, damages

Saturday April 7

Standard Watch Co vs M E ETTERMAN, debt
Wm F SELFORD vs Mattie SUCHY unlawful detainer
Thad CABLERVA vs J W HAM, et al attachment of lien
First National Bank of Ardmore vs C B BRADLEY, unlawful detainer
Nat SMITH vs T B JOHNSON replevin
J A KEMP Grocer Co vs HOGY & PARKS attachment
Wm W KENDALL B & Co vs HOGY & PARKS attachment
SCHIFF LEWIN & Co vs HOGY & PARKS attachment
SWAFFORD Bros & Co vs HOGY & PARKS attachment
J W JONES vs J J BERRY attachment
JOHNSON Life Hat Co vs M E ETTERMAN debt
R DOUGLAS & Co vs DUNN & STEAD, debt
C S BEAVERS et al, vs Henry PRUITT, debt
A B ROFF vs Mrs Louisa BURNEY, attachment

Monday April 9

Paris Exchange Bank vs E T MORRIS, et al, attachment
Paris Exchange Bank vs E T MORRIS, et al, debt
Chris A RARICK vs Edward H SERIVNER, debt
Charles D LISLE vs Joe CROSS damages
SCHWARTZ Clothing Co vs R A CROMER, debt
SCHWARTZ Clothing Co vs J S MCALESTER debt
J B HOWELL vs Charley MANOR, unlawful detainer
Kate FULCH vs A SUTHERLAND, landlords lien
FISH & BECK Co vs J H HOLLAND attachment
Lee WOODS, trustee vs J H HOLLAND attachment
Francis ADKINS vs Sarah HUGHS et al unlawful detainer
LEWIS & LEWIS vs G C & S F Ry Co, damages
Mary A WARLICK vs G C & S F Ry Co damages

Tuesday April 10

W J BETTERSON & Co vs J A MAYS et al Judgement
Ely WALKER Dry Goods Co vs M E ETTERMAN, debt
Geo C MCGHEE vs Lelia SCOBY et al, debt
A B ROFF vs Joe W MCFARLAN, debt

The paper says the list is continued next page, but when I got to the next page the microfilm quality was so poor and out of focus I could not read it so I did not copy it so this ends my listing of the civil court docket for Ardmore, IT Mar 1894

March 29, 1894


Climato Italiano!

The new hotel is climbing upward.

Postmaster MYERS, of Davis was in the city Tuesday.

Mens, youths and children's clothing at actual cost at H H RUSSELL's.

Sunday was hard on the Easter Bonnet.

Cheapest Fishing tackles in Ardmore at LONDON & MOORE's.

Postmaster DAVIDSON of Mill Creek, was in town Friday.

Too cold for bricklaying on Ardmore's new buildings.

Court reconvened Monday and took up the Civil docket.

Commissioner Joe THOMPSON was in the city the first of the week.

Jerry WASHINGTON and S S EVANTS were up from Marietta Monday.

H F POTTS was in the city from Nocona, Texas, this week.

March is going out like a whole menagerie of lions.

Frank PRICE, charged with horse theft, was taken to Paris by Deputy CHANCELLOR, Thursday night.

The wife and children of J H SPIEGLE have arrived from Denison to once more make Ardmore their home.

Hon. Henry E. ASP, of Guthrie, O T, attorney for the A. T. & S. F., was here on legal business Monday.

Sweltzer, Limburger and Brick cheese at Julius KAHN's.

Mrs A KLOSKI and little daughter have gone to St Louis to visit relatives.

Winter is doing some high kicking in the lap of spring. The fruit is ruined and replanting will be in order.

D G LAMB, the hustling Racket Store clerk, is joyous over the advent of a son at his home.

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church has been torn down and a new edifice is under construction. The old one was deemed unsafe.

The injunction suit of T H MARTIN vs. Sam LAUGDON, and in the case of BRITTON vs. CORLEY was sustained by the court Monday.

A troupe of Barn Stormers calling themselves the May Dramatic Company got joshed off the stage in Ardmore Monday night.

Jack CAVENER and Mrs Lula NABORS, both of Berwyn, were "hitched up"matrimonially at the Iron Store, by Rev. CLAYPOOL, Tuesday.

Perry ARCHARD, a well known intermarried citizen of Lebanon, was before commissioner SCOTT, Monday, charged with fencing up the street, he has been discharged.

A carpenter named SHEPARD living in south Ardmore died after much suffering and in a sad state of mental derangement Monday, being buried the following day.

Evangelist FREEMAN raked the members of the Merchants, Farmers and Mercantiles society over the coals in a talk to the men only at the Methodist Church, Who put him "on"? Was he intiated?

Judge W R REAGAN and family, late of Chickasha, moved into their pleasant home here last Tuesday and are now a permanent fixture at Duncan. ---Duncan Banner.

The sheriff of Clark county, Georgia, left Ardmore Saturday with John C. JOHNSON, an escaped prisoner of that state who was captured by two territory officers and held until the sheriff arrived. The reward of $150 was promptly paid.

The Choctaw Herald newspaper and office plant, at South McAlester, was totally consumed by fire, recently with no insurance. The Marietta Monitor was also somewhat damaged by fire Friday and has been temporarily suspended.

Three bright young men at Minco last week sought to invent a new drink. They put Tartar emetic in their soda instead of of cream tartar, which, but for the quick application of antidotes would have resulted in the  death of the three.

Mr and Mrs J R KEATON, of Guthrie, were in the City Friday and Saturday last, guests of George HEAD. Mr KEATON is a prominent attorney of Guthrie, and represented claims against the assigned stock of L B ROBERSON.

Discussing the congressional outlook in Texas at Dallas the other day, an observant but profane patriot remarked, "We could congratulate ourselves on the retirement from congress of several fools next year if the prospect was not so good that they would be succeeded by d--d idiots."

Judge James E HUMPHREY was up from Purcell yesterday and took part in the Knights Templar Easter Services. The judge is raising a brand new crop of whiskers and says that he does not intend to shave until Oklahoma and the Indian Territory become a state.

Tomorrow is the date set for the execution of the Ardmore negro rapist and two Territory murderers, at Paris, Tex. The Paris court has been in existence five years and has never has an execution, notwithstanding scores of murders have been committed during that time within its  jurisdiction. As a nemesis of crime the Paris Court has been a disgraceful failure.

Last week, Mr MORGAN and Mr PRICE were induced to lay in a good supply of country butter, which they purchased from a guileless farmer from Caddo. It looked pretty white and colorless, which the farmer claimed was because the cows were fresh. They paid 25 cents per pound, and when they undertook to eat it, found it tallow and could not use a morsel.---Coalgate Nonparell

Clerk PHILLIPS is building a residence in southwest Ardmore.

Mrs M SWIFT, has recieved her splendid new stock of spring millinery and will give a grand opening to the ladies of Ardmore and vicinity, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, next door to the PO building on Caddo St.

W R MOORE, the oil man returned from Oklahoma yesterday.

The revival of the M E church is a great sucess in point of interest and attendence.

Blacksmiths take notice: I have just recieved a car of Blacksmith's old McAlester coal which will be the last car I will handle this spring and I will sell it at $7. by the ton. Call Early. T B JOHNSON, Ardmore, IT.

It is said ex-governor HUBBARD of Texas will lecture here April 6th.

Court is grinding slowly, the case of WALLACE vs SMITH, yesterday was decided for the plantiff.

The DAWES commision has changed its headquarters from Muskogee to South McAlester to be more conveniently situated for treating with the Choctaws.

Charles L. ANDERSON and his bride passed through Ardmore from Brenham Texas, Tuesday morning enroute to the golden shores of California where they will spend their honeymoon. The happy couple will be at home to their Ardmore friends the latter part of the month.

Ed CORRIGAN brings intelligence that a tornado swept over the eastern portion of the Choctaw Nation, Sunday. Several persons are reported killed in Jack Fork county and a number of houses blown down. Mr CORRIGAN, who has been a resident of the territory a number of years, says that he never saw so much water. He was obliged to come to Denison by rail as it is impossible to cross the streams which are bank full.---Denison Herald

Judge STUART has about decided to make Ardmore his permanent home. He  is now negotiating for a suitable location on which to build, but will probably remove his family there at once, providing a suitable house can be obtained. Gainesville deeply regrets to lose Judge STUART. He is a most exemplary citizen, and a thorough going business man. What is our city's loss will surely be Ardmore's gain.--Gainesville Register

Police Judge MCCLELLAND, of Oklahoma City, came very near being blown to atoms on Tuesday. It seems a miscreant thought that the liberty of the American people was at stake, consequently an "infernal machine" was  manufactured in the shape of a gas pipe loaded with some biscuit dough.

Elinor MILLER, of the Purcell Topic, was in attendence at court Tuesday.

The Purcell abortion murder is the most revolting horror of the kind ever committed in the Territory. Dr J. H. COLBY, who committed the operation, and R S DUFFEILD, of Paoli, who was responsible for the  woman's condition and brought her to the doctor's house in Purcell, were tried by the commissioner and held in $1,000 bail. COLBY gave  bond, but DUFFEILD was unable to, and languishes in jail at Paris.

G H MYERS, formerly cheif deputy sheriff of this county under Sheriff COLCORD, is in the city from his home in the Chickasaw Nation. It is a sight for "sair e'en" to see Hugh once more, as no man who ever lived in Oklahoma City possessed the confidence and esteem of those who know him to a greater extent, both as a Democrat and a man than does Mr. MYERS. At present he is one the cheif deputy marshals of Judge Stuart's court in Ardmore, and judging by the conduct here as an officer, we congratulate the district in having such a guardian of the peace.--Oklahoman

Bill MCCLURE, a cattle dealer well known in the northern part of the Chickasaw Nation and in the Choctaw Nation, shot and almost instantly  killed a would be bad man named Hank CUNNINGHAM, at Oklahoma City the other day. CUNNINGHAM was drunk and abused MCCLURE over some trouble they had in a claim contest case. He threatened to get his rifle and come back and kill MCCLURE. True to the threat, he appeared shortly after with a winchester rifle, but MCCLURE was too quick for him and emptied a six shooter into his whiskey-soaked carcass. The tragedy  occurred in a saloon.

BILL WATKINS DEAD. Hundreds of our readers will hear with surprise and regret of the death of W R WATKINS, the well known adopted citizen who lived near Ardmore and was interested in the townsite. The deceased's illness, an attack of pneumonia contracted at the funeral of his brother Bob WATKINS was of but a few day's duration and death was very unexpected. The end came Saturday morning and the funeral was held Sunday, with the honors of John H MORGAN, Camp of Ex-confederates, of  which the deceased was a member. Rev Jno B SMITH conducted the services, in the presence of a large audience, interment taking place in the South Cemetary. Bill WATKINS was one of the nation's old time adopted citizens, having married into the Chickasaw tribe prior to the treaty of '66. He had accumulated a good deal of property, and was a liberal, kind-hearted man, having many friends throughout the nation. Peace to his ashes.

FATAL CUTTING AFFRAY--What proved to be a fatal cutting affray is  reported to have taken place at McMillan, a post office situated 18 miles south of this city. As near as can be learned the particulars are these:
A boy by the name of BAILEY living in Wilson Creek went to McMillan to attend church, and after the services he and a boy by the name of  MILLER had some hot words. It is said that MILLER was the aggresor and made for BAILEY, when BAILEY wiped out his pocket knife and stabbed MILLER under the arm, one of the wounds severing one of the arteries  leading to the heart. The wounded boy was carried home and expired the following day. Both the boys were about 15 years of age and were not considered bad, BAILEY, the boy who did the killing, is said to be a  quiet and unoffensive lad and this difficulty is to be regretted. Up to this writing no arrest has been made.


Under a recent ruling of the Indian Department, an able-bodied Indian cannot lease land to a white man. This ruling was made to apply to the blanket Indians of Oklahoma.

The Writ of error has been granted to the Clyde MATTOX case by the supreme court of the U S. The result of this will be the execution will be stayed, and MATTOX will be given a new trial at some future time.

These are the days when a man who is in possession of a dug out and a nervous wife is compelled to leave his bed two or three nights a week, bundle up his children and with them and his wife, seek his under ground retreat, where he waits, expecting every moment to see his home lifted from the earth and carried off into space.

All the single men of Alderson mine were discharged and the married men were taken to Hartshorne and put to work at the mines at that place. Both single and married men who have recently obtained employment at Hartshorne were discharged to make room for the Alderson miners.
---Lehigh-Coalgate Leader.

Gov WOLF of the Chickasaw Nation has issued a requisition on the governor of Texas for a murderer. This is stated to be the first case of the kind, but much is not the fact. Cheif BUSHYHEAD issued a requisition upon Gov. BERRY of Arkansas for Frank MORGAN, charged with the commission of murder in Sequoyah District. On the cheif's assurance that the accused should have an impartial trial, the requisition was honored, though the man secured his liberty by appealing to Judge PARKER for a writ of habeous corpus. Supsequently he surrendered and was tried and acquitted. On another occasion Cheif BUSHYHEAD issued a requisition on Gov. ST JOHN, of Kansas, for a horse theif and the same was honored and the man turned over. The Chickasaw case will be tesisted in the courts. ---Vinita Cheiftain

Last Wednesday night, Bylington BEN, a Choctawe living near Albion was aroused by the continued barking of his dogs, He arose and stepped out to investigate when some unknown person concealed by the darkness of the night shot him. The ball passed through the fleshy part of the lower arm, and lodged in his thigh, making two painful wounds. Accompanied by his wife he came to this place thursday morning where he was treated by Dr W B MILLER.
---Talahina News

A strange story comes from the Seminole country which shows very plainly the people of that nation are zealous in behalf of the temperance cause.
A young Indian named John SHORT, who knows whiskey when he sees it and never fails to drink it when he has the opportunity, was taken out in the woods a few days ago by some "reformers" and strung to a tree while in a drunken stupor and left in that uncomfortable position until the next day, when it was discovered that he had shuffled off his mortal coil and gone to his home on the celestial shore. The "reformers" have not been apprehended at the present writing.
---Eufala Journal.

The Indian Journal says the body of Dave CARR, of Okmulgee, was found last week about half a mile from his residence. A bullet hole through the head leads to the suspicion of murder. CARR, a short time ago, was called from his house by four men and enticed away under the plea that his son, who lived some distance off, wanted to see him. His horse afterwards came back, but nothing could be learned of CARR til his body was found.

Last Saturday night, Charles POWELL and Wm MCELLGOT became involved in a difficulty at the Deleware School house over a saddle blanket belonging to POWELL, which he claimed MCELLGOT had taken from under the saddle. Three shots were fired, one of which struck POWELL in the left corner of his mouth, shattering the jaw bone and inflicting a dangerous wound. Bystanders disagree as to who fired the first shot, some of them claim that POWELL fired first, while others claim that his adversary fired all three shots. No arrests have been made yet.
---Tulsa Review.

FINALLY MET HIS FATE--Deputy Marshal Bill COLBERT, a negro, recently shot and killed Jackson FLETCHER, a full blooded choctaw, near Boggy Depot, while trying to arrest him on the charge of selling whiskey to the Indians in October. FLETCHER was convicted of murder in the Pushmataha district court and sentenced to be shot on the 30th of that month. He came with the sheriff to town and selected his own coffin and rode out home on it, but the night before the time set for the execution he broke the record and made his escape. He has not been out of this immediate neighborhood since, and last summer, while the Choctaws were registering to draw the lease district money, he registered, but the officers made no effort to capture him.

DRUNKEN WOMEN---Judge MCADAMS of the New York superior court, recently made the statement that drunken women should be sent to jail for life.
He based his judgement on the experience that women who had appeared before him, and had been sent to Belleville Hospital for treatment in the alcoholic ward. He says that alcohol in any form has such an effect upon woman's supersensitive nervous organization that they are not amenable to cure as men. He says that in New York fully half the divorce suits are caused by drink.

Residing among the Osages there is a tall full blood Indian who goes by the indelicate sobriquet of "Old Stink". Wherever he goes the atmosphere becomes impregnant with the horrible stench that arises from his person. Those who know him move away at his approach, or hold their noses as he passes by. He enjoys all the rights of the tribe, but there is none so poor as to do him the honor of companionship. He lives alone, and is allowed to live simply because the law will not allow him to be killed for smelling bad.
Everybody regards him as a pest, and a nusiance. Nevertheless, those who happen to be at a safe distance, often laugh at the agony and discomfiture of those who are so unfortunate as to come in the way of a breeze off "Old Stink". As long as their olfactories are not offended they think they are all right, but the next turn of the wind may catch them, and the laugh come from the other party.
---Tahlequah Telephone.

April 5, 1894


Paris court convened Monday.

Mumps are still epidemic in Ardmore.

Lum JOHNSON went to Mill Creek Sunday.

S S EVANTS was up from Marietta yesterday.

C P WHITEMAN returned from Dallas yesterday.

Men, Youths and children's clothing at actual cost at H H RUSSELL's.

Rev S E WASSON is attending Presbytery at Marlow.

The board of trade meets again Tuesday Night.

Alva MCCOY has a new boy at his house.

We regret to hear of the serious illness of Joe APOLLO.

F M GOOD, of Sherman TX, was in the city this week.

Judge GREEN, of Oklahoma City is in attendance upon court.

Dr Walter HARDY was down from Doughtery Tuesday.

John COYLE, of Rush Springs was a caller at this office Monday.

Hugh and Frank MYERS, of Davis, were pleasant callers on the State Herald yesterday.

J W HARPER returned from Kansas Tuesday night with a car load of horses and mules.

A man living near Palmer, IT, was bitten by another man in a scrap and blood poisoning is sait to have set in with results that threaten to be fatal.

Joe F. WILLIAMS is attending Marlow Presbytery.

Tuesday was municipal election day in the states.

Miss Maggie BRUCE visited friends in Gainesville Sunday.

Mrs DOBBINS has engaged in the millinery business at Duncan.

Miss Mattie HENLEY of Paris, Texas is visiting her sister, Mrs H H PENNINGTON.

The mother of Mrs. Lina ROBINSON has returned to her home in Kansas.

Admore is to have a good circus the 25th. Watch for the ad next issue.

The express company have built a post office adjoining the depot platform on Main street.

Some Whitewright Texas capitalists were in the city friday looking up a gin location.

Lewis JAMES was sent to jail by Commissioner SCOTT for carrying a pistol Monday.

The Methodist church has been so crowded at the revival that scores could not gain admission some evenings.

Admore is to have another high class cotton gin. J C PALMER will replace his gin with a new improved plant this summer.

Rev Volney JOHNSON and family returned to Wynnewood Tuesday.

Editor MILLER, of the Purcell Topic, looked in on us a few moments Monday evening.

Judge STUART and Clerk PHILLIPS spent Sunday at their homes in Gainesville, Texas.

Horace WOLVERTON, formerly of this city, is over from Duncan to be examined for admission to the bar.

The WILSON ball nine failed to materialize, Sunday, and the Ardmorettes had a matched game among themselves.

The board of trade meeting Saturday night, we regret to say, was slimly attended.

The new Cumberland Presbyterian church is assuming shape rapidly. It will have a spire and be an attractive structure.

The soiled pidgeons of the Santa Fe House were ousted by the owner, Tuesday, and more decent tenants are wanted. The place has become notorious.

Mrs KENDIG, who has been visiting her Ardmore friends, returning to Gainesville, Monday.

WANTED: A buyer for 80 head of cattle, in good condition. Call on or address H F HOLDER, north Caddo Street, Ardmore, IT.

Leon and Walter, sons of Alva HOFF, are home from the Van Alstyne, Tex.,where they have been attending school.

A cutting affray over a remark made by one swain about another's best girl is reported near Jimtown. Nobody was fatally hurt.

Jules SOULE was bound over, Saturday by Commissioner SCOTT, charged with Larceny of two Kegs of hard cider, in the sum of $300.

To My friends and Public generally: Having severed my connection with the Racket Store, I take this method of announcing top you that I have formed a partnership with A M JACKSON. We are located at the old SLAUGHTER stand, on Main street, and propose to carry one of the finest assorted stock of  staple and fancy groceries in the southwest including general supplies of various kinds. I intend to devote my entire time and energy building up a  first class trade, meeting every demand at the lowest figures. a
I cordially invite my friends, acquaintances, and the public generally to give us a trial. Our motto is: "The very best and the very cheapest." Call and see for yourself. Very Truly yours, W W HYDEN.

Yancy LEWIS and wife came up from Gainesville Tuesday. We are pleased to learn that they will reside here and Mr LEWIS will enter into a law partnership with C L HERBERT.

Jim UPKINS, the Ardmore negro rapist was hung with neatness and dispatch at Paris, last Friday. He confessed to the commission of the foul crime and went through the trap imbued with the belief that he has a through ticket to the New Jerusalem.

In the celebrated assignment case of MORRIS & NUNN, the late notorious Ardmore merchants who were charged at Paris with the murder of MCKINNEY, the jury found for the defendants. Mrs MCKINNEY, the plantiff, sued for the debt alleged to have been owed her deceased husband and the case involved the legality of the attachement. LEDBETTER & BLEDSOE represented the plantiff and JOHNSON, CRUCE & CRUCE the defendants.
Notice of  appeal was taken by the prosecution.

Commissioner SCOTT came near to being mutillated by an irate female, the plantiff in a smutty slander case being tried before him, Saturday. His action in dismissing the case was the cause. Later the Amazon in question and the wife of the alleged slanderer had an animated hair pulling incident but were separated by the sterner sex.

Lewis N HORNBECK departed Thursday evening for Washington DC. He goes as a Statehood delegate from the Indian Territory and to work for the early opening of the Kiowa and Commanche reservations. HORNBECK has been employed at different times by the government, to positions in these reservations, and has lived in and around them for a number of years and is thoroughly posted on all matters concerning these reservations and will do his best to have the treaties ratified and the land thrown open to settlement.--
Minco Minstrel

W B FRAME's Residence burned! The neat residence of Druggist FRAME, in southwest Ardmore was entirely consumed by fire, Sunday forenoon just before the Church bells of the city summoned the people to worship. Little was saved from the burning house, the fire having gained too much headway before help arrived. The family had gone to church and the cook was left at home to prepare dinner.
The fire doubtless originated in the kitchen, presumably from a candle in the closet. The house of Mr COOK adjoining the FRAME's on the west had a close call and was well nigh ruined by fire fighters. Its east side presents a very charred appearance. Mr FRAME's loss will run well up to $1,200 the insurance being $600.

The John H MORGAN camp will meet on Thursday night, April 5 1894. Delegates will be elected to the grand reunion a Birmingham, Ala., on April 25th and 26th, 1894. One Delgate for every twenty members in good standing.
Other business of importance will be transacted. A full attendance is urgently requested. Important communications at New Orleans will be  considered. Be on had a WHITTINGTON's hall at half past seven o'clock sharp. All visiting ex-confederate soldiers within the city are cordially invited to attend. W W HYDEN, Commissioner, F G BARRY, Adjutant.

April 5, 1894

News paragraphs from over Oklahoma and the B. I. T.

What the Denizens of the Coming State are doing, saying anticipating and Thinking.

Jim LEE, a deputy marshall for Fort Smith Court, arrested one J W STOCKMAN, at Harthshorne, last friday, for murdering a man in Texas two years ago.
STOCKMAN proved to be the wrong man and had lived in Hartshorne four years.

Johnson JACOBS and Louis MCGEE were arrested by the officers of this  country a few days ago charged with killing Ellen HECUBBEE with whom the former had been carrying on a liason. The woman dissappeared and when found was half devoured by hogs. No mark of violence could be identified on her body. There were no witnesses to the killing, and the evidence will be circumstantial.--Indian Citizen.

Why don't the Cherokee Advocates tackle CC ROBARDS, an intelligent Cherokee who boldly charged W A DUNCAN, Cherokee delegate, with willfull falsehood in stating before the congressional comittee that there is no monopoly of land in the Cherokee Nation? Mr ROBARDS made the statement in public print over his signature, and challanged successful contradiction. Mr ROBARDS is a native born Cherokee and responsible for his public  statements. ---Muldrow Register

Twelve Miles west of Stillwater, two claims adjoining were held by August BEHRANT and Perry KLINE, respectively. Wednesday they met and quarrelled over the division line between their two claims. BEHRANT became exasperated and drawing his pocket knife stabbed KLINE in the breast reaching his heart and killing him instantly. BEHRANT was arrested and taken to Stillwater and is now in jail. The affair has caused great excitement in that neighborhood.

A few miles northwest of Pawhuska, John FAIRL, an Osage Indian, has a home and structures surroundings worth something like $10,000. With a family of six children, he has annuities aggregating nearly $5,000. His pastures of 20,000 acres graze several thousand head of cattle and between four and five hundred horses. While his income cannot be reached with detailed accuracy, he is credited with an annual wealth of between $20,000 and $25,000.

In his speech at Muldrow, Col A. S. MCKENNON, a member of the Dawes commission, said: "...The only fear I have is that our government will not give us time to settle this matter properly. This is also the position of my colleagues." As the labors of the commission involve a salary of $5,000 a year and expenses, it is very easy to percieve why the colonel and his associates  should show such an overwhelming interest in its continuance.--FT Smith Elevator

Capt. Charles LAFLORE was in Tuesday from the Choctaw Country. He says it is a mistake that the sentiment is largely changing in the Choctaw Nation and the people consenting to treat with the Dawes commission. He says there is no material change in the sentiment and that Governor JONES said that he has called council not to treat, but to appoint a commission to take the Dawes commission over the Nation and see that they meet and explain the situation to the Choctaws. He says the people are apprehensive that a trade will be made without their consent.---Muskogee Phoenix

Our little nation is nearly a quarter of a million in debt, but her obligations are at a large discount; she is getting deeper in debt every day; attorneys employed and promised immense fees to continue hopeless lawsuits; large delegations must be kept in Washington at very great expense for fear that some of our emminent statesmen may lose their job; council must be kept in almost perpetual session to drink "jum" and to undo what they tried to do the previous session. All this and no more land to sell. Yet we are all rich, happy and prosperous (?)! ---Cherokee Citizen

The Vinita Globe says: Friday evening Bob TITTLE was shot by Jim WARD with a muzzle loading rifle. The two families live adjoining each other on the east side of the track in this city and for a long time have not been on good terms. At the time mentioned the report is, the two men had come to words in front of WARD's house as TITTLE was coming up town. WARD went into the house and got a gun and stepping to the door, fired. TITTLE was by this time some distance away; as the gun cracked he staggered and leaned forward. He was helped into S S STEPHENS' house and a physician called. The ball entered the body about the upper extremity of the right lung and passed nearly through; it was cut out on the front side. The wound is not considered dangerous. Both parties are Cherokees and hence the matter will come before the court in Deleware District.

Dick LOCKE came near meeting with a horrible death at his ranch near Antlers, IT, Friday. In roping a bull, the animal became enraged and rushed upon him, knocking him down. The infuriated beast plunged at him and endeavored to gore him, but fortunately the horns were so wide they passed upon either side of his prostrate form. As the bull stood over him his father, Shobe LOCKE, fired on him with a winchester, the ball passed through the  heart, the bull tumbled over dead. Mr LOCKE was not hurt.

"I spent two years in frequent contact with the Indians of the Onandago Tribe," said L P TURNER to the corridor man at Laciedo. "They have a number of interesting legends, among them being one that has some features similar to the rearing of Romulus and Remus.
The story goes that there was a little boy who was induced by his playmates to go into a log. And when he crawled in they filled it with stones so that he could not get out, and left him.
A porcupine came and tried to release him, but she was too old and called her daughter and a panther, a deer and a bear. They released the boy, and each wanted him, the deer traveled too much and could not care for him, se he was raised by the bear, who took him to her den, and he grew up with her cubs. One day a hunter killed the bear and finding that  the boy was human took him home and he became a great cheif."--Ex

Judge DALE has appointed a committee to find out what Lawyers were advertising Oklahoma as the place to secure divorces with instructions to bring the facts before the court in order that attorneys implicated could be disbarred.

Vice president Stevenson laid before the senate a letter from the secretary of the Choctaw Nation forwarding a copy of an act appointing twelve commissioners from each district of the Nation to meet the United States commissioners and protest against severing their present tribal relations and the tenure of their lands.

NOT SO CHIPPER NOW Washington, March 30
Delegate FLYNN has addressed letters tot he commissioners who drew up the treaty with the Kiowa, Commanche and Apache Indians requesting them to appear before the house committee on Indian affairs and testify to the facts in regard to that matter. The cattle lobby are not so chipper these days on account of the fact that the committee has decided to hear both sides of the controversy. They maintain, however that if they are beaten in congress they have enough "pull" with the president to secure a veto.

The SAMPSON Publishing company have just completed a handsome book of valuable information of matters relating to the Commanche, Kiowa and Apache Reservations, together with a fine map, splendid portraits of Quanah PARKER and other Commanche and Kiowa cheifs, including their history, topographical facts which are of vast interest to the public.
Also full and complete information concerning the homestead laws, how to file on government land, and how to make a claim. Price 25 cents, Address The Sampson Publishing Company, Duncan, IT, or London and Moore, Ardmore,IT.

Another batch of prisoners was brought in from the Pottawattomie country yesterday charged with the purchase of those old log homes the Shawnee built twelve years ago over at the Kickapoo Nation. The men brought here are among the most respectable people in this country. They bought the  old log houses two years ago, paying fifteen dollars a piece for them.
As we have stated before, the houses have never been used by the Kickapoo, even for stables, and had not been used for ten years. There is an old ancient law that forbids white men other than those liscensed by the  government from purchasing anything from the indians. The law has not been enforced for years. It has been ignored just as the trespass law has been ever since the Indians have begun to cultivate their lands and produce anything to sell. But somebody evidently saw and opportunity to get fees, so raked up this old law.

Contributed By
Nalora Burns [email protected]

Nalora's Nuggets Index


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