Mounts Family Photo Gallery, Warren County, Ohio
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Warren County, Ohio Photo Gallery
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Mounts Family Photos



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Isabella Smith Mounts
1795 - 1860

[Isabella was the wife of Providence Mounts]

David Ehling
16 March 2016


Providence Mounts
1795 - 1853


David Ehling
16 March 2016


Providence Mounts War of 1812 Enlistment

I, Providence Mounts, age eighteen years, five feet eight inches high, black hair, black eyes, fair complexion, by profession a farmer, a resident of the County of Warren, State of Ohio, do voluntarily enlist myself a soldier in the United States Rangers for the term of one year, unless sooner discharged by Proper Authority, and do agree to furnish my own provisions and provide myself with a good rifle, tomahawk and scalping knife, also a good horse and forage if required and do accept of such pay as is by law observed, and submit to all the usages and customs of War.
Witness my hand this 21st day of May 1813.
Providence Mounts {signature}
John Hopkins, Lieut.
U. S. Rangers

The State of Ohio
Montgomery County

Before me one of the Justices of the peace in and for the Township of Dayton in the Said County Personally came Providence Mounts, who made the following oath
I do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whomsoever and that I will observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to the rules and articles of War
Sworn before me the 24th day of July, A.D. 1813
John Folkerth, J.P. {signature}

David Ehling
16 March 2016


Mounts Station

The first Settlement of the Virginia Military Lands in Warren County was located a short distance west of here by William Mounts in 1795. Dedicated October 6, 1940

[This monument is located in Hamilton Township on the east side of Stubbs Mills Road a short distance north of Route 22 & 3 in Military Survey #520]

Arne H Trelvik


Zoar Methodist Episcopal Church

Reverse: "Church at Zoar. Our Grandparents deeded the lot"

David Ehling
7 February 2017


Providence Mounts (1823-1848) - Gravestone purchase order - CLICK HERE to see gravestone at Mounts Cemetery which has him born in Davis Co., Iowa

Hamilton Township, Warren County, Mar. 2, 1848
I have this day Bought of Smith & Co., one set of Marble Grave-stones: Head=stone about 6 feet high and 24 inches wide; Foot=stone one:third as high and one=third the width of Head-stone: inscribed as follows: Providence Son of W. & N. Mounts Born in Davis Co Ind; died Feb 24, 1848 aged 24 yrs 5 mo 9 days ____________ to be delivered at Stubs Smith next spring for which I agree to pay Thirty five dollars.
Joseph Mounts {signature}

David Ehling
7 February 2017



William P. Mounts (1823-1886) -

1. undated photo by E. P. Porter, 112 York Street, Newport, Ky.
2. Commission as 1st Lieutenant, Company F, First Regt. Ohio Militia

In the Name and by the Authority of the State of Ohio.
David Tod, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of said State.
To Wm. P. Mounts, Greeting:
It appearing to me that on the Fourth day of July 1863, you were duly elected First Lieutenant of Comp. "F" First Regt. of O.M. in Warren county
Now Know you, That by the powers vested in me by the Constitution and LAws of said State, and reposing special trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor, fidelity and ability, I do by these presents Commission you as First Lieutenant as aforesaid, for the term of Five Years, unless sooner discharged, upon condition that you uniform within the time limited by law, and take the oath, or affirmation, endorsed heron, within ten days from the receipt hereof, sending a certificate therof to General Head Quarters; and I do hereby authorize and require you to discharge, all and singular, the duties and services appertaining to your said office, agreeably to law and general regulations, and to obey such orders and instructions as you shal, from time to time, receive from your superior officers.

Given under my hand, at Columbus, ohio, this 20th day of July in he year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independeence of the United States
David Tod {signature}
By the Governor:
W. W. Armstrong Secretary of State

Recorded, Volume ____ Page ____
Adjutant General's Office,
July 20th 1863.
Robert Hume Adjutant General of Ohio

I, Wm. P. Mounts do solemnly swear, (or affirm) that I will faithfully support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and will discharge, all and singular, the dutieis and services appertaining to the aforesaid office, agreeably to law and general regulations, and will obey such orders and instructions as I shall from time to time, receive from the proper officers.
Wm. P. Mounts {signature}

Beford me, empowered to administer the foregoing oath or affirmation, personally appeared the above Wm. P. Mounts and made the oath or affirmation above written and signed the same in my presence.
James C. Dynes J.P {signature}{seal}

David Ehling
8 February 2017

FOOTNOTES: [a place to add additional information that you might want to submit]

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This page created 16 March 2016 and last updated 8 February, 2017
© 2015-2017 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved