Roff 1914
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OKBits Files Roff, Pontotoc County-1914

Thursday Jan.1, 1914:

Last Sunday L.O. COBB was united in marriage with Miss Ethel HENNIGAN. The groom is a young farmer of the Lightning Ridge neighborhood and has many friends in this section. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tobe HENNIGAN.


Fred HOWLET of Kansas City spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Ed CLARY.
Mrs W.H.TEAQUE and baby of Maysville visited with her father, W.W.FLOYD and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles WATSON of Oil City visited home folks in Hickory.
Miss Gladys DUMAS of Hickory went to the ranch to spend holidays.
Joe MITCHELL of Stillwater visited family in Hickory.
Mrs. Pearl KENNEDY and little daughter, Frank Catherine, went to Ada.
Prof. DENMON went to Tishomingo to visit family.
Ewing MARTIN of Stillwater went to Hickory to visit family.
Jack WILLIAMS went to Chickasha to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ben LEWIS.
Prof. Roy ATBERRY went to Sulphur.
Mrs. Fannie EDWARDS spent xmas with relatives in Texas.
Orvill WOOD and Ira SHANNON was in Texas.
J.G.CORKINS and family spent xmas in Oklahoma City.
Emma ZUMBRO visited her sister, Mrs. Lou Ella McMULLEN of Dallas.
Mrs. STILES of Garza, Texas visited her son, J.A.FEASTER.
Al NABORS and wife ate turkey dinner with Ed THOMAS.
Floyd APPLE spent holidays with his sister, Mrs. Ellis GRESHAM.
Mrs. Lula WERNON spent xmas with her parent, Mr. and Mrs W.L.HARDY.
Miss Sarah HUDDLE of Dallas, TX spent xmas with her parents, Dr.and Mrs. HUDDLE.
C.A. HARDEE went to Wayne to spend holiday with his father, Rev. E.A.HARDEE and family.
Mrs.Allie HATTON, son and daughter, Bert and Pearl and niece Miss LONG of Ada visited with Mrs. John EWING.
Murrel MATTHEWS of Ada spent xmas with the ORR boys.
Mrs. Effie NEWCOMB of Ada spent xmas with the family of H.D.MERREDITH.
John PINNEIL and the Misses DUMON, Minnie REA, Clara and Vic GOOD were in Sulphur on xmas.
Leland MORTON of Madill spent xmas with his parents. Leland is still with the News-Democrat.
Mrs. Leslie S. MARTIN and little son went to Madill to visit her parent, Rev. and Mrs. H. E.NEIGHBOUR.
Forrester ORR of Dallas, TX. Dr. ORR informed us that this was the first time in a year all his boys had been together.
Hugo HUGHES and family visited his brother family in Ada.
Will McWHIRT of Sherman spent xmas with his parents.
Miss Addie TANNER of Ada visited her sister, Mrs. D.D. BAYLESS.
Today to attend the marriage of his daughter, Miss Virgie to C.D.STROUD, a young merchant of Madill. We wish the young couple a long and happy life.
Mr. and Mrs WHITTAKER had a daughter and Bill is all smiles.
C.M. BRADFORD and A.J. SNODDY who married Miss Minnie HUSBAND last Sunday a week ago was busy selecting the furniture for their home. They live at Pontotoc and came over Tuesday.

Notice By Publication
State of Oklahoma, Pontotoc County
J. Fred  SMITH, Plaintiff
Lizzie SMITH, Defendant.
Notice that she has been sued for a divorce and must answer the petition on or before the 12th day of February, 1914
Dated: December 31st, 1913
Arden L. BULLOCK, Attorney for Plaintiff

Greeting of 1914

I pay market price for hogs. Call me up and I will come and look at your hogs.

S.B. BENNET, will loan you money on town property on straight time.

Mrs. T.H. CHILDRESS, won the rocking chair given away by the Roff Furniture Co. last Wednesday. Mr. SLOAN won the sewing machine.

John LUNSFORD desires for us to extend thanks for him to the good people of Roff and vicinity for their many kindnesses to him during the past few years he has been in Roff and especially for good business during the past year. John said you couldn't drive him away from Roff as the people here are the best on earth.


Mr. and Mrs. CARROLL were the guest of J.J. KING and family Sunday.

Mrs. LEFEVER entertained a crowd of young people Monday with a dance.

Miss Ruby LYNN and Ethard  ETCHEN were guest of Miss Maud KING Sunday.

Luther LYNN and family of Laxton visited at L.A. LYNN'S last week.

Curtis T. BOREN and family, Mrs. HORNER and daughter, Edna , Luther FORTNER and Don DAVIS of Roff were the guests of R.A. MILLER xmas day.

Wade THACKER and wife of Roff is visiting the latters parent, Mr. and Mrs. KING.

Laxton News

R.J. PETERSON left for Mississippi last Saturday to spend the holidays amid old scenes.

Mrs. Wm HATTOX spent xmas at Sulphur with her mother and family.

Fitzhugh News

Mrs. Fannie EDWARDS spent Xmas with relatives in Texas.

Orvill WOOD and  Ira SHANNON returned to Fitzhugh Saturday after 3 months trip to Texas points

Hickory News

Missies Annie MOSLEY and Carrie NICHOLS went to Okla. City for a weeks visit with relatives of Miss MOSLEY'S.

Mr. and Mrs. W.B. TEAGUE who has been visiting W.W. FLOYD and family returned to their home at Maysville Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. MITCHELL went to Sulphur Springs, Texas Tuesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles WATSON returned to their home at Oil City Friday accompanied by Miss Lillie MOORHEAD.

Mrs. Lula  VERNON came up from Madill Wednesday to spend Xmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. HARDY.

O.V. GAITHER moved his family here last week from Brooxton, Texas. Mr. GAITHER will open a stock of goods in the building next door east of BOWLENS Drug Store.

Miss Sarah HUDDLE of Dallas, Texas is spending the week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. HUDDLE.

C.A. HARDEE went to Wayne Thursday to visit his father, Rev. E.A. HARDEE and family.

Mrs. Allie HATTON, son and daughter, Bert and Pearl and niece, Miss LONG of Ada visited with Mrs. John EWING last week.

Mrs. George MARLER and children of Shawnee are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill DAVIS.

Paul HOGGARD returned home from Kingston Saturday.

L.B. CLARY, dispatcher for the Frisco was in town Monday.

Prof. DEMON moved his family here from Tishomingo on Monday of this week. They will make the NEWMAN place their home.

Friday afternoon while trying to stop a runaway team Mill WELCH was thrown against a building and was seriously injured. He is reported to be doing nicely. (end of Hickory)

Mrs. STILES, mother of J.A. FEASTER, has returned to her home at Garza, Texas.

Floyd APPLE spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Ellis GRESHAM at Roff.

January 8th, 1914

Born December 28 to N.E.DAVIDSON and wife, a daughter.

A.LEEPER died on the morning of January 6 at the home of Mrs. John ASHBY, his half sister. His death was cause by Typhoid fever and kidney trouble. The interment was made at the Roff Cemetery. He was a cousin of uncle Hack LEEPER.

Marriage LICENSE was issued at Ada for the weddings of;
W.D.STRICKLAND and Miss Vannie CROWDER - Roff
H.M. McCLENDON and Bertha GINN - Roff
Jim CAMPBELL and Anna CATHEY - Roff.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett HENDRIX was found lying dead upon the bed, the morning of January 5th. The little child was only about three weeks old. It is supposed that her death was caused by smothering as she had a very severe cold. We sympathize with the bereaved parents.

Born January 1st to Mr. and Mrs. C.S. DICKSON, a fine boy.

Alvey C. THOMPSON and Miss Sophronia E. NALE, the stepdaughter of Sam STEWART, were married Sunday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. W.E. GUY. The groom and the bride are very prominent young people and have a host of friends who wish for them every good thing in life.

Mrs Ed JOHNSTON entertained about 22 of her daughter, Leonora May JOHNSTON 5th birthday. Many beautiful and appropriate gifts were received by the popular little hostess. Delicious jello and whipped cream with cake were served.

January 15, 1914

Born to T.H. EDMASTON and wife Sunday, a boy. The little fellow lived only about four hours.

Mrs. C.L. BERGER'S grandfather HILL died. He was nearly 88 years old.

Born January 10th to Mr. and Mrs. H.E. SMITH who live north of Roff, a find boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Sloan REESE of Mill Creek are the proud parents of a fine boy, born January 7th.
Mrs REESE, before her marriage was Miss Munsey McLEOD.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob MAXEY returned from their honey- moon trip and will make Roff their home.

We are in receipt of the marriage of Harve HENDRIX of Shawnee to Miss Georgia E. NICHOLS of the same place on the 7th. Everybody in this section knows Harve and wish to congratulate him on taking a step that he should have taken a long time ago. If Harve still has all his hair after a few years, congratulations will again be in order.

In 1903 the families of R.J. KENNON, E.A. HAMMOCK and J.M. JENK all moved onto what is now known as the Horseshoe Ranch. This year after 11 years in the same spot, all of them

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Sharon Burnett-Crawford
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