Warren County Ohio Civil War Soldiers
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Warren County, Ohio Military Heritage
Revolutionary War (1774-1784) War of 1812 (1812-1815) Mexican War (1846-1848) Civil War (1861-1865) Indian Campaigns  (~1817-1898) Spanish American (1898-1902)
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Warren County, Ohio Civil War Soldiers & Sailors
surnames beginning with

Thousands of Warren Countians have served their country in the military. I will be happy to add your military veteran to the list. Email your information, images, etc. to Arne Trelvik

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(Surname Index)

  • Asa Queen (____-1864) - Farrier, Company G, 13th Ohio Cavalry Regiment
    [no connection to Warren County is known]
    • Martha Gerdeman email dated 9 Jan 2013
      "My g-g-grandfather Asa Queen, from Morrow County, served briefly in the 13th. He enlisted 31 March 1864 and was mustered in to Company G. (He had previously served in the 96th OVI but was invalided out.) In June 1864 he was standing guard at a local “hotel,” which was such a dive that the commander of Camp Chase detailed soldiers there to prevent attacks by “roughs” and paroled prisoners. A fight broke out and he was injured. After developing black erysipelas, he died on 7 June. I have his widow’s pension file, which is a wealth of information."
    • Warren County Soldiers Serving in the 13th OVC
    • Service Record #1 from American Civil War Research Database by Historical Data Systems
      Asa Queen enlisted as a 33 year old Private on 4 Aug 1862
      Mustered into Co E, 96th OVI on 19 Aug 1862
      Disability Discharge at Memphis, Tennessee on 24 Dec 1862
    • Service Record #2 from American Civil War Research Database by Historical Data Systems
      Asa Queen enlisted as a 22 year old Private on 31 May 1864
      Mustered into Co G, 13th OVC on 8 May 1864
      Accidently killed at Camp Chase, Ohio on 7 Jun 1864
      Buried at Camp Chase cemetery
    • Pension Index Cards
      Hannah Queen filed for a widows' pension on 20 Aug 1864 (Application #61662, Certificate #298834) for service in Co E, 96th OVI and Co G, 13th OVC
      D. Callahan, guardian, filed for a minors' pension on 12 Jan 1971 (Application #192972, Certificate #298835)
    • Department of Veteran Affairs Nationwide Gravesite Locater
      Asa Queen, US Army, Civil War
      Date of Death: 7 Jun 1864
      Burial: Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio

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This page created 11 July 2008 and last updated 10 January, 2013
© 2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved