Roff 1915
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OKBits FilesRoff, Pontotoc County-1915

January 1915
Who Spent The Holidays With Who :

Misses Annie MOSLEY and Carrie NICHOLS of Hickory sent theirs in OK City.

Miss Aryilla PONEROY of Wheeler visited her parents in Hickory.

Misses Edith ROFF and Pauline SUDDATH of Roff visited with Miss Edna CLARY in Hickory.

Mr. JEFFRESS and son John of Francis, OK. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.F. BURNETT. Mr. JEFFRESS is contemplating putting in a nice line of merchandise at Hart for which we gladly welcome him in our community of Hart and wish him success.

Mr. and Mrs. R.M. PRICE'S daughter from Southwest Texas is visiting in Hart.

Mrs. AGEE returned to Dolberg last week from a few days visit with relatives in Arkansas.

W.J. RAGSDALE of Stratford visited his mother, Mrs. AGEE of Dolberg.

R.J. PETERSON of Laxton, spent the holidays at his old home in Mississippi. He reports a very pleasant time among relatives and old time friends and acquaintances, some of whom he had not met in 30 years and among whom was the school teacher who tried very hard to teach the young idea how to shoot.

Dr. LOGAN and wife and son and wife of Laxton went to Stonewall on the 26th and spent the remainder of the week visiting with W.W EATON, returning home Dec. 30th.

Ide HARRIS and wife of Ada, visited the family of John KENNEDY of Laxton.

Belton BRADY and family of Roff visited R.L. ZUMBRO of Fitzhugh and accompanied her home.

A sister visited Mr. MITCHELL and family of Fitzhugh.

Mr. TILLERY of Fitzhugh had a half-brother and his wife as guest.

Misses Lillian and Una ZUMBRO of Fitzhugh were visiting their sister in Roff.

Misses Ludy and Ruby HAWKINS of Fitzhugh spent one day of Xmas with Dr. HILL'S family of Roff.

The wedding bells are still jingling, madam rumor says we have had another wedding in our neighborhood of Fitzhugh. The parties being Kid FREENCE and a pretty widow named Mrs. JOHNSTON. If the rumor is true we wish the happy couple all the happiness, success and good health that can be bestowed upon one couple.


We are glad to see Mrs. Rosie THOMPSON, who was confined to her bed from typhoid fever is able to return home and enjoy the pleasure of good health one more. she was ill for over four weeks.
(Rosie Wright Thompson was the daughter of Andrew J. WRIGHT & Nettie Alice ALLEN WRIGHT)

All W.O.W. members of Hart camp are requested to meet at the hall, Saturday, Jan. 10th, also it being installation night. the following officers were elected: S.T. HOLPAIN C. C .; R.M. RICE, Clerk; A.J.(Andrew Jackson)WRIGHT, Banker; H.C.(Henry)FILMORE, , A.V.; W.G. WALL, Escort; J.H. SUTHERLAND, Sentinel; C.N.(Columbus Napoleon, husband of Rosa Bell Burnett)UPTON, watchman.

Marvin THOMPSON says there is more place like home, when he was seen coming in from Allen, where he had been visiting his brother, Roy, who accompanied Marvin home to see home folks for a few days.
(Marvin and Roy were the sons of John M. and Sallie Thompson)

Prayer meeting was conducted by Rev. L.F. MINCER, Saturday night.

L.F. BURNETT(Lon Franklin, this is my grandfather) and R.M. (Rufus) BURNETT went to Roff Friday.

The singing at the home of Mrs. H.I.(Harriet)Burnett was well attended, and all reported a nice time. There will be singing at L.F.(Lon) BURNETT next Sunday evening.

Mrs. JEFFRESS has come in to make Hart her home for a while. We heartily welcome her to our community.

We are sorry to state that Mr. COOK will leave us soon, he will live up near Rosedale, Oklahoma, he and his sister Mrs.HAWK


John HARRISON of Cody, Oklahoma thinks he will move into our vicinity soon. He is welcome.

