James Kemper Hurin Papers, Warren County, Ohio
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Papers of James Kemper Hurin, Lebanon Merchant

7 Feb 2015 email from John Kinsworthy
I bought the papers (mainly purchase receipts from all over) of Lebanon merchant extraordinaire, James K. Hurin, from a Columbus book dealer a while back. Most are receipts or bills for purchases in NY and PA in the 1840's for the store. There's also the odd document and a letter or maybe two. As I'm going through the process of preparing most for sale, I'll scan each to send them to you.
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plot by
Arne Trelvik

30 April 1823 Allen Wright Survey of part of a tract owned by Alexander Dill in Section 17, Township 4, Range 2

Part of Section No. 17 T4 R2 entire Range between the Miami rivers being part of a tract owned by Alexander Dill.
Beginning at the South west corner of said tract and running thence in the west boundary of said Section N 1° W 80 poles to the Columbia Road to a stake witness a Maple 12 inches diameter bearing S21 ½° E 13 ½ links a white Oak 15 inches N 76 1/2° E 20 ½ links thence S 45 ½° E 114 poles to the south west corner of Joel Holley’s lot thence with his South boundary line S 89 ½° E 48 poles to his southeast corner thence S 1 E° 57 poles to the south boundary of the section thence with said line S 89 ½° W 23 poles thence N 5 ½° E 31 poles thence N 76 ¼° W 112 poles to the beginning containing 36 acres 1 quarter & 9 poles.

Surveyed for Alexander Dill and Stephen Bowyer Apr. 30, 1823.
Allen Wright
7 Feb 2015 email from John Kinsworthy
The attached document is a "Certificate" of a survey performed by Allen Wright for Stephen Bowyer and Alexander Dill in April, 1823. It's 36 acres that they're apparently considering to buy from Alexander Dill. It's in Range 2 Section 17 Twp 4. Why this was in with Hurin's documents, I'm not sure but it's a nice little piece involving a number of early settlers. One other land owner is mentioned in the measuring and that's Joel Holley.
[Note: The surveyed parcel would be in the Southwest part of Section 17. See Deerfield Twp on the 1867 Warren County Wall Map]
John Kinsworthy
23 February 2015

FOOTNOTES: [a place to add additional information that you might want to submit]

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This page created 23 February 2015 and last updated 23 February, 2015
© 2015 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved