1867 |
to top]
SW Quarter: Range
3 North Township 4 East Section 5
NW Quarter: Range 3 North
Township 4 East Section 6
SE Quarter: Range 3 North
Township 5 East Section 35
NE Quarter: Range 3 North
Township 5 East Section 36
Name |
Description |
Mrs. Adams |
3 acres |
R. Boake |
lot |
R. Boake |
lot |
Mrs. Boylin |
lot |
G. Coffeen |
_ acres |
G. Coffeen |
lot + office |
G. Coffeen |
35 acres |
Mrs. Collins |
3 acres |
Mrs. Egbert |
lot |
C. Hayner |
lot |
A. Keever |
lot |
M. Koogle |
_ acres |
J. Matthews |
3 acres |
J. Morris |
2 acres |
J. S. Peebles |
lot |
Mrs. Roosa |
lot |
Mrs. Roosa |
lot |
Mrs. Roosa |
lot |
Mrs. Roosa |
lot |
Mrs. Stoddard |
lot |
G. Watson |
_ acres |
Bapt. Cem. |
lot |
Bapt. Ch. |
lot 264 & 266 |
S. Braden |
_ acres |
T. Corwin heirs |
_ acres |
Evans House |
lot 58 |
Lebanon Cemetery |
_ acres |
J. Luddle |
lot |
M. E. Cem. |
lot |
E. McFarland |
5 acres |
J. Miller |
_ acres |
W. Morlatt |
_ acres |
Planing Mill |
lot 62 |
Presb. Cem. |
lot |
J. R. Pullen |
_ acres |
Mrs. Ralston |
4 acres |
Tan Yard |
lot 81 |
J. F. Benham |
lot |
E. Corlis |
lot |
A. H. Dunlevy |
_ acres |
A. H. Dunlevy |
_ acres |
J. C. Dunlevy |
lot |
Dr. D. Dyche |
lot |
J. Koegel |
lot |
O. C. Maxwell |
lot |
A. G. McBurney |
3 acres |
Wm. F. Parshall |
lot |
S. Pauly |
lot |
J. C. Skinner |
lot |
A. Smith |
_ acres |
J. T. Taylor |
lot |
A. Wright heirs |
30 acres |
A. G. Wright |
16 acres |
E. Wright |
3 acres |
African MEth. Ch. |
lot 138 |
African Union School |
lot |
Bapt. Ch. |
lot 108 |
Emily Booth |
15 acres |
J. Boyles |
lot |
H. Brinkman |
2 acres |
C. Colvin |
7 acres |
Cong. Ch. |
lot 97 |
Court House |
lot 218 |
Ann Crusan |
6 acres |
Cum. Pres. Ch. |
lot 25 & 26 |
B. Dawson |
lot 7 |
J. E. Dey |
_ acres |
Sarah Douglass |
2 1/2 acres |
G. Dynes |
2 acres |
M. Earhart |
lot |
J. Eulass |
lot 9 |
F. & AM IOOF |
lot 98 |
Ger. Rev. Ch. |
lot 142 |
H. Hall |
2 acres |
H. Holland |
3 acres |
Jail |
lot 218 |
Wm. Lewis |
lot 2 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 121 |
Mech. Ins. |
lot 97 |
Meth. Ch. |
lot 49 |
E. Mormon |
2 1/2 acres |
Morris House |
lot 145 |
T. Oliver |
lot 1 |
Presb. Ch. |
lot 148 |
S. W. N. School |
lot |
H. Semling |
1 1/2 acres |
J. Smith |
lot 5 |
Maria Smith |
4 acres |
J. Stowell |
4 acres |
T. F. Thompson |
lot |
Union School |
lot [see engraving] |
J. Wallace |
2 1/2 acres |
Warren House |
lot 210 |
Wash. Hall |
lot 44 |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
to top]
Name |
Description |
J. Kelly O'Neall |
Attorney at Law, No. 61 Broadway |
Wm. W. Wilson |
Attorney at Law, Court House |
Lauren Smith |
Attorney at Law, No. 111 Main Street |
T. F. Thompson |
Attorney at Law, Odd Fellows' Building, Broadway |
D. Allen |
Attorney at Law, Masonic Building |
J. M. & J. E. Smith |
Attorneys at Law, Masonic Building |
Ford & Blackman |
Attorneys at Law, Corner Mulberry and Broadway, up stairs |
James Scott |
Attorney at Law, No. 72 East Street |
J. Morrow |
Attorney at Law, No. 65 Broadway |
R. B. Wilson |
Attorney at Law, Masonic Building |
Geo. R. Sage |
Attorney at Law, Cincinnati |
A. G. McBurney |
Attorney at Law, No. 65 Broadway |
W. C. Thorpe |
Attorney at Law, Lebanon, O. |
Marion Dallas Egbert |
Attorney at Law, No. 65 Broadway |
J. B. Owens |
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Odd Fellows' Building, Broadway |
James Anton and Wife |
Eclectic Physicians, Corner of Mechanic and Silver Streets |
Joseph Braden |
Physician and Surgeon, No. 126 Broadway |
Isaac L. Drake, M.D. |
No. 84 Mulberry Street |
S. S. Scoville, M.D. |
Office and Residence on East St., Nos. 76 and 78, a few doors South
of Court House |
Jas. W. Ross |
Auditor |
Wm. S. Dynes |
Auditor elect. |
A. B. Gooch |
Recorder |
J. S. Totten |
Clerk of Court |
Wm. W. Wilson |
Probate Judge |
R. Lackey |
Treasurer |
N. V. Cleaver |
Sheriff |
D. Allen |
Prosecuting Attorney |
Collin Ford |
Prosecuting Attorney |
Wm. H. Hamilton |
County Commissioner |
Joseph S. Reese |
County Commissioner |
Henry Sherwood |
County Commissioner |
Hugh J. Death |
County Commissioner elect. |
Geo. J. Smith |
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 142 Broadway |
Durbin Ward |
United States District Attorney, 5th District, Ohio |
O. C. Maxwell |
Assessor of Int. Revenue, 3d District, Ohio |
Geo. W. Smith |
Chief Clerk, Assessor's Office, Masonic Building |
B. Morgan |
Deputy Collector, Int. Revenue, Masonic Building |
Samuel Pauley |
Inspector, N. 14 Mechanic Street |
J. F. Benham |
Assistant Assessor, No. 65 Broadway |
Warren Co. Bank |
Parshall & Smith, No. 60 Broadway |
First National Bank |
No. 59 Broadway |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
to top]
Name |
Description |
Kelsey & Johnson |
Dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 71 Broadway |
Morris & Co. |
Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Queensware,
&c., No. 61 Broadway |
A. B. Carey & Co. |
Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs, Dry Goods and Notions,
No. 68 Broadway |
Gilchrist & Benham |
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Importers of Queensware,
&c., No. 65 Broadway |
Israel Levi |
Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, No. 72 Broadway |
D. P. Bennett |
Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Yankee Notions, &c., No. 79 High Street |
W. H. Sunderland |
Druggist, Corner Broadway and Mulberry Streets |
W. Glenny |
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
&c. No. 77 Broadway |
Smith & Longstreth |
Agricultural Implements and Seed Store No. 129 Mulberry Street |
J. P. Hathaway |
Dealer in Groceries, Produce and Notions, No. 113 Cherry Street |
G. W. Sausser |
Proprietor of Grocery, Bakery and Confetionery, also Oyster and
Ice Cream Saloon, No. 11 Mulberry Street |
Dawson & Yeo |
Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and MAnufacturers of Tin, and sheet
Iron ware, No. 113 Mulberry St. |
Irons & Lingo |
Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Iron Tin & Sheet Iron Ware No.
99 Mulberry Street [see engraving] |
Hale & West |
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Books, Jewelry, Plated Ware Notions
&c. No. 115 Mulberry Street |
J. W. Morris & Co. |
Books, Stationary and Notions No. 83 East Street, opposite the Court
House |
T. H. Tompkins |
Watchmaker and Jeweler, No. 122 Mulberry Street |
Merchant Tailors |
L. E. Schwartz & Co. |
Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Masonic
Building |
H. Doebler |
Merchant Tailor, No. 95 Broadway |
Harley and Seeker |
Merchant Tailors, No. 82 Broadway |
James Brown |
Merchant Tailor, No. 95 Mulberry Street |
J. Schurtz & Brother |
Boot and Shoe Makers and Dealers |
Wm. E. Frost |
Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 73 Broadway |
B. Applegate |
Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 116 Mulberry Street |
B. F. Tucker |
Boot and Shoe Maker & Dealer 97 Mulberry Street |
Fred Hebbler |
Boot and Shoe Maker __ & __ Mulberry Street |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
to top]
Name |
Description |
Clem Beechey |
Proprietor of Liverey Stable, at Evans House |
Samuel Braden |
Proprietor of Liverey Stable, No. 59 Mechanic |
C. S. Colvin |
Proprietor of Lebanon Livery and Sale Stable No. 70 Mechanic Street |
John N. Oswald |
Cabinet Maker, Dealer in Furniture and Undertaker |
J. R. Drake & Co. |
Carriage and Buggy Manufacturers, N. E. cor. Mechanic and Silver
Streets |
Thomas J. Hutchinson |
Manufacturer of Wagons, Carriages, and Buggies Repaired to order,
No. 79 East Street |
Monfort & Vinson |
Wagon and Plow Makers, Horse Shoeing Blacksmithing and Repairing
done to order, No. 77 East Street |
H. J. Greathouse |
Blacksmith, No. 246 Mulberry Street |
Smith & Palmer |
Proprietors of Flouring Mills, and Dealers in Grain, Feed, &c.
No. 28 Mulberry Street. |
Nelson & Morlatt |
Proprietors of Steam Flouring Mills |
E. Craver |
Proprietor of Lumber Yard, No. 42 Silver Street |
A. S. Bennett |
Carpenter and Builder, also Proprietor of Steam Planing Mill, corner
Silver and Sycamore Streets. |
Smith & Conklin |
Bricklayer, Builder, &c., No. 114 Silver St. |
John Simonton & Son |
Dealers in all kinds of Grain, Clover, Timothy and Flax Seeds, Nos.
140 and 142 Mulberry St. |
N. C. Smith |
Agent of the Home Columbus Insurance Co. |
A. H. Dunlevy |
Farmer. Residence on East Main Street |
J. B. Pullen |
Nurseryman |
Wm. H. Rockhill |
Citizen |
A. F. Hinch |
No. 141, Corner of Warren and High Streets |
Jacob Eulass |
Retired Farmer |
A. Keever |
Citizen. Residence in Floraville |
A. Holbrook |
Principla of South Western Normal School, No. 120 Broadway |
S. W. Brown |
Editor of "The Western Star" |
A. G. Wright |
General trader, Lebanon and Deerfield |
John Andrews |
Proprietor of Andrews House, No. 101 Broadway |
J. McFadden |
Photographic Artist, No. 121 Mulberry Street |
J. S. Peebles |
One of the Proprietors of Belfont Nail Works, Ironton, O., and Ashland
Coal Co. Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky |
John Butler |
Ex Sheriff, Cor. of Jackson and Warren Streets. |
A. E. Stokes |
Es Sheriff, No. 106 East Street |
W. B. Blackburn |
Saddler and Harness Maker, No. 74 Broadway |
Abner L. Ross, Jr. |
Proprietor of Lebanon and Dayton and Lebanon and Cincinnati Omnibus
Lines. |
J. Schwartz |
Dealer in Italian and American Marble. Monuments and Tomsbstones
of every description made to order. |
G. Coffeen |
Manufacturer of "Coffeen's Chinese Liniment" - The GOLD
MEDAL Liniment. The Great Medicine of the time to relieve pain. |
J. R. Boorom |
Hatter, No. 118 Mulberry Street |
N. K. Lytle |
Steamboating, No. 21 Mulberry Street |
John Drake |
Turtlecreek Township Trustee |
Joseph Jamison |
Turtlecreek Township Trustee |
John Butler |
Turtlecreek Township Trustee |
Geo. W. Carey |
Turtlecreek Township Clerk |
Peter Boyd |
Trustee of Centre Family,
Union Village |
O. C. Hampton |
Teacher and Trustee of South
Family, Union Village |
Stephen Easton |
Trustee of North Family,
Union Village |
T. C. Kersey, M. D. |
Residence at Oregon, Sec.
1 |
Wm. T. Frazee |
Physician and Horticulturist, Sec. 4 |
John Harkrader |
Road Commissioner and Supervisor, Sec.
1 |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
1867 |
[back to top]
west half: Virginia
Military District Survey #1548
east half: Virginia
Military District Survey #3334
Name |
Description |
Academy |
lot 61 |
P. D. Cottle |
lot 63 |
Mrs. E. S. Crane |
lot 66 - 4 acres |
Mrs. E. S. Crane |
lot 68 - 3 acres |
R. Dwinel |
lot 63 |
C. Ford |
lot 26 |
C. Ford |
Lot 50 |
C. Ford |
lot 54 |
N. Ford |
lot 33 |
Lot 64 |
W. T. Friend |
Wm. C. Gilkey |
lot 26 |
T. D. Gilman |
lot 59 |
Mrs. Greeley |
lot 52 |
R. Hewitt |
lot 51 |
R. Hewitt |
lot 59 |
Mrs. J. Hill |
J. Hopkinson |
lot 55 |
R. Johnson |
lot 60 |
T. Lewis |
lot 62 - 2 1/2 acres |
A. N. Lord |
lot 67 - 3 acres |
J. McGill |
lot 27 1/2 & lot 28 + B.S. Sh. |
Mrs. Meeder |
lot 63 |
Mr. Rhoderic |
lot 10 + store |
School |
lot 58 |
Mrs. Shoemaker |
lot 9 |
Dr. N. H. Sidwell |
T. Spence |
lot 31 & 32 |
S. F. Stevens |
2 acres |
S. F. Stevens |
lot 62 - 4 1/2 acres |
H. Sullivan |
lot 64 |
E. F. Tufts |
lot 15 |
Elias Tufts |
lot 11 |
John F. Tufts |
lot 12 |
M. Tufts |
lot 69 - 15 acres |
S. G. Tufts |
lot 46 - 17 3/4 acres |
S. G. Tufts |
lot 7 & 8 + W. SH. & B.S.Sh. |
H. T. Watkins |
lot 35 |
R. Watkins |
lot 34 |
_ Witham |
lot 29 & 30 |
G. W. Anderson |
lot 18 |
Bapt. Ch. + parsonage |
lot |
Dr. N. W. Bishop |
3 acres |
Dr. N. W. Bishop |
lot 42 |
Dr. N. W. Bishop |
lot 44 |
Mrs. Clark |
lot 17 |
H. L. Clinton |
lot 16 |
Mrs. Crews |
lot 45 |
H. Eastman |
lot 6 |
H. Eastman |
2 acres |
Mrs. Fouch |
lot 23 & 24 + hotel |
Wm. Israel |
lot 5 |
D. Kemper |
3/4 acre |
Mrs. Leever |
lot 46 |
T. J. Legg |
lot 46 |
A. N. Lord |
lot 47 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 4 |
D. McHugh |
lot 19 |
R. M. Meddock |
lot |
R. T. Nye |
lot 48 |
W. Owens |
lot 43 |
Mrs. Shoemaker |
lot 21 & 22 |
Mrs. Stitt |
lot 46 |
C. Townsend |
lot 25 & 38 |
B. Tufts |
12 acres |
S. G. Tufts |
lot 39 - 12 acres |
D. Whitten |
17 3/4 acres |
_ Winan |
lot 37 |
Benj. Butterworth |
Lawyer |
L. A. Cottle |
Physician & Surgeon |
P. D. Cottle |
Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker firm of J. J. Wright & Co.
Cincinnati Ohio |
H. Eastman |
Trader, Farmer & Attorney at Law |
Chas. Ford |
Merchant |
Mrs. F. A. Fouch & Miss M. J. Tufts |
Milliners & Dressmakers |
Frank Leever |
Grocer |
Mrs. S. A. Leever |
Milliner |
F. Meddock |
Citizen |
N. H. Sidwell |
Physician & Surgeon |
C. E. Spence |
Merchant |
S. F. Stevens |
Merchant |
Benj. Tufts |
Resident Farmer |
Moses Tufts |
Resident Farmer |
S. G. Tufts |
Wagon Maker & Undertaker |
D. Whitten |
Resident Farmer |
L. Baker |
Huckster & Farmer |
Jno. Eltzroth |
Proprietor of Steam Saw Mill |
S. Ertel |
Grower & Dealer in Sweet Potatoes Seed & Plants for Sale
Loveland, Ohio |
Eugene Hatt |
Truss Hoop Maker |
Lewis Stock |
Boot & Shoe Maker & Nurseryman |
W. H. Walker |
Variety Store at Murdoch |
Wm. H. Walker |
Notary |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
1867 |
MASON; [back
to top]
East Side: Range 2 North Township
4 Section 30
West Side: Range 2 North Township
4 Section 36
Name |
Description |
A. B. Bates |
Mrs. R. Bennett |
5 acres + B. Sh. |
R. H. Bennett |
lot 11 |
R. H. Bennett |
lot 14 |
R. H. Bennett |
2 1/2 acres + store |
R. H. Bennett & Fox heirs |
1/2 acres |
D. Bursk |
3 acres + B. Sh. |
J. Bursk |
lot 1 to e + W. Sh. |
J. Crone heirs |
102 acres |
W. S. Dodds |
lot 1 |
T. Gladish |
1/4 acre |
C. W. Harvey |
lot 4 |
A. D. Mason |
3/4 acres |
Mrs. McVey |
lot 8 to 10 |
J. Nixon |
lot 13 |
Dr. J. G. Paulding |
2 1/4 acres |
H. H. Pray |
lot 4 |
T. Ammons |
lot 38 |
D. Baker |
Lot 2 + Saloon |
Ballard Pottery |
lot 67 |
S. Barcaw |
lot 19 |
R. H. Bennett |
lot 45 |
R. H. Bennett |
lot 58 |
T. Bercaw |
lot 77 & 78 |
T. J. Blackburn |
lot 14 & 25 + P.O. |
J. Bundy |
lot 8 & 40 |
Burch House |
lot 6 |
J. Bursk |
lot 4 + S. SH. |
J. Burt |
lot 39 & 42 |
Cem. |
Lot 65 & 66 |
C. Cline |
lot 43 |
S. Corrington |
lot 3, 4, 37 |
J. Cox |
lot 22 |
M. A. Cox |
lot 49 |
R. H. Cunningham |
1 3/4 acres |
R. H. Cunningham |
1 1/8 acres |
R. H. Cunningham |
7 acres |
E. Dawson heirs |
lot 36 & 70 + W. Sh. |
E. Dawson heirs |
lot 17 |
E. C. Dodds |
lot 17 |
E. C. Dodds |
lot 6 |
J. A. Dodds heirs |
2 acres |
J. A. Dodds |
lot 73 & 74 |
M. Dodds |
lot 54 |
W. S. Dodds |
lot 12 & 13 |
W. S. Dodds |
lot |
W. S. Dodds |
lot 1 + 1/2 acre |
Wm. Fatutt |
lot 32 & 64 |
A. Grason |
lot 59 |
S. Gregory |
lot 15 |
Mrs. Guston |
lot 5 & 6 |
Ann Hall |
lot 3 |
Mrs. Hamilton |
lot 38 |
H. Houseworth |
112 acres |
H. Houseworth |
lot 55 |
A. Hursey |
lot 26 |
I.O.O.F. |
lot 15 |
A. Lowe heirs |
lot 4 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 32 |
J. D. Martin |
lot 6 & 10 |
J. McCurdy |
lot 13 + store & tin sh. |
D. McVey |
1/2 acree |
E. Mehan |
lot 18 & 23 |
E. Mehan |
3 acres + S.S.M. |
E. L.Mehan |
lot 27 |
E. L. Mehan |
lot 11 & 12 + Hotel |
J. G. Mehan |
lot 28 |
B. Miller |
lot 62 & 63 |
R. Moore |
lot 2 + Harness Sh. |
A. Morgan |
lot 8 |
J. B. Morgan |
lot 4 |
J. B. Morgan |
lot 7 + Pottery |
Mrs. Morrison |
lot 34 |
J. C. Murphy |
lot + S. Sh. |
A. Oatley |
1 acre |
A. Oatley |
lot 12 + 56 |
M. Parker |
lot 60 |
J. N. Perrine |
lot 47 + W. Sh. |
Presb. Ch. |
lot 52 |
G. Rebold |
lot 75 & 76 + 1/2 acre |
J. Roberts |
lot 50 |
W. G. Ross |
lot 44 |
School |
lot 18 |
W. Scofield |
lot 3 |
M. Seward |
lot 2 |
J. Shea |
lot 14 & 81 |
J. Thompson |
lot 3 |
C. Thompson |
lot 15 & 24 |
Ann Tompkins |
lot 68 & 69 |
W. Tompkins |
lot 20 & 21 |
W. Tompkins |
lot 33 |
W. Tompkins |
lot 71 & 72 |
W. Tompkins |
lot 79 & 80 |
Univ. Church |
lot 35 |
D. W. Vandyke |
lot 1 + Gun Shop |
P. Walsh |
lot 13 + 57 |
F. S. Welton |
lot 5 & 9 |
Dr. Whitaker |
lot 46 |
T. White |
lot 7 |
G. Wikoff |
lot 47 |
P. W. Wikoff |
lot 53 |
P. W. Wikoff |
lot 1 + store |
P. W. Wikoff |
lot 1 |
P. W. Wikoff |
376 acres |
P. W. Wikoff |
lot 18 |
Silas Ballard |
Potter |
A. B. Bates |
Farmer |
R. H. Bennett |
Merchant & Justice of the Peace |
W. Burch |
Proprietor of the Burch House & Livery Stable |
Joseph Bursk Jr. |
Blacksmith & Pow, Wagon & Carriage Maker |
Richard M. Cox |
Township Trustee |
Thomas Cox |
Retired Farmer |
O. Crawford |
Carpenter |
R. H. Cunningham |
Attorney at Law |
Survetus Dawson |
Plow & Wagon Maker |
Joseph A. Dodds |
Township Trustee |
L. L. Dodds |
Mason |
Jonas McCurdy |
Dealer in Groceries & Provisions |
John McLain |
Retired Mechanic |
E. L. Mehan |
Proprietor of the National House |
Andrew Oatley |
Mason |
J. G. Paulding |
Physician & Surgeon |
J. M. Thompson |
Township Trustee |
D. W. VanDyke |
Notary, Township Clerk, Gunsmith &c. |
F. S. Welton |
Teacher |
Peter W. Wikoff |
Township Trustee |
W. S. Wikoff |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Queensware, Groceries &c. |
H Trelvik
2 July 2010 |
1867 |
(Edwardsville P.O.); Virginia Military
District Survey #1552 [back to
Name |
Description |
J. Baldwin |
lot 18 to 20 |
J. Baldwin |
lot 21 to 24 |
C. Bowman |
lot 9 & 10 + C. Sh. |
G. Bowman |
_ acres |
G. Bowman |
_ acres |
S. Carver |
lot 29 & 30 |
T. Holmes |
lot 25 to 27 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 6 |
E. McCarty |
lot 28 |
J. Mills |
lot 31 |
N. Moore |
lot 17 |
R. Temple |
lot 13 to 16 |
H Trelvik
2 July 2010 |
1867 |
MORROW; Virginia
Military District Survey #1500 [back
to top]
3 North Township 5 East Section 7
Name |
Description |
A. Crawford |
1 acres |
C. Harrell |
11 acres |
Z. Jennings |
138 acres |
A. Kompf |
2 acres |
school |
lot |
H. Snyder |
7 acres |
Cath. Ch. |
lot |
Cemetery |
_ acres [Morrow Cemetery] |
H. S. Clement |
15 acres |
W. H. Clement |
_ acres |
J. S. Couden |
_ acres + C. Sh. |
J. S. Couden |
_ acres + G.M. & S.M. |
Dr. J. T. Couden |
lot |
E. Fuller |
_ acres |
E. F. Fuller |
30 acres |
C. Hupe |
_ acres |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 55 |
Morrow House |
lot 25 |
Dr. J. L. Mounts |
lot 1 |
Presb. Ch. |
lot 116 |
Sawyer House |
lot 35 |
School |
lot |
A. Shawhan |
_ acres |
J. Thompson |
210 acres |
W. Whitacre |
131 acres |
E. W. Woodward |
_ acres |
A. W. Cadwallader |
Resident Citizen |
H. S. Clement |
Resident Citizen |
Wm. H. Clement |
Resident Citizen |
Frank Coddington |
Grocer & Grain Dealer |
J. B. Donley |
Hotel Keeper |
E. F. Fuller |
Resident Citizen |
Edwin R. Grim |
Tin & Stove Dealer |
L. F. Grim |
Dealer in Hardware & Groceries |
Henry Haner |
Farmer & Stock Dealer |
George Holzin |
Merchant Taylor & Clothier |
Hopkins & Bro. |
Dealer in Dry Goods &c |
Charles Hupe |
Gardener |
Wm. Ludlum |
Dealer in Fresh & Salt Meats |
E. D. Mansfield |
Statician |
W. H. McKinney |
Farmer |
J. S. Moore |
Physician |
J. L. Mounts |
Physician & Surgeon |
J. T. Roach |
Druggist |
Wm. Roach |
Proprietor of Livery & Sale Stable |
Ed Roube |
Stone Cutter |
W. D. Sawyer |
Proprietor of the Sawyer House |
John Scheer |
Brewer |
John C. Shotwell |
Carpenter |
Smith & Whitacre |
Dealer in Dry Goods |
T. R. Thatcher |
Attorney at Law |
John Thompson |
Trader & Farmer |
J. D. Wallace |
Attorney at Law |
E. W. Woodward |
Pres. of L.M.R.R. Co. |
H Trelvik
2 July 2010 |
1867 |
Mt. Holly;
Range 5 North Township
4 East Section 21 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
S. H. Archer |
10 acres |
P. Bank |
lot 5 |
J. Brunker |
lot |
C. Clinger |
lot 2 |
E. Clinghan |
_ acres |
E. Clinghan |
lot + B. Sh. |
P. Copsey |
lot 14 & 15 |
P. Copsey |
lot 24 |
E. S. Cornell |
lot 3 |
J. Cornell |
lot |
J. Cornell |
4 acres |
S. Cornell |
lot |
S. Cornet |
lot 6 + S. SH. |
J. Craft |
lot |
O. Dolphin |
lot 18 |
J. Haines |
lot |
W. Haley |
lot 7 |
S. Henley |
lot 23 |
J. Horsfall |
lot 25 |
J. Horsfall |
_ acres + B. Sh. & W. Sh. |
C. & Jones |
_ acres |
C. & E. Jones |
_ acres |
C. Lucas |
lot 17 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot |
J. W. Mallatt |
lot + store |
J. W. Mallatt |
lot |
A. Meeks |
lot 16 |
R. Miller |
1 acre |
G. Morris |
lot 13 |
J. Myers |
lot |
E. Pence |
lot 8 |
E. H. Pence |
_ acres |
E. H. Pence |
_ acres |
E. H. Pence |
lot |
J. Pence |
lot |
N. Pierce |
lot 4 |
R. Pratt |
lot 1 |
G. Sims |
1 1/4 acres |
G. Veller |
lot |
J. Craft |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. |
E. H. Pence |
Propr. of Grist Mill & Distillery |
H Trelvik
2 July 2010 |
1867 |
Military District Survey #3798 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
N. T. B. Anderson |
57 acres |
C. P. Apgar |
lot 37 |
J. Bishop |
lot 10 |
J. Collins |
1 1/2 acres |
S. Craig |
190 acres |
S. Craig |
_ acres |
E. Craig |
lot 33 + saloon |
A. Friend |
lot 29 & 30 |
Goshen Pike Station |
lot 33 + depot |
W. Greely |
lot 35 + store, Po., warehouse, S.S.M. & S.G.M. |
W. Greely |
lot 28 |
W. Greely |
13 acres |
T. Gregory |
lot 6 & 7 |
J. Harner |
lot 17 + Tin Sh. |
T. Hill |
90 acres |
Hotel |
lot 7 |
J. Hutchinson |
lot 30 |
H. Morgan |
lot 26 + store |
H. Morgan |
lot 4 & 5 |
_ Nettner? |
lot 15 |
School |
lot |
Mrs. Seely's heirs |
3/4 acre |
J. Soth |
lot 12 & 13 + B. Sh. |
P. C. Spurling |
lot 36 |
C. Terrill |
lot |
C. Tirrell |
lot 14 |
J. H. Titus |
lot 18 |
T. Wolfe |
lot 31 |
Walter Greely |
Milling & Lumber Business |
H Trelvik
2 July 2010 |
1867 |
OSCEOLA; Virginia
Military District Survey #2225 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
J. A. Beinder |
lot 5 |
J. Carter |
lot 47 |
_ Case |
_ acres |
C. Hunt |
lot 4 |
J. A. Keller |
lot 14 to 17 |
J. A. Keller |
lot 28 to 31 |
J. McCarty |
lot 33 |
G. Veit |
_ acres |
H. VonHagle |
lot 37 |
H. VonHagle |
_ acres |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
Range 5 North Township
3 East Section 14 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
M. Baird |
2 acres |
J. Brown |
1/2 acre |
W. Carmony |
lot |
S. Crispin |
lot 6 |
D. Daiffie |
lot 2 |
R. Denlinger |
2 1/2 acres |
R. & W. Duke |
1/2 acre + 1 1/2 acre & S.S.M. |
A. Foulks |
lot 10 |
J. Githens |
18 3/4 acres |
J. Githens |
lot |
T. R. Goodill |
1 1/4 acres |
F. Graham |
1 acre |
W. Hay |
lot 17 [War of 1812 veteran] |
Mrs. Hays |
lot |
J. Kilsner |
lot 7 |
A. Kirby |
lot 19 |
M. E. Ch. + cem |
lot 13 [known as Lytle Cemetery] |
C. Monfort |
6 acres |
E. Montgomery |
lot 1 |
S. Montgomery (heirs) |
81 acres |
J. Pearson |
lot 17 |
I. & H. Roberts |
lot 9 |
E. Rockhill |
1 1/2 acres |
Wm. Rudd |
lot 21 & 22 |
V. Scott |
2 1/2 acres |
G. W. Sides |
lot 4 & 5 |
A. Stacy |
lot 14 |
H. K. Stiles |
lot 12 |
B. Underwood |
lot 20 |
M. W. Wharton |
50 acres |
T. Wharton |
50 acres |
M. Williams |
lot 18 |
R. W. Duke & Bro. |
Proprs. Steam Saw Mill |
G. W. Sides |
Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries, &c. |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
Range 4 North
Township 3 East Section 15 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
J. W. Anthony |
1/2 acre |
W. H. Ballard |
lot |
Wm. H. Ballard |
lot + match factory |
Wm. H. Ballard |
2 acres + store & P.O. |
Mrs. Brown |
lot |
J. Burns |
lot |
Cem. |
lot [known as Red Lion Cemetery
aka Zoar Methodist Cemetery] |
H. Crampton |
lot + C. Sh. |
S. R. Crane |
_ acres + Grocery & B.S. Sh. |
E. D. Crossfield |
3 acres |
J. E. Crossfield |
1/2 acres |
Mrs. Davis |
lot |
R. W. Davis |
1/2 acre |
H. Earnhart |
_ acres |
J. Earnhart |
_ acres |
P. C. Gallaher |
1/2 acre |
B. Gustin |
_ acres |
Mrs. Gustin (heirs) |
1 acre |
J. L. Hastings |
1/2 acre + Shoe Sh. |
I. N. Heaton |
lot + WS. |
T. Humphrey |
1 1/3 acre |
Mrs. Kapner |
lot |
M. E. Ch. |
lot |
J. Miller |
1 acre |
R. B. Mitchell |
1/2 acre |
R. B. Mitchell |
1 acre |
Scarff & Schaeffer |
1/2 acre |
School |
lot |
J. Snuff |
1/2 acre |
Mrs. Swink |
lot |
R. H. Todd |
_ acres |
W. H. Ballard |
Notary Public |
R. W. Davis |
Dealer in Groceries & Notions |
Jesse Gustin |
Veterinary Surgeon Sec.
9 |
J. L. Hastings |
Boot & Shoe Manufacturer |
Isaac N. Heaton |
Manufacturer of Farm & Spring Wagons Plows Revolving Hay Rakes
&c. |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
Range 4 North
Township 4 East Section 36 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
D. Allyn |
lot 6 & 15 |
J. M. Bunnel |
_ acres |
C. P. Bussum |
lot 21 & 22 |
W. Carey |
lot 23 |
S. Graham |
lot 20 |
S. Graham |
lot 5 & 16 + Store |
N. Hormal |
lot 9 & 12 |
Dr. J. B. Huff |
lot 17 |
M. Kelsey |
lot 7 & 14 |
_ Kesling |
lot 10 & 11 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot [location of Graham
Cemetery] |
G. Pierce |
lot 3 |
D. Rees |
lot 8 + Hotel |
A. Smith |
lot 25 |
C. Unglesbee |
lot 24 |
Union Ch. |
Lot 1 |
T. Wheaton |
lot 18 |
Samuel Graham |
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready made Clothing
&c. |
Wm. H. Keever |
Physician & Surgeon Sec.
30 near Ridgeville |
David Rees |
Proprietor of Blacksmith Shop & Rees House |
C. P. Russum |
Citizen |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
Salem Township
1867 |
Virginia Military District Survey #1494
[back to top]
Name |
Description |
S & R. Ackley |
50 3/4 acres |
S. Brandenburg |
lot 39 [also see 1838
deed for lot 39] |
E. L. Brown |
lot 28 |
M. Burris |
lot 19 |
B. Cadwallader |
lot 26 |
B. Cadwallader |
lot |
H. Dempsy |
lot 17 & 18 |
E. Downs |
lot 14 |
Friends Church & Cemetery |
lot [now known as the Old
Quaker Cemetery] |
E. Fuller |
_ acres |
R. B. Gilmore |
lot 30 |
J. Hammon |
lot 24 & 25 |
C. Hart |
lot |
C. Hart |
lot 12 |
L. Lind |
lot 21 & 22 |
M. E. Ch. + cemetery |
lot [now known as the Roachester
Methodist Cemetery] |
W. S. Mickle |
lot 20 |
W. S. Mickle |
lot 27 |
Wm. S. Mickle |
5 acres |
C. Mims |
lot 13 |
D. Monce |
lot 1 |
Dr. J. Moore |
271 acres |
Dr. J. Moore |
lot 5 |
E. Mulford |
lot 33 |
J. Osborn |
lot 23 |
R. Patterson |
lot 3 & 4 + Grocery |
J. Phillips |
lot |
R. Rhodes |
_ acres |
E. Ricket |
lot 12 & 13 |
J. A. Robinson |
_ acres |
_ Shelton |
lot 11 |
_ Shelton |
lot 15 |
E. Sherwood heirs |
lot |
R. Strange |
lot 31 |
E. Tribbey |
lot 6 to 10 |
E. Tribbey |
lot 29 |
G. M. Ward |
271 acres |
G. M. Ward |
_ acres |
H. Winfield |
lot 2 |
J. Winfield |
lot 36 + Grocery |
_ Young |
lot 16 |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
Range 2 North Township 3 Section
3 [back to top]
Name |
Description |
T. Ballard |
35 acres |
A. J. Bennett |
1/2 acre |
J. Coddington |
_ acres |
J. Crissey |
1/2 acre |
E. Crist |
1/2 acre |
S. Doty |
2 acres |
J. Jackson |
_ acres |
J. Jones |
1/2 acre |
M. E. Ch. |
lot |
J. Shepard |
1/2 acre |
Mrs. Tetrich |
3/4 acre |
J. L. Thompson |
_ acres + B. Sh. |
J. L. Thompson |
_ acres + Store |
J. L. Thompson |
1/2 acre |
P. W. Wikoff |
lot |
P. W. Wikoff |
_ acres |
Mrs. Wilkinson |
1/2 acre |
T. Ballard |
Horse Trader |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
STATION; [back
to top]
West Part in Hamilton Twp: Virginia
Military District Survey #3804
East Part in Harlan Twp: Virginia Military
District Survey #3804
Name |
Description |
A. Fryberger |
_ acres |
T. Bowman |
_ acres |
P. Doughman |
1 acre |
L. Fryberger |
_ acres [partly in Harlan
Twp] |
W. Hill |
12 acres + Store |
D. Quinby |
1 acre + B. Sh. & Depot |
P. W. Ross |
_ acres |
D. Snell (heirs) |
_ acres [partly in Harlan
Twp] |
J. W. Spence |
4 acres + Store [partly in Harlan
Twp] |
Will. P. Ross |
Agencies |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
[back to top]
East Part: Range
5 North Township 2 East Section 7
West Part: Range
5 North Township 2 East Section 13
NOTE: The names Factory
Street and State Street
are reversed from what is found on modern maps
Name |
Description |
L. Anderson |
lot 79 |
N. Archdeacon |
lot 55 |
R. Archdeacon |
lot 50 |
I. Baner |
lot 7 |
J. J. Baner |
lot 8 & 9 |
J. Barnhart |
reserved lot |
S. W. Barnhart |
lot 66 |
W. S. Bedford |
lot 43 |
J. F. Bennett |
lot 60 to 62 |
Wm. Carpenter |
lot |
E. Cleaver |
_ acres + Slaughter House |
O. Cussins |
Lot 1 |
M. Davis |
lot 11 |
M. Davis |
lot |
G. Derbon |
lot 7 & 8 |
Mrs. Dretson |
lot |
J. Duke |
lot 45 |
M. Duke |
lot 3 & 4 |
G. Filbert |
lot 72 |
Mrs. Fitz |
lot |
T. Fitz |
lot 2 + B. Sh. |
J. Ford |
lot 1 |
Ann Fox |
lot 136 |
Friends Ch. [Orthodox] |
lot [end of east Market St.] |
J. C. Gilpin |
lot 75 & 76 |
W. Gregg |
lot |
W. H. Gregg |
lot 57 to 59 |
J. Griffin |
lot 2 |
J. P. Griffin |
lot 67 & 68 |
_ Hadley |
lot 9 to 11 |
H. Hadley |
lot 82 & 83 |
J. Hadley |
lot 25 |
J. Hadley |
lot |
F. Haffer |
lot 42 + S. Sh. |
J. K. Haines |
lot 3 + C. Sh. |
W. F. Hayner |
lot 57 to 59 |
A. Haynes |
lot 5 & 6 |
R. Hollingsworth |
lot 121 |
J. S. Hopkins |
_ acres |
G. Huffman |
lot 12 to 15 |
M. Janney |
_ acres |
S. Johnson |
lot 125 to 127 |
A. Keetley |
lot 2 |
Mrs. Kenoweth |
lot 80 |
_ Lacomy |
lot 20 & 21 |
E. S. Lilly |
lot 132 |
M. E. Ch. |
lot 32 to 34 |
D. Mering |
lot 138 |
J. Morton |
lot + Hotel |
W. Morton |
lot 134 |
L. Mullen |
_ acres |
A. Mullens |
lot 8 & 9 |
Mrs. Mullens |
lot |
E. Nils |
lot 38 & 39 |
W. Nolder |
lot 47 to 49 |
G. Oakley |
lot 44 |
Thomas Pallen |
lot 29 to 31 |
P. K. Pence |
lot 133 |
M. Penrose |
lot 119 & 120 |
E. J. Peoples |
lot 78 |
S. Peoples |
lot 73 & 74 |
J. Potts |
lot 81 |
J. Potts |
19 acres |
N. Reed |
lot 9 |
R. Reed |
lot 1 to 6 |
W. Reed |
lot 1 to 5 |
J. Richel |
lot |
R. Russell |
lot 41 |
_ Ryan |
lot 63 to 65 |
J. Schide |
lot 37 |
School |
lot 35 & 36 |
School |
lot [end of Market St.] |
Dr. Sellers |
lot 46 |
J. Siegfried |
9 acres |
J. Siegfried |
lot 71 |
J. Simmons |
lot 3 |
M. Smith |
lot 40 |
J. Stansel & Son |
lot 4 & 5 |
J. Stansel & Son |
lot |
J. Stansel |
lot 69 & 70 |
J. R. ?. Talmadge |
lot + store |
J. Thomas |
lot 70 to 72 |
J. S. Thomas |
lot 122 to 124 |
Univ. Church |
lot |
E. Vicars |
lot 51 & 52 |
J. Wachter |
lot 85 |
J. & A. T. Warwick |
lot 60 to 62 |
N. Webb |
lot 13 to 18 |
D. Weidner |
lot |
J. Wood |
lot 128 to 131 |
J. Wood |
lot 7 |
D. Wooley |
lot 84 |
M. Wright |
lot 116 to 118 |
D. Alexander |
lot 89 |
H. B. Andrews |
lot 3 |
J. F. Bennett |
lot 2 + S. Sh. |
S. Bigsly |
lot 12 |
Dr. J. Bruscup |
lot 145 & 146 |
B. Chase |
lot 147 |
E. L. Cleaver |
lot 106 & 107 |
E. L. Cleaver |
lot 110 |
Cleaver & Smith |
lot 101 + W. Sh. |
M. Comer |
lot 111 & 112 |
W. Dangsdon |
lot 99 |
E. Eulass |
lot 109 |
Friends Ch. [Hicksite] |
lot [south side of West State Street] |
German Reformed Church |
lot [Main & Mill Streets] |
E. H. Hadley |
lot 93 |
J. Hadley |
lot 88 |
M. C. Hadley |
lot 94 & 95 |
R. Hurd |
lot 90 |
I.O.O.F. |
lot 108 |
J. Keefer |
lot 87 |
M. Layton |
lot 105 |
P. Lownes |
lot 92 |
M. E. Parsonage |
lot 114 & 115 |
Market House |
[Market Street west of Main Street] |
F. McGriff |
lot 142 to 144 |
E. Parker |
lot 91 |
M. Penrose |
lot 113 |
S. Peoples |
lot 104 + B. Sh. |
W. P. Peoples |
lot 98 |
H. Rees |
lot 102 & 103 |
J. Richel |
lot 100 |
J. D. Thomas |
lot 96 & 97 |
D. Weidner |
lot 4 & 5 |
J. Wood |
7 acres |
J. Wood |
lot 6 to 11 |
Dr. A. Wright |
_ acres |
J. Wright |
_ acres |
J. Wright |
_ acres |
M. & J. Wright |
lot 100 |
Jas. F. Bennett |
Manufacturer of Carriages Buggies & Spring & Farm Wagons
Repairing done to Order |
Ezekiel L. Cleaver |
Dealer in Groceries Drugs Medicines Paints Oils Perfumeries Toilet
Articles &c. |
Jno. Hadley |
Proprietor of Flouring Mills |
Joseph Morton |
Manufacturer of Farm & Spring Wagons & Proprietor of Blacksmith
Shop & Morton House |
W. P. Peebles |
Justice of the Peace |
J. H. Reichel |
Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes &c. |
Jno. Seigfried |
Merchant Tailor |
Moses Smith |
Physician & Surgeon |
J. Wright & Co. |
Proprietors of Woollen Factory |
M. & J. Wright |
Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries Hats Caps Shoes Shelf Hardware &c. |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
Range 2 North Township
4 Section 21 [back to top]
Name |
Description |
J. Clendennin heirs |
1 acre |
S. Clendennin heirs |
_ acres + harness sh. |
D. Espy heirs |
_ acres + toll house |
D. Espy heirs |
_ acres |
H. Foster |
1/2 acre |
Henry Foster |
5 acres + P.O. |
School |
lot [Twenty Mile Stand School; east side of Columbia Rd, S. of Rte
22/3] |
Minerva Wescott |
5 acres |
Thirza Wescott |
5 acres |
James Scott |
Carriage Manufacturer |
H Trelvik
30 June 2010 |
Utica; Range
4 North Township 4 East Section 22 [back
to top]
Name |
Description |
H. Brandenburg |
lot |
W. Davis |
lot |
J. T. Earnhart |
lot + Store |
A. Frazier |
1 acre + W. Sh. |
D. Graham |
lot |
L. Grove |
1 1/2 acres |
B. Hathaway |
lot |
H. Kirby |
1 1/2 acres |
L. Kling |
1/2 acre + B. Sh. |
L. Kling |
1 acre |
E. Marsh |
3 1/2 acres |
J. Merritt |
lot + C. Sh. |
G. Pence |
lot |
A. Point |
lot |
School |
lot |
E. & A. C. Thorn |
lot |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
[back to top]
South Part [left part of the map]: Range
4 North Township 4 East Section 6
North Part [right part of map]: Range
5 North Township 3 East Section 1
Name |
Description |
T. L. Allen |
3 acres |
Cemeteries |
[Hickite & Orthodox Friends Cemeteries] |
James Clark |
55 acres |
J. M. Fulton |
160 acres |
S. S. Haines |
lot 15 |
G. Hatton |
3 acres |
W. H. Heighway |
3 acres |
M. Henly |
2 acres |
Hicksite Friends Church |
lot 14 |
R. Holland |
_ acres |
J. C. Hopkins |
lot 13 |
E. Jacobs |
168 acres |
J. W. Keys |
2 acres + B. Sh. |
G. Leak |
2 acres + B. Sh. |
M. E. Church |
Franklin - Lot 8 |
Orthodox Friends Ch. |
lot |
Pottersfield |
lot |
A. Puch |
lot |
S. Rogers |
_ acres |
W. Rogers |
_ acres |
W. Rogers |
_ acres |
_ Rushby |
_ acres |
A. Satterthwaite |
_ acres |
School |
lot [on High Street] |
G. W. Sellers |
4 acres |
S. Taylor |
_ acres + G.M. |
Union School |
Jefferson - lot 7 & 8 |
O. J. Wright |
4 3/4 acres + G.M. & S.M. [partly in Section
1] |
North Part [right part of map]: Range
5 North Township 3 East Section 1 |
A. Brown |
lot 17 |
B. Brown |
_ acres |
I. Brown |
lot 16 [partly in Sec. 6] |
L. Crane |
lot 13 |
R. Engle |
14 1/2 acres |
R. Haines |
lot 10 |
W. Haines |
lot 19 |
J. W. Keys |
_ acres |
J. Rogers |
_ acres |
S. W. Rogers |
lot 8 |
J. Sinclair |
46 1/2 acres |
O. J. Wright |
lot 3 + W. Sh. & B. Sh. |
T. L. Allen |
Dealer in Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Groceries Hardware &c. |
E. Bailey |
Resident Farmer |
C. T. Cadwallader |
Clothing, &c. |
C. F. Chapman |
Jas. G. Clark |
Merchant |
Well ? Cornell |
Proprietor of Rogers House |
T. T. Dodson |
Merchant Tailor Clothier & Dealer in Gents Furnishing Goods |
E. Dudley |
Justice of the Peace, Merchant Tailor & Saddler |
Joel Evans |
Surveyor & Notary Public |
S. Gause |
S. S. Haines |
WholeSale Grocer Cincinnati |
W. Haines |
W. H. Heighway |
Florist |
C. Hisey |
Propr. of Grist & Saw Mill 4 miles S.E. of Waynesville |
Houlden & Janney |
Dealers in Dry Goods Carpets Boots & Shoes Groceries Notions
&c. |
E. Jacobs |
Patentee of the Wrought Iron Plate Jail |
C. L. Janney |
Horticulturalist e miles N.W. of Waynesville |
J. W. Keys |
Cabinet Maker & Undertaker Justice of the Peace Notary Public
& Insurance Agt. |
G. Leak |
Dealer in Groceries & Provisions also buys Furs |
W. Manington |
Manufacturer & Dealer in Boots & Shoes |
S. McCune |
Tailor |
A. Pugh |
Printer |
S. W. Rogers |
Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries Boots & Shoes &c. |
Wm. M. Stanfield |
Propr. of Baltimore Mills 6 miles East of Waynesville |
Stokes & Harris |
Bankers |
J. E. Taylor |
Propr. of Feed Store & Telegraph, Mills 2 miles south of Waynesville |
S. I. Way |
Surgeon Dentist |
D. Wharton |
Carriage Manufacturer |
J. Wood |
Carriage Trimmer & Painter |
O. T. Wright & Sons |
Proprs. of Grist & Saw Mills |
Geo. M. Zell |
Pump Manufacturer |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
1867 |
WOODVILLE; Virginia Military District
Survey #764 [back to top]
South Part of town is in Wayne Township, Clermont County
Name |
Description |
Cemetery |
lot [known as West
Woodville Cemetery] |
Christ. Ch. |
lot [partly in Clermont County] |
A. Crame |
lot [Clermont County] |
C. Dudley |
lot [patly in Clermont County] |
A. N. Dungon |
lot [Clermont County] |
H. Ertles |
lot [partly in Clermont County] |
H. E. Ertles |
lot + sorghum Mill [partly in Clermont County] |
N. Fryberger |
lot + B.Sh. [Clermont County] |
J. S. Hawkins |
lot [Clermont County] |
S. Lever |
lot [partly in Clermont County] |
L. Lyons |
lot |
Misses Jamilten |
lot [Clermont County] |
S. McClennan |
lot + Store & P.O. [Clermont County] |
A. Myers |
lot [partly in Clermont County] |
J. D. Ross |
lot [Clermont County] |
School |
lot [Clermont County] |
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
A Table
Showing the Relative Locations The Directions & Distances from Lebanon
[back to top]
Butlerville, S. 38° 30’ E., 10.1 miles
Deerfield, S. 1° 45’ W, 4.1 miles
Fort Ancient, S. 77° E, 5.9 miles
Franklin, N 33° W, 10 miles
Harveysville, N. 62° 20’ E, 11.4 miles
Maineville, S. O° 30’ W, ? miles
Mason, S. 43° 45’ W, 7,3 miles
Morrow, S. 41° 15’ E, 6.5 miles
Springboro, N. 12° W, 8.2 miles
Union Village, N. 80° 45’ W, 3.7 miles
Waynesville, N. 40° 30’ E, 9.4 miles
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
LINGO'S [back to top]
Hardware Stove & Tinware Depot
No. 99 Mulberry St. Lebanon, O
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
SCHOOL, LEBANON [back to top]
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |
RES. of A. G.
WRIGHT ESQ. LEBANON [back to top]
H Trelvik
3 July 2010 |