Watkinson Family Photo Gallery, Warren County, Ohio
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Warren County, Ohio Photo Gallery
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Betty Greer Photo Collection
The photos on this page were donated to the Warren County Genealogical Society by Betty Greer on 3 November 2010


NOTE: Click on thumbnails for larger Images

Studio photo by Lester Spahr in Summer of 1911 at Wilmington, Ohio
widow and surviving children of Jacob H. Green (1833-1893) (m. 1858 Anna M. Curl (1842-1914))

Hanna A.
1874 - 1953
Harriet F.
m. 1886
John B. Roselle ?
J. Murray
1885 - 1955
m. 1905
Joy E. Vance
Frances E.
1876 -
m. 1909
Robert Andrew
d. 1934
R. Alice L.
1878 - 1967
m. 1907
Wm. B. Telfair
d. 1931
L. Annette
1872 - 1952
M. 1897
John Way
d. 1929
Evelyn S.
1867 - 1956
m. 1910
E. E. Peterson
d. 1940
Anna Curl Green M. Ada
1866 - 1936
m. 1887
Henry B. Farquhar
1864 - 1939
A. Lois
1870 - 1930


Betty Greer
4 November 2010


no information provided on the photo but it appears that he may be the Anna (Curl) Green family

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

Irene Mills Brann
with Ruth Esther

Earle Shaw
Wilmington, Ohio

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

A Merry Xmas
1908 from Esther Farquhar

Wilmington, Ohio

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

Wilmington College

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

Wilmington College

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

Wilmington College

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

very faint text of the reverse side of photo perhaps says
Our Farm Father
Merry Xmas

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

very faint text below the photo perhaps says
[Chaiden Blaiden???] Apple Trees Spring of 1911

Betty Greer
4 November 2010

FOOTNOTES: [a place to add additional information that you might want to submit]

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This page created 4 November 2010 and last updated 4 November, 2010
© 2010 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved