World War I, Warren County Military Records
This page is part of the Warren County Ohio GenWeb project
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Warren County, Ohio Military Heritage
Revolutionary War (1774-1784) War of 1812 (1812-1815) Mexican War (1846-1848) Civil War (1861-1865) Indian Campaigns  (~1817-1898) Spanish American (1898-1902)
World War I (1914-1918) World War II (1939-1945) Korean Conflict (1950-1953) Vietnam (1957-1973) Middle East Conflicts (1990 - ) Other Service
Warren County, Ohio, World War I Veterans
Ohio raised two infantry divisions during World War I.
The 37th Division "The Buckeye Division" was formed from Ohio National Guard Units.
The 83rd Division, National Army "The Ohio Division" was made up of drafted men, many of whom came from Ohio

Warren County Soldiers serving in The 147th Infantry. The 37th "Buckeye" Division
Johnson, Eric. "The 83rd Division of World War I: "The Ohio Division"." Ohio Genealogical Society Quarterly (Spring, 2011)
World War I, 83rd Division Personal Information Cards Index [on line access to this database is restricted to Ohio Genealogical Society members]

Official Roster of Ohio soliders, Sailors and Marines in the World War 1917-1918 searchable mages of 23 volumes available at Hathi Trust Digital Library at

Name Index
The links below bring you to a list just few of the thousands of Warren Countians who have served their country. I will be happy to add your military veteran to the list. Email your your information, images, etc. to Arne Trelvik
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z      Back to World War I Page   Back to Military Main Page

Abery, Albertson, Alexander, Allison, Amburgy, Anderle, Arbogast, Arnold, Atkinson, Attwood, Ayers, Aylstock,

B Bailey, Bain, Baird, Baker, Bamber, Banks, Barber, Barger, Barrett, Bauer, Baughman, Baumann, Bausmith, Beatty, Bell, Belville, Bennett, Beutel, Biggs, Binkley, Birt, Bischoff, Blackford, Blair, Boarman, Bobe, Boerner, Bogan, Boger, Borden, Boswell, Bothe, Bowermaster, Bowman, Bowyer, Brace, Braddock, Braden, Bradley, Brannan, Brehm, Brelsford, Brewer, Bridge, Brill, Brothers, Brown, Brunk, Buergermeier, Bullock, Bunnell, Burke, Burnett, Burns, Bursk, Burton, Butler, Butterworth,
C Cafferty, Calhoun, Calvert, Camp, Campbell, Carle, Carey, Carpenter, Carr, Chamberlin, Chandler, Chaney, Chapman, Chilton, Christman, Clark, Clements, Clemons, Clifton, Cole, Collier, Collins, Comer, Compton, Conley, Conner, Connolly, Cook, Cookston, Corwin, Coulter, Coveney, Crane, Creech, Crocker,
D Dakin, Dalton, Danbury, Darmody, Davis, Dawson, Deaton, Decker, Deller, DeMar, Demoret, Denny, Dickerson, Dilatush, Dill, Doliboa, Doller, Donohoo, Doster, Doughman, Dowlin, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Druhot, Drury, Duff, Dugan, Duncan, Dunham, Duzan, Dwire, Dye,

Bear with me while I transition from a single page to a page for each letter of the alphabet. 
Surnames above this point have been moved to separate pages
Surnames in bold type below this point have also been moved.  The remainder of the entries will be moved as time permits

Earnhart, Edwards, Eicher, Eifert, Elbon, Elfring, Elliott, Ellis, Elsbernd, Eltzroth, Emrick, Engle, Ernstberger, Eulass, Evans,

Farmer, Farr, Faulkner, Fealy, Ferguson, Finn, Fisher, Foley, Foote, Fox, Frankenberg, Franz, Fred, Freeman, Fritz, Frost, Fugate,

Gabbard, Gentry, Getchell, Gibbs, Gillam, Gillespie, Gilpin, Glass, Gloyd, Goldsberry, Goodwin, Gotthardt, Grapevine, Gray, Greenup, Greer, Gregory, Grey, Griswold, Groff, Groves,

Hadden, Hagood, Hahn, Haines, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hancock, Harbach, Hardin, Harding, Hardy, Hargus, Harner, Harper, Harrell, Harris, Harrison, Hartfelter, Hartsock, Hartzell, Harvey, Haslinger, Hatfield, Hearne, Heffner, Hellwig, Henderson, Henry, Hess, Hiatt, Hickey, Hill, Hinds, Hines, Hoak, Hodgson, Holderfield, Holmes, Holthaus, Hood, Hopkins, Hormell, Horn, Horner, Houser, Houston, Howard, Hudson, Hughes, Hunt, Huntley, Hutchinson, Hyman,

Ingle, Ireton, Irons,
Jackson, James, Janssen, Jeffery, Jenkins, Jentz, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Judd,
Kahn, Kain, Keelor, Kelly, Kettler, Kibbey, Kilburn, Kiley, Kilian, King, Kinsworthy, Kirby, Klaber, Klein, Kleinhenn, Kohr, Koverman, Kratzer, Kunker,

Lackens, Lahman, Lainhart, Lamb, Landacre, Lanier, Lansdale, LaSure, Laughlin, Lawson, Layman/Laymon, Leibrock, Leisz, Leonard, LeRoy, Lewis, Linder, Linkous, Lloyd, Loewenstein, Lowe, Lucas, Lukens, Lukingbeal, Lyons,
Mabie, MacPhail, Mallory, Manning, Mannon, Maple, Marlatt, Mason, Mathews, Mavity, Mayer, McBride, McClure, McCray, McCreary, McDougle, McElfresh, McGinnis, McGrail, McKay, McKeever, McMillan, McNemar, McVey, Meeks, Mendenhall, Messham, Methven, Miles, Miley, Millard, Miller, Mills, Mintkenbaugh, Minuette, Miranda, Mires, Mobley, Montag, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Motz, Mounts, Muller, Murray, Mulford, Myers,
Neace, Neske, Nickell, Noble, Noriega, Null, Nuss,
O'Banion, Oiler, O'Neall, Osborn, Osborne, Owens,
Patton, Payne, Pence, Pettis, Philhower, Phillips, Pierstorff, Plummer, Pohly, Potter, Prater, Prendergast, Preston, Price, Proctor, Pyle,
Rainey, Randall, Reason, Rees, Reid, Reif, Requarth, Retallick, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Rickett, Ridge, Riggs, Roberts, Robinson, Roll, Romohr, Rosnagle, Ross, Roush, Routt, Ruggles, Ruppert,
Salyer, Satterthwaite, Saunders, Schmitt, Schwietert, Scofield, Scott, Scoville, Sears, Sellers, Settles, Shankel, Shawhan, Sherman, Sherwood, Shields, Shinkle, Shorten, Shurts, Silver, Simmons, Simpson, Six, Slusher, Slye, Smith, Smithson, Snider, Snook, South, Southard, Snowden, Spaeth, Spencer, Sperry, Spuhler, Staggs, Stansberry, Stauss, Steadman, Stephens, Stewart, Stibbs, Stotler, Stoutenborough, Strohm, Sullivan, Surface, Sutherland, Sweny, Swigert, Switzer, Symons,
Talmadge, Tanner, Tatum, Taylor, Thirkield, Thomas, Thompson, Thoms, Tietmeyer, Tigar, Toler, Townsley, Tresslar, Trimble, Tucker, Tullis, Turner,
Ullum, Umbach, Unglesby, Urton,
Vail, Vanderveer, VanDyke, Veidt, Veith, Vice, Vickers, Vorhes,
Wadsworth, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Waterhouse, Wass, Watkins, Webb, Weber, Weidner, Welch, Wellman, Wells, Welsh, Werntz, Wersel, Whitacre, White, Whitlock, Wiederhold, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Winfield, Winkler, Wolf, Wolffrum, Wones, Wood, Woodson, Woolard, Wyatt, Wyles, Wyrick,
Yaple, Yinger, Yingling, York, Younce, Young, Yunkes,

EARNHART (back to Index)

ELSBERND (back to Index)

ERNSTBERGER (back to Index)

EVANS (back to Index)

FARR (back to Index)

FRITZ (back to Index)

GENTRY (back to Index)

GLASS (back to Index)

GREER (back to Index)

GREGORY (back to Index)

GREY (back to Index)

HAMLIN (back to Index)

HARNER (back to Index)

HARRISON (back to Index)

HASLINGER (back to Index)

HORMELL (back to Index)

HOUSER (back to Index)

HUNT (back to Index)

JEFFERY (back to Index)

KIBBEY (back to Index)

(back to Index)

LANDACRE (back to Index)

LAUGHLIN (back to Index)

LOWE (back to Index)

LUKENS (back to Index)

McCRAY (back to Index)

McMILLAN (back to Index)

McNEMAR (back to Index)

McVEY (back to Index)

MENDENHALL (back to Index)

MILES (back to Index)

MILLARD (back to Index)

MILLS (back to Index)

MONTAG (back to Index)

MORAN (back to Index)

NULL (back to Index)

NUSS (back to Index)

OILER (back to Index)

PRICE (back to Index)

RICHARDS (back to Index)

RICKETT (back to Index)

ROBERTS (back to Index)

ROUTT (back to Index)

SATTERTHWAITE (back to Index)

SEARS (back to Index)

SELLERS (back to Index)

SLUSHER (back to Index)

SOUTHARD (back to Index)

SUTHERLAND (back to Index)

SWIGERT (back to Index)

SYMONS (back to Index)

TIETMEYER (back to Index)

TULLIS (back to Index)

UMBACH (back to Index)

VAIL (back to Index)

VANDERVEER (back to Index)

VEIDT (back to Index)

VEITH (back to Index)

VICE (back to Index)

WADSWORTH (back to Index)

WARD (back to Index)


WELLMAN (back to Index)

WERNTZ (back to Index)

WHITLOCK (back to Index)

WILLIS (back to Index)

WOOLARD (back to Index)

YAPLE (back to Index)

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 12 July 2003 and last updated 30 April, 2017
© 2003-2007 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved