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February 2-
Mrs. Belle BAUGHMAN, who died at her home in Roff last Friday morning, was
buried in Davis Monday afternoon.
A large number of friends of the husband, W.M. BAUGHMAN, accompanied the
remains to Davis. Among the relatives who came to Roff in response to the
sad announcement were her sisters, Mrs. Cora SMITH of Eufaula, Mrs. HILL
of Davis, and Mrs. SASS of Ardmore.
Hart Camp No. 61, Woodmen of the World, have for the first time in its history
to bear the emblem of grief. A tree has fallen.
The death angel visited our community, and with his powerful but pale hand
claimed as a victim our esteemed and useful sovereign, John B. UNDERWOOD.
He died at his father's home in Roff, January 25, 1906. He was 23 years of
age and was seemingly a stout young man of our Camp. We will miss him in
our society, his friends will miss his companionship, but alas, father and
mother will miss him most.
Note: John B. UNDERWOOD was born March 15, 1882 to George Wesley and
Martha J. (JOHNSON) UNDERWOOD. John is buried at the Hart Cemetery outside
of Roff. George and Martha UNDERWOOD are my(OKbits Host) great grandparents.
For Sale: A good set of dry goods and grocery shelving and counters; a great bargain. Apply to John CASTEEL.
Divorce Judge, L.D. RATIFF, of Ada, was in Roff Wednesday. It is to be sincerely hoped that all of our Roff wives will stay with us.
J.H. HOGAN, the new grocery merchant from Caddo, Indian Territory, arrived in the city this week and is placing in a complete and up-to-date stock of groceries in the Vaden Building.
HERBTON will rid you of that tiresome feeling, pains in the back and shoulders, fullness and weight in the stomach, heartburn and constipation. Guaranteed by Roff Drug Co.
7 lbs. good roasted coffee for $1.00
20 lbs. rice for $1.00
22 lbs. navey beans for $1.00
Arm & Hammer Soda per lb. 5 cents
Star Tobacco per lb. 45 cents
Big Bag smoking tobacco per lb. 20 cents
Golden Axle Grease, two boxes for 15 cents
2 gallons good syrup for 75 cents
1000 good matches for 5 cents.
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