World War I, Warren County Military Records
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County Ohio GenWeb project
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Warren County, Ohio, World War I Veterans
Ohio raised two infantry divisions during World War I.
The 37th Division "The Buckeye Division" was formed from Ohio National
Guard Units.
The 83rd Division, National Army "The Ohio Division" was made up of
drafted men, many of whom came from Ohio
A |
Abery, Albertson,
Alexander, Allison,
Amburgy, Anderle,
Arbogast, Arnold,
Atkinson, Attwood,
Ayers, Aylstock,
B |
Bailey, Bain,
Baird, Baker,
Bamber, Banks,
Barber, Barger,
Barrett, Bauer,
Baughman, Baumann,
Bausmith, Beatty,
Bell, Belville,
Bennett, Beutel,
Biggs, Binkley,
Birt, Bischoff,
Blackford, Blair,
Boarman, Bobe,
Boerner, Bogan,
Boger, Borden,
Boswell, Bothe,
Bowman, Bowyer, Brace,
Braddock, Braden,
Bradley, Brannan,
Brehm, Brelsford,
Brewer, Bridge,
Brill, Brothers,
Brown, Brunk,
Buergermeier, Bullock,
Bunnell, Burke,
Burnett, Burns,
Bursk, Burton,
Butler, Butterworth,
C |
Cafferty, Calhoun,
Calvert, Camp,
Campbell, Carle,
Carey, Carpenter,
Carr, Chamberlin,
Chandler, Chaney,
Chapman, Chilton,
Christman, Clark,
Clements, Clemons,
Clifton, Cole,
Collier, Collins,
Comer, Compton,
Conley, Conner,
Connolly, Cook,
Cookston, Corwin,
Coulter, Coveney,
Crane, Creech,
D |
Dakin, Dalton,
Danbury, Darmody,
Davis, Dawson,
Deaton, Decker,
Deller, DeMar,
Demoret, Denny,
Dickerson, Dilatush,
Dill, Doliboa,
Doller, Donohoo,
Doster, Doughman,
Dowlin, Downs,
Doyle, Drake,
Druhot, Drury,
Duff, Dugan,
Duncan, Dunham,
Duzan, Dwire,
Bear with me while I transition from
a single page to a page for each letter of the alphabet.
Surnames above this point have been moved to separate pages
Surnames in bold type below this point have also been moved. The remainder
of the entries will be moved as time permits
Earnhart, Edwards,
Eicher, Eifert,
Elbon, Elfring,
Elliott, Ellis,
Elsbernd, Eltzroth,
Engle, Ernstberger, Eulass,
Farmer, Farr,
Faulkner, Fealy,
Ferguson, Finn,
Fisher, Foley,
Foote, Fox,
Frankenberg, Franz,
Fred, Freeman,
Fritz, Frost,
Gabbard, Gentry,
Getchell, Gibbs,
Gillam, Gillespie,
Gilpin, Glass,
Gloyd, Goldsberry,
Goodwin, Gotthardt,
Gray, Greenup,
Greer, Gregory, Grey,
Griswold, Groff,
Hadden, Hagood,
Hahn, Haines,
Hamilton, Hamlin,
Hancock, Harbach,
Hardin, Harding,
Hardy, Hargus,
Harner, Harper,
Harrell, Harris,
Harrison, Hartfelter,
Hartsock, Hartzell,
Harvey, Haslinger,
Hatfield, Hearne,
Heffner, Hellwig,
Henderson, Henry,
Hess, Hiatt,
Hickey, Hill,
Hinds, Hines,
Hoak, Hodgson,
Holderfield, Holmes,
Holthaus, Hood,
Hopkins, Hormell,
Horn, Horner,
Houser, Houston,
Howard, Hudson,
Hughes, Hunt,
Huntley, Hutchinson,
Ingle, Ireton,
Jackson, James,
Janssen, Jeffery,
Jentz, Jewell,
Johnson, Johnston,
Jones, Jordan,
Kahn, Kain,
Keelor, Kelly,
Kettler, Kibbey,
Kiley, Kilian,
Kinsworthy, Kirby,
Klaber, Klein,
Kleinhenn, Kohr,
Koverman, Kratzer,
Lackens, Lahman,
Lainhart, Lamb,
Landacre, Lanier,
Lansdale, LaSure,
Laughlin, Lawson,
Layman/Laymon, Leibrock,
Leisz, Leonard,
Lewis, Linder,
Linkous, Lloyd,
Loewenstein, Lowe,
Lucas, Lukens,
Lukingbeal, Lyons,
Mabie, MacPhail,
Mallory, Manning,
Maple, Marlatt,
Mason, Mathews,
Mavity, Mayer,
McClure, McCray, McCreary,
McDougle, McElfresh,
McGrail, McKay,
McKeever, McMillan,
McNemar, McVey,
Meeks, Mendenhall, Messham,
Methven, Miles,
Miley, Millard,
Miller, Mills,
Minuette, Miranda,
Mires, Mobley,
Montag, Montgomery,
Moore, Moran,
Motz, Mounts,
Muller, Murray,
Mulford, Myers,
Neace, Neske,
Nickell, Noble,
Noriega, Null,
O'Banion, Oiler,
Osborn, Osborne, Owens,
Patton, Payne,
Pence, Pettis,
Phillips, Pierstorff,
Plummer, Pohly,
Potter, Prater,
Preston, Price, Proctor,
Randall, Reason,
Rees, Reid,
Reif, Requarth,
Retallick, Reynolds,
Rice, Richards,
Rickett, Ridge,
Riggs, Roberts,
Robinson, Roll,
Rosnagle, Ross,
Roush, Routt,
Salyer, Satterthwaite,
Saunders, Schmitt,
Scofield, Scott, Scoville,
Sears, Sellers, Settles,
Shankel, Shawhan,
Sherman, Sherwood,
Shields, Shinkle,
Shurts, Silver,
Simmons, Simpson,
Six, Slusher,
Slye, Smith,
Smithson, Snider,
South, Southard,
Snowden, Spaeth,
Spencer, Sperry,
Staggs, Stansberry,
Stauss, Steadman,
Stewart, Stibbs,
Stotler, Stoutenborough,
Strohm, Sullivan,
Surface, Sutherland,
Sweny, Swigert,
Switzer, Symons,
Talmadge, Tanner,
Tatum, Taylor,
Thirkield, Thomas,
Thompson, Thoms,
Tietmeyer, Tigar,
Toler, Townsley,
Tresslar, Trimble,
Tucker, Tullis,
Ullum, Umbach,
Unglesby, Urton,
Vail, Vanderveer, VanDyke,
Veidt, Veith, Vice,
Wadsworth, Walker,
Wallace, Ward,
Waterhouse, Wass,
Watkins, Webb,
Weber, Weidner,
Welch, Wellman,
Wells, Welsh,
Werntz, Wersel,
Whitacre, White,
Whitlock, Wiederhold,
Williams, Williamson,
Willis, Wills,
Wilson, Winfield,
Winkler, Wolf,
Wolffrum, Wones,
Wood, Woodson,
Woolard, Wyatt,
Yaple, Yinger,
Yingling, York,
Younce, Young,
to Index)
- Ernest Earnhart (1889-1977)
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Charles E. Earnhart
Serial Number: 3096166
Race: W
Residence: Waynesville, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Warren Co, O.
Enlistment Date: 28 May 1918
Birth Place: Lebanon, O.
Birth Date / Age: 12 June 1889
Assigns Comment: 48 Co 12 Training Battalion 159 Depot Brigade to
19 June 1918; 325 Field Artillery to Discharge Private American Expeditionary
Forces 9 Sept 1918 to 15 Feb 1919. Honorable discharge 1 March 1919.
Volume #: 5
to Index)
- Edwin W. Elsbernd - Pvt Co
A 140 Infantry - World War I
- Photo of gravestone
at Bethany Christian Church
Cemetery - Sec 153-1
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Edwin W. Elsbernd
Serial Number: 2930918
Race: W
Residence: 40 Classen St., Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 26 Jun 1918
Birth Place: Cincinnati, O.
Birth Date / Age: 1 Sept 1895
Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 22 July 1918; Co D 333 Infantry
to 5 Oct 1918; Co A 140 Infantry to Discharge Private Meuse-Argonne.
American Expeditionary Forces 1 Sept 1918 to 24 May 1919. Honorable
discharge 12 Aug 1919.
Volume #: 5
to Index)
- Henry Ernstberger (1894-1955)
EVANS (back to
- Carl Clifford Evans (1894-1941)
- Pvt 1st Cl 134 Fld Arty 37 Div
- Photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Carl C. Evans
Serial Number: 1532830
Race: W
Residence: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Dayton, O.
Enlistment Date: 07 Jun 1917
Birth Place: Lebanon, O.
Birth Date / Age: 23 1/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Battery D 1 Field Artillery ONG (Battery D 134 Field
Artillery) to Discharge Corporal 21 July 1917; Private 13 Aug 1917;
Corporal 17 Sept 1917; Sergeant 1 Nov 1917; Mess Sergeant 5 Jan 1918;
Private 4 June 1918; Private, first class 19 Nov 1918. Defensive Sector.
American Expeditionary Forces 28 June 1918 to 2 Apr 1919. Honorable
discharge 16 Apr 1919.
Volume #: 5
FARR (back
to Index)
- Raymond G. Farr 1887-1936) -
Ohio Pvt 138 Inf 35 Div
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Raymond G. Farr
Serial Number: 2930582
Race: W
Residence: Franklin, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Date: 25 Jun 1918
Birth Place: Waynesville, O.
Birth Date / Age: 13 Apr 1887
Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 15 July 1918; Co H 334 Infantry
to 6 Oct 1918; Co C 138 Infantry to Discharge Private Meuse-Argonne;
Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 2 Sept 1918 to 27
Apr 1919. Honorable discharge 17 May 1919.
Volume #: 5
FRITZ (back to
- Frank Fritz (1894-1960) - West
Virginia PFC Co L 168 Infantry World War I
GENTRY (back
to Index)
- Leo Gentry (1893-1958) - Kentucky
Pvt US Army World War I
GLASS (back
to Index)
GREER (back
to Index)
- Robert C. Greer (1891-1970) Sgt
Coast Arty Corps World War I
to Index)
- Ellis C. Gregory (1895-1979)
- Cpl US Army World War I
GREY (back
to Index)
- Herman C. Grey (1898-1970) - Ohio
Pvt Co E 166 Infantry World War I
- Photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Herman Grey
Serial Number: 93758
Race: W
Residence: Waynesville, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Date: 29 May 1917
Birth Place: Harveysburg, O.
Birth Date / Age: 18 11/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Co E 1 Infantry ONG to 4 Aug 1917; Co E 4 Infantry
ONG (Co E 166 Infantry) to 28 Feb 1918. Casual to 12 March 1918; Co
E 166 Infantry to 14 July 1918; Casual to 13 Aug 1918; Co E 166 Infantry
to 14 Sept 1918; Casual to 19 Dec 1918; Co E 166 Infantry to Discharge
Private, first class 10 May 1918; Corporal 23 Aug 1918; Private St
Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne. American Expeditionary Forces 18 Oct 1917 to
25 Apr 1919. Honorable discharge 16 May 1919.
Volume #: 7
HAMLIN (back
to Index)
- Harlin Hamlin (1895-1971) -
Ohio Cpl US Army World War I
HARNER (back
to Index)
- Horace H. Harner (1873-1927)
- Ohio Pvt U.S. Army
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Horace H. Harner
Serial Number: 4128118
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 5, Wilmington, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Warren Co, O.
Enlistment Date: 26 Jul 1918
Birth Place: Warren Co, O.
Birth Date / Age: 25 March 1893
Assigns Comment: 156 Depot Brigade to 3 Oct 1918. Oct Automatic Replacement
Draft Cp Jackson Summary Court to Discharge Private American Expeditionary
Forces 28 Oct 1918 to 19 May 1919. Honorable discharge 28 May 1919.
Volume #: 7
- George H. Harris
to Index)
- James B. Harrison (1879-1947)
- Washington, Sgt, 219 Engr Tn 9 Div, World War I
to Index)
to Index)
- Maurice L. Hormell (1891-1937)
- 1st Lt., 17 Cavalry
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Maurice L. Hormell
Serial Number: First Lieutenant
Race: W
Residence: Springboro, O.
Enlistment Division: Regular Army
Enlistment Location: Fort Logan, Colo.
Enlistment Date: 20 Feb 1913
Birth Place: Springboro, O.
Birth Date / Age: 21 5/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Troop M 4 Cavalry to --; Troop C 17 Cavalry to Discharge
Sergeant Honorable discharge 9 July 1917 to accept Commission 2 Lieutenant
Cavalry 10 July 1917 from Regular Army 1 Lieutenant 28 Feb 1918. 5
Cavalry--; 17 Cavalry to Discharge Douglas Ariz. Honorable discharge
31 Dec 1918.
Volume #: 8
HOUSER (back
to Index)
- Floyd Houser (1891-1961) - Ohio,
Pvt, Infantry, World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Murdoch Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Floyd E. Houser
Serial Number: 2428330
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 6, Hillsboro, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Hillsboro, O.
Enlistment Date: 29 Mar 1918
Birth Place: Rarden, O.
Birth Date / Age: 26 6/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Co F 330 Infantry to Discharge Private St Mihiel;
Meuse-Argonne. American Expeditionary Forces 9 July 1918 to 17 Dec
1918. Honorable discharge 20 Jan 1919.
Volume #: 8
HUNT (back
to Index)
- Carl O. Hunt (1898-1964)
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Carl Hunt
Serial Number: 1530093
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 9, Dayton, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Dayton, O.
Enlistment Date: 16 Jul 1917
Birth Place: Cincinnati, O.
Birth Date / Age: 18 Years
Assigns Comment: Co G 3 Infantry ONG (Co G 148 Infantry) to 8 June
1918; Headquarters Company 148 Infantry to Discharge Private Meuse-Argonne;
Ypres-Lys; Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 23 June
1918 to 23 March 1919. Honorable discharge 21 Apr 1919.
Volume #: 8
to Index)
- Benjamin H. Jeffery (1889-1955)
- Ohio PFC HQ Co 68 Infantry World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Benjamin H. Jeffery
Serial Number: 3373525
Race: W
Residence: 928 Gest St., Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 06 Aug 1918
Birth Place: Oregonia, O.
Birth Date / Age: 23 Feb 1889
Assigns Comment: Headquarters Company 68 Infantry to Discharge Private,
first class 15 Nov 1918. Honorable discharge 10 Feb 1919.
Volume #: 9
- Elmer F. Jeffery (1895-1895)
- Ohio Wagoner Btry B 140 FA World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Elmer F. Jeffery
Serial Number: 3096183
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 4, Franklin, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Warren Co, O.
Enlistment Date: 28 May 1918
Birth Place: Franklin, O.
Birth Date / Age: 4 Oct 1895
Assigns Comment: Battery B 140 Field Artillery to Discharge Private,
first class 14 Nov 1918; Wagoner 1 Apr 1919. American Expeditionary
Forces 31 Aug 1918 to 6 June 1919. Honorable discharge 14 June
Volume #: 9
KIBBEY (back
to Index)
- Thomas H. Kibbey - Ohio PFC
US Army World War I
(back to Index)
to Index)
- Dorsey Elsworth Landacre (1885-1956)
to Index)
- Hugh Laughlin (1882-1931) -
Ohio Co G 17 Regt US Inf
LOWE (back
to Index)
- Aljurnel W. Lowe (1896-1976)
- Private, US Army World War I
LUKENS (back
to Index)
- William A. Lukens (1895 -
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: William A. Lukens
Serial Number: 3096193
Race: W
Residence: Harveysburg, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Date: 28 May 1918
Birth Place: Harveysburg, O.
Birth Date / Age: 22 8/12 Years
Assigns Comment: 159 Depot Brigade to 9 June 1918;
325 Field Artillery to Discharge Private, first class 4 Nov 1918.
American Expeditionary Forces 9 Sept 1918 to 15 Feb 1919. Honorable
discharge 1 March 1919.
Volume #: 11
- Arthur L. Lyons
- James H. Mason
- Ralph E. Mason
McCRAY (back
to Index)
- Daniel J. McCray (1878-1938)
McMILLAN (back
to Index)
- Harry McMillan (1900-1963)
- South Carolina, PFC US Marine Corps, World War I
McNEMAR (back
to Index)
- Roy J. McNemar (1892-1964)
McVEY (back to
- Henry McVey (1887-1949) - Kentucky,
Cpl, US Army, World War I
to Index)
- Clarence Earl Mendenhall
(1897-1945) - Ohio COX US Navy World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Clarence Earl Mendenhall
Serial Number: 142-44-77
Race: W
Residence: N. Main St., Waynesville, O.
Enlistment Division: United States Navy
Enlistment Location: Recruiting Station Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 16 Apr 1917
Birth Place: Waynesville, O.
Birth Date / Age: 13 Apr 1897
Assigns Comment: Naval Training Station Norfolk Va to 25 May 1917;
United States Ship Oklahoma to 11 Nov 1918. AS 8 days; Seaman, Second
Class 311 days; Seaman 255 days. Honorable discharge 16 July 1920.
Expiration. United States Ship Oklahoma Norfolk Va. Coxswain
Volume #: 21
MILES (back
to Index)
- Joseph Hugh Miles (1892-1973)
to Index)
- James Levi Millard (1894-1979)
- Machinist's Mate, First Class, US Navy World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: James Levi Millard
Serial Number: 142-79-25
Race: W
Residence: Miamisburg, O.
Enlistment Division: United States Navy
Enlistment Location: Recruiting Station Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 31 May 1917
Birth Place: Warren Co, O.
Birth Date / Age: 9 May 1894
Assigns Comment: Receiving Ship Norfolk Va to 10 Sept 1917; United
States Ship Minnesota to 11 May 1918; Receiving Ship New York NY to
10 June 1918; United States Ship Finland to 15 July 1918; Naval Hospital
New York NY to 10 Aug 1918; Receiving Ship New York NY to 21 Aug 1918;
United States Ship West Lianga to 11 Nov 1918. Machinist's Mate, Second
Class 488 days; Machinist's Mate, First Class 41 days. Ordinary Discharge
15 Feb 1919. Demobilization Naval Auxiliary Reserve New York NY. CMM.
Volume #: 21
MILLS (back
to Index)
- Harold E. Mills (1897-1998) -
HQ Co. 106 Inf 1918-1919
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Harold E. Mills
Serial Number: 425266
Race: W
Residence: Farmersville, O.
Enlistment Division: Regular Army
Enlistment Location: Fort Thomas, Ky.
Enlistment Date: 28 May 1918
Birth Place: Farmersville, O.
Birth Date / Age: 20 7/12 Years
Assigns Comment: 16 Service Company Signal Corps to 26 July 1918;
Co C 321 Field Signal Battalion to 7 Nov 1918; Co C 102 Field Signal
Battalion to 8 Dec 1918; Headquarters Company 106 Infantry to Discharge
Private, first class 31 Oct 1918. American Expeditionary Forces 1
Sept 1918 to 6 March 1919. Honorable discharge 17 May 1919.
Volume #: 12
MONTAG (back
to Index)
- Christian Montag (1893-1987)
- US Army 1918-1919
MORAN (back
to Index)
NULL (back
to Index)
- Huber J. Null (1890-1933)
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Huber J. Null
Serial Number: 3909346
Race: W
Residence: Springboro, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Date: 28 Aug 1918
Birth Place: Warren Co. O.
Birth Date / Age: 15 Feb 1890
Assigns Comment: 159 Depot Brigade to 2 Oct 1918; Battery D 72 Field
Artillery to Discharge Private Honorable discharge 4 Feb 1919.
Volume #: 13
- Wilbur Arthur Null (1887-1969)
- Ohio S1 US Navy World War I
NUSS (back
to Index)
- David H. Nuss (1901-1963) - Pennsylvania,
Pvt 8 Cavalry, World War I
OILER (back
to Index)
PRICE (back
to Index)
to Index)
- John E. Richards (1887-1952)
- Indiana, Wagoner 139 FA 38 Div World War I
to Index)
- Walter Rickett (1895-1978)
- Cpl. US Army World War I
to Index)
- Raymond Roberts (1875-1962)
- World War I Veteran
- Walter Arthur Roberts (1896-1961)
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Walter Arthur Roberts
Serial Number: 123055
Race: W
Residence: Dayton, O.
Enlistment Division: United States Marine Corps
Enlistment Location: Dayton, O.
Enlistment Date: 16 Jun 1917
Birth Place: Sabina, O.
Birth Date / Age: 9 Jan 1896
Assigns Comment: Port Royal Summary Court 12 June 1917; 97 Co 6 Regiment
Quantico Va; France 19 Nov 1917; Hospital 26 June 1918; 97 Co 30 June
1918; Hospital 24 Aug 1918; 97 Co 20 Dec 1918; Quantico Va 9 Aug 1919.
Aisne; Champagne-Marne; Aisne-Marne; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector.
Gassed in action 6 June 1918. American Expeditionary Forces 19 Nov
1917 to 27 July 1919. Discharge 13 Aug 1919. Character excellent Army
of Occupation. Awarded or Award Fourragerre. File no 93341.
Volume #: 22
ROUTT (back
to Index)
- Hartwell Routt (188201968)
- Ohio Pvt US Marine Corps
to Index)
- Leslie James Satterthwaite
SEARS (back
to Index)
- Dudley Sears (1892-1958) - Ohio
Pvt 3 Ord Rep Shop Dep World War I
to Index)
to Index)
to Index)
to Index)
- Harry W. Sutherland (1890
- 1956) - Illinois SFC Utilities Det QMC
to Index)
- Milo W. Swigert (1895-1952)
SYMONS (back
to Index)
to Index)
- Frank W. Tietmeyer (1895-1974)
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Frank W. Tietmeyer
Serial Number: 3373097
Race: W
Residence: 4010 Lansdowne Ave., Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 07 Aug 1918
Birth Place: Norwood, O.
Birth Date / Age: 17 Apr 1895
Assigns Comment: Co C 68 Infantry to Discharge Private Honorable discharge
8 Feb 1919.
Volume #: 17
TULLIS (back
to Index)
- Raymond
Tullis [Charles Raymond Tullis] (1896-1918)
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Charles R. Tullis
Serial Number: 1160013
Race: W
Residence: Franklin, O.
Enlistment Division: Regular Army
Enlistment Location: Columbus Barracks, O.
Enlistment Date: 18 Mar 1916
Birth Place: Franklin, O.
Birth Date / Age: 21 3/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Machine Gun Company 34 Infantry to 3 Jan 1918; Co
B 21 Machine Gun Battalion to 7 June 1918; Co B 19 Battalion United
States Guards to death. Private; Private, first class 10 Jan 1918;
Private 7 June 1918. Died Asthma 27
Aug 1918. Notified William L. Tullis,
father, Springboro, O.
Volume #: 17
UMBACH (back
to Index)
- George C. Umbach (1890-1958)
- Ohio Pvt 44 Co 156 Depot Brig World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: George C. Umbach
Serial Number: 4122368
Race: W
Residence: 1334 Eathen Ave., Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army LB 8
Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 22 Jul 1918
Birth Place: Cincinnati, O.
Birth Date / Age: 28 2/12 Years
Assigns Comment: 156 Depot Brigade to 25 July 1918; Battery B Cp Jackson
Summary Court Field Artillery Replacement Draft to 7 Sept 1918; 8
Battery Sept Automatic Replacement Draft Cp Jackson Summary Court
to Discharge Private American Expeditionary Forces 17 Oct 1918 to
19 May 1919. Honorable discharge 28 May 1919.
Volume #: 18
VAIL (back
to Index)
to Index)
- Richard P. Vanderveer (1893-1985)
- US Army
VEIDT (back
to Index)
- William B. Veidt (1895-1973)
Ohio SEA1 US Navy World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Morrow Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: William Veidt, Jr.
Serial Number: 134-04-71
Race: W
Residence: 349 E. Wheeling St., Lancaster, O.
Enlistment Division: United States Navy Reserve Forces
Enlistment Location: Recruiting Station Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 06 Jun 1918
Birth Place: Morrow, O.
Birth Date / Age: 31 Oct 1895
Assigns Comment: Naval Training Station Great Lakes Ill 7 June 1918
to 17 July 1918; Naval Training Station Hampton Roads Va to 20 Oct
1918; United States Ship South Carolina to 11 Nov 1918. Seaman, Second
Class 131 days; Seaman 27 days. Released 29 Sept 1919. Honorable discharge
30 Sept 1921. Lack of funds. Navy Demobilization Station Pittsburgh
Pa. Seaman Called to active duty 7 June 1918.
Volume #: 21
VEITH (back
to Index)
- Albert A. Veith (1891-1971) -
Sgt 12 FA Repl Depot World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Hopkinsville Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
Name: Albert A. Veith
Serial Number: 4125025
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 4, Loveland, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army LB 1
Enlistment Location: Hamilton Co, O.
Enlistment Date: 20 Jul 1918
Birth Place: Cincinnati, O.
Birth Date / Age: 8 Dec 1891
Assigns Comment: 46 Co 12 Training Battalion 156 Depot Brigade to 1 Aug
1918; Battery D 12 Regiment Field Artillery Replacement Depot Cp Jackson
Summary Court to 10 Jan 1919; 10 Co 3 Training Battalion 158 Depot Brigade
to Discharge Sergeant 14 Nov 1918; Mess Sergeant 14 Nov 1918. Honorable
discharge 20 Jan 1919.
Volume #: 18
VICE (back
to Index)
- Durward B. Vice (1894-1937)
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Durward B. Vice
Age: 23 11/12 Years
Race: White
Birth Location: Goforth, Kentucky, USA
Enlistment Date: 28 May 1918
Enlistment County: Warren Co
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment Division: National Army
Rank: Private
Comments: Battery E 324 Field Artillery to Discharge Private American
Expeditionary Forces 9 Sept 1918 to 15 Feb 1919. Honorable discharge
1 March 1919.
to Index)
- Thomas G. Wadsworth (1897-1976)
- Cpl US Army World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: Thomas G. Wadsworth
Serial Number: 3856518
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 2, Dayton, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Dayton, O.
Enlistment Date: 04 Sep 1918
Birth Place: Falmouth, Ky.
Birth Date / Age: 11 March 1897
Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 30 Nov 1918; Motor Transport
Company 791 to Discharge Corporal 2 Apr 1919. Honorable discharge
23 May 1919.
Volume #: 18
WARD (back
to Index)
- William L. Ward (1901-1956)
- Ohio Cpl Co K 149 Infantry World War I
- Melvin Webb (1897-1970)
- Illinois, Pvt Co D 31 Infantry World War I
to Index)
- Charles E. Wellman (1892-1971)
- Ohio - Sgt Ordnance Dept World War I
WERNTZ (back
to Index)
- Robert N. Werntz (1893-1966)
to Index)
- Paul E. Whitlock Sr. (1898-1964)
Pennsylvanis, PFC Co B 338 Bn Tank Corps
WILLIS (back
to Index)
to Index)
- James Robert Woolard (1897 -
1956) - S1 US Navy World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at
[paid site]
- Name: James Robert Woolard
Serial Number: 134-64-36
Race: W
Residence: Ohio
Enlistment Division: United States Navy
Enlistment Location: Recruiting Station Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 23 Jan 1917
Birth Place: Waynesville, O.
Birth Date / Age: 17 Nov 1897
Assigns Comment: United States Ship New Hampshire 6 Apr 1917 to 1
Aug 1917; United States Ship Kansas to 11 Nov 1918. Seaman, Second
Class 270 days; Seaman 314 days. Ordinary Discharge 13 Dec 1919. Own
request. United States Ship Pennsylvania New York NY. Seaman
Volume #: 21
YAPLE (back
to Index)
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This page created 12 July 2003 and last updated
30 April, 2017
© 2003-2007 Arne H Trelvik
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