top of form
Front |
To the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Washington, D.C.
General: Following is a list of unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and
marines for which headstones are desired, it being understood that if they
are furnished and delivered at Government expense, freight prepaid, to railroad
station or steamboat landing indicated below, they will be promptly removed
and set up at private expense.
(When the consignee is some person other than the applicant, a letter from
him giving his permanent address and stating that he will promptly remove
the headstone from the depot must accompany the applications.) |

reverse side |
Write plainly and be careful to spell correctly the names of soldiers
or other persons for whose graves headstones are desired; if any of them
served under an assumed name, both the true name and the alias
must be given.
Write the first or given name in full if known, as Chas. T. Jones instead
of C. T. Jones.
Where soldier served with State troops, the State and arm of service (whether
infantry, cavalry, or artillery) should be given; and in the case of a
sailor or marine, the name of one or more vessels on which he served,
and the approximate date of enlistment is required. The approximate dates
of enlistment and discharge should also be given where the soldier served
in the Regular Army.
By carefully observing these directions and giving the information called
for in each column, delay will be avoided.
Officers or Committees of G.A.R. Posts and other persons
having charge of securing headstones for soldiers buried in their vicinity
should ascertain before ordering headstones whether or not the relatives
or friends of the soldiers desire the headstones or whether they intend
to erect private monuments.
Applications for headstone, the receipt of which have been once acknowledged
by this office, should not be duplicated; the headstones
will be furnished as soon as practicable.
Upon application to the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, headstones
will be furnished for unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and marines
who served in the Army or Navy of the United States during any war or
insurrection (including the Revolution), whether regular or volunteer,
and whether they died in the service or since their muster out or discharge
there from. Headstones will be furnished also for the unmarked graves
of Army Nurses who had regular or volunteer commissions as such.
These headstones are of best American white marble, 39 inches long, 12
inches wide, and 4 inches thick, the top slightly rounded, and the portion
of the stone which will be above ground when set is sand-rubbed; each
headstone is inscribed with the name, rank (if above private), company,
and State regiment, or other organization, to which the deceased belonged,
cut in relief within a sunken shield. No deviation can be made from these
specifications, which are prescribed by the Secretary of War, and the
law does not provide for any expenditure for fences or for any other purpose
except for the headstone as above described.
No money allowance is made in lieu of furnishing headstones.
Headstones will be shipped, freight prepaid by the Government, only to
the nearest railroad station or steamboat landing; they will not be delivered
to street addresses or to the cemetery.
Applicants must answer advisedly the following questions before stones
can be furnished:
1. Are the headstones ordered at the request of the relatives in each
2. Is there a private monument or headstone at the grave (or graves)?
3. Do any of the relatives or friends intend to erect private monuments
or headstones in the future?
Application |
Submitted by |
Date |
Soldiers |
R. W. Nixon
(Pisgah, Ohio) to "Dear General sir" [Quartermaster
General], letter |
R. W. Nixon |
7 Apr 1879 |
Samuel A. Nixon |
Application for 13 headstones |
Joseph B. Woodward |
3 Oct 1911 |
Elias B.
Brandon, James C. Brown,
William Corwin, John
W. Dakin, Joseph E. Decker,
Martin W. Earhart, John
S. Evans, William Houser,
Steven B. Hunt, William
McLane, John L. Merritt,
Thomas H. Stains, George
W. Unglesbee |
Application for 5 headstones |
D. J. Morris |
28 Nov 1911 |
Brandenburg, James D. Davis,
William H. Miner, David
H. Nuss, Orah Warbington |
Application for 12 headstones |
E. Wilkerson |
29 Oct 1913 |
Jasper Ayres, Abraham
Bailey, Joseph R. Bretney, Cyrus
Hamilton, Ebenezer D. Leonard, John
Lucas, Henry C. Parker, James
Phillips, Thomas C. Shotwell, William
H. Smith, Richard Stringfellow,
Alexander Sutton |
Application for 8 headstones |
Joseph B. Woodward |
25 Jun 1915 |
Daniel C. Anderson,
George H. Buchner, Perry
H. Deardoff, William Hildebrand,
Eli Hiddlebaugh, Owen
Morgan, Isaac S. Reece, Martin
Tansey |
Application for 12 headstones |
E. Wilkerson |
15 Jul 1916 |
James Collier, John
Connor, John Dunn, John
Emerson, John Espy, Hiram
Foster, Charles D. Gilmour, George
Goodwin, Joseph Ludlum, Albert
McKinney, Granville M. Payne, Benjamin
F. Wolf |
Application for 3 headstones |
E. Wilkerson |
3 Jul 1919 |
Levi Brant,
Samuel Brant, Elias
Whitacre |
Application for 1 headstone |
Mrs. L. V. Nixon |
8 Jun 1923 |
William Nixon |
Application for 3 headstones |
S. C. Kersey |
11 Dec 1911 |
R. Drake, George W. Turner,
R. Heber Holbrook |
Application for 1 headstone |
S. C. Kersey |
17 Jun 1912 |
John Keller |
Application for 1 headstone |
A. B. Haney |
31 Aug 1912 |
Wm. H. Haney |
Application for 1 headstone |
John Connell |
8 Aug 1912 |
Ralph W.
Connell |
Application fo 1 headstone |
Mrs. Frank T. Stevens |
4 Feb 1914 |
Stevens |
Application for 11 headstones |
Peter K. Pence |
12 Jan 1914 |
Samuel W.
Bigsby, Absalom Brandon,
Arthur Gillespie, Napoleon
Johnson, William Morton,
Charles H. Suydam, Elias
H. Vickars, Calvin Charles
Vickars, Joseph Vickars,
John B. Welsh, Harve
Whitacre |
Application fo 1 headstone |
Ralph W. Comer |
26 Mar 1914 |
John Mullin |
Application for 2 headstones |
S. C. Kersey |
28 Oct 1916 |
Edward Smith,
George Murray |
Application for 3 headstones |
J. B. Woodward |
21 Dec 1916 |
William H. H. Davis,
Andrew Butt, George
B. Crawford |
Application for 1 headstone |
S. C. Kersey |
4 Jun 1910 |
William Schuyler |
Application for 1 headstone |
Mrs. Nannie M. Goldsberry |
2 Jul 1911 |
Calvin J. Goldsberry
alias Corbin J. Goldsberry |
Application for 1 headstone |
Mrs. Sarah A. Wilkins |
1 Mar 1914 |
John W. Thompson |
Applrication for 1 headstone |
Ed. S. Bretney |
6 Jul 1914 |
Michael H. Johnson |
Application for 1 headstone |
S. C. Kersey |
7 May 1914 |
Ephraim Sellers |
Application for 2 headstones |
Charles Hildebrant |
1 Oct 1914 |
C. Hildebrant, John W.
Hildebrant |
Application for 1 headstone |
S. C. Kersey |
11 Nov 1914 |
JamesMcMullen |
Application for 1 headstone |
S. C. Kersey |
28 Apr 1915 |
George Hidee/Hydee |
Application for 1 headstone |
Walter Kenrick |
22 Apr 1922 |
Drummond W. Slade |
Application for 2 headstones |
Peter K. Pence |
7 Apr 1919 |
John M. Vickers, Charles
H. Newport |
Application for 1 headstone |
Mrs. Wm. Heeg |
31 Jan 1919 |
John Stillwell |
Office of National Cemeteries
to Mr. Henry T. Watkins, Maineville, Ohio |
14 Mar 1885 |
W. H. Watkins &
S. L. Watkins |
Application for 12 headstones |
James Ireland |
12 Jul 1886 |
Andrew Bailey,
Scott Bailey, Sylvester
Bailey, Thomas J. Bailey,
Francis M. Brant, Stephen
Burgoin, Charles Cartwright,
Martin Fath, Charles
Goodpaster, Jacob Hester,
James M. Stephenson,
Wm. Webb |