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The Daily Oklahoman
March 30, 1907
Reed, Greer Co. March 30,1907- Killed By Wagon
James CRAWFORD, age 22, was instantly killed near Reed last evening
by falling underneath a farm wagon - the wheels passing over his chest.
Pioneer Resident Of Oklahoma Dies-J.P.M. CRAWFORD
Came To Territory 50 Years Ago.
J.P.M. CRAWFORD, 80 years old, pioneer resident and '89er, died at
his home on Pine Street, east of the city, Sunday afternoon, as a result
of heart trouble. He had been ill for some time. Born in Lee Co. KY,
CRAWFORD moved to the vicinity of Wynnewood, in OK territory fifty
years ago. He settled on a claim east of OK City, after the run of 1889.
He has lived in OK City since 1901. He owned valuable land in various parts
of the state. He is survived by a brother, Marshall CRAWFORD, who
lives six miles east of the city, three sons, J.H. of Lindsay, L. and Sterling
of Oklahoma City; two daughters, Mrs. Eddie McGEE of Okemah and Mrs.
Mary MOSELEY of Amarillo, and his wife, Anna CRAWFORD. Services
will be Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, with burial in
Sunny Lane cemetery.
March 12, 1934
LITTLE, W. M. age 76, 56th and Sheilds blvd., passed away Sunday, March 11.
Survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Elsworth NEEDHAM and Mrs. Ed
L. HISEL of Oklahoma City, four sons, H. G., P. E., and C. H. LITTLE of Oklahoma
City and B.M. Little, Oakland, Calif.
Funeral arrangements later by the Capital Hill funeral home.
February 1939
Oklahoma City, OK
[Midwest] City Union Veteran Recalls Another Side of Civil War
George Walker's Memories Not of the Heroic Or the Bitter
As George Walker, a Union army veteran of Oklahoma City, observes his 96th
birthday anniversary Sunday, and looks back upon the battles of his youth
in the civil War, the one thing that stands out is ludicrous rather than
It was [of the] encounter of a small force of Federal troops of which he
was a member with 10 companies of Confederates, who were too full of mint
juleps or something to do much good for Dixie. Consequently, Mr. Walker recalls
that the honors went to the North, perhaps more through the power of Confederate
corn than of Union arms and valor.
Used Disguise
Mr. Walker, who lives at 215 SE 37th St, but who is spending the winter with
a son, Phil Walker, near Chickasha, has another outstanding recollection,
which also verges upon the comic. It is of a time when he fled from his Tennessee
home wearing a Mother Hubbard to escape being drafted into the Confederate
The years have dealt kindly with Mr. Walker. He recalls much that happened
in his strife-filled youth on the Tennessee border, but his sunny disposition
has led him to retain chiefly the lighter incidents, like the two mentioned
above, and to forget the grim and the bloody.
War Split Family
Three half brothers fought on the Confederate side, two being killed, but
Mr. Walker let no partisan rancor stand in the way of reconciliation with
the survivor when the war ended.
The Encounter
The time when the large force of Confederates encountered his little band
of Federals, Mr. Walker recalls, was one of the few occasions when the southern
side had an edge in numbers in the war. Mr. Walker was a member of a small
force which had been sent out for no apparent purpose except to draw southern
fire. They were camped beside a small stream when the large Confederate force
stumbled onto them. "The Confederates, mostly mountain men whose accuracy
with a rifle was extraordinary, were so filled with liquor," Mr. Walker said,
"that they fired wildly in the air, all the while giving the Rebel yell."
"Some of our men were in swimming when the Confederates came upon us," Mr.
Walker recalled. "Others were loafing around playing cards. Suddenly we heard
a rattle of sabers and the clop of cavalry horses and were confronted with
more than 1000 Confederates."
Then the Charge
"One of them called upon us in a whisky baritone to surrender. Instead we
grabbed our clothing and guns and fell into line for an attack. The Confederates
charged in a wild, disorderly way and we fell back slowly, picking off many
of them as they came forward. "We kept up this retreat all day, making occasional
stands and then falling back, until we had covered 10 miles and rejoined
the main body of our troops. There we found we had lost only 11 men against
about 300 by the enemy." Mr. Walker said that the commander of the beleaguered
Union company challenged his commanding general to come out of his tent and
fight, so incensed was he at the sending out of the small force alone, but
the general refused.
Brother Was Best
"My brother Andy distinguished himself in that fight," Mr. Walker related.
He bested several Southern sharpshooters in a corner of what had been a cornfield
and later captured a Confederate officer who tried to make him surrender."
Mother Hubbard
Mr. Walker's flight in a Mother Hubbard occurred one day when a neighbor
warned him that the Confederates were in the neighborhood looking for men
and horses to impress in their service. Until then he had remained with the
family farm at Morristown, Tennessee, while all the other men in his family
had gone off to war. When the warning came, Mr. Walker said that he unhooked
the mare with which he was sledding corn and ran to the house where he asked
his mother for a dress with which to disguise himself. Her dress, however,
proved too short, he recalled, and he borrowed one that fitted from a neighbor.
In this grotesque outfit he started down the road. He had not gone far when
he met a Confederate company flushed with victory in a skirmish with the
Federals. They were singing happily and they tipped their hats to Mr. Walker,
not suspecting that he was a man. He learned later that his cousin, Captain
Elwood Cannon, had been killed in that skirmish.
Stayed With Relatives
Mr. Walker related that he found a sanctuary at his uncle's home. There all
the menfolk were away fighting also. Several times he went to bed when
Confederate troops passed, thinking to play ill if they tried to make him
don the gray uniform, but they never searched the house. Mr. Walker said
he finally grew tired of hiding and decided to join the Union army. He fought
in several major engagements, in time being sent to Virginia where he opposed
forces under the command of General Robert E. Lee. He joins in the universal
esteem of the chivalrous Southern commander.
Recalls Truces
He also knew Nathan Bedford Forrest, the famous Confederate cavalry commander.
During a lull in fighting between Union and Confederate forces he once talked
with Forrest and he described him as "a great soldier and strategist." "When
he was anywhere around we didn't rest easy on the Union side," he related.
"We never knew what he would undertake." There were other times when practical
"armistices" existed between the opposing forces and soldiers fraternized
across the battle lines, sometimes swapping newspapers, Mr. Walker recalled.
When the war was over, Mr. Walker said that he went back to the Tennessee
farm where he and his Confederate half-brother sat around the fire many a
night swapping army experiences, but never referring to the issue on which
they had taken opposite sides. "We figured that neither of us had started
it," he explained. "And as our family had been divided, we decided not to
hurt one another's feelings. I never was very hot about the thing anyway."
Pioneer of State
Shortly before 1880 Mr. Walker moved to Ray County, Missouri, and a few years
later he joined the homesteader tide that rolled over Oklahoma, settling
in the Chickasaw Nation. He farmed for a number of years in Pottawatomie
County. In recent years he has lived with a daughter, Mrs. Sadie [Sudie]
Potts of the SouthEast 37th Street address. "I always considered myself lucky,"
he said, "to come through the war without a scratch. That was my reward,
I suppose, for not being any too keen about killing my fellow countrymen."
George L. Walker died 1945.
Information Supplied by Susan Walker
Submitted by Ann Storer
[email protected]
July 26, 1939
BITNER - Mrs. Leola M., age 43, Survived by her daughter, Mrs. C. V. KENEMER. Services will be held in the Hahn Memorial Chapel Thursday, 10:00 a.m.
CASEY - Mrs. Ida L., age 79, Services will be held in the Capitol Hill Christian Church Thursday, 4 p.m., under direction of the Hahn Funeral Home. Interment Rose Hill.
HULGAN - Mrs. Martha, age 72, Survivors: husband, James T. HULGAN; daughters, Mrs. W.O. Logan, Mrs. Mary SHERIDAN, Mrs. Myra UPTON; sons, Walter, Arthur, Pearl, and Charles. Services 4 p.m. Friday in the Parlor Chapel of the Guardian Funeral Home. contact: [email protected]
HUGHES - Mrs. Annie. Survivors: four daughters: Mrs. Lena PERRINE, Mrs. Zula B. DAVIS, Mrs. Fern ERICKSON and Mrs. Blanche SAWYER; 2 sons: F.E. BRADFORD, CC. BRADFORD. Serviced 10 a.m. Friday in the Full Gospel Temple under the direction of the Guardian Funeral Home.
ARNOLD - Charles, age 8, Bethany, Oklahoma. Survivors: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. ARNOLD, grandparents: Major and Mrs. L.S. ARNOLD, California and Mr. R.C. STOUT, Oklahoma City. Funeral services 5 p.m. Thursday in Lawton, Oklahoma, announced by the Guardian Funeral Home.
August 1, 1939
Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and flowers duirng our recent bereavement.
November 1, 1943 Monday
Page 5 Column 2
Mrs. DOLSA JOHNSON HUDNALL, 81, an ' 89er, died early Sunday morning
in Rolater Sanatorium after a six-months illness. She lived in the home of
a son, Mode H. HUDNALL.
Born November 1, 1863 in Mississippi, she came to Oklahoma in 1889
and lived at Cushing for 25 years. She later lived in Tulsa before moving
here three years ago. She was a member of the Methodist Church.
In addition to M.H. HUDNALL, she is survived by three other sons,
John HUDNALL, 417 W. Noble; Walter HUDNALL of Hooks, Texas;
Jess HUDNALL of Muscatine, Iowa, and a daughter, Mrs. Alma
CURTIS, also of Muscatine, Iowa.
Services will be conducter Tuesday in the Perrine Funeral Chapel. Burial
will be in Soonerville Cemetery near Chandler.
Submitted by great granddaughter, Vickie [email protected]
8 MAY 1945
Listed 4/18/98
Mrs. Clara BARNES, 73, died Sunday night at her home, after a short
ilness. Mrs. BARNES is survived by five sons, Ernest of the home;
Horace of Tuttle; Floyd of Haywood, Calif.; Oscar in the army somewhere in
Italy, and Lloyd of Santa Fe, N.M., and two daughters, Rachel BARNES
of Colorado and Mrs. Gilpho[Zilpha] DEASON of the home. Arrangements
will be announced by the Perrine Funeral Home.
Submitted by: Sharron [email protected]
1869 - 1946
A.V. PENDLETON, retired Baptist minister, dies.
Alvin V. Pendletion 77, retired Baptist minister, dide Sunday morning at
his home of a heat attack.
Pendleton had lived in Oklahoma City, since 1940. Coming here from Frederick,
OK. where he served as county missionary. He had served as a minister 38
Services will be Wednesday at the Street and Draper Chapel. Burial will be
in Memorial Park Cemetry.
Surviors include a daughter Nadine, and a son Don, of the home. Four sisters,
Miss. Emma Pendleton, of Vernon, TX., Mrs. Minnie Beliar, of Pilot Point,
TX., Mrs. Lillian Jones, of Crowell, TX., and Mrs. Alice Skinner of Los Augeies,
and a brothre, George W. Pendleton, of McAlester, and 10 grandchildren.
Submitted by Donna [email protected]
15 DECEMBER 1952
Listed 4/18/98
Services for Fred M. LA COUNT, 95, of Mustang, will be Tuesday in
the First Baptist church in Mustang. Burial will be in Noble.
Born in Trenton, Mo., LA COUNT first moved to Oklahoma before
the state was opened to settlement. Later he and his wife, Catherine, moved
to Caldwell, Kan., bought a wagon outfit and started freighting flour,
bacon and beans to Fort Reno and Darlington.
LA COUNT sold his freighting business in 1189 [sic]. In 1906 he
homesteaded 160 acres west of Lawton in the Big Pastures land drawing. The
family moved to Mustang in 1914 and has lived there since.
LA COUNT later operated a livery stable in Mustang.
In January the LA COUNTS observed their 72nd wedding anniversary.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Charles L. and Tom A.
LA COUNT, both of the home; a niece, Mrs. R.B. LAMBERT, and
eight grandchildren.
Submitted by: Sharron [email protected]
June 11,1953
Samuel F.OWENS
Samuel Farell OWENS 66 died Wednesday at the home of his sister Mrs.Etna
SARTOR where he had been visiting for the past seven months.Death
was caused by cancer.
OWENS was born in Earth County Texas and came to Oklahoma with his
parents 61 years ago settling on a farm near Stratford and other communities
for many years before moving to Phoenix, Ariz. in 1945.
Surivors are two sons, Harmon OWENS, Washinton State; and Joe
OWENS, Tulsa eight daughters Mrs. Thelma BENNET, Barnsdall;
Mrs.Agnes JONES, Bellflower, Cailf; Mrs Edith CRAIG, Tulsa;
Mrs Ruth JACK, San Mateo,Cailf; Mrs.Dorthy CROW, New Bern,
North Carolina; Wilma OWENS, Enid ;Mrs.Pauline Loy,Sayre. Three sisters
Mrs. Sartor, Mrs. Georgie CUMINGS, California; and Mrs. Alice LANE,
California. Two brothers Flem OWENS, California; John
SANDERS, OK; 23 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren
Submitters Note: I am his grandaughter, Angela I know very little of the family and would love to hear from anyone who can help
Submitted by Angela [email protected]
August 25, 1954
Services for M.L. Fallen Jr. 34, will be Wednesday. Hahn-Cook Funeral Home
in charge, burial at Rose Hill Cemetery.
Fallin died Sunday in Albuquerque, N.M while on vacation with his wife, Thelma.
He was born Oct. 20, 1919, in Frederick and served in the army during World
War II. He lived in Electra before moving to OKC seven years ago.
Mrs. YOUNG, a member of the '99ers, died Tuesday in a Tulsa Hospital. She and her husband, J.J. YOUNG, moved to Tulsa from Oklahoma City in 1950.
J.R. BOWEN, 74, died Monday in a Norman rest home. Primrose funeral
home in charge, burial at Norman IOOF cemetery.
Bowen was born Dec. 24, 1880 in Dixon County, TN. He moved to OK in 1909,
settling in Hughes Co. and in 1924 moved to Norman.
Survivors include two brothers from Bakersfield, CA., Tiner and Lowery Bowen;
also a sister from Bakersfield, Mrs. Olen McBride; and two other sisters,
Mrs. Della Grizzle, Holdenville and Mrs. Louie Dugan, Nashville, TN.
There are seven children, Elbert and Wayne Bowen; OK.; Cecil Bowen, CA.;
Bobby Bowen, ILL.; Mrs. Ed Warton, OK; Mrs. C.E. Robinson, OK and Mrs. T.L
Manning, TX; 13 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Mrs. Mary F. HALL
Services for Mrs. Mary F. Hall. 52, will be Wednesday in the Westlawn Baptist
Church, with burial in Sunny Lane cemetery under direction of the Hunter
funeral home.
Mrs. Hall died Tuesday.
Mrs. Hall was born Feb. 4, 1902, in Shawnee, but was brought to OKC as a
baby and had lived here since.
Survivors include her husband, Horace; four sons, Rev. Jack Hall, Kansas;
Rev. David Hall; OK, both Baptist ministers, Airman 3rd class, Horace Hall,
a Nazarene minister; Ira; a daughter, Mrs. Orville Jones, TX.; a brother,
Charles Chritton, Wash.; 13 grandchildren.
This Family Researched by Teresa Hall
[email protected]
Cecil E. HAGER
Cecil Hager, 35, died Monday at Sterling, Colo., following an oilfield accident.
Hager had lived in Colo. the past 3 1/2 years working for an oil drilling
firm there.
June 15, 1956:
O.M. COLE, 87, Dies at Luther
O.M. COLE, Former Luther banker, prominent farmer and oilman, died
Thursday morning in his home north of here after an illness of 11 months.
He was 87.
Services for COLE, Oklahloma county pioneer, will be 2:30 p.m. Sunday
in the First Christian church. Burial will be in the Luther cemetery. Baggerly
funeral home, Edmond, is directing arrangements.
COLE, born in Johnson county, Mo., made the run in '89, settling north
of Luther.
For 20 years he was president of the Luther State bank. During World war
I, he taught school here and was a representative of the army, buying and
selling horses for the calvary. At the time of his death, he was a dealer
in leases and royalties.
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Cecil Lovell and Mrs. Opal
Canada, both of Luther; five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.
Submitter's note: His first name was Otho, but he normally went by simply O.M. COLE. Submitted by his greatgranddaughter, Sharon McAllister.
July 26, 1956
Robert S. ODOM Is dead at 65
Service Today Services have been set for 2 p.m. Thursday in the chapel of
the Capitol Hill funeral home for Robert Shelton ODOM 65, a city school
policeman. Burial will be at Sunnylane cemetery.
ODOM died at his home at 1115 S.W. 32 Wednesday morning following
a ten-day illness. Born at Liberty, Tenn., Aug 2, 1890, he came to
Oklahoma City in 1908. He had been the school policeman at Mark Twain elementary
school for the past three years.
Survivors include his wife Sarah, of the home three daughters, Mrs. Juanita
HARKEY, Linwood, Calif.; Mrs. Mildred SELLS, 1465 Rancho drive,
and Mrs Betty HICKS, of the home; two sons, Irvin, Midwest City, and
John ODOM, Clinton; two brothers, E.K. of Cushing and Oval
ODOM, Liberty; and 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Submitted by: Jean Owens [email protected]
May 21, 1957, Tuesday, page 7:
Listed 4/18/98
William Henry BLACKBURN
Services will be Wednesday in Guardian funeral home for William Henry
BLACKBURN, 76. He died Monday in his home. Burial will be at Comanche.
Born in Russelville, Ark., BLACKBURN came to Oklahoma in 1899,
settling in Comanche. he moved to Oklahoma City about six years ago from
Duncan. A carpenter by trade, he had been retired 10 years. He belonged to
the Church of Christ.
Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. J. M. CARTHEL; Mrs. G. T.
BRANCH, Mrs. Olan ODEN; Mrs. Orville DuBOIS and Mrs.
H. A. LOWRY; two sons, S. W., and Royce;
30 grandchildren and five great- grandchildren.
Also four sisters, Mrs. Maggie BENNETT; Mrs. Jessie DAVENPORT,
Mrs. Nellie COFFMAN, N.M.; and Mrs. Rose CLINE,
and a brother, Elzie BLACKBURN, Fredoinia, Texas.
Submitted by: [email protected]
July 23, 1959
Bessie JONES, State Native, Is Dead at 66
Services will be a 2 p.m. Saturday in Goodwell for Mrs. Bessie Esther JONES,
66. Burial will be in Goodwell cemetery under the direction of Hahn-Cook
funeral home.
Mrs. JONES died Wednesday at Wesley hospital after a heart attack.
Her parents came to Oklahoma as missionaries to the Indians, and Mrs.
JONES was born in Tishomingo. She had lived in Oklahoma City for the
past 19 years and was an active member of the Wesley Methodist church.
Surviving are two daughters, Lavine, and Mrs. W. B. COCKRELL; three
sons, Jessie, Lloyd and Burgess; two sisters, Mrs. Jenny Lind
OLIVER and Mrs. M. S. BURRIS and 11 grandchildren.
Submitted by: Judy Arnold [email protected]
1 MAY 1960
Listed 4/18/98
MRS. LACOUNTS Services Pend
Service are pending at Garrison Funeral Home for Mrs. Catherine
LACOUNTS, 100, who died Saturday in her home.
A native of Brookfield, Miss [Mo]., she was born Feb. 11, 1860. She
came to Oklahoma in 1889 and had been a city resident four years. She had
lived 40 years at Mustang before coming to Oklahoma City.
Survivors include two sons, Charles Leland, and Thomas Archie, and one sister,
Mrs. Gilpha [Zilpha] CARTWRIGHT, of the city.
Submitted by: Sharron [email protected]
2 MAY 1960
Listed 4/18/98
Mrs. Catherine LACOUNTS
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Garrison Funeral Home for Mrs. Catherine
LACOUNTS, 100, who died Satruday in her home. Burial will be in the
Noble Cemetery in Noble.
Submitted by: Sharron [email protected]
January 10, 1962
Mrs. Nannie B. LOY 78, a long time resident of Oklahoma City, died
Tuesday morning. Services are pending at the Garrison Funeral Home with burial
at Meeker.
A member of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Loy was born in Nixon,
Tennessee and came to Oklahoma when about 14 years old. For a number
of years she lived at Sparks and Meeker. She is survived by two daughters,
Neva LOY SHARP of the home and Eva LOY BARR of Meeker.
Submiited by Linda Mulford
[email protected]
March 14, 1963
FORESMAN d/March 13, 1963
Services for Harry B. Foresman, 70, who died Tuesday at his home will be
Thursday at Smith & Kernke Funeral Home with burial in Memorial Park
Foresman was born in Bluff City, Kansas, and moved to Enid in 1910. He moved
to Oklahoma City in 1932. In 1939 he organized the Lock-Joint Window Co.
Foresman was first to patent and construct prefabricated windows. As
a younger man, he was holder of several world records in weight lifting as
a member of the Enid Athletic Club.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. D.Cole and Mrs. L. H. Johnson
and three sisters, Lola, Ethel and Mrs. T. A. Hites.
Submitted by Lora Topinka [email protected]
09 January 1968
Charlie GRIFFITH, 87, of 901 NW 16 died Monday at a local nursing home. Services
will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Guardian Funeral Home with burial at Rose Hill
Born in Cleveland, Tenn, Sept 26, 1880, he came to Chickasha in 1922 and
to Oklahoma City about 40 years ago.
Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Cathryn Simpson, and Miss Ilee Griffith,
both of the home, and a brother, Art, Stillwater.
Submitted by Bradford Griffith
[email protected]
17 February 1970
Sarah Ilee GRIFFITH, 87, Monday at a local nursing home following a lengthy
illness. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Rose Hill Cemetary,
arranged by Guardian Midtown Funeral Home.
Miss GRIFFITH was born in Cleveland, Tenn., and moved to Oklahoma City in
1913. She was a school teacher in Carnegie before moving to California. She
returned to Oklahoma City three years ago. She was a member of the Order
of the Eastern Star, First Presbyterian Church and graduated from Southwestern
State College.
Survivors include a sister, Cathryn Simpson, of the home; a brother, Art,
Stillwater, and a niece [omitted], Oklahoma City.
Submitted by Bradford Griffith
[email protected]
31 Jan 1974
Mrs Sarah Agnes THOMAS, 90, died Wednesday after a short illness.
Services 10 am Friday, Smith & Kernke Funeral Home, burial Memorial Park
Native of Morgan Co, MO, moved to Okemah 1918, OK City 1937. Member
of Eastern Star & Crestwood Baptist Church.
Survivors: 2 daughters, Mrs Eva BENNETT, of home, Mrs Effie
COOK, okc; 3 sons, Sidney, Ft Wayne, Ind, Leo, OKC, Eugen, Anton,
Colo; a sister, Mrs Ora BALLEN(sp), Okemah, 14 grandchildren, 38
great-grandchildren, 4 great-great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Peggy Thomas Villanueva [email protected]
May 12, 1982
Lewis Raymond "Ray". Survived by his wife Ellen Whitton of the home; 2 daughters
; 2 brothers & 7 grandchildren.
He established an industrial tool supply house, Whitton Supply in the late
1940's. He was a member of The Church of the Epiphany of The Lord Catholic
Memorials may be made to The Church of The Epiphany of the Lord Catholic
Church Building Fund.
Mass of Christian Burial 2 P.M. Wednesday, in TheChurch of The Epiphany of
The Lord Catholic Church.Interment Ressurection Cemetery.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Wilson
[email protected]
July 24, 1990
Listed March 26, 1998
Moore, Cleveland County, OK.
Daylan LeeRoy McSWAIN, age 3 mos., 12 days, died 7-22-90. He is survived
by his parents, William and Sharne McSWAIN and brother, Hank
McSWAIN, of Moore; grandmother, Sena WOOD of Moore;
great-grandmother, Kitty AUSTIN of Seminole; and aunts, Michelle
WOOD of Moore, Shannon WOOD of Moore, Beth McSWAIN of
Purcell, Cherry ENGLISH of Lone Grove, and Cindy WOOLEY of
Services will be 10:00 a.m. graveside at Resthaven Memory Gardens. Conducted
by Resthaven Mortuary.
Submitters Notes: Daylan died of Sudden Infant Death (S.I.D.S)
Submitted by Aunt:
[email protected]
December 30, 1993
Listed March 25, 1998
Loraine E. [Gist] Adams
Loraine E. ADAMS, age 80, of OKC, passed away Dec. 27, 1993. Loraine
was born March 18, 1913 in Garvin, Ok. to James K. and Nancy G. GIST.
She was a resident of OKC for most of her life and a member of Kelham Baptist
Loraine was preceded in death by her husband, Arnold C. ADAMS.
Survivors include two sons, Allen A. and Aaron A.; one daughter, Anne;
a brother, Lloyd GIST; a sister, Imogene; seven grandchildren and six great
grandchildren. Services will be held 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, 1993 at
Turner Chapel with interment following at Memorial Park Cemetery. The Rev.
Anson Justice officiating.
Submitted by: Donna Gist Moore [email protected]
March 2001
Helen Ruth (Pruitt) Parker, wife of Charles Garland Parker, died on March
20, 2001 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She was born on October 14, 1926, in
Decatur, Alabama, and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pruitt.
After graduation from Riverside High School in 1944, she attended Bob Jones
College in Cleveland, Tennessee from 1944-46. She was married to her husband,
Charles G. Parker of Decatur, Alabama for fifty-four years. She was a member
of the Central Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama for sixty-eight years.
During her years of ministry in Decatur she sang with her trio in radio and
evangelistic services, served at Central Baptist as a member of the adult
choir, and assisted for over twenty years in the special education department
of the Sunday School. She served the legal profession as an executive secretary
for over twenty-five years.
After moving to Oklahoma City in 1995, Helen Ruth and Charles became members
of the Surrey Hills Baptist Church where they sang in the adult choir. She
also joined the Surrey Hills Garden Club, and enjoyed playing games with
her neighborhood game club as well as substituting for her daughter's Bunco
Her parents, four brothers and two sisters, and one son-in-law preceded her
in death. Survivors include her husband, Charles; three children, Cheryl
(Parker) Scroggins of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Rev. Richard G. Parker and
wife Cindy of Perry, Georgia; and Dr. Gregory B. Parker and wife Lori of
Bolivar, Missouri; grandchildren Brad and Scott Scroggins of Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma; Andrew and Hannah Parker of Perry, Georgia; Alex and Brianna Parker
of Bolivar, Missouri.
Additional survivors include one brother, Robert H. Pruitt of Topeka, Kansas;
one sister, Catherine Marie (Pruitt) Watkins of Decatur, Alabama; one
brother-in-law, J. Pat Brock of Decatur, Alabama and numerous nieces and
Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at the Central
Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama, Roselawn Memorial Funeral Home officiating.
Visitation will be at Roselawn Memorial Funeral Home in Decatur, Alabama
on Friday, March 23rd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Memorial services will
be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, March 29 at Surrey Hills Baptist Church, 12421
North Mustang Road in Yukon, Oklahoma.
Thank you for running this obit for my Mom. Her son-in-law was the late Lanny
Scroggins of Holdenville who was killed in the bombing of the Murrah Federal
Submitted by Rick Parker
[email protected]
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