It seems like everyone that moves from Roff soon returns as Buster CHILDRESS of Troy and Charles DRINNAN of Arkansas have moved back in this vicinity.

Mr. PATTERSON has done a great deal of work on his place this week. He will have a nice home when he has finished repairing.

Charles RUSSELL and John McCARRELL are co-workers and general Managers for the Jeff Neal saw mill company. John said their progress had been rather slow of late, owing to unfavorable weather.

Mr. BOYD bought a couple of shoats from John AGEE Monday.

W.J. RAGSDALE of Stratford visited his mother, Mrs. AGEE Saturday night and Sunday.

L.F. BOWLEN and H.J. CRIST killed hogs Saturday.

Mr. BOWLIN, HEARSTONE and GRIST killed hogs Friday.


Z.T. MOSLEY and sons, Terrell and Doyle, went to Ada Sunday.

Paul HOGGARD, Joe MITCHELL and Ewing MARTIN returned to Stillwater on Sunday. They were accompanied by Carl GOOD who will take a course in book-keeping at the A and M College.

Hester COTTON returned on last Sunday to the State University at Norman.


John WALLIS has removed to the Wesson lease on the south side of Blue.

We have been informed the E.L. RUCKER has purchased Ed MERRITT interest in the gin at Fitzhugh.


E.J. MERRITT has sold his interest in the gin to W.L. MEHARG. We don't think we will lose him from our town as we hear he intends to take an interest in the flour mill that is contemplating to be built here.

W.L. MEHARG is still ginning in spite of the bad weather and will reach the 4,000 bales in a few days.

J.A. HART has sold his interest in the bank here to an Ada party. We are sorry to lose Mr. HART from the bank, as he has given satisfaction to all.

Our telephone system is progressing nicely under the management of Mrs. FREENY.

Misses Lillian and Una ZUMBRO were visiting their sister in Roff from Thursday until Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. CARTWRIGHT and two sons Ed and Ruff and the latters wife moved to a farm near Laxton, we are sure sorry to lose this esteemed family from our town but hope they will mingle with their many friends here often.

Mr. TEMPLETON has moved to farm one mile from Roff, and Mr. HAMMOCK has moved to the farm vacated by him.

There is another case of fever in our town, Mr. PHILLIP'S son, Ed is down with it, we do hope he will soon be well again.

Mrs. John BALLARD was on the sick list during Xmas.

January 15, 1915

From now until February 1st, 1915, we will accept 50 cents per year for subscroptions to the Roff Eagle. This has been a hard year on everybody and in order to allow those owing us to square up their accounts and get ahead on our list we will make this offer. After February 1st it will be withdrawn and the price will go back to $1.00 per year.

Hickory News

F.M. CLARY of Ft. Worth, Texas was in town Saturday.

Wm. MOSLEY Jr. and wife took their little son, Jack to Okla. City Saturday to have his tonsils taken out.

Miss Gladys BLYTHE of Davis, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C.E. JOHNSTON for the past week left Friday for a visit with relatives in Francis.

Mr. Houston DUMAS and Miss Ave LEMONS were queitly married at the home of the bride on Sunday Jan. 10, at twelve o'clock. rev. E.A. HARDEE pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Only intimate friends and relatives attended.
Mr. DUMAS is the son of J.D. DUMAS a prominent ranchman living ten miles east of Hickory.
Miss LEMONS is the daughter of A.T. LEMONS a prominent farmer who has been a resident of Hickory for the past ten years. Both Mr. and Mrs. DUMAS have a host of friend here who wish them much success for the future.

There has been quite a change for the past week in places. C.F. KEITH moved to C.M. BURNETT place,  Mr.  WARD from D. HALL place to the B.F. BROWN place, G.E. BLACK moved to Mrs. H.I. BURNETTS place, Leroy LINDSAY from near Dolberg to A.V. FILLMORES place.

Our Postmaster, Miss India LINDSAY, and Grand LINDSAY has been ill the past week and Frank KEITH accepted the position as assistant Postmaster, at Hart.

C.N. UPTON is erecting a new building on his farm, where his house and all of the contents were destroyed by fire last fall.

Ed McCLARRY of near Lone Oak says he likes to visit Hart now, as he says he has found him a fine looking girl. Guess who it is and said Gee! he wished she would have kept that phone box, just pay up the dues, Ed, Ha! Ha!

J.M. THOMPSON and family, Mrs. J.R. ETCHEISON and family, G.E. BLACK and wife spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. H.I. BURNETT.
(Mrs. H.I.(Harriett Isbell) Burnett was the wife of Rufus M. Burnett, brother to my great-grandfather, William H. Burnett.)

A crowd of young folks enjoyed listening to the graphaphone at the home of L.F. BURNETT, New Year's night - "Old Uncle Josh having his tooth pulled"
(L.F. (Lonnie Franklin) BURNETT was my grandfather)

Ross STEVENS who has lived for the past year near Stratford moved to the place occupied the past year by Dave TROUTMAN on R.M. BURNETT'S place. 
(R.M.( Rufus M.) BURNETT)

York News

William HOUGH is moving to Hickory this week. We regret to lose such  good neighbors and hope they will be pleased with their new home.

Dallas HOUGH who is working at the Horseshoe Ranch visited home folks here Sunday.

Say, boys, if you want the girls to think well of you and to speak well of you, don't get drunk. We would not look down on boot-leggers if they were not violating the law. It has been so lately  the girls have been almost afraid to attend parties for fear the boys would get drunk.

L.E. DILL went to Roff today to get him a tent.

April 1, 1915

Roff, Pontotoc Co., Death of J.A. SCOTT.
James Alexander SCOTT, one of the old-time citizens of Roff, dropped dead at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lula HAYNES, near Brownsville, Texas, on last Thursday, March 25th, at 1 o'clock in the morning. The cause of death was dropsy of the heart. The remains were shipped to Roff on Sunday afternoon and laid away in East Hill cemetery, the services being under the ???? of the Masonic lodge, and the sermon by Rev. H.E. NEIGHBOUR of Madill. Mr. Scott was born on Feb.10,1848 in Hemstead county, Arkansas. On the 11th day of Sept. 1869, he was united in marriage with Miss Rebekah Matilda COX at Fayetteville, Arkansas. To this union were born eight children, six of whom are living. The names of surviving children are as follows: Walter, Claud, Clint and Jeff Scott and Mrs. May RAY, all of Roff and Mrs. Lula HAYNES of Brownsville, TX. Another daughter, Mrs. Nannie RAINES died about a month ago. Deceased had led a long and useful life. He served in the army of the Confederacy. Was a member of the Baptist church from early boyhood and a member of the Masonic lodge of Roff as well as the Roff Chapter R.A.M. Mr. SCOTT and family moved to Oklahoma in 1884 locating in the Choctaw country. In company with his wife he was visiting their daughter at Brownsville when death came. In the death of J.A. SCOTT the community has suffered a loss that can not be compensated for. One by one the gray haired old veterans who fought for the South are passing away. We can mourn for their absence but soon nothing but a memory will be left of the glorious band that followed Jackson and Lee and Jeb STUART. On behalf of the entire community, the Eagle extends sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.
Researched by Jean Scott [email protected]
Also Researched by Fred Smith [email protected]

McAlester, March 24, 1915
The Woodmen of the World, in annual state meeting here today.
Nearly the entire day was taken in the election of officers. Joe ROBERTS of Pauls Valley, a blacksmith, was elected head consul; Zack T. SMITH, of Spiro, Adviser; M.L. COCRAN, of Wynnewood, banker; J.W. PRICE, of Atoka, head escort; R.A. KING, of Elk City, head clerk; ? PATE, of McAlester, head watchman; Joe L. ROULETTE, of Wanette, ? sentry; The sovereign delegates are; W.M. BALTHROP, of Manitou; W.S. WOLVERTON, of Ardmore; Robert E. LEE, of LeFlore; A.M. MERRIL, of Hugo; Robert L.FORGAN, of Oklahoma City; H.B. MITT, of Manitou.
W.E. SCHOOLER of Hugo, chairman of the resolutions committee said tonight this was the most successful meeting of the order in the State and was the most largely attended. The meeting will adjourn tomorrow. The next meeting will be held in El Reno

May 20, 1915
Born on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. SUTHERLAND of Francis, a fine boy.

Mrs. Minnie HUETT of Sunshine, passed quietly and peacefully away from this troubled world Friday, May 14, at 8 a.m. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her death. She was a good wife, mother and neighbor and will be greatly missed.


Mrs. B.F. McNEAL, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MOSLEY, Sr. for the past month left on Thursday of last week for her home at Swifton, Miss. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Anna MOSLEY.

Misses Mattie MEANS and Mary McCLUSKEY returned home from Wynnewood Saturday where they spent the past week visiting with Mrs. Lewis TOLIVER.

Mrs. W.B. TEAGUE of Maysville came in Friday for a visit with her father, W.W. FLOYD and family.

Mrs. C.A. HARDEE visited in Sulphur last week with the family of Rev.E.A. HARDEE.


J.P. FREEMAN and wife visited her parents, Wm. VanZant and wife, Sunday.

Ben WITT moved on Tuesday to the house vacated some time ago by J.P. JACKSON.

Mrs. Wm. VAN ZANT and daughter left on Monday for Francis where she will visit for some time with her daughter, Mrs. J.A. SUTHERLAND.


B.F. BURNETT and wife of Stratford visited W.W. WATSON family last Sunday
(Benjamin Franklin Burnett, son of Rufus)

C.M. BURNETT returned from St. Joseph, Missouri on the 14th. his wife and children accompanying him home. His wife and children had been visiting her mother and other relatives several days.
(Charles Marvin Burnett, son of Rufus)

Dr. DAVIS of Blanchard spent one night at his mother's, Mrs. H.J. BURNETT last week.
(Samuel Colbert Davis, son of Harriet Isabelle Fulsom Davis Burnett)

Mrs. ETCHIESON of Roff returned home Saturday after a few days visit with her daughters, Mesdames BLACK and ROBERTS.

Mr. and Mrs. BASS spent Sunday night with Mrs. BASS'S sister, Mrs. STEVENS.
(Eva Wright Steven had two sisters who married Bass, Lannie and Ida, so I don't know which one this is but they are the daughters of Andrew J. WRIGHT and Nettie Alice ALLEN WRIGHT.)

Ed McCLARRY is a frequent caller at the home of Walter ROBERTS. Ed says he loves to see his uncle every day or two.

Rev. Jessie COOK will preach at Hart on the 4th Sunday at 11 o'clock and Sunday night.

Rev. FONTENBERRY, of Stratford held services at Pie Arbor Saturday night.

Notice of Sale

Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a special execution and order of sale issued out of the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, dated April 24th, 1915, in cause No 1856, wherein, Margaret B. BALL was plaintiff and W.C. REA, his wife, The Farmers and Merchants Ntional Bank of Roff, Oklahoma and C.A. BYRON were defendants, commanding me to levy on appraise and sell lots numbered One, Two, Three and Four in Block No. 177 in the Incorporated Town of Roff, Oklahoma, with all improvements on same, that on the 29th day of April, 1915, I did levy on said real estate and have same appraised and that on the 7th day of June, 1915, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the Court House in Ada, Oklahoma, I will sell lots 1,2,3, and 4 in Block No. 177 in the Incorporated Town of Roff, Pontotoc Co. Oklahoma to the highest bidder for cash subject to the approval and confirmation of the District Court of Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma.
Said levy, appraisement and sale are made in pursuance of a judgment of said District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, rendered on the 27th day of February, 1915, foreclosing mortgages on said premises in said above mentioned action, and ordering said premises sold.
Witness my hand this 4th day of May 1915.
Bob DUNCAN, Sheriff, of Pontotoc County, Okla.
E.B. KERR, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Roff Index

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Sharon Burnett-Crawford
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